Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 694: Accompanying You (1)

The elixirs for souls are priceless treasures.

"God-protecting pill, a sixth-grade divine soul pill, it seems that daddy has one..."

After Zhao Min thought about it for a while, he sighed in his heart, thinking that it was useless.

Zhao Min didn't know that the "Guardian Pill" on Wei Zhongran's body had been used by Li Yan more than a month ago, and now it was empty.

There was another thing that she was also unclear about. When Li Yan used his soul to pull her out, his consciousness was already blurred and he finally ignored one thing.

"True Yuan Dan", the eighth-grade top elixir, was refined by Qianzhong Zhenjun.

A top-notch elixir that is enough to cause a bloody storm in any realm.

Don't talk about Li Yan's situation. Even if his soul has left his body, as long as he has not drifted too far, he can be brought back alive.

And within a dozen breaths, Li Yan would wake up and his physical body would quickly return to its original state.

Maybe Li Yan had thought about pulling out the "True Essence Pill" in his vague consciousness, but he finally made the right decision to let Zhao Min come out of the "Earth Spot".

Otherwise, even if he could wake up within ten breaths, those monsters wouldn't give him that much time.

He had already swallowed him and the elixir in one gulp. That monster was Fuze Tianqian. Under the stimulation of the "Zhen Yuan Dan", it was possible to advance one after another and become the overlord of one party.

Zhao Min stretched out a jade hand and pulled it gently. Li Yan's body floating in the air floated towards her, and then slowly landed in front of her.

She did not let Li Yan's body fall to the ground, and the coarse gravel on the ground would press against Li Yan's back.

Several vertebrae on Li Yan's back were exposed. Although there were clothes to isolate him, it was not enough.

After Zhao Min checked a few more times, she found nothing bad about Li Yan. She had done everything she should do, so the next step was to wait for the results.

Immortal cultivators say their methods are brilliant, but they are truly brilliant. Saving people and treating illnesses is like child's play in the eyes of mortals.

When faced with all kinds of strange and dying people, they would often wake up or stand up in the next moment with a wave of their hand or a pill.

However, the monks themselves knew that their seemingly countless methods would have no results if they used the strongest methods and elixirs from the very beginning.

Then, their treatment process is very simple, and the rest can only be waited or resigned to fate.

Fortunately, Li Yan belongs to the former category at this time. It is expected that after the elixir takes full effect and Zhao Min's spiritual power guides him, he will wake up sooner or later.

Li Yan's loose robe covered his body, less than a foot above the ground, and he was floating quietly, his eyes closed, motionless.

Zhao Min held the spirit stone in one hand, stretched out a slender jade finger in the other hand and gently pressed it against the side of Li Yan's body. The light blue spiritual power in his hand continued to slowly wrap around Li Yan's body.

While she was absorbing the spiritual energy in the spirit stone, she used her spiritual power to gently sort out the stagnation of tendons in Li Yan's body. Some of these tendons had been broken before, and some were newly regenerated.

At the same time, the aura here is so rich that


The concentration is not very high, it is relatively thin, and the most important thing is that it still contains a trace of demonic energy.

Although these evil spirits can be slowly eliminated by themselves after being inhaled into the body, it is of course better to dispel them immediately.

Zhao Min himself was constantly dispelling the demonic energy. At the same time, when he was constantly outputting spiritual energy to Li Yan, the spiritual energy here was obviously not enough.

Zhao Min actually carries a lot of spiritual stones with him, including four mid-level spiritual stones and more than 3,000 low-level spiritual stones. His net worth is also quite high.

But she knew that the spiritual power here contained demonic energy, and if there was a fierce battle, her demand would be very high.

More than three thousand yuan may seem like a lot, but in fact it cannot withstand consumption for a long time.

Zhao Min didn't seem to pay attention to this at all. After consuming one spiritual stone, he continued to take out another spiritual stone without any hesitation, constantly maintaining the purity in Li Yan's body.

At this time, it was the time for the elixir to take effect, and Li Yan needed a lot of spiritual nourishment.

She can now guess that the treasures on Li Yan's body may be hidden in that strange space.

At that time, she only briefly scanned that strange space with her spiritual consciousness, and then immediately recovered.

Therefore, I didn't find out where Li Yan's treasure was. Even if I wanted to know, I couldn't find it. As the master of the space, Li Yan had absolute control over it.


Zhao Min murmured two words with her beautiful eyes closed. The storage bag Li Yan usually hung on his waist was just a cover-up. It was estimated that even if someone snatched it away, he wouldn't be able to get anything good.

She could guess that with Li Yan's scheming mind, that strange space would be divided into different areas, and some areas would be specially used to store important treasures.

Unless outsiders kill Li Yan and sacrifice blood again, they will never be able to find the treasures in it.

When eight more gray spirit stones that had lost all their spiritual energy appeared around Zhao Min, the sky outside the formation was already bright.

During the night, many wild beasts appeared outside the formation, and there were even four huge ferocious beasts.

Zhao Min just swept her consciousness and ignored the past. These beasts either passed by or inadvertently broke into the formation, and they were trapped in place, constantly moving back and forth in her eyes.

But there is always more than twenty feet away from Zhao Min, and the closest distance to "Broken Mountain Gu" is only two or three feet away.

Each "Broken Mountain Gu" had a cruel luster in its small eyes, but before receiving Zhao Min's order, the "Broken Mountain Gu" just stared at these beasts and did not attack.

But in the eyes of those wild beasts, they have been running wildly in the grass, but what scares them is that no matter how they run wildly or howl they keep roaring.

