Chapter 1007 I am really pregnant

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at him, showing how arrogant I am to spend it and what matters to you, causing Wen Jin to snorted coldly, strode ahead, too lazy to look at him again.

   "Of course, it is better to be careful, especially in the first three months, be careful."

  Mo Xiuchen ignored Wen Jin’s contemptuous eyes. Although he was surprised, he immediately entered the role of a father-to-be. He is indeed a man of high intelligence.

  He not only hugged Wen Ran's waist, but he also looked at her tightly, as if he was out of sight, he would feel uneasy.

  Even Wen Ran wanted to ask him how he would spend the days in the future.

   Entering the elevator, Wen Jin asked Wen Ran, “Ranran, should I go for the inspection directly, or wait for A Kai first, he shouldn’t be out in the operating room yet.”

   "Go and check first."

   Wen Ran raised his eyes and asked Mo Xiuchen with his eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled and nodded, "Of course, what you say is nothing."

  Wen Jin just pressed the floor number. After a while, the elevator door opened, and Mo Xiuchen helped Wen Ran and walked out of the elevator cautiously.

  In the corridor, there happened to be a cleaner mopping the floor. Mo Xiuchen frowned and suddenly said nervously: "Of course, be careful of slippery roads."


  Wen Ran agreed softly, she was extremely moved by Mo Xiuchen's meticulousness, although she was still not sure whether she was really pregnant, she still became more cautious.

  It is still the chief doctor who checked Wen Ran last time.

  When she asked Wen Ran to take a B-ultrasound, Mo Xiuchen asked uneasy: "Will doing B-ultrasound affect the fetus?"

  Wen Jin glanced at Mo Xiuchen, and went straight out of the ward to wait outside.

   "Xiu Chen, no." Wen Ran explained softly. She felt that Xiu Chen must be so nervous because he was not mentally prepared.

Normally, Wen Ran said that Mo Xiuchen believed everything. This time, he didn't believe what she said. His sharp eyes were staring at the chief doctor. Fortunately, the other party was patient and explained to him in detail. Take Wen Ran to do a B-ultrasound.


  Gu Kai came out of the operating room and received a notice to let him go to the dean’s office.

  Gu Kai thought that his father was looking for him, and he wanted him to go on a blind date at night. Instead of going immediately, he returned to the office, drank a glass of water slowly, and leaned into a leather chair.

  Take out the phone and dial the Wen Ran number.

  The phone rang a few times, and Mo Xiuchen’s voice came from: "Hey, A Kai."

   "Xiu Chen, why did you answer the call? Did you He Ranran get home?"

  "Your surgery is over?" Mo Xiuchen did not answer the question, Gu Kai smiled and happily replied: "Yes, the operation has just ended. Tell me where are you, I will go to you."

   "Come to the top floor office."

  Mo Xiuchen left a word and hung up.

  After answering the phone, he opened the door and went into the office. On the sofa, Wen Ran saw him come in and immediately asked with a smile, "Xiu Chen, what did my brother say?"

   Mo Xiuchen's mouth turned into a charming arc. Since he knew Ranran was pregnant more than ten minutes ago, the smile on his lips had never disappeared.

He strode to Wen Ran and sat down, his smiling eyes looked at her abdomen again, and he was full of pride and happiness when he thought that she was pregnant with his child, even though he was pregnant, he expected it. outer.

   "He asked where we were. It seems that he didn't know that we were in the hospital."

   Hearing his words, Wen Jin’s eyes flashed with surprise, while Gu Yan sitting opposite was slightly frowning on his eyebrows, and a trace of majesty appeared between his eyebrows, “Akai has been hiding from me these days.”

   "Dad, why is my brother avoiding you?"

  Looking at Gu Yan in confusion, Mo Xiuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth.

  Wen Jin sat, just to see the smile at the corner of Mo Xiuchen's mouth, mixed with gloating and knowing smile, his eyes narrowed and there was no sound.

The seriousness between Gu Yan's eyebrows was only fleeting. When answering Wen Ran's words, he smiled kindly, and said gently, "Your brother is afraid that I will introduce him to his blind date. You and Xiuchen will go to the tourist destination. God, I let him kiss five times in total. As a result, he scared people away every time."

   "Five blind dates in 20 days, not too many."

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his eyes and looked at Wen Ran, and said casually.

  Wen Ran asked amusedly: "Dad, how did my brother scare people away? Last time you said you let him go on a blind date, I thought you were just talking about it."

  Unexpectedly, she really asked her brother to go on a blind date and scared everyone away?

   "Where is it just to talk about it, of course, you came back just right, you tell me, your brother, I am such a handsome, noble and elegant man will be the point where nobody wants a blind date for a lifetime?"

  As the office door was pushed open, Gu Kai was proud, and a depressed voice came from the door, his handsome figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

When    walked towards Wen Ran with graceful steps, the corners of the white coat were gently blown up by the wind. It was really elegant and noble, gentle and beautiful.

  Wen Ran looked at Gu Kai who came by, and the smile between his eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

   "Akai, sit there and stay away from it."

  When Gu Kai walked to the sofa, Mo Xiuchen stretched out a hand to block him from moving forward, and pointed to where Gu Yan was sitting.

  Wen Ran’s left and right are his Wen Jin, Gu Kai really has no place.

   "Xiu Chen, I haven't seen my sister for a month. You get up first and let me talk to my sister. Of course, you let Xiu Chen sit there."

  Gu Kai told Mo Xiuchen not to move, so he winked at Wen Ran.

  "Repair the dust?"

   tentatively shouted, Qinghong looked at Mo Xiuchen with water eyes.

Mo Xiuchen looked serious and his tone was firm: "Akai, of course your sister is good, but she is my wife now, and she is my child's mother. You must either go on a blind date or sit across the street. You are not allowed to come back in the future. Snatch it with me."


  Gu Kai filtered out Mo Xiuchen’s nonsense and asked what was important.

  He just said, is it his child's mother?

  Mo Xiuchen looked at his surprised expression, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Wen Jin looked at him, his intuition was dazzling, and he couldn't help but cast Mo Xiuchen a contemptuous look. How long will he be proud of this guy.

   "Of course I am pregnant, so don't move your hands or feet anymore."

  His Ranran will be more precious than a national treasure in the future, except for him, no one is allowed to get too close to Ranran.

Gu Kai was stunned for a second. After reacting, Mo Yu's eyes burst with joy, and he patted Mo Xiuchen's arm in front of him, took a step forward, and reached out to grab Wen Ran's hand: "Of course, Is it true that I am going to be promoted to become an uncle. When did this happen?"

  Too happy, even if Mo Xiuchen blocked him again and let him catch a moment, Gu Kai was not annoyed.

   just stared at Wen Ran with scorching eyes.

  Happy May Day, everyone! Of course I am pregnant, so I ask everyone for the baby's name, both boys and girls, and there are soliciting posts in the book review area. Everyone responds in the post, what a group!

  (End of this chapter)

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