Chapter 1008 As long as a woman is alive

  Wen Ran smiled and nodded: "Yes, brother."

  Wen Jin went on to say in a gentle way: "However, half an hour ago, we only had an examination. In order to tell you the good news, we did not leave the hospital and are waiting for you here."

   "Haha, I'm going to be an uncle." Gu Kai laughed excitedly. Next to him, Mo Xiuchen twisted his eyebrows and put his hand in front of Wen Ran, reproaching Gu Kai: "Don't laugh so loudly."

   "Of course, how many weeks have you been pregnant?"

  Gu Kai cast a look at Mo Xiuchen who didn’t know how to speak, and when his gaze turned to Wen Ran, another bright smile appeared on his face.

   "About five weeks."

  Gu Kai said to the person sitting on the other side, "Sit down." Stepping over, he sits directly between Wen Jin and Wen Ran.

  Wen Jin glared at him, got up and moved to another sofa to sit down.

  Gu Kai sat down at the place where Wen Jin was just now, and said gently: "Of course, you move back and live, I'll make up for you..."

   "Of course, don't listen to him."

Gu Kai was interrupted by Mo Xiuchen before he finished speaking. The smile between his eyebrows narrowed, and he changed the subject and said, "I just heard Dad say that you are going on a blind date these days. Try to socialize, you are no longer young, and instead of worrying about everything, it is better to worry about your lifelong affairs."

  Mo Xiuchen spoke earnestly and earnestly. He looked really anxious for Gu Kai, and Wen Jin's mouth twitched.

Gu Kai's eyebrows were crossed and angry. He didn't say what he retorted. On the side, his father, Dean Gu, had already spoken, "A Kai, Xiu Chen is right, you are the same year as him, and Xiu Chen will be a few months away. You’re going to be a father, you don’t even have a partner right now. Don’t think I don’t know what you did to the girls before."

  Speaking of the back, Dean Gu's face sank and suddenly became majestic.

  Gu Kai glanced at Mo Xiuchen coldly before answering his father’s words, “Dad, you let me go on a blind date, am I not dating? As for what you said about me to them, I have to solemnly declare this.”

   "Hmph, you also solemnly declare, okay, today in the presence of Xiuchen, Ajin He Ranran, you said, what do you declare?"

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth made a slight smile, which was obviously schadenfreude.

  Wen Ran couldn't help but laugh, while Wen Jin looked at Gu Kai with sympathy.

Gu Kai pursed her lips, raised her head proudly, and said, "I am looking for a woman who will spend my life with me on a blind date, not a nanny, and a part-time job. If I want to retire, I will resign whenever I want. I'm more strict. , What's wrong."

   "Are there any more?"

  Gu Yan glared at him, and took the tea in front of him to drink.

Gu Kai continued: "Dad, next time someone wants to introduce my daughter to me, please go over it first. Don't agree to anything crooked, your son, I am also the most valuable diamond-level single aristocrat in G city. That kind of timid and pretentious woman marries our Gu family, isn't it a loss of Gu family's face."

   "Timid and contrived?"

  Gu Yan squinted his eyes and looked at his son with a deep gaze.

Gu Kai is not afraid to nod his head dead, his handsome eyebrows raised high, "Yes, knowing that I am a doctor, I am not allowed to say a few words related to my profession. First, I ran into the bathroom as soon as I mentioned the word surgery. Go vomiting. The second one, I said she was sick, and she still refused to admit it. As for the third one, I wanted to take a look at her ears. She looked like I was going to cut her ears for research, and her face was scared. Whitish..."

  Wen Ran listened to Gu Kai, one by one, telling how timid and contrived the women who had dated him on blind date. When she heard from behind, she lowered her head and her shoulders trembled uncontrollably.

   "Fourth, I don’t want to eat rice one by one, but also wipe my mouth with a bite of rice. Faced with such a woman, I might as well die."

   "The fifth one, when the wind blows, the powder on my face will fall off. Should I eat or eat powder."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned unhappily, clasped Wen Ran's shoulders lightly, and said soothingly, "Of course, laugh out if you want to laugh. Don't hold it back. It's not good for the fetus to develop."


  Wen Ran originally wanted to laugh, but when Mo Xiuchen said that, she choked on her trachea with a mouthful of saliva and coughed directly.

   "Of course, what's the matter?"

Mo Xiuchen's eyes tightened, and he quickly patted her back with concern. After a few coughs and stopped, Gu Kai, who was sitting on the other side of her, corrected and said: "Xiuchen, don't make a fuss about it, okay? Ran Ran It’s just pregnancy. Do you have to do this, that’s impossible?"

   "I'm pregnant, of course, be careful."

  Mo Xiuchen retorted disapprovingly, and then added: “Don’t talk about surgery or **** things in front of Ranran in the future, let alone any artificial women.”

   "It's only a month or so, so you won't catch prenatal education now, are you?" Gu Kai rolled his eyes unbearably.

   "Of course, don't go back with Xiu Chen. I have been living at home for the past few months. He is terrible."

  "Don't provoke the separation, of course, we go home. You didn't have a good rest on the plane. Go home and eat something and sleep well."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't want to listen to Gu Kai's instigation, so he pulled Wen Ran and got up.

   "Okay, I will send you off."

  Unexpectedly, Gu Kai did not stop him, and stood up first to send them back.

"Xiu Chen, of course, you guys don't leave for now. Since A Kai said that all I found for him were crooked melons and jujubes, now, let Xiu Chen, A Jin, and Ranran help you refer to them and pick them. A few excellent girls."

  Gu Yan finished speaking and walked to the desk.

Gu Kai cursed in his heart, curled his lips, threw himself into the sofa, leaned back on the sofa, and leaned against the coffee table with his legs unimaginatively. His unruly unscrupulous and sacred white coat were extremely inconsistent with his holy white coat. .

   "Okay, Dad."

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Gu Kai and replied unhurriedly.

  Wen Ran looked at Gu Kai, then at Xiu Chen, a trace of doubt appeared between her eyebrows, why Xiu Chen was so happy about her brother's blind date.

Gu Yan came over with a thick file, handed it to Mo Xiuchen, and said, "This is the excellent girls from each city selected for A Kai. Regardless of family background, education, and conduct, they are all top-notch. ."

   "Dad, didn't you say that there were few that day?"

  Gu Kai frowned and looked at the thick document in Mo Xiuchen's hand. The photos and information on it were all complete.

Gu Yan sneered: "I don't want to prepare a few more. How can I choose a good woman from crooked melons and inferior dates to satisfy you. Kai, if you keep being so picky, don't talk about crooked melons and inferior dates, as long as they are Woman, live, I will let you meet."

   "Dad, are you succumbed to evil?" Gu Kai shouted displeased.

  He didn't see it, Mo Xiuchen, who was looking down at the file, had a strange smile across his mouth.

  (End of this chapter)

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