Chapter 1039 Unprovoked Rage

  Bai looked at Dove occupying the magpie's nest one by one in an unbelievable manner. He also cocked Erlang's legs arrogantly and looked like a man with a beating look, really wanting to drive him out.

   "Bai Yiyi, I am your big customer, do you treat customers like this?"

   Seeing her standing there, glaring at herself, without the slightest intention to pour him water, Gu Kai curled her lips mockingly.

  Bai pursed his lips one by one, turned around, and poured him a cup of hot water, "Here!"

   "Such hot boiling water, one by one, your methods to seduce men are really endless." Gu Kai sneered at the water on the table.

   "Gu Kai, don't overdo it."

  Bai looked at Gu Kai angrily one by one, the neurotic man.

  She poured him a glass of water, what did she have to do with seducing men?

   "Isn't it?" Gu Kai narrowed his eyes, looking at her with contempt.

   "Which eye did you see me seduce a man?" Just because last time, he asked her about her life experience, and when she said that, did he remember that she had been prosperous for a lifetime.

  Bai stared at Gu Kai bitterly one by one, she was not being bullied casually.

Gu Kai snorted in his nostrils, stretched out the hand that held the scalpel for many years, with slender and white fingers, pointing to the boiling water she put on the table, and slowly analyzing: "You don't pour cold water for me in this season. Or warm water, but pour a cup of boiling water. Do you know how long it takes to wait for the water to cool?"

  White pursed her lips one by one, without speaking.

  "When you seduce a man, do you use this trick. By using the time when the hot water turns into cold water, you can seduce the man to bed?"

   "Gu Kai, don't be too frustrated."

  Bai gritted her teeth one by one, her eyes swept across the cup on the table, Gu Kai let out a cold snorted, and put the water in the cup away from Bai before putting it down again.

"It's a real joke. You have admitted to hooking up with many men. Besides, I've seen you take a man home." He suddenly got up from the chair and walked to Bai Yiyi, tall and tall. Standing in front of her, a shadow suddenly enveloped her.

  Long and narrow eyes glanced over her feet, "I can't figure it out, you got your feet because you seduce a man."

  Bai froze one by one because of the oppressive feeling he suddenly approached. When she recovered, she instinctively stepped back half a step, gritted her teeth and said, "It doesn't matter to you that I get to my feet because of anything."

   "Unless you disappear in front of me, it's really none of my business."

   Gu Kai had a mocking face a second before, and the next moment he suddenly became gloomy as the sky before the storm. For some reason, he heard Bai Yiyi’s answer, and his heart burst into anger uncontrollably.

   His voice was filled with anger, and his tall body took another step, pushing Bai directly to the corner one by one.

   "Gu Kai, you came into my office by yourself, and I didn't go to the hospital to find you. Don't mess around."

  Bai watched vigilantly one by one at the man in front of him who was more than half of his head, he pushed too close, and her breath was lingering in his breath, with a faint mint smell, which made her heart beat and messed up for a moment.

  The white cheeks with delicate makeup are also slightly red because of his approach.

   Gu Kai's thin lips were condensed with white one by one, her body pressed against the wall behind, her face slightly tilted up, and she was looking at him vigilantly.

  Xu was accustomed to her glaring confrontation, but Gu Kai was startled at her vigilance.

   "I came to you today, and that night, but you took the initiative." Gu Kai's eyes swept across her slightly undulating ****, and the image of the passion that night appeared unexpectedly in his mind.

  The delicate fragrance of the woman entered his nose, and his Adam's apple slipped sexy.

   "It was an accident that night, and you didn't suffer. Just forget it?"

  Bai frowned one by one, this is the office, she didn't even dare to speak too loudly. I don't know why Gu Kai mentioned that night.

  Don’t he hate her very much?

   "Who said that I don't suffer? I'm not like you. I slept with many people. That night, it was my first time." Gu Kai squinted his eyes, and the fragrance of the woman hovering in her nose smelled very good.

"What do you want."

   Bai pressed down his anger one by one, and asked stiffly.

  I don’t know what he was going crazy today.

   "I want you to stay away from the man named Li En in the future, and you are not allowed to take him back to your house."

   "Brother Li is my friend." Bai explained instinctively.

  "Friends? Friends on the bed?"

  Gu Kai thought that that night, Li En drove out of the community where she lived, and the anger in his heart burned again, his tone was full of sarcasm.

   "Gu Kai, Brother Li and I are just friends, don't talk nonsense."

  Bai is going crazy one by one.

  If this is not an office, she must have this man pay for his actions.

  "The one who came out of your house at night, or friends, who knows what you did?"

   "I don't understand what you mean, when did Brother Li leave my house at night?" Bai frowned, looking puzzled.

"Bai Yiyi, it seems that if I don’t tell the time, you won’t admit it. Okay, then I’ll convince you. On the day that you sprained your foot, Li En left your house at around nine o’clock in the evening. Do you dare Didn't that matter?"

  Bai opened his eyes one by one in astonishment.

   Her first reaction was how he would know.

  It was evening when he sent her back.

  Didn’t he leave at that time? How could he see Li En leaving her house at night?

"how do you know?"

  Gu Kai sneered, seeing her eyes suddenly filled with contempt, and even stepped back two steps afraid of getting dirty, "Now are you willing to admit that you have an adulterous relationship with Li En?"

Bai Yiyi didn’t know how Gu Kai knew about it, but she still explained: “That day, my mother called Brother Li, and he went to see me after get off work. Gu Kai, I don’t know how you saw Brother Li. Leave my house. But, don’t ruin Brother Li’s reputation. I and him are just friends."

   "Anyone with eyes knows what he thinks of you."

  Gu Kai sniffed at her explanation.

   "Believe it or not is your business, now I explain, if you have nothing to do, please leave my office, I want to work."

  Bai finished speaking one by one, and when she walked to the desk, Gu Kai was dissatisfied with her attitude. He had a calm face and wanted to say something, but the phone vibrated in his pocket.

  He took out his phone, and when he saw the call, his handsome face changed slightly.

  It seemed that at this moment, I realized what I had just done, frowned and looked at him after sitting down, working seriously, turning around and striding towards the door without even looking at him.

  Opened the door and calmed down secretly, Gu Kai just pressed the answer button and gave a faint "hello".

  Behind the desk, Bai Yi saw Gu Kai walking away and couldn't hear his voice, so she got up and went to close the door.

  (End of this chapter)

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