Chapter 1871 He shouldn't provoke you

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran looked at each other, and asked calmly, "Who is the person who is in contact with you?"

  Under the surveillance of the police, she can still contact the other party.

   must be very cautious, fearing that it was a ‘stranger’ who occasionally said a word or two to her while she was out.

  Xu Wanqi shook her head, “I don’t know each other, he asked me to ask you to go to that restaurant today.”

   "Meaning that that person will also appear?"

  Wen Ran frowned and took the question.

   "I don't know if he will show up, and I don't know him. He saw me twice, but I didn't recognize him. It was the same person."

  Sure enough, he is smart, and he can disguise himself.

  Bai Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said faintly, “Since you promised to help, then continue to help him. But it’s impossible to go to that restaurant today, and he must not be completely at ease with you.”

  Xu Wanqi understood what she meant, "Do you want to use me to draw that person out?"

   "It's not a use, it needs your cooperation. As I said just now, we will also help you."

  Wen Ran looked at Xu Wanqi earnestly, every word, giving people an inexplicable sense of practicality.

   Zhou Lin was afraid that Xu Wanqi would not believe it, so she continued hurriedly, “I did so many wrong things at the beginning, but I forgave me, but now I say that I want to help you, that must be the answer. You can rest assured.”

   "I need to think about it."

   Xu Wanqi was unwilling, and immediately agreed to them.

  Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao did not force her, "Okay, you think about it and call us."

  Of course she has to be willing to do this kind of thing.

  If she is not willing, she may be framed by her. Xiaoxiao is pregnant now, and Wen Ran dare not let her take risks.

Wen Ran took a mouthful of food and fed it into her mouth, chewed it carefully, and said after swallowing, "You said just now that Jiang Hui was the person Meng Ke found, and Jiang Hui was Director Wei's goddaughter. , You still know something!"

  Xu Wanqi explained to the police a bit before, but did not fully explain it. In fact, in her heart, she still thought that Meng Ke could take her away.

  So what she told the police is not the most important.

  I just didn’t expect why she would directly ask her about Jiang Hui.

  He looked at Wen Ran's delicate and beautiful face and those eyes that seemed to see through people's hearts. Apart from the envy of Wen Ran, he couldn't figure out what emotions were for a while.

   "Did Jiang Hui approach Mo Xiuchen at the beginning, and you knew she had a problem?"

  Wen Ran smiled coldly, “Yes, since she appeared, we knew that she had a problem, but we didn’t know that Meng Ke arranged it.”

  "Has no woman ever seduce Mo Xiuchen?"

   chuckled softly, "Yes, but Jiang Hui is so special."

   "Special, what is special about her? But she is young and beautiful, and she is only a high-achieving student." Xu Wanqi looked at Wen Ran with a puzzled face.

  She met Jiang Hui, and Meng Ke had a very good attitude towards Jiang Hui, which made Xu Wanqi feel upset at the time.

  But Meng Ke said that Jiang Hui would surely be able to provoke the relationship between Xiu Chen and Wen Ran. Xu Wanqi had no hope of Jiang Hui. She didn't believe that Mo Xiuchen was so easily seduced.

  Even though she didn’t know Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran before, they are such famous characters. Their love stories spread throughout the city of G and even the entire Internet.

  For such an affectionate man, Xu Wanqi really does not believe that he will cheat easily.

   Seeing Xu Wanqi looking at herself with a puzzled look, Wen Ran blinked her eyes and thought to herself that she might really not know.

  She did not intend to explain, “In short, Jiang Hui has her special features, and it is precisely because of her special features that make us suspicious.”

   "Meng Ke really shouldn't provoke you."

  Xu Wanqi smiled bitterly, "If he is not so persistent to Bai Xiaoxiao and does not provoke you, maybe he will not be exposed."

  Meng Ke has been hiding very well. For so many years, in the eyes of outsiders, he has always been a well-behaved businessman.

  Even, an honest person.

  But because he met Bai Xiaoxiao, he provoked Mo Xiuchen, which aroused suspicion...

   "Time can't go back. If he wants to get what he shouldn't, he naturally has to pay the price."


  Taking a shower at night, Wen Ran packed Mo Xiuchen's luggage.

  Mo Xiuchen came out after taking a shower, and she was already cleaned up.

   "Of course, there is no need to clean up so much, I will be back in two days."

  Mo Xiuchen came over and pulled Wen Ran up, with a faint reluctance flowing in his deep eyes.

  He is going on a business trip tomorrow. Even if he comes back on Monday, he won’t be able to see him for two days.

  This is the most depressing thing about Mo Xiuchen, but just this afternoon, Luo Haofeng called and excitedly reminded him that he must take good care of Xiaoxiao.

   Thinking of the guy's excited tone on the phone, Mo Xiuchen felt depressed for a while.

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen with a smile, letting him, his slender fingertips gently rubbed her white cheeks.

   "It's just two days, don't make it go for ten and a half days."

  Mo Xiuchen hugged her into his arms and gently sniffed the fragrance in her hair, "Of course, I don't want to go."

   "I can talk to Jiang Hui directly, there is no need to take her to City B."

Wen Ran's slender fingers touched Mo Xiuchen's generous palm, Qinghong looked at him with eyes full of water, "Originally we knew that Meng Ke sent her to negotiate directly with her, but there is still something behind her. A Director Wei..."

  And they have no evidence, Jiang Hui may not accept their benefits.

   "Xu Wanqi is really sure, Meng Ke assigned Jiang Hui a task?"

  Mo Xiuchen really couldn't believe that Xu Wanqi could still know so much news under the surveillance of the police.

  Wen Ran explained with a smile, “No matter how the police monitor her, they will not restrict her freedom. There is a place where they can’t follow.”


  Mo Xiuchen said, holding a warm hand, walking to the side of the sofa and sitting down, taking her slender body into his arms and gently hugging.

  A touch of warmth and happiness, flowing in the air.

The corners of Wen Ran's eyebrows and eyes were dyed with a light smile, "Since you have notified Jiang Hui to go on a business trip, then take her on a trip. Besides, Xiaoxiao will also go to City B. If you really don't like it. Jiang Hui, treat her as an invisible person."

"of course it's true."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned, an expression that he would not put any other woman in his eyes except her.

  Wen Ran was amused by him, "Xiu Chen, I actually really want to know, how can Jiang Hui grasp such a good opportunity?"

"Ran Ran."

  Mo Xiuchen scowled unhappy.

   chuckled warmly, "Okay, okay, I'm not kidding you anymore, no matter how she seduce you, you won't be fooled."

  Mo Xiuchen just curled his lips and smiled, looking at Wen Ran's smile, his eyes suddenly deep, he leaned over and kissed her lips, "Of course, I can't accompany you this weekend. I will make up for you tonight."


  (End of this chapter)

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