Chapter 1040: The victims may have...

   "Akai, why did you leave first?"

  It was Fang Zhiwei who called Gu Kai.

  She was in a meeting just now, and Gu Kai disappeared after the meeting.

   "Well, I will go back first."

  Gu Kai walked out of the office building and strode towards the entrance of the factory.

   "Oh, I won't see you after the meeting, so I'll call you. Since you're back, it's okay."

  Hang up the phone, Gu Kai opened the car door and sat in Maybach.

   looked up, he looked at the office building, his good-looking brows wrinkled again.

  He doubted whether he was succumbed to evil.

How can    suddenly become interested in Bai Yiyi's affairs, and feel angry because she seduce men. Bai Yiyi, the watery woman, herself admitted that besides he had one-night stand, she also slept with many men.

  I don’t even know who her daughter’s father is.

   However, when she explained that he was just a friend with Li En, he was not so angry. Although her words are true or false, it is still unknown.

  But at least, she didn’t admit that she was prodigious like last time.


  At 11 o'clock in the morning the next morning, Bai Yiyi was busy sorting out the plan, and the phone vibrated in the drawer.

   Seeing the caller ID, she frowned instinctively.

  The phone rang for a long time before she answered the phone reluctantly, spit out in a cold voice: "Hey!"

   "Bai Yiyi, send me the newly developed medicine from your pharmaceutical factory. I will use it in an hour."

On the phone, Gu Kai’s voice was low and deep, revealing a sense of dignity and majesty that could not be violated. Bai was stunned. Although she was dissatisfied with his attitude, she still responded with a good temper about official affairs: "Okay, I'll send it to you."

  Their pharmaceutical factory has been cooperating a lot with Kangning Hospital recently, and is currently developing a new drug, which is also invested together with Kangning Hospital.

   "I don't worry about others, you send it over, right away."

  On the phone, there were faint voices from other people. Gu Kai's tone was serious and concise, and he hung up without waiting for her to agree.

  Bai cursed one by one on the phone, pursing his lips, and had to get up and go to the laboratory to find Professor Li.

  Half an hour later, Bai Yi brought the new medicine to Kangning Hospital.

When    walked to the door, a clear voice came from behind: "Miss Bai."

  She turned her head, only to realize that Fang Zhiwei was walking up with the insulated lunch box, a trace of surprise flashed through her eyes, and Bai said hello to her with a smile: "Miss Fang, are you going to see Doctor Gu?"

  Perhaps, because Fang Zhiwei is Gu Kai’s girlfriend, Bai is quite impressed with her.

   only met once, but remembered her.

  Fang Zhiwei smiled and shook her head, "Not all, I came to see my dad. He was admitted to Kangning Hospital a few days ago. Did Miss Bai come to the hospital to see patients too?"

Not at all?

   Then I went to see Gu Kai.

Bai Yi raised the bag in his hand and said, "Miss Fang, I'm here to deliver the medicine to Doctor Gu. Since you are going to find him, can you please give him the medicine for me first. The doctor said on the phone, eager to use it."

  Before, Bai Yiyi avoided Gu Kai.

  After yesterday, she was even more reluctant to face him again. In the eyes of others, Gu Kai may be a noble and elegant gentleman, but in her eyes, that man is very bad.

  Fang Zhiwei looked at the bag in Bai Yi’s hand, hesitated for two seconds, and politely refused: "Miss Bai, you should send it yourself, I will send it for you, afraid that A Kai will be angry."

  The woman’s instinct tells Fang Zhiwei that the relationship between Bai Yiyi and Gu Kai is not simply a grudge from the previous generation.

  She and Gu Kai have not been dating for a long time, but Gu Kai is a gentle and graceful man. He treats women a bit alienated, but he is also polite. He has never seen him to whom, like the dialogue one by one.

"Why? You are Doctor Gu's girlfriend. He won't be angry with you. If the company is busy and President Wen is not in the company, I won't come here in person. Miss Fang, I will tell you the truth. You, there is a misunderstanding between me and Doctor Gu, he is the last one to see me."

"okay then."

  Fang Zhiwei heard Bai say this one by one, stretched out her hand with a smile, and took the bag in Bai Yi's hand.

  Bai gratefully smiled at Fang Zhiwei one by one, thanked him, turned and walked quickly towards the parking lot.

   didn’t know. Behind him, in front of a window on a certain floor, Gu Kai held his hand behind the curtain, holding a corner of the curtain with his big, well-knotted hands, looking through the glass window and watching the scene downstairs.

   There was a cold arc at the corner of his mouth. The woman walked to the entrance of the hospital and actually left again.

  A few minutes later, Fang Zhiwei came to Gu Kai’s office. He was sitting behind his desk, studying a skull CT intently.


  Fang Zhiwei walked to his desk, handed him the bag, and explained: "I ran into Bai Yiyi outside, and she asked me to give this to you, saying that you will use it later."


  Gu Kai took the bag in her hand, opened it and took a look, then threw it aside.

Mo Yu looked at the thermal box in her hand and said gently: "Zhiwei, you don't have to deliver food to Uncle Fang every day. It's too hard. Just ask the driver to bring it. Or, I will let my aunt at home make one. Copies."

  Fang Zhiwei smiled and shook her head, “It’s not hard. My dad likes to eat the food I cook and drink the soup I cook. I run twice a day and watch him eat happily. Everything is worth it.”

  After that, she put the insulation box on his desk and smiled and said: "Akai, I brought an extra today. Would you like to try my craft?"


  Gu Kai's eyes flashed, and he agreed happily.

  Fang Zhiwei seemed a little surprised. He agreed so quickly. When she went upstairs just now, she was still wondering whether Gu Kai would have any strange emotions about Bai Yiyi when he arrived at the door of the hospital but did not come in.

  But he didn't seem to care at all.

  She breathed a sigh of relief and became happy.


  It is easy for Wen Ran to get white hair.

  It’s just that Bai kept it one by one to prevent her from coming back so quickly. On the third day, Mo Xiuchen talked to her on the phone, and Mo Xiuchen told her a piece of news about Cheng Jia.

   "Of course, Cheng Jia may be among those killed in this mudslide disaster."

   "Cheng Jia?"

  Wen Ran’s voice is three-point surprise, is Cheng Jia in C city? Before, it wasn't that she might have gone abroad, but that was only possible.

   "Well, yesterday the rescue team picked up Cheng Jia's ID card from the river bank. I confirmed that the ID card belongs to her. Not only herself, but her parents are also."

   asked in confusion, "Aren't her parents in G city?"

   "I was in City G before. I came to City C only a week ago. I guess they came here after knowing that Cheng Jia was in City C. People have died."

   "Are all killed?"

   Wen Ran frowned.

  (End of this chapter)

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