Chapter 1016

  The next day, when Wen Ran had breakfast, she received a call from Bai Yiyi.

   "Of course, your brother Wen Jin called me yesterday. I decided to go for an interview today. If I get accepted, I will stay."

Listening to Bai Yiyi's brisk voice, a bright smile appeared on Wen Ran's face, "One by one, you will be admitted, what time do you go for the interview. If I hadn't promised my brother, I would accompany him on a blind date. I went to the pharmaceutical factory."

  Speaking of the back, Wen Ran's words carry a little regret.

  "Go on a blind date with your brother?" Bai Yi repeated her words puzzledly on the phone.

   Wen Ran’s eyes flashed, and he smiled and said, “Yes, my brother Gu Kai said that he wants to find me a sister-in-law as soon as possible and let me go on a blind date with him.”

   seemed to be afraid that Bai Yiyi would not know which brother she was talking about, so Wen Ran added a name specially.

  "Then you accompany your brother on a blind date. I will tell you the result after the interview." Bai Yiyi didn't ask again.

   9:30 a.m.

  Gu Kai came to pick Wen Ran at home, and the two arrived at a teahouse agreed by Gu Kai and each other.

   "Brother, what time did you make an appointment?"

  When they arrived, Fang Zhiwei hadn't arrived yet.

  Gu Kai looked at the time and said, “There are ten minutes left. Fang Zhiwei is a teacher of the Department of Medicine of University of T. She came here after this class.”

  "Brother, did you and Fang Zhiwei know each other before?"

  The waiter brought up snacks and milk tea, took a gentle sip, and asked casually.

Gu Kaiqi leaned back into the chair lazily with his long body, a lazy look appeared between his handsome eyebrows. Hearing Wen Ran's words, the corners of his mouth smiled and gently explained: "Well, I saw it twice as a child, Fang Zhiwei's Father, and Dad can be regarded as friends."

   "You don't like her before, do you?"

  Wen Ran has a lot of imagination, she really hopes that her brother will like it.

  Rather than marry for the sake of marriage.

  Gu Kai laughed and said, “Of course, have you watched too many TV series? Fang Zhiwei and I met when we were young. The last time we met was more than ten years ago. If your brother likes her, will I wait until now?”

   "It's okay, you didn't like her before, maybe as soon as we meet today, you will like her."

  Laughing softly, I have seen it after all, knowing the roots.

  They chatted for a few minutes, and they saw a woman walking in the door. Gu Kai said to Wen Ran, “It’s her.”

  Wen Ran followed Gu Kai’s vision, and she saw a woman wearing a green dress with golden curly hair **** at random walking towards them.

  The other person is very beautiful, with exquisite features and an elegant smile.

After sitting down, Fang Zhiwei took the initiative to introduce herself, because she and Gu Kai had known each other before. Although they had not seen each other in ten years, they were quite familiar with Wen Ran when she first met.

   "Of course, you don't mind if I call you like that. I am four years older than you. When I was in high school, your brother and I were alumni. If you want, you can call me sister Wei."

  Fang Zhiwei looked at Wen Ran with a bright smile.

  Last night, Gu Kai called her herself and asked her to meet today. Therefore, Fang Zhiwei did not make a roundabout today.

   "It turns out that Sister Wei and my brother are still alumni. In that case, they are really destined."

  Wen Ran smiled and looked at Gu Kai.

   Gu Kai raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his impression of Fang Zhiwei was better than those of his previous blind date. When Fang Zhiwei was talking to Ranran just now, he had been observing her.

  Seeing Fang Zhiwei treats Ranran well, he feels more affectionate towards her.

  Gentleman Gu Kai asked Fang Zhiwei what he likes to eat, then he recruited the waiter and ordered some snacks. Fang Zhiwei ordered a cup of milk tea that was the same as Wen Ran.

  Because Fang Zhiwei also studied medicine, she and Gu Kai also had more topics.

  Not only that, but also gave Wen Ran some pregnancy advice.

  At this meeting, we had a pleasant chat. About an hour later, Gu Kai received a call from the hospital saying that there was an emergency operation for him to go back.

   "You go back first, I will send Ranran home safely."

  Fang Zhiwei looked solemn when Gu Kai answered the phone, guessing that there must be something urgent.

  Gu Kai was a little worried. Even if Fang Zhiwei had a chat with Ranran just now, she was very happy, but she did not trust her in the end, "No, I will send Ranran back home and go to the hospital."

   "Gu Kai, if you take time like this, if you drive fast on the road, it would be bad." Fang Zhiwei frowned and said disapprovingly.

   Seeing this, Wen Ran hurriedly said: "Brother, sister Wei and I have something to say, you go back to the hospital first, and I will let Qingfeng and Qingyang pick me up."

   "Well, you call Qingfeng and Qingyang."

  Gu Kai said with apologies, he always seemed to have to go back to the hospital temporarily for something, so he threw Ranran away.

  This is not the first time.

  After Gu Kai left, Fang Zhiwei said frankly: "Of course, I actually liked your brother a long time ago."

Wen Ran heard this and opened his eyes in surprise.

  Fang Zhiwei smiled instead, "Of course, are you scared by me? I just said that when I was in high school, I was an alumnus with him.

  At that time, I fell in love with him. "

"so early?"

   Wen Ran was startled.

  Fang Zhiwei nodded generously: "Well, at that time, he and Mo Xiuchen, Luo Haofeng, and Tan Mu were influential figures in the school..."

  Wen Ran heard Fang Zhiwei's fascination with Gu Kai over her lush years, she felt a little emotional, "Sister Wei, then why haven't you told my brother?"

"Your brother is a very proud man. The girl who confessed to him can go around the school. He has never accepted any girl. Later, I heard Shen Yuting say that Gu Kai once swore that he would not find him lost in one day. Sister, I won’t have a girlfriend for one day."

  Wen Ran's eyes changed slightly.

  Somewhere in my heart, it seemed as if I was stung by something, and an indescribable slight pain filled it.

   "I never knew that my brother didn't fall in love because of me."

   "Of course, I tell you this, not to make you feel guilty or sad. I just envy you and have such a good brother. Moreover, I am also very proud. The man I have always liked is such a good one."

  Fang Zhiwei smiled and soothed, pursed her lips, and said: "Of course, what you said just now, will you keep it secret for me?"

   "Why keep it secret? It's not a shame that you like my brother."

"It's not ashamed, but I'm afraid. If he knows that I like him, he won't want to see me again." Fang Zhiwei pretended to smile briskly: "Last night, your brother called me and asked if I would be willing to be with me. try it."

   "Is he so direct?"

   Doubts arose in Wen Ran's heart. She still couldn't understand why his brother suddenly wanted to go on a blind date, and he took the initiative to get a girl from the family to date him.

   Fang Zhiwei smiled and nodded: "Well, your brother has always been a direct person, so I don't want him to know that I actually liked him a long time ago."

  (End of this chapter)

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