Five Immortals Gate

Chapter Ninety-Seven A guest comes from afar

Apparently people from other peaks had already arrived. After Li Wuyi found an open space, he led everyone down, then collected the slips and walked toward the crowd. There were seven or eight Jindan elders standing in front, more than forty foundation-building monks behind them, and more than a hundred Qi-Condensation stage disciples behind them.

The eight elders at the front are talking in low voices. The leader is Peng Wuxing, the master of the sect's punishment hall, the beautiful woman Lifeng master of Buli Peak, the Confucian peak master named Feng of Lingchong Peak are among them, and the peak master of Sixiang Peak is among them. An old man with white hair, over ten feet tall, serious in speech and dignity, and the rest should be elders of various peaks. Li Yan didn't know him. Yan Longzi didn't come over from this accident. He is the master of Laojun Peak and also the master. Door.

Li Wuyi turned around, said a few words to Li Yan, and then led Wei Chituo, Yun Chunqu, and Gong Chenying to walk behind a group of Jindan elders, while Li Yan walked alone to the Qi Condensation Stage with about a hundred people. The group of monks walked over.

Li Yan glanced at Zhuji, and soon saw Zhao Min's slender and tall figure. Since their group arrived later, Zhao Min had already noticed Xiao Zhufeng and his group, and saw Li Yan looking this way. , her face was still cold, and she just nodded to him quietly, while Li Yan withdrew his gaze with a smile in his eyes. Their movements were extremely concealed, and even Li Changting, who was standing next to Zhao Min, did not notice. She couldn't find it. At this moment, she was staring with interest at Li Wuyi and his party who were walking towards them.

Li Yan walked to the back where the Qi Condensation Stage disciples were. Many people had seen him. Some nodded to him with a smile, some looked at him with disdain, and some looked at him with hostility. Li Yan nodded with some people. After saying hello, he ignored the unfriendly glances and walked aside.

When he came over just now, he felt some cold eyes from the monks in the Qi Condensation Stage. He knew without looking that they must be disciples of the Spiritual Insect Peak or other peaks who were friends with Zhou Guan'er. Zhou Guan'er failed to be selected this time. One hundred and eight people were said to hold a grudge against him, and some said it was Li Yan's poison that affected his later performance.

There are still some people who have a good attitude towards him, such as Du Sanjiang from Sixiang Peak, Lu Qiutong from Laojun Peak, Senior Brother Wu, a dark-skinned young man from Lingchong Peak who brought him into the sect, and Senior Brother Yu, a gentle young man who took care of his injuries. Waiting for others, it should be said that Li Yan, the two people from Lingchong Peak, was only familiar with his senior brother at first, because he was the first person he saw when he woke up, and he also wanted to get some news about Zili Du Shen from Li Yan. In fact, Li Yan Yan had no bad impression of this person. On the contrary, he had a conversation with him under the crystal screen during the rest of the competition last time. He also learned that the horse-faced young man Senior Brother Wu and the fat monk Lu were the ones who rescued him back to the sect. Senior brother, that senior brother Wu looked ferocious and was not good at talking. After talking to Li Yan for a few words, he stared at the crystal screen again. Li Yan felt that this person was an upright person. As for the fat young man, senior brother Lu couldn't. Entering a team of 108 people, this person gave Li Yan the impression of being extremely slick.

These three people were also deeply impressed by Li Yan.


, they were the ones who brought Li Yan into the sect. They were one of the few people who knew that Li Yan had been separated from the poisonous body. They were quite surprised to see Li Yan manage to get into a team of 108 people. The three of them wanted to The only one who has the hope of entering the 108 is Brother Wu, a horse-faced and dark-skinned young man. It is extremely difficult for the other two. But Brother Yu, a gentle young man, got a strange brocade handkerchief when he went out to practice with others more than half a year ago. A piece of brocade handkerchief can capture people's hearts. Even if he is one or two small realms high up, he can't resist it. He borrowed this brocade handkerchief to join a team of 108 people. Li Yan was also wary of his brocade handkerchief. , but fortunately they never hit each other.

