Chapter 1063 The Only Love

   "You and Wen Ran have a great relationship."

  Euadra's expression aroused three points of emotion, which may be the reason for the late night. Her voice was less cold than usual, and there was a touch of sadness.

  At least, Bai Xiaoxiao thinks so.

  She turned her head to look at Euadra, blinked and said, "Euadra, when I return to China, you can go back with me."

  Euadra's face changed, and the sadness in her tone became stronger. "When my mother took me abroad, I never thought about going back to China again, thinking she could find that man."

Bai Xiaoxiao was infected by her sadness, and there was a slight emotion in her heart, "Euadra, now that your mother has passed away, you are alone in country D, so it is better to go back with me. I look like this, this It shows that you have fate, and after a long time, you will definitely become good friends."

   "Will it? She is so happy, she shouldn't need friends."

  A hint of sarcasm and coldness flashed in Euadra's eyes. Bai Xiaoxiao was looking ahead, and did not see the flash of emotion in Euadra's eyes.

   "How come, of course, she used to be a crazy girl, she is actually very easy to get along with. However, she is watched by Mo Xiuchen all day, and it is difficult for me, a good sister, to be alone with her."

  Speaking of the back, Bai Xiaoxiao's tone brought a hint of complaint.

  The guy Mo Xiuchen is too domineering.

When Euadra heard Mo Xiuchen's name, her eyes flashed, and her hand on her side was squeezed into a fist subconsciously, but there was a faint smile on her face: "What kind of man is that Mo Xiuchen? When Wen Ran came last time, I heard you mention him all day long."

  "He may be the best husband in the world, haha, I should add, he is a gentle husband. By the way, I also have a video of their wedding in my house. I will let you watch it later."


  Euadra's face changed slightly when he heard the word wedding, but the slight change in expression was obscured by the night. Bai Xiaoxiao, who was walking nearby, didn't see it at all.

  The two talked all the way, and returned to the apartment where Bai Xiaoxiao lived.

  Euadra sat down on the sofa, Bai Xiaoxiao took out a USB flash drive from the room, opened the notebook, and put it on the coffee table.

   "Euadra, would you like to drink something."

   she asked with a smile.

   "Don't drink, I drank too much just now, Xiao Xiao, you go take a bath first." Euadra looked at the LCD screen, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran hadn't come out yet, and the banquet hall was full of guests.

   "Okay, take your time, I'll take a bath." Bai Xiaoxiao turned and went into the bedroom, took her pajamas, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

  After she entered the bathroom, Euadra on the sofa removed her cold disguise, and countless emotions poured out from her indifferent eyes.

  Especially, seeing Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran appear together in the camera, her gaze stared straight at the noble and handsome man.

   Once upon a time, she was so close to him.

  Those days and nights, she fantasized countless times that one day, she would put on a wedding dress for him and walked over the red carpet, and he was waiting for her at the end of the red carpet.

  Their wedding will be the most special wedding of the century...

  But, she didn't expect that everything was her fantasy. She could never believe that a man who had lost his memory could still remember the woman he loved before he lost his memory.

   On the contrary, she was indifferent to her fiancee.

  On the LCD screen, Wen Ran was dressed in a white wedding dress and was so beautiful. This is not the reason for her jealousy. What she is most jealous of is that in Mo Xiuchen's eyes, except for Wen Ran, all the guests are invisible.

  The deep feeling in his eyes is enough to break her heart into pieces...

In the wedding march, Wen Ran was led by her father Gu Yan to the people on the red carpet. Watching her approach Mo Xiuchen step by step, the hatred in Euadra's eyes could no longer be concealed. Some kind of smashed the notebook. Impulse.

  If you smash the notebook, you can take them apart, and she will smash it without hesitation.

  However, this is not the most painful for her.

   Mo Xiuchen's voice suddenly sounded, low and magnetic, and wrote about Wen Ran's affectionate love. The next moment, her eyes were attracted by the big screen behind them, and her wide eyes were full of disbelief.

  She suddenly remembered the two months when Mo Xiuchen was in Country D and had amnesia.

  Two or three times, she saw him drawing this kind of character illustration. She asked him what he was doing, but he didn't tell her.

  At that time, what he painted was not Wen Ran, but himself.

  Once, she wanted to take one as a souvenir, but was stopped by Mo Xiuchen. He coldly warned her not to take his belongings. Later, even his study was not allowed to enter her.

   Seeing the illustration on the screen at the moment, she finally understood. At that time, Mo Xiuchen couldn't remember Wen Ran, so it was not her who painted it.

  In those days, Mo Xiuchen always gave people a feeling of loneliness and distress. She was clearly by his side, but he was unhappy, and there was always a touch of loneliness between his brows.

Eudora looked at the screen, a series of illustrations proving that Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran met, knew each other, and loved each other. The heart seemed to be cut by a knife, and the broken heart was pieced together by a strong hatred. .

  In her heart, only the hatred for Wen Ran was left.

  She robbed the man she loved.

  Mo Xiuchen loved her once, but she is still not satisfied. He had lost his memory. Wen Ran was separated from the Pacific Ocean and had to seduce Mo Xiuchen. She only understood Mo Xiuchen's special confession.

  It turns out that in the days when Mo Xiuchen was in Country D, his heart had already flown across the Pacific Ocean. Even if he lost his memory, his heart was warm.

  She never dreamed that Mo Xiuchen fell in love with Wen Ran again.

The sentence that came from the notebook, "Of course, in the next life and this life, you will always be my only love." Eudora's face was pale, her eyes filled with tears, and she fixedly looked at her every minute and every second, thinking about it. Man.

  Xiu Chen, you love Wen Ran, I have turned myself into Wen Ran now, for you, I ruined myself. One day, I will come back to you, this time, I want you to fall in love with me.

  For this goal, she traveled far and wide, and everything she did was to get back to him.

  God took care of her, and the appearance of Bai Xiaoxiao made her full of hope for herself, and she was convinced that this time, God will definitely fulfill her wish.

  Bai Xiaoxiao came out of the bathroom and saw tears on Eudora’s face on the sofa in the living room. She chuckled and called her a few meters away.

  Eudora woke up in her voice, regained consciousness, and quickly raised her hand to wipe tears.

   "God, that fellow Mo Xiuchen touched someone as cold as you. It seems that this wedding he gave Ranran can really touch women all over the world."

  Bai Xiaoxiao walked to the sofa, wiping her hair with a towel in her hand.

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across Eudora’s face, and he said flatly: “This is the first time I have seen such a touching wedding. Seeing Mo Xiuchen’s love for Wen Ran, and thinking about my mother again, I really feel sad.”

  (End of this chapter)

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