Chapter 1037 You play and run away

  Wen Ran sat down on the big sofa and said gently: "I have taken a shower and I am ready to go to bed. Don't think about me, pay attention to your own safety."

  Mo Xiuchen heard her say this, and smiled on the other side of the phone, and a deep, magnetic voice came from the phone: "Well, I will be on the scene soon, of course, you should rest early and I will hang up."

  Wen Ran hung up the phone, and within a minute, the phone rang again.

  This time, Wen Jin called.

  A slight astonishment flashed under her eyes, and she pressed the answer button: "Hey, brother."

   "Of course, I have booked a flight ticket for tomorrow, and I will accompany you to country D." Wen Jin's words made Wen Ran startled, and subconsciously asked: "Brother, you are so busy, how can you have time to go abroad with me?"

   "I have arranged everything."

   "Actually, Qingfeng and Qingyang will go with me. Brother, you don't have to delay work for me." Wen Ran feels a little sorry. Although she is pregnant, she is not very clumsy.

   "That's it. I'll be waiting for you at the airport tomorrow morning. You should rest early." After Wen Jin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


  The next morning, as Wen Ran combed her hair, Mo Xiuchen called.

   "Xiu Chen, did you let my brother go abroad with me?"

  Wen Ran combed her hair and asked in her mouth.

   "Well, although Qingfeng and Qingyang are going with you, I am still not at ease. I originally wanted A Kai to accompany you. He is a doctor, so he can accompany you better."

  "Akai had important operations in the past two days, and he agreed to Fang Zhiwei to go to their school to give a speech. I called Wen Jin. He agreed, and I did not force him."

   "How is your situation there, have everyone been rescued?"

  Wen Ran just got up and has not read the news yet.

   "I found two people, but I haven't found the rest. Of course, there is still something on my side, so you must pay attention to your safety."

   "I know, you are busy with you." Wen Ran knew that Mo Xiuchen had a lot of things, so he didn't waste his time.

  When they arrived at the airport, Wen Jin was already waiting there.

  I have to say that Mo Xiuchen considered it very well. Qing Feng and Qing Yang were just bodyguards. It was impossible for Wen Ran to tell them what happened.

  Wen Jin is different.

  He is Wen Ran’s elder brother. Even if he now knows that they are not related by blood, the affection remains undiminished. If Wen Ran has anything, you can also discuss with him.

  It's better than saying to Qingfeng and Qingyang.

  On the plane, Wen Jin took care of Wen Ran carefully. He hardly slept on the plane for nearly twenty hours. When Wen Ran was sleeping, he looked at her quietly.

  D country, the weather is very sunny.

  Before they came, they didn't tell Bai Xiaoxiao.

Qingfeng and Qingyang brought their luggage to the hotel, while Wen Jin accompanied Wen Ran and directly took a taxi to Bai Xiaoxiao's apartment.

   When the door bell rang, Bai Xiaoxiao was cooking dinner, thinking it was Mi Qin, she ran out of the kitchen and opened the door. When she saw Wen Ran and Wen Jin standing outside, her eyes widened in surprise.

  The joy filled my heart, and the next second, he yelled ‘ranran’ in surprise, with a spatula in his hand, and the person had already rushed towards Wen Ran.

  "Xiaoxiao, you still have a spatula in your hand."

  Wen Jin pulled Wen Ran behind him and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with a gentle smile.

Bai Xiaoxiao's hug was emptied, and her brows frowned unpleasantly. When she touched Wen Ran's slightly visible belly, her unhappiness was instantly replaced by a smile, and she opened her body and said cheerfully: "Come in. I'll turn off the fire first."

   Entering the house, Wen Jin asked Wen Ran to sit on the sofa. He followed Bai Xiaoxiao into the kitchen and said to her: "Xiao Xiao, you go out and talk to Ranran, and leave the business to me."

"That's not good."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said it was bad, but the spatula in his hand had been handed to Wen Jin.

  Wen Jin gave her a funny look, waved her hand again, signaled her to go out quickly, and then he turned on the faucet and washed his hands.

Bai Xiaoxiao ran out of the kitchen, not forgetting to pour a glass of water for Wen Ran, and then sat down beside her, took her hand, looked at her belly carefully, and said to herself proudly and proudly: "I will have a godson and goddaughter soon, my God, it's really like a dream."

"How did you know?"

  Wen Ran looked at Bai Xiaoxiao curiously. She remembered that she had never told her.

   "I'll take care of it." Bai Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and then reached out to touch Wen Ran's belly, "Ran, godson, goddaughter, I'm your godmother."

   "Godmother, hello."

  The next second, she pinched her nose and learned to talk to the baby.

  Wen Ran couldn’t help watching Bai Xiaoxiao having fun alone, patted her hand and said, “Xiao Xiao, the baby is only three months old, how can I know who you are?”

   "Of course I know that my godson and goddaughter are very talented, so I greeted me just now."

  Bai Xiaoxiao stared at Wen Ran's belly, as if it wasn't Wen Ran's child, but her own.

I wanted to play for a while, but the mobile phone on the coffee table made a humming sound. Bai Xiaoxiao straightened up, took the mobile phone, and said, "Of course, the Miqin I mentioned to you last time, looks like you You’ll see girls who are somewhat similar in a while."

  Wen Ran blinked, looked at her with a gentle smile, and replied softly, "Okay."

  Bai Xiaoxiao pressed the answer button, but the smile on his face was restrained by the other party's words.

   "Xiao Xiao, I have something to do temporarily, so I can't go to your house."

  In the phone, Mi Qin's voice was three-pointed cold, two-pointed apologetic, and when the noisy phone was sandwiched, it seemed to be the voice of a child.

   "Eudora, what happened?"

   "Well, my grandmother Wang's grandson next door is sick. I will help take him to the hospital. Xiao Xiao, I will tell you later."

After Mi Qin finished speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Bai Xiaoxiao to speak again.

   Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, Wen Ran gently asked: "What's the matter, can't your friend come?"

  She didn't hear what the girl named Mi Qin said, but she saw that Bai Xiaoxiao was suddenly unhappy. She wanted to come, but she couldn't come.

  Before, Bai Xiaoxiao said that she must be introduced to Wen Ran when she has the opportunity, but during the Spring Festival, he and Xiu Chen came here, and Mi Qin happened to return home to take care of her mother.

  I could see the above today, but Mi Qin couldn’t come because he was helping the neighbor’s children.

   "Of course, you and Eudora really have no relationship. Her neighbor's child is sick, and she helped to take it to the hospital, so she can't come."

   "It doesn't matter, I am not leaving tonight. This time, I will see you as a friend and return to China." Wen Ran chuckled lightly, and the soothing words made Bai Xiaoxiao's frowning brow stretch away.

"By the way, of course, why did you come to country D suddenly? You were still with Brother Wen and Mo Xiuchen, why didn't you come with you. Isn't it possible, what he did to make you angry, you ran away as a monk? ?"

  (End of this chapter)

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