These people were standing together with the monks from their own peak, chatting in low voices. When they saw Li Yan, they also smiled and signaled, but did not take the initiative to come over.

Li Yan seemed extremely lonely. There were at least twenty people on each of the three peaks. He was the only one on Xiaozhu Peak, so he simply found a corner to stand and began to look around.

Li Yan looked at the center of the square, where a huge monument was standing. Last time, Li Yan didn't even see it clearly and was severely damaged. Of course, today's monument will not deliberately hurt people. The width of the monument is about three or four feet. , more than twenty feet high, with no words or pictures. At this time, the color of its body cannot be clearly seen, because the seven-color brilliance is flowing continuously on it, which has a somewhat sacred feeling. A faint coercion comes from within, and it also From time to time, he glanced at the Qi Condensation Stage disciples and Foundation Establishment disciples on Li Yan's side, as if to intimidate him intentionally or unintentionally, which made Li Yan speechless for a while. Sure enough, as Lin Daqiao said, the weapon spirits here are mentally immature. My child, now he is showing his strength to those who are weaker than him.

In the remaining open space in the square behind the stone monument, Li Yan saw a path in the distance extending from the corner of the square to the top of the mountain.

While the disciples were talking in low voices and Li Yan was looking around the square, among the eight elders in front, Elder Peng and the master of Sixiang Peak, Hefa Zhe, first glanced at each other, and the other six also looked at each other after a moment. Jingmang. Elder Peng shouted, "Here we come."

He was followed by the others at the front, who all jumped into the air. After flying hundreds of meters in the air, they quietly suspended there, their eyes all looking in the same direction.

The attention of everyone below was attracted, and the chatter began to slowly subside. First you looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they all released their spiritual consciousness at the gazes of the elders. However, no matter how they released their spiritual consciousness and used their eyesight, they could not Nothing was found either. They couldn't help but started talking in low voices. The elders above heard the whispers below. Some people frowned, but no one spoke to stop them. Even Peng Wuxing just glanced down and said nothing.


After more than a dozen breaths passed, Li Yan discovered that a few of the foundation-building monks were looking in that direction with suspicious faces. These people were Li Wuyi, Bailiyuan, and Wang Tian. Several fake alchemy realm monks were waiting, but the others still had blank expressions on their faces. After a few breaths, Wei Chituo, Gan Shi and other Foundation-Building Dzogchen monks also looked towards the horizon with feeling. The other monks were still scanning with their spiritual consciousness.

At this time, Li Yan had already collected his spiritual consciousness. Although he was confident that the spiritual consciousness he had cultivated with the Guishui Sutra was far superior to the same level, he also knew that his spiritual consciousness was at most the middle of the tenth level of the Qi Condensation stage. Such a vast world , not as far as the eyes can see. Just as he was thinking, another dozen breaths passed, and suddenly someone shouted, "Someone is coming." Li Yan also looked up and saw a dazzling ball of light coming towards him from the end of the horizon. , very fast, just in the blink of an eye, the dazzling light became much brighter, and the size quickly doubled or doubled. Li Yan estimated that in the time he blinked, the dazzling light flew at least ten miles. If you think about it, if you blink three or four times with one breath, you can see how perverted the consciousness of those Jindan elders is. Wouldn't it be possible to notice something at least four hundred miles away. For example, senior brother's spiritual consciousness should have noticed when he reached the false elixir realm of about one or two hundred miles away.

After a few breaths, the dazzling ball of light flew over. At this time, the ball of light had suddenly grown to twelve or three feet wide and about a hundred feet long. The huge light group suddenly stopped when it was a hundred feet away from the elder of the Sprite Sect, and then a melodious voice came out from within it, "It turns out to be Elder Peng. I apologize for keeping you fellow Taoists waiting for a long time." At this time, the light of the light group They also slowly retreated. After a while, a huge boat floating in the air appeared in front of Li Yan and the others.

