Chapter 1870 What Benefits Give You

  Speaking gently, Xu Wanqi's face became stiff.

  However, Wen Ran didn't have the slightest sarcasm on her face, and even what she said was gentle and calm, just like her person.

  Bai Xiaoxiao saw Xu Wanqi’s expression in his eyes, sighed softly, and said lightly, “Of course, you’re right. Don’t be polite about what Miss Xu likes to eat.”

Wen Ran didn’t care what Xu Wanqi thought, she said, “Ms. Xu’s current situation reminds me of Zhou Lin. Everyone makes mistakes, but no matter how adults make mistakes, children will always be innocent. Each baby is an angel bestowed by God."

   "Who is Zhou Lin?"

  A trace of alert flashed in Xu Wanqi's eyes, and she suddenly had some doubts about Wen Ran's sudden appearance.

How could    be so coincidental? When she was looking for Bai Xiaoxiao, Wen Ran suddenly appeared.

  Could it be that Wen Ran knew she was looking for Bai Xiaoxiao?

  It's not impossible that this is possible. Wen Ran will know it during police surveillance, and it's normal.

  Wen Ran looked at Xu Wanqi calmly and answered calmly, “Zhou Lin was my friend at first, but her father killed my parents, so she became my enemy.”

  She just said this when there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

  The person who came in was Zhou Lin.

  Wen Ran smiled faintly, "I was talking about you just now, why are you here?"

   "As soon as I came back, I went to the company to find you, but Mo Xiuchen told me that if you are here, I will come."

  The words fell, Zhou Lin glanced at Xu Wanqi who was aside, "This is?"

   "She's Xu Wanqi, and I asked about you just now."

  Zhou Lin laughed, of course she knew who Xu Wanqi was.

Pulling away the chair beside Wen Ran and sitting down, Zhou Lin said faintly, "I heard about Miss Xu in city b. It seems that Meng Ke, who is being wanted now, was once a lover, isn't it Miss Xu? "

  Xu Wanqi's expression was stiff again, and said bluntly, "Ms. Wen said just now, are you her enemy?"

  Wen Ran smiled at Xu Wanqi's instigation.

   Zhou Lin nodded calmly, "Yes, I have done a lot of wrong things, and I am indeed Ranran’s enemy."

She spoke very slowly, her voice was soft, she said, looked at her apologetically, and continued to say, "It wasn't until after I was pregnant that I realized that as a mother, I should think about my children. ..."

  Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao listened to Zhou Lin while eating.

  Xu Wanqi listened very carefully and was very emotional.

  Wen Ran discovered that Xu Wanqi's hand had been placed on her swollen abdomen. She had been pregnant for several months and could feel the baby's fetal movement.

  As a woman's nature, Xu Wanqi definitely loves the baby in her belly.

   "You didn't appear here by accident."

  This is the first sentence Xu Wanqi said after listening to Zhou Lin's narration.

  Zhou Lin smiled indifferently, “Ms. Xu is a smart person. It doesn’t matter why I am here, but whether Ms. Xu loves the baby in her stomach and is willing to give him a healthy growth environment.”

  A trace of struggle flashed in Xu Wanqi's eyes. Of course, the baby she was still in her belly was the crystallization of love between her and the man she loved.

   But now the man doesn’t want her anymore.

  Not only did she not want him, but she wanted to take another woman away.

  She knew very well that what Meng Ke wanted was Bai Xiaoxiao, not her. For the child in her stomach, Meng Ke didn't want it at all.

   "I have told the police what I should say."

  She lowered her head, avoiding the gazes of Zhou Lin, Wen Ran and others.

  Wen Ran asked bluntly, "Do you know Jiang Hui?"

  Hearing this, Xu Wanqi's eyes flashed.

  The expression on her face changed for a moment. Even if she lowered her head and couldn't see the change in her face, she felt a little strange from her body.

"Xu Wanqi, this is your last chance. I just said that the child is innocent. We can help you as long as you want. You are an independent person. There is no need to live on a man, let alone someone who doesn't love you. the man."

  Xu Wanqi raised her head fiercely, staring at Wen Ran with three-point stern eyes.

   seems to be angry.

  "Meng Ke doesn't love you. You know this fact better than anyone else. You don't need to lose your life for a man who doesn't love you, and you have to let your children be guided by others."

  The warm words continue, the cold voice, this hot summer, makes people feel cold in the bottom of my heart.

  Xu Wanqi suddenly felt that the temperature in the room had dropped suddenly, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

  Is it continuing to help Meng Ke to get her own rival to the man, or is it for the child? Cut off this feeling that shouldn't continue.

   Silence spreads in the private room.

  Wen Ran did not speak any more, but patiently waited for Xu Wanqi to consider.

  Bai Xiaoxiao held the cup in both hands, leaning against the back of the chair, very loose.

   Zhou Lin looked down at the phone.

  Two minutes later, Xu Wanqi took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind. She looked at Wen Ran and said in a blunt tone, "Jiang Hui, this is the person Meng Ke is looking for."

  Wen Ran's eyes fell cold, "Where is Meng Ke now?"

  As long as Xu Wanqi gives this answer, Wen Ran does not need to ask Jiang Hui about Xiuchen's purpose.

  Meng Ke did this because he hated her and Xiu Chen for helping Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng together. He must have thought that without the help of their friends, Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng would not be together again.

  In other words, Bai Xiaoxiao would not leave him.

   "I really don't know where he is. He just asks people to bring me words and let me help him take Bai Xiaoxiao away."

  Xu Wanqi looked at Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes with resentment.

  Bai Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows disapprovingly, and met Xu Wanqi's resentful eyes, "What benefit did he give you?"

  Xu Wanqi pressed her lips tightly, "He said, as long as I help to get you away, he will have a way to let me go abroad."

  Wen Ran suddenly smiled, "Xu Wanqi, you brought Xiaoxiao to Meng Ke, will he look at you again?"

  Xu Wanqi's face turned pale.

  This is where she struggles most.

  Meng Ke will take another look at her when she has Bai Xiaoxiao, but she is closer to him, she is lucky to think that she is pregnant with Meng Ke’s child, and has been checked, is a son.

  Maybe Meng Ke will treat her better for his son's sake.

   "I heard that you are carrying a boy in your belly. You think Meng Ke will treat you well because of this, but why don't you think about it? What should you do if Meng Ke takes your son and abandons you again?"

  Xu Wanqi smiled miserably, with a sad tone, "Of course I have thought about it, so I have been hesitating."

  Speaking of this, she glanced over the three of them, "I have told you everything I know, and I really don’t know about other things."

  (End of this chapter)

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