Chapter 107 I'm Just Talking

   "Well, as long as you come back, I will not blame myself."

  Wen Jin’s voice instantly dissipated the depression and other emotions, and came gently and indulgently.

  The two brothers and sisters chatted again. After hanging up, Wen Jin Moran's eyes flashed coldly and dialed a number.

   "Hey, Master Wen, what's your order?"

  The phone rang a few times and was picked up, and a clear voice came.

  "Tell your friend, no matter what method he uses, be sure to ask those people to tell who instructed them to harm my sister. Besides, you have time to come over to the hospital in the morning."

  Wen Jin’s tone is cold, his handsome facial features are stern, and the breath enveloping him is cold and cold.

   "Okay, I will perform a task outside now, and I will come to see you at noon."


  F city, hotel.

  Bai Xiaoxiao stared at the strawberries on Wen Ran’s neck with ambiguous eyes, and asked ambiguously, “Of course, what happened to you and Mo Xiuchen last night?”

  Wen Ran was staring at her unnaturally. When she asked like that, she couldn’t help but reappear the picture of last night in her mind...

  Finally, she fell asleep too tired.

  Seeing Wen Ran blushing, Bai Xiaoxiao stretched out her fingers and gestured, "Three, four, five...Ouch,"

  Wen Ran glanced at her, raised his hand and patted her outstretched finger, and changed the subject and said, “I’m going back to City G today, and I can’t go shopping here with you. Are you playing for a few days, or go back with me.”

"Don't change the subject. Answer the question I just asked. Several times last night, how is Mo Xiuchen's technique? It was rumored that he didn't use it before. Of course, how did you cure his illness? Is it the clothes I bought? Did it work?"

   "Where do you have so many questions."

  Wen Ran gave her a glance, what did she have problems with.

  Bai Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes, staring at Wen Ran's blushing face, and smiled: "Of course, I can guess if you don't tell me..."

  "Bai Xiaoxiao, are you ashamed?"

Wen Ran really can't stand Bai Xiaoxiao, she used to say that, she didn't think there was anything, but now, she has just experienced those things, and every time she said, the shameful scenes played in front of her eyes. , She can’t wait to find a needle and thread to sew her mouth together.

   "What's the shame of me, I'm just talking, you did it all?"

Bai Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows disapprovingly, smiled, and said: "Now I finally don't have to worry that you will be widowed forever. Maybe you and Mo Xiuchen are a destined couple. He doesn't feel anything for any woman except you. Not to mention, he is as cold as ice towards any woman."

"how is this possible!"

  Wen Ran said this, but she was a little bit happy in her heart. She didn't know if Mo Xiuchen was indifferent to other women, but he treated her as good.

Bai Xiaoxiao cut and said: "Why is it impossible? You don't know how fierce I called you in the morning. He said that you are too tired and you are not allowed to disturb you. I just happened to ran into him in the corridor. Let me see you. As if you were his private property."

   "You are too exaggerated."

Wen Ran snorted and wanted to say something. The doorbell rang suddenly, and Bai Xiaoxiao got up to open the door. After a while, she returned with a bag and said with a smile: "Mo Xiuchen is really careful. He also prepared clothes for you. , Did your suit yesterday be torn to pieces?"

  She took out the clothes from the bag, which is the most popular style nowadays, even the underwear is prepared.

   "Last night's clothes were scratched on the branches."

  Wen Ran explained lightly.

   "You haven't told me what happened last night, how did you get these injuries? How did Mo Xiuchen find you?"

  Just now, she was just curious about how powerful Mo Xiuchen was, and she didn't have time to ask how she was injured last night.

  "I was stunned outside the bathroom. When I woke up, the car was driving up the mountain. When I got out of the car, I took the opportunity to escape. They were chased to the edge of the cliff. There was no way to retreat, so I jumped."

   "Are you jumping off a cliff?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed drastically.

  It’s no wonder that Brother Jin was so anxious on the phone call in the morning. She looked down at her arm wrapped in gauze. The gauze seemed to have just been replaced, "How high is that cliff, how can you be so stupid."

  Wen Ran a far-fetched smile, "At that time, I had no choice but to take medicine for me. I was afraid of myself..."

   "Of course, we must find the person who hurt you and break him into pieces."

  Bai Xiaoxiao flushed her eyes, stepped forward and suddenly hugged Wen Ran, gritted her teeth and said.

  How vicious that person would hurt Ranran like this, and wanted to ruin her.

"Xiao Xiao, I’m fine now. Didn’t you say that there must be a blessing if you don’t die? The previous car accident took away my parents and my brother protected me with his body. I was forced to jump off the cliff last night. Trees and vines saved me, which shows that my life is very big."

   "Well, your life is so big that no one can hurt you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was uncomfortable in her heart. In just one month, Wen Ran experienced too much. As her best friend, she was always unable to help at critical moments.

   "Okay, how do I dress when you hold me like this."

  He smiled gently, not wanting to make the atmosphere so solemn.

  As soon as Bai Xiaoxiao let go of her, the phone ring rang again. This time, it was Mo Xiuchen's call.

   "I am looking for you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was very witty and gave the phone directly to Wen Ran, her beautiful face, and her bright smile was restored.

  Wenly press the answer button, the voice is soft: "Hey!"

   "I just received a call from your brother, thinking about him calling you, Bai Xiaoxiao will definitely wake you up, do you wear the clothes I sent you to fit?"

  Mo Xiuchen's voice came in a low and gentle voice, Wen Ran looked down at the clothes on the bed, and whispered: "I haven't worn it yet, it should be suitable."

   Her eyes touched the underwear, her small face was hot again, her heartbeat was also uncontrollably stained with a trace of frenzy.

   "I have asked someone to book the flight at two o'clock in the afternoon."

   "Xiao Xiao will also go back together."

  Wen Ran glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao. Although she didn't answer just now, she came with her. She went back, and she probably wouldn't stay by herself.


  Mo Xiuchen understood what she meant, and replied softly.

  Speaking slightly, he said again: "You will have some breakfast first, and I will go back to eat lunch with you at noon."

   "No, you are busy with you, I have Xiaoxiao with me."

  Wen Ran rejected his kindness without even thinking about it. After experiencing such an intimate incident last night, she is now embarrassed to face Mo Xiuchen.

  In addition to being afraid of seeing him, she can't help but think of those pictures of shame people, her current mood is a bit confused, and she can't figure out what she feels like.

  It seems that he can always get confused because of him. Wen Ran doesn't know if this phenomenon is good or bad.

  On the other end of the phone, Mo Xiuchen was silent for a moment, and when the voice came again, it was a little lower than before: "Okay, I will go back to pick you up this afternoon."

  (End of this chapter)

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