Chapter 1036 Rushing to City C

  Mo Xiuchen's words fell, Wen Ran's throat was itchy, and he couldn't hold back a cough for a while.

   "Of course, have you caught a cold?"

  Mo Xiuchen heard a gentle cough, his expression immediately became nervous, and he stretched out his hand to wipe her forehead. Wen Ran looked at him nervously and smiled comfortingly: "Xiu Chen, I'm fine."

   "Really? You are in a special situation now, you can't get sick anymore."

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows uneasy, and stared at her steadily.

  Although his forehead was not hot, but thinking that she might have caught a cold when she fell asleep on the sofa, he was not at ease. He put his big palm down from her forehead and went to hold her hand again.

  Wen Ran did not move, let him hold her hand, listening to him doubtingly say: "The hand is not cold, I will accompany you to the hospital."

   "Xiu Chen, it's really okay. You can take a glass of boiled water for me and drink it. I didn't feel cold when I fell asleep. Besides, the temperature in this room is not low, and it won't be so easy to catch a cold."

  Mo Xiuchen went to pour her a glass of boiling water and watched her finish drinking. Although he didn't insist on taking her to the hospital, he called back and asked Zhang Ma to make some **** soup.

   There was a knock on the door, and Mo Xiuchen said faintly, "Come in."

  Mo Zixuan opened the door and came in. When he saw Wen Ran sitting on the sofa, a hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he only said, "Ready."

  Mo Xiuchen narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "You go downstairs first, and I'll get down right away."

   "Of course, there was an accident in City C. Due to the weather, there was a sudden mudslide disaster. Several employees of our company were buried. I am going to make a trip with Mo Zixuan now. I will come back tomorrow morning."

After Mo Zixuan left, Mo Xiuchen actively explained.

  Wen Ran was startled when she heard it, and a worried expression appeared on her face: "Isn't that life-threatening, how could it..."

  Mo Xiuchen stopped her from speaking, and gently soothed "Don't worry."

  It's so serious, why can Wen Ran not worry about it? She said without thinking: "Then don't accompany me to country D. I will go by myself. You can go to city C quickly.

   "No, you go alone, I'm not relieved."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned, and solemnly refused.

Wen Ran's eyes flashed hesitating, "By the way, Aunt Qiao said that day that Meng Ke is going to country D in the near future, or I will ask him when he will go. If you are not at ease, let Qingfeng Heqing Yang will go with me."

Seeing that Mo Xiuchen's face was ugly, Wen Ran dismissed the suggestion to go with Meng Ke.

When the phone rang, Mo Xiuchen took a look and pressed the hangup button directly, pursed his thin lips, and made a decision, "I will check the situation first. The police are in search and rescue. If it is time, I will accompany you. Go. If it is too late, let Qingfeng and Qingyang accompany you."

If    is too late, it means it is not too serious.

  If it is too late, it will be more troublesome, I am afraid that it will not be possible to go in a day or two. As for Luo Haofeng, he was still waiting for the outcome of the matter.

   "Okay, then you go quickly."

   "Let’s go downstairs together, let Qingfeng and Qingyang take you home, I'll rush to the airport."

   "Okay." Wen Ran didn't want to delay his time, so he promised to go downstairs with him without hesitation. He was gone, and she herself didn't want to stay.

  "Did you have a meeting just now because of city C?"

   stepped out of the office and asked warmly. When something so serious happened, he just said that he would accompany her to the hospital to see a doctor. This man, Wen Ran thought, couldn't help holding his big palm backhand: "You have to be careful when you get there, and you must pay attention to your safety."

"The meeting just now was another matter. I only received the call after the meeting." When Mo Xiuchen held his big hand with his backhand, his heart moved slightly, and a gentle touch of the corner of his lips appeared, and his voice was softened. "Of course, don't worry, the police are doing the search and rescue, so I won't be in any danger."

   "Forget it, I will go to Country D a few days later, don't worry, I am waiting for you to come back."

   Coming out of the elevator, Wen Ran changed her mind, she was not at ease with Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, his heart rushed to warmth because of Ranran's concern, and said gently: "Of course, you go, A Feng is pressed tight by Qi Meiling, one day later, he may really compromise."

  Wen Ran raised his eyes to look at him, showing his eyebrows lightly: "But I don't worry about you."

   "Fool, why don't you worry about me, maybe I will be back tomorrow morning." When I walked out of the company building, the rain was heavier than when Wen Ran came.

   Accompanied by the wind, the warm hair was suddenly blown up.

  Qingfeng and Qingyang saw them coming out and immediately went forward with their umbrellas.

  Mo Xiuchen pinned her Wen Ran's hair behind her ears, wrapped her in her arms with her long arms around her waist, and told Qingfeng to hit her umbrella in front of her, blocking the wind together.

  In the parking lot, Mo Zixuan and two other company executives were waiting there. Mo Xiuchen ignored the waiting of those people and sent Wen Ran to the side of the road, watching her get in the car.

   "The rain is heavy, drive slowly."

   exhorted Qing Yang, Mo Xiuchen turned around, walked two steps to the coming car, and stooped into the car.

When the car hit the road, Qing Feng asked, "Ms. Wen, is Young Master Mo going to C city? I just saw the news that a mudslide occurred in C city, and many people at the foot of the mountain were affected. Several Haochen employees were also buried. Now, the police are searching and rescue..."

  Qingfeng didn't finish speaking, he was glared by Qing Yang, who was driving. He blinked and changed his words: "Miss Wen, don't worry, maybe when Young Master Mo arrives, the man has been rescued."

   "I hope you are Chrysostom."

  Wen Ran smiled faintly, and the worry between his eyebrows and eyebrows disappeared.

  She didn't miss Qing Yang's glare at Qingfeng just now, knowing that they were afraid of affecting her mood, even if she was worried about Xiu Chen, she didn't need to put it on the face, so that people around her would worry about it.

  When he got home, Zhang’s mother immediately brought **** soup, drank a bowl of ginger, and had some supper, then went upstairs.

  Turning on the TV and watching the live news of the search and rescue scene in City C, Wen Ran frowned again.

The rain in   C city is still falling. People who were buried by mudslides have passed two or three hours, and half of them have not been rescued.

  Among those rescued, several have already been killed.

  The debris flow disaster this time was too violent and too serious. Even during the search and rescue, there were still rocks falling down.

  When the eyes were a little tired, she got up warmly and went to take a bath. When she came out, the phone rang, which was a call from Mo Xiuchen.

   "Xiuchen, are you there yet?"

  Press the answer button gently and speak softly.

   "Of course, I'm here, and I'm on my way to the scene now. You take a bath and rest early. Let Qingfeng and Qingyang accompany you to Country D tomorrow."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice came, and the sound of wind and rain was still faintly sandwiched through the electric wave.

  (End of this chapter)

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