They were unable to get out of the dense grass, which was swaying constantly in front of them. No matter how hard they ran forward, the weeds in front of them were still endless.

It seems that I want to accompany them to eternity.

It wasn't until dawn that Zhao Min flicked his sleeves and threw these beasts out of the formation.

As soon as they arrived outside the formation, these beasts rolled over and immediately stood up from the ground. They looked around and saw a very familiar and frightening sight. The next moment they ran forward desperately.

Even the other weak beasts that suddenly appeared around them were ignored. The delicacies that had hit their mouths in the past had now turned into a presence that made them fear each other. ??

It wasn't until they ran a certain distance that these beasts were surprised to find that all the familiar scenery around them had returned again.

They finally returned to an environment that felt like they were in another world. At this time, some beasts suddenly stopped and roared at one part of the lake.

They seemed to be venting their final victory, but no beast dared to pass.

Zhao Min looked at Li Yan, whose wounds had grown a lot of flesh and blood, and she let out a breath.

"Still unable to wake up!"

Then she simply closed her eyes, stopped channeling spiritual power for Li Yan, and slowly resumed her cultivation.

Although she entered that mysterious space to recover yesterday, her cultivation has never been able to return to its peak.

That night, he worked non-stop to heal Li Yan's injuries. Almost all the spiritual energy he absorbed was used on Li Yan's body, and he didn't store much in his Dantian.

Although it seemed that she only used eight spiritual stones in one night, the amount of energy she spent during this period was huge.

Li Yan's injuries require more spiritual nourishment, rather than more spiritual nourishment, the better.

Now there are basically no bones in Li Yan's body that are exposed anymore, and Zhao Min's elixirs are very effective in building muscle.

Coupled with her careful nourishment and guidance with spiritual power, Li Yan's important injured parts have grown flesh and blood, and even the cracks on some bones have begun to slowly heal.

Zhao Min didn't know that Li Yan had encountered similar life and death situations before, and he didn't notice that Li Yan had a silver glow like Wei Zhongran did last night, and that the silver glow would quickly reshape Li Yan's body.

None of this happened, so in Zhao Min's eyes, Li Yan, who was seriously injured, was no different from anyone else.


Li Yan felt that he had been falling continuously. When he appeared, he stepped on a long bridge of fire.

On both sides of the bridge were bottomless pitch-black abyss. The long bridge seemed endless and endless, and he stood alone on it.

The sky was gray, and the wind blew past him, causing the blue flames on both sides to sway, making him feel chilled to the bone...

All this felt very familiar to Li Yan, as if he had been here before, but at the same time, Li Yan felt extremely strange.

"This is where?"

Li Yan raised his eyes and looked around, feeling that this place seemed familiar. The fire on both sides was burning with endless chill, making his body quickly lose consciousness.

After standing for a long time, Li Yan suddenly felt


The fire on the Huolian Bridge is a little sparse.

"It seems not as strong as last time..."

An idea suddenly popped into Li Yan's head, and he became confused again. He didn't know why he had such an idea.

He looked at the sparse blue flames on both sides of the long bridge. Although some memories were ready to come out, he couldn't recall them.

With this thought in his mind, Li Yan subconsciously took two steps towards the bridge, thinking that if he took a closer look at the blue flames, he might be able to remember something.

But as soon as he took a step forward, he felt his feet slip, and the next moment, he fell off the bridge.

Li Yan was frightened and his hands were flying wildly in the air, trying to grab something to save his life, but it was too late. As his hands were dancing wildly, the person fell into the darkness under the bridge.

"It's the abyss again..."

Such a sentence flashed through Li Yan's mind, but in fact he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all. Could it be that he had fallen into the same abyss somewhere before?


Under a gray sky, six people stood on a huge jade ruyi, flying through the air quickly.

Six people, both male and female, stood facing the wind.

The leader is an outstanding young woman in light black palace clothes. The young woman has a flowery face, a straight nose, almond eyes and dark eyebrows.

The exposed skin is like a rare holy jade, like a delicate porcelain glowing with white light. Even the palace clothes can't hide the thrilling ups and downs below.

She has a gentle face and no spiritual fluctuations on her body, just like a royal princess in the mortal world.

At this moment, he was frowning, seeming to be thinking about something.

Behind her are three men and two women, all around 20 years old. They are all like ordinary soldiers, guarding Her Royal Highness the Princess.

The five of them were all wearing silver armor, and they were looking at the back of the former young woman respectfully.

If Zhao Min saw these six people at this moment, he would definitely be surprised at why so many people with similar looks to him appeared at one time.

Because, including the young woman in palace clothes in front, they all have a distinctive feature, that is, the men are very handsome, and the women are enchanting and gorgeous.

Moreover, their skin color was as white as jade. Among the monks Li Yan and the others knew, there were many handsome and talented male and female monks, but it was rare to see so many of them at one time.

Except for the young woman, who had no spiritual energy fluctuations at all and was no different from a mortal, the five people behind her all had long and far-reaching auras, and it was astonishing that each of them was already an intermediate monk at the Golden Core stage.

"Uncle Master Shanggong, the black demons are trying to find various excuses this time. Even when you came in person, they just said it was a strange movement in the world. They are also trying to find out the reason and then reply to us.

This is obviously a big problem with their 'divine path', which caused so much demonic energy to escape in large quantities, affecting the stability of our region, and they deliberately concealed it.

Their arrogance has become arrogant again in recent years! "

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