Chapter 1024

  Fang Zhiwei explained in a low voice that she was very worried about her father, but she didn't want to make everyone happy.

  Gu Kai’s deep voice reveals an irresistible majesty: “You must be worried about your uncle now. It’s not safe to drive by yourself. I’ll send you back to Xiuchen. Take care of it.”

   "No problem, pay attention to safety on the road, don't be too hurry."

  Mo Xiuchen gently exhorted, “I’ll call you back in G city.”

  Gu Kai nodded, and whispered to Fang Zhiwei beside him: "Let's go."

  On the way back, Gu Kai drove very intently. In the co-driver's seat, Fang Zhiwei was not in the mood to speak because she was worried about her father. The carriage was very quiet.

  In G City, Gu Kai directly sent Fang Zhiwei to the Municipal People's Hospital, Fang Zhiwei went to the ward to see her father, and he asked the attending doctor to find out the situation.


  I met a person twice in the same day. If it is someone you like, you may be very happy.

   But if it is people who hate each other, it is a very depressing thing.

  Bai is this mood one by one.

  An hour ago, she hugged her to play in the park.

  When going down the stairs, Gu Kai's eyes full of sullenness accidentally appeared in his mind, and at that moment, Li En pinned her hair behind her ears, and the contempt and disgust in Gu Kai's eyes appeared.

  When she lost her mind, she stepped on the air, and when she fell, she instinctively protected the 曈曈 in her arms and her feet, so she was beaten.

   Originally, her mother wanted to call Li En and asked him to take her to the hospital, but Bai Yiyi didn’t want to trouble Li En with anything, so she rejected her mother’s proposal and told her not to tell Li En.

  She took a taxi to the nearest Municipal People’s Hospital. Fortunately, it was just a soft tissue strain. The doctor gave her medicine and prescribed some internal anti-inflammatory drugs.

  The elevator door opened. When she saw Gu Kai standing in the elevator, her eyes flashed with astonishment and she turned around instinctively.

   "White one by one, stop."

  Gu Kai was shocked when she saw Bai Yiyi. He didn't expect to meet her here.

  Originally, she avoided consciously. He should be happy, but when she saw her limping right foot, his eyebrows frowned, and the information had not been transmitted to the central nervous system of the brain. The words had already blurted out.

  Bai cursed one by one, turned his head, and looked at him coldly, "Is there something wrong?"

  She has a very bad tone. If it weren't for this man, she wouldn't have gotten a foot.

"Come in."

  Gu Kai's eyes swept over her feet, and her tall body gave way to the side. In fact, he was the only one in the elevator. Even if she didn't let her, Bai Yiyi could get in.

   His behavior was to tell Bai Yiyi that she could go in.

   Bai pursed his lips one by one, hesitating whether to take an elevator with him.

  This **** fate, she doesn't like it at all.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Gu Kai raised his hand and pressed the button again. Standing in the elevator with a tall and tall body, Mo Yu's eyes looked at Bai Yiyi with solemn eyes.

   "You don't have to look at me and run away like a ghost."

  His voice was low and cold, Bai Yi couldn't help frowning, hesitated, and limped into the elevator, standing at the corner of the elevator two steps away from him.

  The elevator doors closed, the space suddenly became narrow, and even the air became thinner.

  Bai looked at his toes one by one with his eyebrows down, lowering his sense of existence as much as possible so as not to annoy someone next to him.

   "How did you get your feet?"

  Gu Kai put his hands in his pockets, his narrow eyes shined with sharp light, like a cold light shooting at Bai Yiyi's feet.

  She was startled, and when she raised her head to look at Gu Kai, her eyes flashed slightly.

"It wasn't because of the mess with a man that made me lose my foot?" Seeing her looking at herself in surprise, but not talking, Gu Kai burst into anger inexplicably, her tone changed from the melancholy just now. Cheng ridicule.

  The slight shock in Bai Bai's glance suddenly became unbelievable, and then annoyed.

"none of your business?"

   "It seems that I guessed it right." A sneer arc appeared at the corner of Gu Kai's mouth. "Why doesn't that person surname Li come to the hospital with you?"

  Bai tightened her lips one by one, and said nothing.

  She told herself that Shinobu Shinobi passed.

  The elevator arrived on the first floor. Gu Kai stood still next to him. Bai walked out of the elevator one by one, limping towards the gate. Gu Kai followed her and watched her walk out of the hospital coldly.

  Unconsciously, he also followed out of the hospital.

   Seeing Bai Yi walk to the side of the road to stop the rental, Gu Kai frowned, strode forward, grabbed her wrist, "I will send you back."

  Bai had stopped the rental one by one, and was about to open the door to get into the car, but suddenly Gu Kai grabbed her wrist. She turned her head and stared at Gu Kai: "What are you doing?"

"Come with me."

  Gu Kai couldn't help but said, pulling Bai Yiyi and walking towards his parking spot.

When he got to his car, he let go, and before Bai Yi broke out, he spoke: "Don’t you know that a taxi was used to pick a stupid woman like you on a news broadcast recently, who robbed you of money and sex? , You can sit in any car without any common sense."

  Bai looked at Gu Kai blankly one by one, and for a while, forgot to refute.


  Gu Kai pulled the car door, stretched out her hand and gently pushed her, she recovered, frowned, and said coldly: "Who is going to take your car?"

   "If it weren't for Ranran's side, I wouldn't bother to care about you. Get in the car quickly and don't delay my business."

  Gu Kai saw that she was always right with herself, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He thrust her into the car domineeringly, slammed the door, walked around the front of the car and sat in the main driver's seat.

   "Fasten your seat belt."

  Gu Kai said in a cold voice, bowed his head and fastened his seat belt.

  White tightened her lips one by one, her face no better than his.

   "I don't need you to send it."

   "You met me today because you were lucky. If you got in the bad guy's car just now, you would have nowhere to cry." Gu Kai frightened her exaggeratedly.

  Although it is true that a taxi driver raped and killed a young woman and is wanted, it does not mean that the taxi that Bai Yiyi was going to call just now, the driver is a bad person.

  Bai glared at him one by one, holding back, pulling the seat belt and fastening it.

  The car hit the road, Gu Kai looked at Bai one by one in the rearview mirror, the gloomy color on his face eased a little, and asked faintly: "What did the doctor say?"

   Bai turned her body on one side and looked out the car window. When she heard what he said, she still turned her head, "It's a strain of soft tissue, it's nothing serious."

   "How did it hurt?"

  Gu Kai continued to ask, since he sent her home, he has the right to know how her foot hurt.

Bai Yiyi obviously didn’t want to answer his too many questions, but thinking about him suddenly sending himself home with kindness, and seeing that he was a natural brother, he reluctantly explained: “When you go down the stairs, Be careful you got your foot."

   "It's stupid."

  Her answer, in exchange for Gu Kai’s contempt.

  (End of this chapter)

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