Chapter 1033 Threat

   "Get off the bus."

  Wen Ran said softly, turned around, and went to the car door.

  Mo Xiuchen saw this and immediately got out of the car, strode around the front of the car, walked to the other side, and reached out to support her.

  Wen Ran did not refuse, allowing him to put his arms around her waist, gently put his large jointed palm on her waist, enter the house, and go upstairs.

  Back to the master bedroom, Mo Xiuchen held Wen Ran.

  She turned her head and met his complicated eyes. She felt a slight pain in the apex of her heart. She pursed her lips and said softly, “Xiu Chen, don’t hide anything from me in the future, okay?”


  Mo Xiuchen nodded, looking serious.

   Wen Ran lowered his eyes, raised his head again to meet his gaze, and his voice rang softly in the room: "I don't like being concealed, even if you are for my good."

  Being with him for more than a year, every time Mo Xiuchen concealed her things, it was for her good, but she did not want to be concealed.

  Mo Xiuchen reached out and hugged her into his arms, and the words of apology fell in her ear: "Of course, I know. From now on, no matter what it is, I will never hide it from you."


  Wen Ran allowed him to hold himself, and quietly stopped talking.

For a long time, Mo Xiuchen let go of her, took her hand and walked to the sofa to sit down. He said gently, "Of course, there is something I heard from A Feng only last night. Originally, I wanted to wait for the investigation. I'll tell you after I know the truth, but I promised you just now, no matter what, I won't hide it from you anymore."

  Wen Ran pressed her lips, staring at him quietly.

  "Is it related to Xiaoxiao?"

  "It is related to Bai Xiaoxiao." Mo Xiuchen was taken aback, and answered calmly.

   "Then tell me." Wen Ran asked softly, if it was Luo Haofeng's own business, she didn't want to know anymore.

  Mo Xiuchen nodded, with a gentle and deep voice, mixed with some complicated emotions: "Qi Meiling's father told A Feng that back then, his mother had found several gangsters to hurt Bai Xiaoxiao's mother."

  Wen Ran's eyes widened in amazement.

Mo Xiuchen held her hand tightly, paused, and continued: "Of course, we haven't investigated this matter yet, but A Feng's worry is true because they said Bai Xiaoxiao's age. In line with the time when her mother was ruined by the gangsters, her mother soon married her father after that incident."

  A pale pale appeared on Wen Ran's face.

  She couldn't believe it was true, "Xiu Chen, this is impossible. Xiao Xiao is the daughter of Uncle Bai."

  Mo Xiuchen embraced her comfortingly, and said calmly: "Of course, don't get excited, this is just the words of the Qi family, I also told A Feng not to believe it."

  Wen Ran pressed her lips tightly, and a little annoyed her eyes: "Did Qi Meiling use this to threaten Luo Haofeng and let him marry her."

"That's it, but A Feng hasn't agreed. I want to clarify this matter. Of course, you and Bai Xiaoxiao have known each other for a long time, and you often go to their house. Can you be sure that Bai Xiaoxiao is really white? The total daughter."

  Mo Xiuchen spoke slowly. If this kind of thing is true, it will be a great blow to Bai Xiaoxiao.

In order to protect Bai Xiaoxiao, Luo Haofeng will definitely marry Qi Meiling. If it's not true, then they don't need to be threatened, and Luo Haofeng has the possibility of counterattack.

   Wen Ran tightened his eyebrows, and said bluntly: "The easiest way is to do a DNA test. I went to country D to see Xiao Xiao, which is faster and more useful than any investigation."

   "You go to country D by yourself, I don't worry."

  Mo Xiuchen immediately denied her proposal, and Wen Ran also guessed that he would say something like this, "Then you arrange it and come with me."

She recalled some things before, and said quietly: "Before, Aunt Qiao had always opposed Luo Haofeng and Xiao Xiao being together. Later, I played cover for Xiao Xiao and asked her to go back to City B with Luo Haofeng. At that time, Aunt Qiao told me that she had a grievance with Luo Haofeng's parents."

  Mo Xiuchen listened quietly without interrupting.

Wen Ran recalled and told him: "Aunt Qiao’s tone was very bad when he mentioned Luo Haofeng’s parents. I could hear that she should hate them too. Aunt Qiao told me that Luo Haofeng’s mother would not Let Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng be together."

After listening to Wen Ran’s account, Mo Xiuchen thought for a while, and said in a low voice: “Ran Ran, let’s go to Country D as you suggested. It’s easy for you to get Bai Xiaoxiao’s hair, from her father. Just leave it to me."

  Haochen has a cooperative relationship with Bai's company. It is not difficult for him to get one or two hairs from his father.

  In this way, you can know as soon as possible whether Bai Xiaoxiao is really, as Qi Jia said, that her mother was conceived by the abuse.


   Wen Ran nodded, praying secretly in his heart, hoping that everything was made up by them to threaten Luo Haofeng.


  At night, Mo Xiuchen received a call from Qin Mu.

Tan Mu deliberately avoided Wen Ran's fight. At 11:30 in the night, Wen Ran had already fallen asleep.

Mo Xiuchen answered his call in the study, listening to his voice through the radio wave, with a bit of coldness in the early summer and late night: "Xiuchen, I asked Luo Haofeng's father, that matter is true. of."

  Mo Xiuchen squeezed the phone slightly, and pressed his thin lips. "What did he say?"

"Uncle Luo said that the person he loved was Bai Xiaoxiao's mother, but because of family interests, he was forced to marry A Feng's mother. He strongly opposed it like the current A Feng. Later, they designed the same design as A Feng. Kill him."

A trace of doubt flashed through Mo Xiuchen's eyes as he listened to Tan Mu's words: "Uncle Luo married A Feng's mother, because the person he loves is Bai Xiaoxiao's mother, and he often visits her secretly. Later, when A Feng's mother found out, she looked for someone..."

   "What about the specific date?"

   "According to that date, Bai Xiaoxiao was born on the same date." On the phone, Tan Mu was silent for a moment, and when the voice came again, he was somewhat cold.

  Mo Xiuchen's heart sank.

   "Repair dust, do you want to check it?"

  Can't hear his voice, Tan Mu asked on the phone.

Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips, and just about to tell Tan Mu that he was peacefully thinking, Luo Haofeng's cell phone was taken away by Luo Haofeng, "Xiuchen, don't check this matter again, I decided to agree to Qi Meiling, and She is married."

   "A Feng, don't be so impulsive." Mo Xiuchen frowned, his voice overflowing with thin lips.

On the other end of the phone, Luo Haofeng’s tone was firm and he was sober, “I’m not impulsive, it’s true, no matter whether it’s related to Xiaoxiao, I don’t want to be exposed. Qi Meiling just wants to marry me. , I just marry her."

  As long as Xiaoxiao is no longer hurt, he is willing to marry Qi Meiling.

  During this period, he thought clearly, how can everything go well in a person's life. He had been chic for more than 20 years before, how could he always do what he wanted.

  (End of this chapter)

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