Chapter 1017 If a man can give birth to a child

When Wen Ran arrived at Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory, Bai Yiyi had already left.

  In the office, Wen Jin was reviewing the documents, and seeing her coming in, he closed the documents, got up and walked out of the office, and sat on the sofa with her.

   "Brother, how are you, are you qualified for the position of your secretary?"

  Wen Ran looked at Wen Jin with brows and eyes.

  Wen Jin smiled and said softly: "Okay, Bai Yiyi is a very capable woman. I will let her come to work tomorrow. Just now, I heard her say that you are going to have a blind date with A Kai?"


   Nodded gently, with a bright smile on his face, and it seemed that he was in a good mood.

  Wen Jin stared at her bright smile, and the smile on the corners of her mouth became thicker, "Of course, seeing you so happy, is it true that Akai’s blind date went well today and will soon marry you a sister-in-law and go home?"

  "Brother, what about you, when will you marry me a sister-in-law?" Wen Ran did not answer the question.

  Wen Jin’s mouth twitched: “I’m not in a hurry. Let Akai be the first. He asked you to accompany you on the blind date today. It seems that he is serious.”

   "Brother, Xiu Chen said, you two are very close. If he has any secrets, you must know."

  Wen Ran suddenly jumped, making Wen Jin unresponsive for a moment. A daze flashed across his Jun's face, his eyes flashed, and he said, "Ranran, what secret do you mean?"

   said inwardly, Mo Xiuchen guessed right.

  Luo Haofeng returned to City B, Tan Mu is now in City C, and Mo Xiuchen still dominates him all day long. As a matter of course, Kai often seeks him out.

  The two of them are together and have a common topic.

   is Ranran.

  Wen Ran looked at Wen Jin and said casually, “For example, does my brother have a girl he likes, or why does he hate Yiyi so much? Did he and Yiyi know something before?”

  Wen Jin laughed.

   "Of course, are these things Mo Xiuchen said again?"

   Last time, Mo Xiuchen hinted and asked him to remind Gu Kai.

   Li En's hateful eyes that night, what did Mo Xiuchen think of?

   He smiled gently, and shook his head, “No, it’s some words from Li En last time, which keeps me wondering.”

   "Li En?"

Wen Jin read it repeatedly, and after a moment of contemplation, he said: "Of course, A Kai and Bai Yiyi knew each other before. I heard from A Kai that he and Bai Yiyi had a holiday. However, I don’t know exactly what the holiday is. ."

   "I hope Li En's words are just a misunderstanding."

   Wen Ran said with a frown.

  She really didn’t want Gu Kai and Bai Yiyi to have that kind of relationship.

   "Of course, don't think too much."

  Wen Jin comforts gently.


  Wen Ran went to Haochen without notifying Mo Xiuchen in advance.

  I didn’t know that Mo Xiuchen was angry because of the company.

  When she opened the door, Mo Xiuchen thought it was Secretary Lin who was returning, and without looking up, he coldly reprimanded: "Get out!"

   Wen Ran was startled. Seeing Mo Xiuchen lowered her head, her fingers flicking on the keyboard, she smiled softly, and asked softly: "Xiu Chen, what happened, are you so angry?"

  Mo Xiuchen's typing hands stagnated, and he suddenly raised his head. He saw that the person who came in was Wen Ran, and all his anger faded like a tide. He walked out of the desk and strode forward to greet him.

   "Of course, why are you here?"

  The speed of face change makes people feel that it is directly transitioning from the cold winter to the warm spring in March.

  Wen Ran looked at him with deep and gentle eyes, allowing him to hold her waist and walk to the sofa to sit down. Seeing him pouring water over, he asked, "Why was so angry just now? Is there something wrong with the company?"

   "It's nothing, you come, why didn't you tell me if A Kai went back to the hospital temporarily again."

  Mo Xiuchen seemed to be asking, with a sure tone.

  He knows Gu Kai's profession too well.

  Wen Ran smiled slightly, and asked instead: "Xiu Chen, do you know a girl named Fang Zhiwei? When I was in high school, I was in the same school as yours."

   "I don't know, who is Fang Zhiwei?"

  Mo Xiuchen shook his head without thinking.

   He squinted his eyes and suddenly said, "Is it the target of A Kai's blind date today."

   "Well, that Fang Zhiwei is a nice person, and she told me that she has liked my brother a long time ago. Xiu Chen, this is a secret, don't tell my brother."

  Mo Xiuchen chuckled lightly, raised his hand, flicked the broken hair on her forehead with his long fingers, looked down at her abdomen, and asked softly, "Is there any discomfort today."

   "No, I haven't felt any more discomfort in these two days. I have said that it is only a period of time. You didn't believe me at the beginning."

   Speaking of the back, he pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction.

   During that time, she vomited several times a day, and Mo Xiuchen looked at her uncomfortable look and felt distressed.

  Even, she told her to kill the child.

Seeing her pouting unhappily, Mo Xiuchen also remembered what he had said before, his eyes flashed, his arms hugged her into his arms, and his voice fell in her ears with a low and hoarse voice: "Of course, I just don't want you. Suffer any suffering. If a man can give birth to a child, I will give birth to you."

   "You have a baby?"

  Wen Ran pushed him away, looking at him from top to bottom.

  Mo Xiuchen nodded seriously, "Well, if a man can give birth to a child, I will definitely not let you suffer."

  Unfortunately, he can't help her.

  Wen Ran looked at his serious expression, feeling warm, and leaning into his arms, holding his waist with both hands, "Xiu Chen, you are so stupid."

   "I hope you are pregnant with a baby of a dragon and a phoenix, so you don't have to regenerate."

  Mo Xiuchen stroked Wen Ran's abdomen with a big palm, and he felt her belly change every day.

  After a while, he will be able to interact with the baby. In fact, Mo Xiuchen has always blamed himself since last time he said that Ranran beat the child and didn't suffer that bitterness.

  On the one hand, he is reluctant to suffer any hardships, but on the other hand, he really loves his and Ranran children, whether it is a boy or a girl, as long as Ranran gave birth to him, he loves it.

   "Where is it so easy to give birth to babies?"

  A look of anticipation flashed in Wen Ran's eyes, and she snorted.

  She looked forward to it as he did. The closer the date of the check-up, the more nervous she is.

   "Yes, of course, as I said before, you must be pregnant with twins. In the end, you are pregnant with twins. Believe me, in your belly, it must be a dragon and a phoenix."

   "If not?"

  Wen Ran looked at him funny, where is this man confident.

  Mo Xiuchen chuckled, “If you don’t tell me, then I will definitely make you pregnant next time.”

   "Actually, it has nothing to do with you if you are pregnant with a dragon and a phoenix. Why do you attribute all the credit to you?" Wen Ran couldn't help asking.

Mo Xiuchen's eyes flickered, and he laughed: "Well, of course this is not my contribution alone, but the common contribution of the two of us. Of course, I asked Akai that day and he said that a caesarean section would not be like a normal delivery. So it hurts. At that time, shall we choose Caesarean section, okay?"

  (End of this chapter)

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