Chapter 1840

  G City, International Airport

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran arrived at the airport half an hour earlier.

  For this reason, Mo Xiuchen also pushed back the evening meal, just to accompany Wen Ran to pick up Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Of course, Luo Haofeng repeatedly told him that Mo Xiuchen should send someone to take charge of her safety.

  Originally, after Qing Yang woke up, Qing Feng could come with Wen Ran, but Mo Xiuchen himself was not at ease, so he followed him personally.

"Ran Ran."

  Bai Xiaoxiao pulled the suitcase and walked out of the security check with the crowd. At a glance, he saw Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran standing in the crowd.

  Even in a crowded crowd, the noble temperament Mo Xiuchen and the gentle and elegant gentleness can be seen at a glance.

  Wen Ran also saw Bai Xiaoxiao who came out of the security check, and a bright smile appeared between her eyebrows. He stepped forward two steps and yelled briskly, "Xiaoxiao."

  Mo Xiuchen followed her, his eyes scanned the suitcase in Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, and said gently, "Give me the luggage, you two can chat."

  Although his status is honorable, he is only honorable in front of outsiders.

  In front of Wen Ran, Mo Xiuchen is just a good husband who loves her and loves her. Naturally, it is indispensable to be her bodyguard.

  "Xiao Xiao, give Xiuchen, I have something to tell you." Wen Ran saw Bai Xiaoxiao's embarrassment, smiled and took the suitcase lever in her hand and handed it to Mo Xiuchen beside her.

   "Thank you then."

  Bai Xiaoxiao thanked Mo Xiuchen.

  If she is not there, how dare she ask President Mo to pull the suitcase for her?

  That would be drowned by the saliva of the women who admired the president of Mo. If they were seen by reporters, they would even make headlines.

  Mo Xiuchen took Bai Xiaoxiao’s suitcase and walked behind them. Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao walked towards the outside of the airport while talking, holding hands.

   "Xiao Xiao, how are things going on over there?"

   asked with concern, Bai Xiaoxiao went to country D for a few days. Unexpectedly, Luo Haofeng would let her come back immediately.

   Speaking of the things over there, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but frown her eyebrows, and said softly, "I haven't handled it yet. Hao Feng insisted on letting me come back, saying that he would stay there to help Jian Yiwei handle it."

  Anyway, everything will follow the procedure.

  Behind the matter, she does not necessarily have to be there, it is okay to have Luo Haofeng help to deal with it.

  Wen Ran smiled slightly and calmly said, "Since Luo Haofeng stays there to deal with it, then you don't have to worry, you should believe in his ability."

   "Of course, I want to go to the hospital to see Qing Yang."

  Walking out of the airport, the setting sun shone from the sky, hitting the faces of Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Bai Xiaoxiao turned her head, looking at Wen Ran in the water.

   Wen Ran nodded, "Okay, I will accompany you to the hospital."

When we got into the car, Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao sat in the back row. Looking at the main driver's seat, President Mo drove himself. Bai Xiaoxiao said embarrassedly, "Of course, if President Mo is busy, let him not use it. Accompanied."

  Wen Ran chuckles, "Your Luo Haofeng has given your safety to Xiu Chen. He will not accompany us. If something happens, Luo Haofeng won't go crazy when he comes back."

   "Don't scare me, where will something happen? Meng Kedu has already escaped from the country, how come he will come back from the trap."

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled ambiguously, lowered her voice and said, "I think you two are reluctant to be apart for a while."

   Although her voice was small, Mo Xiuchen could hear her clearly.

  He hooked the corner of his mouth, glanced at Wen Ran who was sitting in the back row, and said casually, "Xiao Xiao, you should call A Feng first to save him from worrying about it."


  Wen Ran didn't hold back, he laughed out of nowhere.

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Mo Xiuchen in the main driver's seat, and saw that the corner of his mouth was curved with a shallow arc. Although he could not see his face, he was in a very good mood.

  She couldn't help but glared at Wen Ran, then stretched out her hand to pinch her, "Don't laugh."

   "Okay, I don't laugh."

  Wen Ran said without smiling, but the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were dyed with a bright smile.

  Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at her warningly again. She said to herself that she was only Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen, not to mention that Mo Xiuchen had hit the nail on the head too much.

  Even Luo Haofeng couldn't get a bargain from Mo Xiuchen, let alone Bai Xiaoxiao as a girl.

   "Xiao Xiao, call you quickly, don't call Luo Haofeng again, he should call you."

As soon as   's warm voice fell, Bai Xiaoxiao's cell phone ringing rang in her bag.

   She blinked and continued to laugh.

  Bai Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and frowned when she saw the caller ID showing Luo Haofeng's name.

  At this time, Country D is late at night.

  She told Luo Haofeng before getting on the plane that she would call him, but would wait until dawn before calling.

  Don't want to disturb him sleeping.

  No, Luo Haofeng was still waiting for her call in the middle of the night.


  She pressed the answer button and spoke softly.

   "Xiao Xiao, did you receive you?"

  Luo Haofeng's voice penetrated the radio wave in a low and gentle manner, and it came from the Pacific Ocean.

  Can't hear the sleepiness that I should have in the early morning.

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know whether to be moved, or to be angry, "Didn't I tell you not to wait for the call in the middle of the night? Of course, Mo Xiuchen and Mo Xiuchen came to pick me up. We are now on the way back."

   Hearing that they received her, Luo Haofeng smiled relievedly on the other end of the phone, “I’m relieved after receiving you.”

  Although he sent Bai Xiaoxiao to the airport, after boarding the plane, Bai Xiaoxiao sent him a message.

  But Luo Haofeng was so nervous about her that he couldn't rest assured before knowing that she would return home safely.

   "You go to bed now."

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to pull Luo Haofeng to chat in the middle of the night, even though she liked his voice very much.

  Luo Haofeng knew that she cared about herself, so he stopped saying more, said goodbye, and hung up the phone.

  "Xiaoxiao, did you know that after you went abroad, Aunt Qiao called me."

  Wen Ran smiled and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao who had put away her mobile phone, and she said meaningfully.

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked surprised and smiled strangely and gently, and asked suspiciously, "Of course, what is my mother looking for?"

   "What do you mean?"

  Wen Ran rolled her eyes and made her think.

  Bai Xiaoxiao blinked, she didn't know what she thought of, and laughed, "Of course, I lied to my mother, and suddenly went to country D. I didn't have time to tell you. You didn't tell me anything."

   cut gently, "Who am I, how can I show you my stuff."

  Even if Mo Xiuchen is not calling in the middle of her rush to the coffee shop, Wen Ran can’t say anything. It’s not the first day she met Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Bai Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, "Then, what did my mom say?"

Seeing the tension in her expression, Wen Ran pursed her lips and smiled, "I told you a whole lot of good things in front of Aunt Qiao. In the end, Aunt Qiao reluctantly forgave you. As long as you can accept Luo Haofeng's mother, There is no problem with Aunt Qiao."

  (End of this chapter)

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