Chapter 1841 He doesn't love you

  Wen Ran accompanied Bai Xiaoxiao to Kangning Hospital. He did not stay there long because Father Bai called Bai Xiaoxiao and asked her if she wanted to go home for dinner?

  Bai Xiaoxiao had just returned from abroad, and many things had not been handled properly. Of course, he had to report to Father Bai, so he returned home.

  At the dining table, after hearing Bai Xiaoxiao's narration, Bai father and mother were equally shocked.

  It’s just that the white mother asked first, "Xiao Xiao, what are you saying is true?"

   "Mom, it's true. I have been to the hospital to see Qing Yang. He told me personally."

  The white mother was full of anger and said angrily, “I really didn’t expect Meng Ke to be such a despicable person. He did not use any means to reach this point.”

  "Xiaoxiao, then you are back, what about country D?"

Father Bai was also angry, but he was much calmer than Mother Bai.

  I know that what Xiao Xiao said just now was not complete. Perhaps it was said that Xiao Xiao concealed some things and did not say.

Bai Xiaoxiao waited for her father to ask these words, a hesitation flashed in her eyes, she lowered her eyes, and said softly, "Luo Haofeng got the news, afraid that I might have an accident, so I rushed over. Originally, I didn't intend. He came back today because he was worried, afraid that Meng Ke would do something there, so he asked me to come back."

  The white mother who was angry, her face changed when she heard Bai Xiaoxiao mention Luo Haofeng.

   did not happen, even if she did not like Luo Haofeng, she knew that Luo Haofeng did these things for Xiaoxiao.

  In contrast to her having been matching Xiao Xiao and Meng Ke together before, it led to Meng Ke's unscrupulous desire to get Xiao Xiao, and the white mother felt a deep guilt in her heart.

   And Luo Haofeng, whom she has always opposed, is protecting Bai Xiaoxiao everywhere.

  The depression in Father Bai's eyes eased a little, "So, Luo Haofeng will handle the matter over there?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, "Yes, Dad, Luo Haofeng said that he will deal with it before coming back."

   "Since he is over there, nothing should happen."

   Father Bai pondered for a moment, "Xiao Xiao, you are right to come back, Meng Ke has so exhausted to deceive you to country D, you will stay there, it will be very dangerous."

  The mother-in-law's complexion is not very good, and after a long time, she still asks her doubts.

   "Luo Haofeng went to help you, do his parents know?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao was startled slightly, blinked, and said flatly, "I don't know."

  She didn’t know a word, so Bai Mu suddenly understood that Luo Haofeng didn’t tell his parents about them.

  White mother was a little angry, but she suppressed her anger when she thought of something. She just said to Bai Xiaoxiao, "Xiao Xiao, you still have to be careful these days. If Meng Ke is not caught for a day, it is a potential danger."

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded, "I know."

  Bai Xiaoxiao fell asleep early that night.

  The next morning, at the breakfast table, the white mother had finished her breakfast and was sitting at the table waiting for Bai Xiaoxiao, "Xiao Xiao, you don’t have to go to the company today. We will go to the hospital in a moment."

   "Mom, I had a check-up before, and I did another check-up abroad. Those checks are done too frequently, which is not good for the baby."

  Bai Xiaoxiao certainly knew that her mother told him to go to the hospital because she was a fool, so she followed to the hospital.

  The mother-in-law frowned and asked worriedly, “Why did I have another check-up abroad, is it uncomfortable?”

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s eyes flickered, and she felt a trace of guilt for her mother who had deceived her. She hurriedly shook her head and explained, “Mom, I was a little uncomfortable at the time, so I went for a checkup, but the doctor said there was nothing wrong.”

   "No, we will go to the hospital again later."

  Mother Bai heard that she was a little uncomfortable abroad, so she went for a checkup, and she became worried.

  Although this child belongs to Luo Haofeng, she doesn't like it at all, but Xiaoxiao is his daughter, and the white mother does not want her daughter to be harmed.

  Naturally, she doesn’t want the baby in her stomach to make any mistakes, because miscarriage and the like are very harmful to a woman’s body.

  So she would rather force herself and try to persuade herself to accept Luo Haofeng, rather than let Bai Xiaoxiao kill the child.

Next to   , Father Bai, who had been eating breakfast quietly, said at this moment, “Since Xiaoxiao doesn’t want to go, you should stop taking her to check. Doing more checks is really bad for the child.”

"What do you know?"

  White mother glared at Bai father displeased.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Mom, I know you are doing it for my good, or else, if I feel sick anymore, I must go to the hospital immediately."

  The white mother hesitated, backed down, and said stiffly, "Then don't go to work these days, and take a good rest at home for a few days."

  Father Bai’s words just made Bai’s mother upset, and he immediately agreed, “Xiao Xiao, just listen to your mother’s stay at home for a few days, and father is in the company’s affairs.”

   "Okay, I can't ask for it."

  Bai Xiaoxiao promised with a smile, as long as her mother stopped taking her to the hospital, she would not be afraid.

  In the morning, Bai Xiaoxiao received a call from the police station saying that Xu Wanqi wanted to see her.

  Bai Xiaoxiao originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she agreed.

   "Whose phone number?"

  She hung up the phone, and the white mother who was cutting fruit next to her asked with concern.

  Bai Xiaoxiao explained with a smile, "Mom, it's a call from the police station. I'll be back soon."

  Mother Bai stopped cutting the fruit in her hand and looked up at Bai Xiaoxiao, "Is that Xu Wanqi who wants to see you?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, "Well, it's her, I'll go see what's wrong with her."

   "What are you going to see her doing? She didn't participate in those things that Meng Ke did."

   "Mom, maybe she can help the police catch Meng Ke earlier, I just went to see her, she can't do anything to me, don't worry!"

   "Let the driver drive you there."

   Although Bai Mu was not happy, she didn't stop her anymore.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded, went upstairs to change her clothes, and asked the driver to take her to the police station.

  I haven't seen Xu Wanqi for a while, goodbye, Xu Wanqi has no her previous charm, and she looks very haggard.

  I looked a lot thinner.

   Facing the bright and charming Bai Xiaoxiao, Xu Wanqi's eyes flashed with jealousy.

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn’t care, she smiled lightly, and looked at Xu Wanqi lightly, "What are you looking for me?"

  The more calm she is, the more jealous Xu Wanqi's heart is, and she bit her lip tightly. She looked at Bai Xiaoxiao coldly, "I am pregnant with Meng Ke's child."

An accident flashed in Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes, and then she looked at Xu Wanqi amused.

  You came to me just to tell me this?

  Xu Wanqi stubbornly raised her chin, looking at Bai Xiaoxiao’s eyes with jealousy, resentment, and pride

   and many other emotions.

  Bai Xiaoxiao thinks it's funny, Xu Wanqi won't be there, and now consider her a rival in love.

   "Bai Xiaoxiao, even if Meng Ke tries his best to let you be with him, he is not because he loves you."

  (End of this chapter)

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