Chapter 1034 As long as you don't give up

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes sank, and he said angrily: "A Feng, I will give you two days to think about it. If you really decide to marry Qi Meiling in compromise, I won't intervene in your affairs."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was three-pointed anger, two-pointed serious, and one-pointed disappointment that he was too easy to compromise.

On the other side of the phone, Luo Haofeng's handsome face changed.

  He understands Mo Xiuchen, he is angry.

   "Xiu Chen, I have hurt Xiao Xiao, and I can't let the people of Qi family hurt her again." Luo Haofeng squeezed the phone inch by inch.

  Before he met Bai Xiaoxiao, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his romantic style.

  But since falling in love with her, he would rather endure it than touch other women. That night, whether he had touched Qi Meiling or not, when he woke up, he felt dirty when he saw himself lying with her.

  When Bai Xiaoxiao sent a message to break up with him, he didn't even have the courage to call her to explain.

   "Originally, I planned to go to Country D with Ranran. To know Bai Xiaoxiao's life experience, just do a DNA test. Why should you rush at this time."

  "Repair the dust."

  Luo Haofeng shouted, with a complicated tone.

After    shouted, he didn't know what to say. He was actually very worried in his heart, afraid that it was really like what his mother and Qi Meiling's father said.

  If it was true, he would have no face to see Xiaoxiao again in his entire life.

   "I know what you are thinking, A Feng, if you can't let Bai Xiaoxiao go, just ignore what happened before, just look forward and work hard towards the goal of staying with her."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice disappeared from the anger just now, but he was a bit more determined that no one could refuse.

   "Okay?" Luo Haofeng didn't know anything in his heart. If that thing was true, how could Xiaoxiao hate him, and how could he be with him.

   "With us, what are you worried about."

  Mo Xiuchen's firm words have soothing magic power.

  Luo Haofeng, who had not dared to hold any hope, heard Mo Xiuchen say this, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

  Whenever possible, he is unwilling to be with Qi Meiling.

   "Xiu Chen, when will you He Ranran go abroad?"

  "In the next few days, I will arrange the company in advance." Recently, there are many things about the company.

  Luo Haofeng thanked him. After hanging up the phone, he saw Tan Muzheng looking at him firmly. He reluctantly laughed and explained: "Xiu Chen said that he He Ranran recently went abroad."

   "Go to Bai Xiaoxiao?"

Although Tan Mu didn't hear what Mo Xiuchen said to Luo Haofeng, he could guess something from what he said just now.

  Luo Haofeng nodded, glanced at the water on the coffee table, and suggested: "Amu, drink two glasses with me."

  "Stop drinking, you are in a bad mood right now, you must be drunk as soon as you drink." Tan Mu frowned, and faintly refused.

Luo Haofeng's face changed. Maybe he thought of being'drunk' that night, and then said stiffly: "That night, they must have drugged in my wine. Otherwise, I won't be impressed at all. No."

   "Xiu Chen said last night that Ranran didn't know about your breakup with Bai Xiaoxiao. Just now, since he said he was going abroad with Ranran, then Ranran should know."

   "I really want to destroy all of this." Luo Haofeng was annoyed when he thought of that.

Tan Mu looked at Luo Haofeng calmly, sighed, and said softly: "Uncle Luo is still facing you, Afeng, don't be too discouraged, things will definitely turn around. As long as you don't give up, Xiu Chen and I , Will do all we can to help you."

  His voice fell, and Luo Haofeng's cell phone rang.

  Luo Haofeng's eyes became cold when he saw the caller ID showing Qi Meiling's name, and he hung up the phone directly.

   "A Feng, go back. Until the matter is clear, don't offend Qi Meiling too much. In fact, a lot of things lie with her."

   Tan Mu glanced across his phone screen, his tone calm.

  Luo Haofeng pursed his lips, got up and said: "You rest early, I'll go back first." Then he strode out of the hotel.

  Half an hour later, Luo Haofeng returned home and saw Qi Meiling sitting on the sofa in his room waiting for him.

"Brother Haofeng, why didn't you answer my call just now? I'm so worried about you." Qi Meiling saw Luo Haofeng returned and immediately stood up to meet her, under the bright crystal light, she was wearing only a nightdress, and she was empty inside. Spring is alluring.

   "Who let you in my room."

  Luo Haofeng's eyes swept across her nightdress, and her handsome face immediately became gloomy.

  Qi Meiling had a touch of injury in her eyes, pursed her lips, and said softly: "Brother Haofeng, you promise me, consider it for three days, tonight, you should give me an answer."

  For this, she deliberately soaked in a flower petal bath to make herself fragrant, and then put on this tulle pajamas. If you change to another man and see her beauty like this, I'm afraid it would have rushed forward.

  Luo Haofeng had a look of disgust, how could she not get hurt.

  Luo Haofeng passed her, strode to the sofa and sat down, Qi Meiling followed, and sat down beside him, "Brother Haofeng, are you ready?"

  "Marriage is a lifelong matter, Meiling, do you know that marrying me will ruin your life."

  For Bai Xiaoxiao, Luo Haofeng had to suppress the urge to throw Qi Meiling out, trying his best to make his tone sound calm.

  Qi Meiling was startled at first, and then happily said: "Brother Haofeng, my wish since childhood was to marry you. As long as you are willing to marry me, I will be a good wife and treat you well for the rest of my life."

  Luo Haofeng squeezed his hands into fists, trying to restrain his anger.

  I really can’t talk with this woman. He pursed his lips, "Mei Ling, you can't force your relationship with you. Even if I marry you, I can't force my heart. There are so many people who pursue you. If you marry anyone, you will be happier than marrying me. ."

   "No, I love you alone, Brother Haofeng, I don't care if you love me or not. As long as you never betray me, I promise you, as long as you marry me, I will keep a secret for you."

   Hearing this, Luo Haofeng’s expression changed, “You said to keep secrets before, didn’t you tell Xiaoxiao in the end?”

  He gets annoyed when he mentions this.

Qi Meiling's eyes flickered, and seeing Luo Haofeng's eyes full of ridicule and distrust of her, she pursed her lips severely and raised her fingers: "Brother Haofeng, if you don't believe me, I will be Swear in your face."

  She looked serious, and said every word: "I, Qi Meiling, swear to the sky, as long as Brother Haofeng marries me, I will keep that secret forever. If I violate the vow, the sky will thunder."

   "If you don't say it, it doesn't mean your family doesn't say it. What's the point?" Luo Haofeng snorted coldly. He didn't believe it.

   "They won't say anything, Brother Haofeng, I can do what I say." Qi Meiling said firmly.

  (End of this chapter)

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