Chapter 108 Ranran, Your Face

Bai Xiaoxiao returned to City G with Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen. After getting off the plane, Mo Xiuchen answered a phone call with a slightly gloomy expression. He caught up with Wen Ran in a few steps and said, "I have something urgent to deal with now. , I can’t accompany you to the hospital, let Miss Bai accompany you first, and I’ll pick you up at the hospital for a while.”

  "Go and work on you, don't worry about me."

   Seeing his look slightly serious, he paused and said, “You go by car first, and Xiaoxiao and I take a taxi to the hospital.”

   Aside, Bai Xiaoxiao frowned her eyebrows slightly, and was a little unhappy that Mo Xiuchen went to the hospital without Mo Xiuchen. They only became husband and wife last night, and he left such a kiss mark on Ranran...

  Mo Xiuchen shook his head, and drew a cold breath a little, "That's not necessary, let Xiao Liu take you to the hospital, and someone will pick me up later."

  The words fell, his deep eyes looked at Xiao Liu, who suddenly understood, "Grandma, please get in the car!"

   Wen Ran nodded, and got into the car with Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Mo Xiuchen stood outside the car with a long body, watching Xiao Liu drive on the road, until the car disappeared into the traffic, he turned around and walked to the other side.

  Half an hour later, Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao came to the hospital together. When they waited for the elevator to go upstairs, they happened to ran into Gu Kai.

   "Of course, your injury, are you okay?"

Gu Kai called her, walked to Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao, Mo Yu's eyes swept over her arm, and finally landed on her left cheek, the scab scar on her delicate white face. Extraordinarily conspicuous.

  Wen Ran smiled softly, and said in an indifferent tone: "It's okay, Brother Gu, don't worry."

  Gu Kai reached out and grabbed her arm, "Let me see your arm injury."

   Wen Ran was startled, and did not dodge.

Gu Kai checked the injury on her arm and said gently and honestly: "You go to the ward to see your brother, and I will change the medicine for you later. I have a good ointment that will not leave scars on your arms and face. ."

   "Brother Gu, don’t bother to change the dressing, how can you come by yourself."

  Wen Ran politely refused. She knew that because of Mo Xiuchen's relationship, Gu Kai had been very good to her.

Gu Kai released her, curled her lips, smiled, and said jokingly, "It's rare that I can help. Since you call me Brother Gu, then don't be polite to me. Your brother will be waiting for you and the elevator is coming. , Go up quickly."

  He said so, if Wen Ran refuses again, he will be hypocritical.

  She smiled playfully, and said unceremoniously: "Well then, I will go to see my brother first, and then I will look for you later."

   "Well, let's go in!"

  Gu Kai raised his hand and held the elevator button, watching Wen Ran and Bai Xiaoxiao enter the elevator, the elevator door slowly closed, the number keys changed, he pursed his lips, frowned, and some emotions in his eyes dissipated.

  He felt that he was under the influence of Mo Xiuchen, and every time he faced Wen Ran, he felt kind. Mo Xiuchen could rely on it to determine that Wen Ran was his lifesaver, but he could not. There was a mole on his sister's chin, and Wen Ran did not.


  Wen Ran pushed aside the ward, and saw Wen Jin lying on the ground, pale and painful, but struggling to get up.

   Her face changed drastically, and she shouted "Brother" distressedly and ran over, squatting down to help him: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

  Hearing the voice, Wen Jin's movements stopped and looked up at her.

When his eyes met, his warm eyes burst with joy, and soon the joy in his eyes disappeared because of the scar on her face, and his eyes were stained with deep distress, "Of course, your face ?"

  Wen Ran shook his head, stretched out his hand to support his arm, and said softly: "Brother, my face is okay. You get up first. Your legs will not recover in a day or two. You can't abuse yourself like this."

  Wen Jin didn't seem to hear her, staring at her face with distressed eyes, raised her hand, and stroked the scar on her face very tenderly, the self-blame in her heart was infinitely magnified in her scar.

Since childhood, he took this sister as a baby in his palms, and he did not allow anyone to hurt her. The last car accident, life and death, he hardly thought about, so he instinctively protected her with his body. .

  Now, she is injured and almost...

  As long as he thinks about what happened last night, he will deeply blame himself, wishing to get better right away, only if he recovers quickly, can he better protect Ranran.

  Wen Jin’s self-blaming eyes moved down from her injured cheek, and they swept across her neck. She is wearing a high-collar lichen dress today, but she still can’t cover the little pink marks on her neck.

He stroked her cheek and the fingertips trembled slightly, and there seemed to be a knife across her heart lightly. The wound was invisible, but blood was flowing. She was not bullied by those people last night, but in the end, it was still with Mo Xiu. The dust has the reality of husband and wife.

   Come to think of it, his guess last time was correct. Mo Xiuchen probably concealed everyone. His ‘illness’ did not exist at all.

  Bai Xiaoxiao watched Wen Jin and Wen Ran squatting and the other sitting down. She winked at the special nurse beside her, and they quietly exited the ward.

   Wen Ran's eyes flashed, and her face flushed a little embarrassingly. Her skin was delicate and tender, and there were many traces left by Mo Xiuchen. The hickey on her neck couldn't hide it at all.

   "Brother, will you get up first, okay?"

   Seeing pain flashed through his eyes, Wen Ran's heart tightened, and he pressed his lips and changed the subject.


Wen Jin took a breath to herself, retracted the big hand that was stroking her cheek, stood up from the ground with her help, and said softly: "Help me to the sofa, I don't want to be like a waste person all day long. Stay in bed, or sit in a wheelchair."

   "Brother, you are not a useless person, I don't allow you to say this to yourself."

  Wen Ran’s eyes were a little red. Seeing her brother like this, she felt uncomfortable in her heart and couldn’t express herself in words.

   "Okay, I won't say anything like this again."

  The most unseen thing about Wen Jin is that Wen Ran is wronged and sad. Seeing her red eyes, his heart suddenly tightened, and he changed his words without hesitation.

   "This is pretty much the same."

  A smile appeared on Wen Ran's face again, not because of the scar on the left cheek, making people look pitiful.

  Wen Ran helped Wen Jin to sit down on the sofa, poured a glass of water for him, and met him next to him. Wen Jin grabbed her wrist and focused on the wound on her arm.

   "Of course, what happened last night, can you tell your brother?"

  Wen Ran smiled brightly and brightly. Although she experienced panic, despair, and even the breath of death last night, now, facing her brother, she put away all her emotions and agreed with ease and calmness:

   "Okay, I will tell you in detail."

  Wen Jin smiled slightly, watching her eyes feel distressed and spoiled.

  (End of this chapter)

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