Chapter 1055 The baby promised you

  A slight shock flashed under Wen Ran's eyes, and then he understood Mo Xiuchen's meaning: "If it's really like that, it's not bad."

  "The main reason is that their car accident was caused by Qi Meiling."

  Mo Xiuchen explained in a soft voice that if Mother Luo likes Qi Meiling again, it is impossible for her to have her as always after she hurts her son.

  Furthermore, the Qi family put all the responsibility this time on Luo Haofeng, saying that it was impossible for Luo Haofeng to take care of Qi Meiling himself.

  After talking about Luo Haofeng, Wen Ran shifted the topic to the baby, "Xiuchen, I have had a birth check, and both babies are healthy."

   "Why don't you wait for me to go back and do it with you."

   "I was fine today, so I went to the hospital. I still have dinner with my dad in the evening." Wen Ran's voice was three-pointed with a smile, two-pointed tenderly.

   "Well, as long as the baby is healthy, I will be accompanied by the checkup next time."

   "Now the baby is too young, you can't understand it after you go, and you will be able to see the baby clearly next time you have the check-up, and you will definitely be with you." Wen Ran's voice fell, and the little guy in her stomach kicked her again.

  She smiled and said, "The baby promised you too."

   "Let them kick lightly, don't kick it hurts you." Mo Xiuchen understood what Wen Ran said the baby had agreed to, he laughed lowly, and then whispered softly.

  Wen Ran was amused by his words: "How can the baby be rude, it doesn't hurt."

  The two chatted for a few more minutes before Mo Xiuchen urged him: "Of course, it's late, you go to bed."


  The next day, Mo Xiuchen and Gu Kai returned.

  Luo Haofeng also transferred to Kangning Hospital. He came with him and Luo Haofeng's mother. Wen Ran went to Kangning Hospital to wait for them at 10 o'clock in the morning.

  Waited for nearly an hour before returning to Mo Xiuchen.

  As soon as he saw Wen Ran, Mo Xiuchen left the rest to A Kai and Tan Mu to take care of him, and he concentrated on accompany his wife.

   "Is that Luo Haofeng's mother? Looking at her face, she thinks she is a strong woman." Wen Ran looked ahead and asked Mo Xiuchen in a low voice.

  Compared with Bai Xiaoxiao's mother, Luo Haofeng's mother really knew at a glance that she was a strong personality.

   "Yes, if she is not strong, it would not be so easy for A Feng to transfer to Kangning Hospital." Mo Xiuchen said emotionally.

  "Qi family don't want to?"

  Wen Ran blinked and asked suspiciously.

  "Qi Meiling's father and brother said that it was A Feng who made Qi Meiling a vegetative and asked him to take care of Qi Meiling himself. You are tired from standing here. Let's go to Kai's office. I will tell you slowly."

  Back to Gu Kai’s office, Mo Xiuchen explained the story in detail to Wen Ran.

  It turned out that Luo Haofeng and Qi Meiling had their wedding on Saturday, and went to spend their honeymoon on Sunday. On the way to the airport, Qi Meiling quarreled with him because Luo Haofeng did not go home on the night of his wedding.

   Angrily, he threatened Luo Haofeng with Bai Xiaoxiao, and the two had a dispute. Qi Meiling grabbed the steering wheel, and then, it caused a tragedy.

   Tan Mu returned to City C in the afternoon.

  Luo Haofeng's mother stayed, saying that she would wait for Luo Haofeng to get better before going back.

In the afternoon, Mo Xiuchen accompanied Wen Ran to see Luo Haofeng. Mother Luo happened to be in the ward. Wen Ran said hello to Mother Luo. She got up and said: "I'll go out and make a call first, you guys and Afeng Let's talk."

After Luo's mother left, Wen Ran sat down in front of Luo Haofeng's hospital bed and looked at his head wrapped in silk cloth. The enchanting handsome face was also injured.

   "Of course, don't tell Xiaoxiao about my injury."

  Luo Haofeng's voice was very low and weak.

   Wen Ran nodded, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Xiaoxiao. Take care of yourself and don’t think about anything.”

   "Actually, it could have been avoided during the car accident yesterday." Luo Haofeng glanced at the direction of the door and made sure that his mother had gone far away and could not hear him now.

  Wen Ran's eyes widened in amazement, "You..."

   "A Feng, did you intentionally hurt yourself?" Mo Xiuchen also frowned. This stupid fellow, he was almost dead.

  Luo Haofeng laughed at himself, but even such a simple expression involved the wound, and his face changed slightly in pain.

   "When I married Qi Meiling, it was inevitable to fulfill the obligations of husband and wife. On the way to the airport, she threatened me with Xiaoxiao again. At that time, I had the idea of ​​letting her leave me voluntarily."

  Speaking of this, he paused, because his body was too weak and his forehead was faintly sweating.

  "You should rest first, and talk about it in two days." Mo Xiuchen stopped him, sighed gently, and said, "The most important thing now is that you take care of the injury. Don't think about other things."

  She was shocked, Luo Haofeng's few explanations already let Wen Ran understand his intentions.

  Want to come, he couldn't let go of Xiao Xiao, and married Qi Meiling, but didn't want to have a relationship with her. And because Qi Meiling knew Xiaoxiao's secret, she was afraid that she would say it, so on impulse, she thought of hurting herself.

  I am afraid that Luo Haofeng did not expect that Qi Meiling would become a vegetable.

Luo mother took care of Luo Haofeng in the hospital for two days. On the third day, she returned to City C.

  Luo Haofeng’s days in hospital were not sad. He was far away from the right and wrong of City C. His life was very quiet. People from the Qi family came to Kangning Hospital to find Luo Haofeng once, and he was driven out by security guards.

  Because of Qi Meiling's coma, the relationship between the Luo family and the Qi family has gradually fallen into a deadlock.

  Bai Xiaoxiao, who was far away in country D, did not know all this. On this day, Wen Ran met Meng Ke, and he told Wen Ran that he was pursuing Bai Xiaoxiao again.

   "Did Xiaoxiao promise you?"

  A trace of surprise flashed under Wen Ran's eyes, and he asked curiously.

  Meng Ke smiled and shook her head: "Xiao Xiao said that before she gets her degree and returns to China, she doesn’t think about falling in love. I am waiting for her in China."

   "Meng Ke, you have such a good condition, why wait for Xiaoxiao all the time."

  Wen Ran's words, with three points of teasing, two points of temptation.

  Meng Ke smiled, and said seriously: "This should be fate, just like Miss Wen and President Mo, when they meet each other, everything else is invisible."

   Wen Ran also smiled, "Then I wish you everything you want to come true."

   "Thank you." Meng Ke didn't say, asking Wen Ran to help him say something nice to Bai Xiaoxiao. He knew that that would only make Wen Ran disgusted.

In the evening, Wen Ran talked to Mo Xiuchen about encountering Meng Ke during the day. Mo Xiuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a few seconds, and said softly: "Of course, it's better, you tell Bai Xiaoxiao about A Feng's situation. Right."


  Wen Ran pretended to be puzzled.

  How could she not know what Mo Xiuchen was thinking, but her position was different from that of Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen was afraid that Bai Xiaoxiao would accept Meng Ke. His good brother Luo Haofeng was sad, but Wen Ran felt that if Bai Xiaoxiao really let go of Luo Haofeng and accept other men, it might not be a bad thing.

  (End of this chapter)

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