Chapter 1832 I didn't interrogate you

  After dinner, Bai Xiaoxiao told Luo Haofeng about the situation in Country D.

   Things are more complicated than Luo Haofeng imagined.

  At the end of hearing, his handsome eyebrows couldn't help twisting, and the strength of holding Bai Xiaoxiao's hand increased slightly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao in turn calmed him, “Don’t worry, although it’s a bit troublesome, I can handle it.”

  If you are in City G, you don’t have to be so troublesome.

  But this is country D. They are in other people's turf, and they speak well, even if they are dragons, they have to hold their hands.

  You must follow the legal procedures here and follow the relevant procedures...

  Looking at Bai Xiaoxiao's far-fetched smile, Luo Haofeng's long and narrow eyes showed a trace of pity, "Xiao Xiao, I will help you. I will call Dr. Brown to find out the specific situation of the other party."

  With Gu Yan's relationship there, Luo Haofeng called to inquire, of course it was better than Bai Xiaoxiao and Jian Yiwei.


  G City

  This morning, Mo Xiuchen received a call from Luo Haofeng from Country D.

  Tell him the situation over there.

  "You are more careful over there. According to Lu Zhiyan just now, the two who followed Meng Ke were dumped by him. At present, I don't know where Meng Ke is."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was deep and overflowing with thin lips, and the lines of Junru's carved facial features were dyed with a hint of coolness.

   Hearing what he said, Luo Haofeng on the other end of the phone was also surprised.

  When the voice came again, there was a hint of emotional fluctuation, "Xiu Chen, you said Meng Ke got rid of the person who followed? Did Lu Zhiyan send the intern to go?"

Mo Xiuchen sneered, "Meng Ke's anti-investigation ability is very strong, the more so, the more it shows that he has a problem. He has already got rid of the two plainclothes. I suspect he will go to D country to find Xiaoxiao. You yourself Be careful, don't let him hurt Xiaoxiao."

   "I see, isn't Xu Wanqi in the game, did she recruit?"

  Xu Wanqi knows, definitely knows more than Xu Wanfei.

  Those things Meng Ke did, Xu Wanqi was also involved in some things.

  Because of this, Xu Wanqi will not confess easily.

   "She has Meng Ke's seeds in her belly. Do you think she will easily betray Meng Ke?" Mo Xiuchen's voice was three-pointed mockingly, half-pointed coldly.

  These things belong to Lu Zhiyan.

   has nothing to do with them.

  Mo Xiuchen just after Luo Haofeng finished the call, his cell phone rang again.

  Incoming call is a string of unfamiliar numbers.

  Mo Xiuchen frowned slightly, stared at the unknown number for a few seconds, pressed the answer button with his long finger, and his deep voice faintly sounded, "Hey!"

   "Mr. Mo, hello, this is Jiang Hui."

"Something wrong?"

   Hearing what the other party said, Mo Xiuchen's eyes became cold, and even his voice suddenly became cold.

  On the other side of the phone, Jiang Hui, who was standing under the sun at the moment, only felt cold, and subconsciously looked up at the red sun in the sky.

  There is an illusion that the sun is hiding in the clouds for a moment.

  As a result, her voice became stammered, "Mr. Mo, did I bother you? I just told you, I sent my resume to your email."

  Behind the desk not far away, Wen Ran raised her eyes by Mo Xiuchen's cool voice.

  At the concerned eyes from Shang Wen Ran, the coldness in Mo Xiuchen's eyes disappeared like a spring breeze and rain, and a trace of warmth emerged from the bottom of his eyes.

  Wen Ran also smiled softly at him, lowered his head again, and continued his work.

  After a while, Mo Xiuchen put down his phone, got up and walked out of the desk, and came to Wen Ran.

  Long fingers pinched her slender shoulders, Wen Ran's lips unconsciously smiled, raised her eyes, and looked at him gently.

   "Just now, it was Jiang Hui's call."

  I have to say that Mo Xiuchen is a very good man.

  When a woman called him, he had to confess to Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran smiled in his eyes and looked at him crookedly, "You were just angry about this?"

  Mo Xiuchen leaned down, pressed his firm chin lightly against the top of her hair, and he could smell the fragrance of her hair as he breathed.

   "Not the phone number I told her."

  Mo Xiuchen is busy clearing himself.

Wen Ran was amused by him and giggled, Xian Xiansu covered his big hand on her shoulder, "Xiu Chen, I didn't interrogate you, didn't you say that, she is Director Wei's goddaughter, if you want to Knowing your phone number is not easy."

   "I have blocked it."

  Mo Xiuchen's handsome face became cold. He gave her the opportunity to come to Haochen. It didn't mean that he would always be pleasant to that woman, let alone that she could call him at any time.

  That woman is not qualified yet.

   "You blacked someone out, do you still let her join the company?"

  Wen Ran knows that although Xiu Chen is gentle and considerate to her, he has always been indifferent to other women, especially women who have intentions.

  If he didn't want to find out something from Jiang Hui, he would definitely not let Jiang Hui join the company just because she was the goddaughter of Director Wei.

  Her Xiu Chen is very proud.

  But, the more he is like this, the more Wen Ran loves him.

  Mo Xiuchen squeezed her shoulder blades for a moment. His low, magnetic voice sounded above her head with a hint of the coldness of the early spring, "I will leave it to others to deal with her entering the company."


  Nodded with a gentle smile, closed his eyes and enjoyed his massage.

  Mo Xiuchen's hands left her shoulders and came to her head. Obviously, his massage technique is no worse than that of a professional masseur.

  Wen Ran was going to be drowsy by his massage, and had to open his eyes, "You just talked to Luo Haofeng on the phone, how is the situation over there?"

  "A Feng said, it is not ruled out that someone did it behind the scenes, but they can handle it well, don’t worry."

  It just takes some time.

   Wen Ran was relieved a little, "Since Meng Ke got rid of the police who followed, he will definitely not stay in Bali forever."

  If the matter of country D has something to do with Meng Ke, then he will definitely appear there.

  In G city, he had no chance to get close to Xiaoxiao, but it was different abroad.

  Mo Xiuchen knew Wen Ran’s worries, and smiled to appease her, “I have told Ah Feng to be more careful. Meng Ke may go to country D. If others are there, Meng Ke should not have a chance.”

  Unless Meng Ke is desperate.

  At present, it seems that Meng Ke would not do that.

  Unless the police find the evidence of his crimes, he will have no scruples.

   "Xu Wanqi is afraid that she will not betray Meng Ke."

  Mo Xiuchen was laughing low, just about to say something, the mobile phone on the desk made a vibrating sound again. After the vibrating sound, it was a loud ringtone.

  Wen Ran urged him, "Go back and answer the phone, don't massage me."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned unhappily, but let go of his hand, strode to the desk, took the phone, answered the call, "Hey, Akai."

   Hearing the phone call from his brother, Wen Ran smiled unconsciously.

  I don’t know what Gu Kai said, but a smile appeared on Mo Xiuchen’s face, with a hint of joy in his low voice, "I and Ranran will pass now."

  (End of this chapter)

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