At this time, there were fifteen Taoist priests in uniform blue robes standing on the bow of the boat. There were men and women, old and young. The strong pressure on these people all showed that they were all Jindan monks, and behind them were dense crowds of people. A large group of young Taoist priests appeared, all with solemn expressions and powerful momentum. The voice just now was uttered by a middle-aged Taoist priest in the middle of the boat.

This Taoist priest is seven feet tall, with eight-color eyebrows, eyes like bright stars, a nose like a hanging gallbladder, a mouth like a single pearl, and a face like a crown jade. He is about middle-aged, about forty years old, but still has a handsome appearance like jade. , it is a good skin.

"Oh, who am I telling you? It turns out to be Master Hang Wuxian of Taixuan Sect. I haven't seen you for decades, but you have reached the Golden Elixir Perfection." Peng Wuxing looked at him with an expression of indifference and no emotion. , just said lightly with a cupped hand.

"Haha, Elder Peng, you still look like you are not hospitable to guests. If my cultivation can be compared with that of Brother Peng, you have been in the Golden Elixir Great Circle for many years. It is just around the corner to attack the Nascent Soul. I am a poor Taoist. Congratulations, hehe. "Hangwuxianchang looked like he was smiling, privately.


No dissatisfaction meant.

"Then let's go down and open the secret realm." Peng Wuxing didn't want to say more. He just nodded to the other monks. The other elders behind him smiled and nodded to the group of green-robed Taoist priests headed by them. The beautiful woman Li Peak Master, who always likes to talk, also just nodded to everyone on the other side with a smile on her face. However, although she just smiled, it made some of the young monks on the other side turn red. Among them, there were actually two or three young Jindan monks. , looking at this appearance, it seems that he is someone who has only condensed the golden elixir in recent years, and the monks who are later in the foundation building and Qi condensation stages are even more unbearable.

"Huh!" A slight cold snort came from beside Hang Wuxian Chang. It was a female Taoist priest with gray skin and gray hair. Her wrinkled face showed a look of dissatisfaction, and she looked at the beautiful woman Li Feng with her small eyes. The Lord was even more filled with disdain. Her cold snort was not loud, but it was like thunder in the ears of everyone in the Taixuan Sect. Many people suddenly woke up, and they couldn't help but dodge their eyes in shame, and did not dare to look again.

The Master of Li Peak swung his plump body, chuckled lightly, and flew downwards with Elder Peng like a light willow lotus leaf.

Hang Wuxian Chang smiled, as if he hadn't seen it, and said softly to the people behind him, "Okay, let's go down too. I think the Pure Land Sect has also arrived at Shibuyuan, and the passage over there must have been opened. Let's go over there first." Hang Wuxian smiled and took the lead to fall to the ground. A dozen Jindan monks around him also followed, and then about a hundred Taoist priests fell to the giant. in the square.

Li Yan stood below, listened to a few dialogues from above, and knew what was going on. It seemed that the four major sects entered through two entrances, the Pure Land Sect entered with the Shibuyuan, and the Taixuan Sect came. The Demon Sect.

He didn't see Master Li's expression clearly because he was standing behind him, but when Master Li flew into the air, of course he also saw the enchanting figure. Although it wasn't his face, the figure and the hem of his robe The sudden glimpse of the white snow made me feel confused at that time, and then I quickly calmed down and cursed myself for being shameless. In fact, he didn't want this. He is now a real young man with a strong blood, so it's a good thing that he didn't spit out a nosebleed on the spot. Well, in fact, he is not the only one who is so unbearable.

After everyone landed, Hang Wuxian, the leader of Taixuan Sect, collected the giant flying boat. Li Yan was surprised by the simple process of entering the secret realm. After the golden elixir elders of both sides whispered a few times, each side took out five golden elixirs. The elder stood in front of the stone tablet, as if he was about to open the passage. I have no intention of letting the foundation-building and Qi-condensing monks from both sides communicate here. They should be anxious to enter the secret realm to join the other two factions. Of course, it will not happen that as soon as the two sides meet the monks, one will spout arrogant words to stimulate the other. It was a bloody scene where a fight was about to begin.

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