Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 98 Lord Tianbei

Hundreds of monks from the second sect stood in two areas of the square, but they were not very far from the stone monument. At this time, the monks in the rear stood quietly, looking at the ten people in front.

The ten golden elixir monks in front of the stone tablet spread out in a fan shape in front of the stone. In the middle, Peng Wuxing and the Hangwu Immortal Master stood side by side. Elder Peng released his spiritual consciousness and shot at the stone tablet. After a while, the colorful stream of light on the stone tablet gradually stopped flowing, and unexpectedly Slowly forming a childlike face.

Li Yan stood in the corner, but stared ahead like everyone else. He saw a face emerging from the stone tablet, and he couldn't help but be surprised. It turned out that the stone tablet could actually have a human face. It seemed that this face must be the spirit of the stone tablet. .

At this time, an old voice slowly came out in the air in the square, "It turns out to be Taixuan Niu Nose. I thought it was those Pure Land thieves Baldy this time."

Many monks at the rear who were here for the first time couldn't help but be stunned. Some disciples of the Taixuan Sect who were in the foundation Qi and Qi Condensation stages couldn't help but look angry. However, when they saw the faces of the Jindan elders in front of them, no one was angry. I had to keep my anger in my heart.

Some monks from the Demon Sect who were participating in the secret realm for the first time couldn't help but chuckle in a low voice, which made some people from the Taixuan Sect on the other side look over and glare at each other.

Li Yan heard the old voice, looked for it, and saw the child's mouth on the stone tablet opening and closing. It was obviously him. The face and the voice seemed a bit strange.

"Senior Tianbei, my coming here has disturbed the senior's retreat." Hang Wuxian smiled and bowed his head in a very respectful manner. Then the ten people in front of the monument, including Elder Peng, also bowed their hands.

This scene shocked many people. Li Yan touched his nose and remembered what Lin Daqiao said before, "Shibei calls himself Lord Tianbei, and his cultivation level is already the terrifying middle stage of Jindan." But among these Jindan before him, There are many who have cultivated in the later stage of Jindan, but Master Tianbei has cultivated for more than tens of thousands of years, so he can be said to be old enough in terms of qualifications.

"Well, but this time there are so many Qi Ning brats coming in. This will consume a lot of my energy. I don't want to play with it." The child's face on the stone tablet couldn't help but show satisfaction when he saw the ten elders being so respectful. Then he looked at the group of people behind them, rolled his eyes, and quickly returned to looking directly, as if he was found to be thinking about it. Unexpectedly, everyone here was staring at him. Who saw it again? Woolen cloth. It changed the subject and actually said these words, but the words came from an old voice, which made people feel a little awkward.

"Senior Tianbei, please rest assured. Each of our two sects has taken out 500 mid-level spiritual stones to make up for the consumption of our seniors." Elder Peng said calmly, and then with a flick of his robe sleeves, there were countless crystal clear small stone statues. Like arrows, they drew many long arcs and shot towards the stone tablet, lighting up the sky with extremely dazzling colors, extremely gorgeous.


At the same time, Hang Wuxian Chang smiled and waved his sleeves. Colorful rays of light came out from his cyan sleeves, and countless spiritual stones shot towards the stone tablet. Suddenly, the sky suddenly became filled with spiritual energy, and there seemed to be a shower of colorful meteors in the sky.

Except for the calm expressions of the golden elixir elders on both sides, hundreds of Qi Condensation disciples and Foundation Establishment monks could not help but open their mouths. Intermediate spirit stone? One thousand pieces, I'm so surprised, this is so generous. Usually, let alone the foundation-building monks in the sect, even the Golden Core Elder in the peak only has five mid-level spiritual stones in a month. The foundation-building monks estimate that only a very few people have one or two in their hands, and they treat them as treasures and are not willing to take them lightly. Take it out.

One mid-level spiritual stone can be exchanged for hundreds of low-level spiritual stones, but few people are willing to do so. The quality of the spiritual energy contained in it cannot be compensated by the quantity of low-level spiritual stones.

"Well, it seems that I can barely make up for my loss." The old voice did not sound again, and it had a tone of reluctance after suffering a loss. However, when everyone saw the picture of the child appearing on the stone tablet, he smiled happily. , but it was trying to keep its face tight and trying to hold it back. Anyone could see that it was extremely satisfied and happy.

It took a long time, but the rain of spirit stones disappeared without a trace in just a few breaths.

"Senior Tianbei, can we start now?" Elder Peng asked after seeing that he had already given it, but he thought to himself, "If it weren't for the ancestor who built you, Nascent Soul, he arranged it with his own hands. , it will make you spiritually intelligent. Now you are becoming more and more greedy, but you do have to consume it. This time, more than a hundred Qi Condensation monks have joined. These spiritual stones will also be the standard in the future. At most, this is More, once every fifteen years is considered appropriate. If you want more spiritual stones, it is not impossible for the ancestor to destroy your spiritual intelligence and make you a puppet that can only obey and work forever. "

"Ahem, of course, of course, I will start now. You ten people are ready to activate the channel." The child tried his best to hide his joy, and then said with a sullen face. Then the surface of the stone tablet blurred for a while, and the child's face gradually disappeared without a trace, and the surface of the stone tablet changed. It recovered into a colorful stream of light.

