Chapter 1056

  Especially after Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng broke up twice, and now Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling are still involved, Wen Ran really doesn’t want to involve Xiaoxiao.

   Even if Luo Haofeng were to start over with Xiao Xiao, she also hoped that it was after Luo Haofeng had dealt with her own affairs.

   "Of course, every time you discuss the issue of Bai Xiaoxiao and A Feng, I am afraid that you will be angry." Mo Xiuchen sighed softly, "Forget it, let them do their affairs in the future."

  Wen Ran pursed his lips without speaking.

  Mo Xiuchen knew she was acting stupid, and they knew each other just like they knew themselves.

  "Okay, I won't be in front of you in the future, so don't stop Luo Haofeng in front of me." Wen Ran handed him the magazine in his hand and lay down, ready to sleep.

Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips, put the magazine on the bedside table, adjusted the light to the softest and darkest level, and lay down on the bed with his big hands gently covering her abdomen. It has been more than six months now. The action is a bit clumsy.

  It is much harder for her to be pregnant with twins than others who are pregnant with a baby.

  He touched her bulging abdomen with his hand, and his heart softened again, and his eyebrows were dyed with tenderness and pity unknowingly.

   whispered: "Ranran."

  Wen Ran's heart trembled slightly because of his soft call.

  She hesitated for two seconds, then turned around.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes suddenly became warm, "Are you angry?"


  Wen Ran shook her head. How could she be angry with him, but it was difficult for them to reach an agreement on the issue of Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng. Every time we talk about this topic, there will be objections.

  Before, they said that Mo Xiuchen values ​​color and despise friends, but Wen Ran feels that Mo Xiuchen does not care about colors and friends at all. He regards his friends as important as her.

  Usually those things that hurt friends are harmless.

   is really related to the happiness of his good brother. He is firmly standing on the position of friends.

  Mo Xiuchen tenderly kissed her forehead, hugged her gently, and said, “Of course, don’t get angry with me because of anyone or anything. I don’t want to be affected by other people’s feelings.”


  Wen Ran closed his eyes, not looking at him: "Go to sleep, I'm going for a checkup tomorrow."

   "Don't worry, our baby must be healthy."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled slightly and said soothingly.

   Wen Ran nodded, and put his small hand gently around his waist and fell asleep with his arm resting on it.


  The next day, Mo Xiuchen did not go to work and had breakfast, so he accompanied Wen Ran to Kangning Hospital for a check-up.

  Four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound, you can clearly see the baby, even small movements, Mo Xiuchen watched the cute behavior of the two babies, and the smiles at the corners of his mouth grew thicker.

   "Both babies are very healthy..."

   "Of course, did you see that, the baby is eating his fingers."

  Mo Xiuchen held Wen Ran's hand lightly with his big palm, and said to her with a smile.

  Wen Ran’s eyes were filled with joy, "I saw it, it’s so cute."

  The two little guys really know how to play. The more they watch, the more moved they feel. Fortunately, Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen are regular visitors to this hospital, and everyone knows that Mo Xiuchen spoils his wife.

  If not, I would be shocked to see him as a dignified group president, who is as happy as a childish child at the moment.

  At the same time, Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory is holding a high-level meeting once a week.

  The phone vibrated in her pocket, and Bai Yiyi ignored it until the meeting was over and she came out of the conference room. She saw seven or eight missed calls, all of which were from her mother, and she couldn't help but frown.

   Immediately called back, and it rang twice, and her mother’s voice came from the phone, “One by one, why didn’t you answer the call just now?”

   "Mom, I was in a meeting just now, what's the matter?"

  Bai holds the information in one hand and the phone in the other.

  Beside, Wen Jin turned her head and took the information in her hand. I don’t know what her mother said on the phone, but Bai Yi’s expression changed, "Mom, where are you now?"

  "We will be at Kangning Hospital soon. Originally, I wanted to take Tongtong to the nearest hospital, but the driver said, Kangning Hospital is good..."

   "Understood, I will rush over immediately."

   "One by one, what happened?"

  Wen Jin stopped and asked Bai Yiyi one by one with concern.

   Bai Yiyi's face was a little pale, and her voice was full of worry: "Hitomi was injured by a child's toy gun bullet. He was on his way to the hospital."

   "Hurt your eyes? Which hospital did your mother take her to?"

  Wen Jin frowned.

   "I will be at Kangning Hospital soon, I will go there now."

   "I'll take you there. You are not suitable for driving." After Wen Jin finished speaking, he opened the door of the office, stepped forward, released the documents, and when he came out, he held the car key in one hand and dialed the phone in the other.

  Bai's eyes flashed one by one, "Are you calling Gu Kai?"

Her voice fell, and the other party had already answered the phone. Wen Jin did not answer her question, but first said to the mobile phone: "Akai, Bai Yiyi’s daughter hurt her eyes, she will go to your hospital immediately. , I will take her to the hospital now."

  On the other side of the phone, Gu Kai was surprised, but because of the doctor's professional habits, he calmly agreed.

   "Of course, A Jin called and said that Bai Yiyi's daughter had hurt her eyes and was on her way to the hospital. I will make arrangements first and go downstairs to have a look."

  Gu Kai missed Ranran's 4D because of a patient. When he arrived here, before he had a word with her, Wen Jin called again.

   Wen Ran heard that Hitomi had hurt his eyes, his face immediately showed concern, and urged: "Brother, you can make arrangements quickly."

  Gu Kai did not stop, and while calling, he strode away.

  Mo Xiuchen saw Wen Ran’s worries, and said softly, “Ranran, if you’re worried, we’ll wait for a while and then go back. Since A Jin called A Kai, Bai Yi should be with him.”

  "My brother didn't know Aunt Bai, we went downstairs and went to work one by one. It was Aunt Bai who brought her pupils all the time."


  Mo Xiuchen nodded, wrapped her long arms around her waist, and walked towards the elevator with her: "Of course, don't worry, slow down."

"I'm fine."

  Wen Ran smiled and took the elevator downstairs. As soon as they walked to the entrance of the lobby on the first floor, they saw the roadside, Bai Yiyi’s mother got off a taxi, and the Tongtong she was holding in her arms was crying.

  Behind him, Gu Kai and the ophthalmologist also walked out of another elevator.

  Wen Ran heard the voice, turned his head, and said to Gu Kai: "Brother, that is the mother of Eleven."

Gu Kai immediately greeted her colleague from the ophthalmology department, took Tongtong from Bai Yiyi’s mother, and looked at her crying pitifully. Somewhere in Gu Kai’s heart, Gu Kai said something. Unclear emotions.

  (End of this chapter)

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