Chapter 1062

   "When my brother and sister Wei went to see Hitomi just now, they mentioned it once or twice to let them get married earlier. I think one by one was deliberate."

  Wen Ran's eyebrows twisted lightly, "I can hear it all, one by one is deliberate, and my brother can definitely hear it too. When he left at that time, he didn't let Sister Wei go with him."

   "Did Fang Zhiwei notice anything?"

  Mo Xiuchen blinked and asked gently.

   "I don't know, she left the hospital with me, but didn't say anything."

  Wen Ran’s most worry is that if Hitomi is her brother’s daughter, there will be another war between him and Bai Yiyi.

  That Li En has always made her feel that she is not a kind person, especially, Li En’s eyes always look cold when she sees her brother.

  "Then don't worry about it. When Akai goes to the ward, he shouldn't just go to see Tongtong. After the results come out, let's talk about it."

  Mo Xiuchen calmed Wen Ran softly, he knew what she was worried about.

  In fact, he also had worries in his heart. Because of Bai Yiyi's identity, A Kai had never liked Bai Yiyi.

  Now, Li En and Fang Zhiwei are involved again...

  Wen Ran’s phone ringing rang, she took out her phone, and when she saw the call, she said in surprise, "It's Xiaoxiao."

   "You answer the phone, I'll go to work." Mo Xiuchen picked up the folder on the desk, got up and returned to the desk, and gently pressed the answer button, his voice overflowing with red lips: "Hey, Xiaoxiao."

   "Of course, I heard that Luo Haofeng had a car accident, is it true?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s voice came from the Pacific Ocean through the radio wave, without tactfully, asking straightaway.

   Wen Ran was startled, Qinghong blinked a few times before asking, "Xiao Xiao, who did you listen to?"

   "Eudora said, she has a friend who is from City B, and he called her to talk about it."

  Bai Xiaoxiao did not conceal, and truthfully told Wen Ran, her source.

   Wen Ran frowned slightly: "Eudora told you?"

   "Well, of course, I heard Eudora say that Qi Meiling became a vegetable, what happened to Luo Haofeng?"

"Luo Haofeng is fine. After the operation, he was transferred to Kangning Hospital." Wen Ran lightly sighed, Xiao Xiao's girl, she kept saying that she could let go and live well, but when she heard that Luo Haofeng came out In a car accident, I called worryingly.

   Her tone of concern was not concealed, and she felt it deeply across the Pacific Ocean.

  "Qi Meiling hasn't been awakened yet. Perhaps, this is a turning point. The Qi family and the Luo family are now in conflict."

   "Of course, Luo Haofeng, is it really good?"

Bai Xiaoxiao hesitated to ask. She heard that Qi Meiling had become a vegetative, with a heart, and she was hanging high from that moment. But Eudora's friend didn't know about Luo Haofeng's situation, so she had to call Ranran immediately. .

   "Well, it's really good. If you don't believe it, you can call him."

   Wen Ran's words were spoken, and there was another silence on the phone.

  For a while, when Bai Xiaoxiao's voice sounded again, with three points of bitterness: "Forget it, I call him, and he will say very well."

  He had a car accident such a serious matter, but he never told her.

  This must be Luo Haofeng's refusal to say, and it has been so long, and he is still hospitalized.

How can    be good.

   "Xiao Xiao, I didn't lie to you. Luo Haofeng's injury is recovering well. He has been living in Kangning Hospital and has not been discharged. He is thinking about how to face Meiling and handle the matter between them."

  Wen Ran continued to explain.

   "Well, of course, I see."

   "I heard Meng Ke say that he went to you." Wen Ran asked, changing the subject.

  On the other end of the phone, there seemed to be voices besides Bai Xiaoxiao. Listening to the voice, I could vaguely distinguish Eudora.

"Yes, he brought a group to Country D some time ago. I passed by here and I had a meal with him." Bai Xiaoxiao's tone was very calm. When it comes to people who are not tempted, and people who care about him, it is completely Two reactions.

   "Is it just as simple as having a meal? Meng Ke told me that he wanted to pursue you again. Xiaoxiao, your charm is so great, and you can make domestic men think about you when you go abroad."

  Wen Ran smiled and joked, Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and cursed on the other side of the phone, and her mood improved because of Wen Ran's teasing.

   "Of course, how about my godson and goddaughter?"

  "Well, your godson and goddaughter are very good. I miss you every day and look forward to your godmother coming back to play with them." Wen Ran's eyebrows and a gentle smile appeared, and one hand stroked the bulging abdomen.

  "Really, after you give birth, remember to send my godson and goddaughter to country D, and I will help you bring the baby."

  Bai Xiaoxiao must have never imagined that her joking words would come true.

  It’s just that her goddaughter and godson were not sent abroad, but...

   "Okay, when they grow up, I will let them go abroad to see you."

  The two chatted for a while. Bai Xiaoxiao hung up the phone. Next to her, Eudora saw her put her phone away, and asked, "How is it, is your Luo Haofeng okay?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, took a sip from the drink on the table, and said softly, “I don’t know, but I told me that he is recovering from his injury very well. I didn’t ask where I was hurt.”

  Eudora squinted her eyes: "Are you still in the hospital?"


  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded.

   "It's been more than two months, and if you are still in the hospital, you must have been seriously injured. If you really miss him, go back and see him, so that you won't be lethargic every day."

  Eudora frowned, looked up at the time on the wall, and said, "It's late, go back."

   "Eudora, go to my house tonight and talk to me." Bai Xiaoxiao looked at the woman who looked similar to Wen Ran in front of her. Because of the similarity, she felt that Euadra was more cordial than the others.

  Even though the other party has always been indifferent, she still takes the initiative to approach.

  Euadra hesitated. Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's lonely face, she pursed her lips and nodded gently: "Well, what do you want to say, say it once tonight, I'll be a trash can."

   "Euadra, you are so kind."

  Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly smiled, and she took out her wallet to pay the bill. Euadra stopped her and said: "I treat tonight. I usually invite you. I am embarrassed."

   "Okay, you pay."

  Bai Xiaoxiao readily agreed, waiting for Euadra to pay the bill, and the two walked into the night together, “Let’s walk, it’s not very far, just can talk.”

"No problem, anyway, I leave it to you tonight. I don't care about walking with you." Euadra smiled faintly and asked casually, "Wen Ran has been pregnant for more than six months, right? , How is her baby?"

  Mentioned Wen Ran and her godson and goddaughter, Bai Xiaoxiao smiled immediately: "Very good, but Ranran also said that my goddaughter and godson miss me.

  (End of this chapter)

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