Elder Peng and Immortal Hang Wu glanced at each other, then turned around and glanced around. Seeing the others nodding, the ten people concentrated their magic power, and suddenly various colors of rays of light flickered, and a heaven-destroying and earth-destroying aura emerged from the ten of them. People gathered among the crowd, and suddenly the pressure on the square fell from the sky, making Li Yan and the others feel like they were facing death. Their hearts were filled with horror and trembling, and they felt a sense of powerlessness deep in their hearts, unable to even think about moving. Produce

Yes, all those foundation-building monks looked pale.

Various colors of rays of light in the sky gradually converged to form a huge purple light group. The light group finally slowly moved towards the seven-colored brilliance on the stone tablet. At the moment when the seven-colored brilliance intertwined, the stone tablet disappeared without a trace, and then a tall and wide one appeared there. There are whirlpools swirling in the black and white passage about ten feet long. It feels as if as soon as you get close to that passage, you will be sucked in, and then you will leave this world forever.

After the continuous injection of purple light for about half a quarter of an hour, the ten people slowly withdrew their magic power. Their faces were either pale or flushed, and it was obvious that in just a few minutes, their spiritual power had increased. The loss is huge, this is the level of ten Jindan major cultivators.

"Okay, after the two sects of golden elixirs have entered, the remaining ones will line up according to the foundation building and Qi condensation stages. In groups of ten, the Taixuan Sect and the Sprite Sect will take turns to enter." Peng Wuxing said with a flushed face, his voice Reached clearly to everyone. After that, the ten of them stood on both sides of the passage and worked together again to create a strange golden seal. This golden seal quickly formed an obscure ancient character in the air, and then slowly fell down the black and white passage, as if it were in the secular world. It looks like the word "福" posted during the Chinese New Year is stuck above the entrance of the passage.

"If you haven't entered yet, how long will you wait?" Peng Wuxing shouted, and then stopped talking. The ten people tried their best to keep the golden seal indestructible, but it was obviously quite difficult.

The beautiful woman Li Peak Master and two other elders were left in the Demon Sect. Without any hesitation, they took a step forward and flew towards the black and white passage. When they reached the entrance of the passage, they entered the passage without any hesitation. When the ten remaining golden elixirs of the Taixuan Sect saw the three elders of the Demon Sect disappear, they also flew into the black and white passage and disappeared without a trace.

Li Yan stood behind the crowd, watching this strange scene of silence. Apart from a few simple exchanges between the two sides, so many people remained silent, obviously wanting to quickly enter the secret realm. The Sprite Sect had only entered three Jindan elders before, while the other party had ten. They should have entered to arrange things at the other end of the passage, but the ratio of the number of people was too different. Aren't they afraid of encountering something unexpected inside? But then I thought about it, the entrance to this passage is in the Demon Sect. I guess my sect also has many methods. This may be the advantage of guarding the entrance. Even if the other party is going out from the direction of Shibuyuan, they probably take this into consideration. , couldn't help but laugh at himself, he was too worried.

Then he saw that the foundation-building monks in front started to move. Wave after wave of both sides took turns to enter. Even though the second team of foundation-building monks stood next to each other at the entrance of the passage, they still remained silent and no one spoke, but Li Yan still saw something. The young foundation-building monk nodded after seeing the other monk, or


Smile, obviously familiar. But there were also some with fierce looks in their eyes. He saw at least five or six monks looking at Li Wuyi with fierce looks, as if they wanted to flay him alive, while Li Wuyi was gentle and friendly to everyone. The Taoist priests who hated him or nodded to him smiled as if they were old friends for decades, and then when it was his turn, they quickly entered the passage and disappeared without a trace.

Because Li Wuyi was not a foundation-building monk participating in the competition, and he did not enter with the first wave of Jindan elders, Li Yan saw such a scene. He couldn't help but thought, "It seems that the master is right. Senior brother has made a lot of enemies. This is just a Taixuan sect." Of course, similar situations have affected Wang Tian, ​​Gan Shi, Bailiyuan, Wei Chituo, etc. There are many in the same situation.

The entry speed was very fast. That was because the ten Jindan elders signaled to speed up with stern looks at the entrance of the cave. They also struggled to maintain the ancient characters posted at the entrance of the passage. After the foundation-building monks entered, it was Li Yan's turn. , Li Yan's 108 people also entered in groups of ten, but he stood too far back, so when it was his turn, he was already near the rear. When he followed the other nine people towards the black and white passage, Li Yan Yan suddenly frowned. Just now, because the two sides were too far away, he didn't feel anything. In addition, his mind was attracted by the foundation-building and golden elixir monks. Now, after the second teams of both sides have moved closer to the passage, As he got closer and closer, Li Yan suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and this uneasiness came from the other party's group of ten people. He felt a familiar aura from these ten people, but for a moment Li Yan felt a little... Strange, there was a hint of familiarity in these breaths but it contained a kind of death, which made him feel extremely dangerous.

Li Yan frowned, and couldn't help but slow down his steps. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the other party carefully. He did not release his consciousness. Being so close, looking at them with his eyes would actually lower the other party's vigilance.

"Hurry up and catch up," one of the ten elders from the Taixuan Sect on both sides urged when he saw that Li Yan seemed hesitant and looked dissatisfied.

When several elders from the Demon Sect saw Li Yan's appearance, not only did no one speak, but two of them's eyes lit up and they glanced at Li Yan.

There were two disciples of the Demon Sect behind Li Yan, and they couldn't help but whisper, "Uncle Li, please hurry up." They clearly expressed their dissatisfaction with Li Yan's hesitation in front of the passage.

The other party's Qi Condensation Qi group also noticed this, but looked at Li Yan and others with cold eyes.

Li Yan took a breath, then glanced at the ten people standing there waiting to enter, and then stepped into the black and white passage.

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