Chapter 1023 Next time you come to praise me

   "I used to think that my brother has a good temper."

  Wen Ran's eyebrows frowned slightly, and put the picked strawberries into the basket that Tan Mu was carrying. Tan Mu laughed: "Seeing the scene at noon, do you think A Kai has a bad temper?"

   "A bit." Wen Ran nodded seriously.

  Qin Mu can't help but laugh, "Akai's temper is good or not, in fact, it depends on people. At least, I have known him for so many years. I have never seen him be so rude to any woman."

   "Could it be that because Bai Yiyi is Fu Jingyi's daughter, my brother has always hated her and was rude to her?"

   "You definitely don't think like this. If you think like this, you won't come and ask me." Tan Mu looked at her and said clearly.

  A hint of surprise flashed through Wen Ran's eyes, "Tin Mu, you are too smart."

   Tan Mu's mouth evoked a smile, "Then, why do you think A Kai hates Bai Yiyi?"

Wen Ran thought for a while and said, "Bai Yiyi is an unmarried daughter, you know, her friend Li En said something to me before, meaning that Bai Yiyi’s daughter’s biological father is someone I know. , He also allowed me to tell that person, and after he finds the evidence, he won't let him go."

   Tan Mu's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile at the corners of his mouth narrowed slightly.

   "So, you think A Kai is the person investigated by Bai Yiyi's friend, right?"

   Wen Ran nodded, “Xiu Chen asked Qing Yang and Qing Feng to investigate a few days ago. My brother did have some grievances with Bai Yiyi before, but I don’t know what it is..."

  She told Tan Mu about the fact that Bai Yiyi happened to travel there when Gu Kai went to the countryside for the free clinic.

"Of course, that's right. At noon today, I also think Akai's behavior is very strange, but that is between him and Bai Yiyi. Akai is not the kind of irresponsible person. If, I am Said that if Bai Yiyi’s daughter is really related to A Kai, then he will definitely be responsible."

   "I hope I think more."

  Wen Ran's eyebrows narrowed, her brother and Bai Yiyi seemed to dislike each other, so the two people really didn't have a good relationship.

"do not worry."

   Tan Mu smiled slightly and calmed down softly.

   After a pause, he said again: "Don't worry about anything now, just raise your baby, which is good for your baby's health."

"I know."

A little smile appeared on Wen Ran's face again. She just didn't know what happened between her brother and Bai Yi at noon, so she came to ask Tan Mu.

   "I'll go next door and call Xiu Chen to accompany you. Given how nervous he is with you, he should be worried if he can't see you for a while."

   Tan Mu joked, turned around and left the greenhouse, went to the next door to exchange Mo Xiuchen back.

   "Of course, you rest for a while, I'll pick it."

  Mo Xiuchen came very quickly, he strode to Wen Ran, and pulled her up, who was squatting on the ground, brushing her forehead with his broken hair, gently instructing.

   "Doctors say that more activities are good, as long as you are not too tired."

   "You don't need to do so hard for more activities. After picking the strawberries in a while, I will walk with you back to the villa." Mo Xiuchen's smiling eyes were full of doting and distress.

  You have to bend over when picking strawberries. Instead of bending over all the time, you pick one and stand up again when you move forward. This is really hard work.

  At least, in the eyes of Mo Xiuchen, a man who loves his wife like a life, it is very hard.

   "If Haochen employees see their handsome and wise CEO picking strawberries for me, I wonder if they think I have abused you."

  Wen Ran stood aside, watching Mo Xiuchen carefully pick the best strawberries and put them in the basket, and couldn't help laughing and teasing.

  Mo Xiuchen raised her head and curled her lips with a smile, her magnetically melodious voice filled with pride, “They will only admire their president as a good man even more.”


  Wen Ran couldn't help but laugh, and took two steps forward, and reached out to take the basket he was holding, "Xiu Chen, you don't have to say such compliments, you are suspected of selling melons."

   "Okay, then you come to compliment me next time."

  Mo Xiuchen gave orders without humility.

   "Of course, would you like me to help?"

Behind him, Wen Jin's voice came, and Wen Ran turned his head to look, only to see him walking over with a smile on his brows, taking the basket in her hand, and reproaching Mo Xiuchen dissatisfiedly: "This kind of heavy work, you are so embarrassed to let Ranran do."

   "I haven't picked a few strawberries in the basket." Mo Xiuchen frowned, "Didn't you go to the shed of A Kai and others? Why are you here again?"

   "I don't go there to be a light bulb."

  Wen Jin’s words caused Mo Xiuchen to ridicule unhappily: "You are not like a light bulb if you are here."

"of course not."

  Wen Jin raised her eyebrows, answering confidently.

  His Moyu eyes swept over Wen Ran’s slightly raised abdomen, and added: “I’m here to accompany my little niece and little niece.”

  Mo Xiuchen twitched his mouth, "They don't need you to accompany."

   "I think it's really possible for A Kai and Fang Zhiwei to get married, what do you think?" Wen Jin ignored Mo Xiuchen and directly changed the subject.

   "A Kai originally talked about this relationship for the purpose of getting married. The look in Fang Zhiwei's eyes when he saw A Kai obviously liked it. In a word, as long as A Kai is willing to get married, Fang Zhiwei will definitely agree."

  Mo Xiuchen analyzed it briefly. Of course, this was not for Wen Jin, but for Ranran.

  Even if she didn't tell him before, Fang Zhiwei likes Gu Kai, Mo Xiuchen can tell from Fang Zhiwei's attitude towards Gu Kai today.

  Wen Jin had no objection to his analysis, thinking and saying: "Akai is a little absent-minded with Zhiwei. He was forced to go on a blind date by Uncle Gu, so he found Fang Zhiwei to date."

  He didn’t understand.

  Before, Gu Kai also said that no matter how his father forced him to go on a blind date, he was not afraid of him. He would scare away one by one, and he would not be affected at all.

   But suddenly, he was really playing.

  It's okay if he likes Fang Zhiwei, but after observing for a few hours today, he didn't see that Akai likes Fang Zhiwei at all.

  "Didn't you go to their greenhouse just now, how are Gu Kai and Fang Zhiwei getting along?"

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Wen Ran, and when she saw that she was not talking, he asked casually.

   "We get along well, Fang Zhiwei is very enthusiastic and active, and A Kai is absent-minded." Wen Jin briefly summarized the way of getting along with him just now.

  After they chatted for two minutes, Gu Kai’s voice came from outside the greenhouse, “Xiu Chen, of course, I want to go back to City G first. If you don’t want to go back tonight, stay one night and go back tomorrow.”

   "Why is it so urgent?"

  Wen Ran walked over and saw Fang Zhiwei next to Gu Kai. Her expression was not very good, "Did something happen?" Wen Ran looked at Fang Zhiwei with concern.

   "My dad is ill, Akai, I can actually drive back by myself. You can stay with everyone."

  (End of this chapter)

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