Chapter 1831

  Bai Xiaoxiao breathed!

  Slowly raise both hands, holding him back.

  At the moment when Luo Haofeng hugged him back, a warm and satisfying smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. He moved a little away, looked down at her and asked, "Xiao Xiao, how are things going on here?"

   "Have you had dinner?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao does not answer any questions, the trouble here cannot be solved all at once.

  But if he doesn’t eat, he has to be hungry.

   Obviously, Bai Xiaoxiao cares more about whether Luo Haofeng is hungry.

  This moved Luo Haofeng very much.

   smiled softly, and he answered truthfully, “I haven’t eaten yet, so I’ll rush to see you when I get off the plane.”

  Especially when Mo Xiuchen said that Meng Ke went to Bali. If he came here from Bali to see Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao was here alone, when it was the most unsafe.

  Luo Haofeng's heart hung up, no matter where he had time to eat, he didn't dare to delay a minute after getting off the plane and came to her directly.

  He didn't let go of his heart until he saw her just now.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt warm, "You are here, what about City G, and what about your company?"

  He didn't even care about his own affairs for her?

   "Qiao Siyi is still in G city, she will handle the things there. The company can't go bankrupt without me for a few days."

   Luo Haofeng said that if the company goes bankrupt within a few days without him, then there is no need to return to the company at all.

  Bai Xiaoxiao doesn't think so.

  He came here, fearing that he had already made a plan to not go back without helping her deal with the troubles. How could he decide to deal with things in a few days?

  She looked into his narrow eyes and looked at herself reflected in his eyes. The warmth in her heart spread to her limbs and limbs little by little, and she couldn't help but moved all the way to help her.

  "I have some connections here, and Haochen is here, so I have some social contacts."

  In addition to Mo Xiuchen, Gu Kai also told Luo Haofeng that there is something for him to find a good friend of his father Gu Yan.

  Anyway, you can use the contacts and relationships you have, and you can use them at critical moments.

  Even if other contacts can't be used, Luo Haofeng rushes to her side, which is also a kind of power for her.

   "I'll talk about things at work later, what do you want to eat? Do you want to eat out or eat at home."

  Although Bai Xiaoxiao returned to China, her previous apartment was not sold, so when she came here for a business trip, she moved directly into the apartment instead of the hotel.

  Luo Haofeng looked behind her, looked around the room, and said casually, “Let’s eat at home, you can just cook me a bowl of noodles.”

   "There are others without noodles. I'll cook them for you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, it was difficult for her to cook noodles.

  Luo Haofeng nodded, let go of the hand holding her waist, bent over and pulled the suitcase beside him, slightly lowered his voice and said to her, "You cook the noodles, I'll take a shower first."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered, and she met his smiling eyes, her heartbeat finally calmed down, and she missed another shot.

   suddenly understood.

  He has been a gentleman just now because he didn't take a bath.

  I felt dirty after flying on the plane for such a long time.

  Thinking of this, her small cheeks unconsciously became hot.

  Luo Haofeng saw her shyness in his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, "Xiao Xiao, wait for me to take a shower and eat, we will do something else."

   "What else, I'll cook noodles for you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao finished speaking, and fled without waiting for Luo Haofeng to speak again.

  Looking at her escaping back, Luo Haofeng smirked.

  Xiaoxiao is shy.

  Shy Shino, really cute.

  He laughed twice to himself before he took the suitcase and went back to the room to take a bath.


  In the kitchen, Bai Xiaoxiao listened to Luo Haofeng's departure, and couldn't help turning his head and glanced again.

   did not see him, the living room was very quiet, but her heart was very warm, knowing that he was coming, she would be at ease with him.

   Ten minutes later, Luo Haofeng, who had finished the bath, sat in front of the restaurant with Bai Xiaoxiao who had cooked the noodles.

   On the table in front of him, Bai Xiaoxiao’s freshly cooked egg and tomato noodles were placed.

  The scent of eggs and tomatoes permeated the air, smelling, very appetizing.

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at his refreshed handsome face after taking a bath, and said softly.

   "If there is not enough food, I will give it to you later."

  Luo Haofeng shook his head, curled his lips and smiled, “It’s enough to eat so much. I’m afraid that if I eat too much, Xiaoxiao will despise me.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at him, "It's okay, I'll just keep a pig."

  Luo Haofeng raised his handsome eyebrows, raised his hand and stroked his proud handsome face, "Xiao Xiao, have you ever seen a handsome pig like me?"

  If there are such handsome pigs, women all over the world will rush to raise them.

  Bai Xiaoxiao laughed out loud, "Isn't someone else in charge of whether you are handsome or not?"

   "I'm not boasting, I'm just stating the facts, everyone says the same."

  Luo Haofeng looks like the most handsome and arrogant person in the world, making Bai Xiaoxiao unable to stop laughing.

   "If you are really a pig, no matter how beautiful you are, I can't raise you for the rest of my life. Sooner or later I will sell you."

   The smile and pride on Luo Haofeng’s face were immediately replaced by grievances, and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao sadly: Are you stupid? Want to sell such a handsome pig?

  Looks good, and can’t be eaten as a meal, and sell it for money!

  Bai Xiaoxiao stared at him with bright eyes, wondering if he could sell such a handsome pig at a sky-high price.

  "Xiaoxiao, are you thinking about how much I can sell?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered, "Then tell me, how much are you worth?"


  Bai Xiaoxiao pouted, "Isn’t it impossible to sell it and I have to support you for the rest of my life, no, even if it’s cheaper to sell it."

  Luo Haofeng curled his lips. He was speechless for such an unscrupulous owner, so he could only lower his head and pick up his chopsticks to eat the noodles quietly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao also stopped talking, and just sat beside him quietly, with a layer of tenderness on the corners of his eyebrows and eyes.

  There was no voice in the restaurant for a while, only the slight noise made by Luo Haofeng eating the noodles.

  However, the atmosphere was not stiff. When he occasionally looked up at Bai Xiaoxiao, her eyes were always quiet, waiting there gently.

  The corner of his mouth also evoked a satisfying smile, lowered his head, and continued to concentrate on eating noodles gracefully.

  The breath flowing around them is warm and sweet.

  The years are quiet and good, but that's all.

  (End of this chapter)

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