Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 693 More blowing down, stars like rain

At night, there is a giant moon, which is the symbol of Desolate Moon Continent.

In addition to rain and snow, the huge full moon will also appear in the sky in gray weather like this.

This is true no matter in any corner of the Desolate Moon Continent. This has been verified over time.

But there is none here. There are many stars appearing and disappearing in the gray sky.

"Could we be like those demon cultivators who passed through the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff and were transported to the demon world?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Min closed her eyes and just floated quietly in the sky, sensing it. After a moment, her face turned pale.

"There is demonic energy within the hundreds of miles that the spiritual consciousness can cover. This is definitely not a coincidence. And if you stay here for a long time, more symptoms of discomfort will appear in your heart."

She was slowly sensing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth just now, and finally she got an answer that made her desperate. Demonic energy was everywhere for hundreds of miles around.

Although it is not too much mixed in the aura, it is widely distributed.

"Demon world, this is... the demon world..."

Zhao Min murmured to himself. She was extremely surprised by this. After calming down for a while, it was very possible after thinking about it carefully.

Those demon cultivators can reach the back mountain of Fengliang Mountain through the cracks in Yin Mo Cliff. It may not be impossible for them to cross over.

Thinking about the dark yellow space and seven-color light she had experienced, she had never heard of them. These were all similar to the two-dimensional barrier recorded in the classics.

Especially the terrifying tearing power of the dark space at the end and Li Yan's current tragic situation. This was how Li Yan was squeezed when they finally crossed the barrier of the two realms.

Zhao Min stared blankly ahead for a moment. Even with her stubborn character, she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

She carefully recalled the area where she had appeared before. What made her heart-broken was that there were no strange phenomena of heaven and earth there, and there were no whirlpools and black holes in the sky.

"The power of temporary space teleportation."

Zhao Min thought of a possibility, which meant that they could not go back.

Soon, Zhao Min laughed at herself in her heart. Even in a place similar to the cracks in the Yinmo Cliff, with her cultivation level, could she still go back safely?

Li Yan's previous performance was obviously much higher than hers. In the end, he ended up like this, almost dying on the spot.

After staying like this for a while, Zhao Min finally suppressed the emotions in her heart. This feeling of being alone in a different place was not unfamiliar to her, and she was not as helpless as other monks.

She set her sights on Li Yan again. In her consciousness, there was a relatively flat place in a mountain valley not far ahead.

There are only some wild beasts within a hundred miles here, so for the time being, it is a good choice for healing.

The first thing to do now is to revive Li Yan. The two of them may be like rats crossing the street, needing to hide here and there. As long as they are discovered by the demons, they will be hunted down.


"I don't know if this place is inaccessible or for other reasons. After flying for so long, apart from the presence of monsters and wild beasts, I haven't sensed the aura of a monk."

Zhao Min rolled Li Yan and flew towards the mountain valley quickly. Fortunately, he didn't encounter any enemies for the time being. He didn't know how long this luck would last.

There are overgrown weeds in the valley, and there is a clear water lake in the middle. The lake is only thirty feet in size. Under the night, it emits cold waves and is surrounded by the mist of fresh water.

After Zhao Min flew over the mountain valley, he found a relatively flat place by the lake. With a wave of his hand, a strong wind came out of nowhere.

In an instant, a large piece of weeds as tall as a person beside the lake was lifted up by its roots and rolled up into the sky. After flying into the air, these weeds turned into nothingness.

The edge of the lake below revealed a large black ground with coarse gravel.

Zhao Min took advantage of the situation and threw it with one hand again, and seven or eight formation flags flew out of her hand, and the next moment they sank silently into the ground.

As soon as the formation flag entered the ground, several extremely faint golden lights flashed from the ground.

Immediately, the ground at the edge of the exposed lake was slightly distorted, and immediately returned to normal. At this time, the scene around the lake changed again.

The exposed black ground once again grew into a patch of weeds as tall as one person, just like before.

After Zhao Min glanced around again with his consciousness, he immediately carried Li Yan and flew downwards. Their figures disappeared in a flash, and the two of them disappeared without a trace by the lake.

The cave has once again returned to its previous appearance, and no difference can be discerned.

Under the night sky, the lake surface was calm and calm, and the weeds were undulating and swaying in the wind. Soon after, the sound of insects was heard all around again...

After setting up the illusion formation, Zhao Min took Li Yan into the formation.

Within the formation, she arranged hundreds of yellow Gu insects in a circle, surrounding her and Li Yan in the middle.

The yellow Gu worm is called "Broken Mountain Gu". The carapace outside its body is so hard that ordinary magic weapons can only chop it away, and usually cannot be broken directly.

Once hundreds of "mountain-breaking Gu" work together to form a shield-like defense, it will be extremely difficult for the foundation-building monks to blast them away in a short time.

What's more, what "Broken Mountain Gu" is better at is not defense, but offense.

The horns on their heads are indestructible, and even the spiritual shield offered by Zhao Min can only withstand two to three attacks from more than a hundred "mountain-breaking Gu" at most.

This is also the reason why Zhao Min took out this kind of Gu insect before. It integrates offense and defense. Without knowing the surrounding environment, he can achieve both offense and defense.

"Broken Mountain Gu" also has a shortcoming, that is, its flying speed is slow. This may also be a common reason for powerful monsters in the flesh.


Zhao Min sacrificed and refined the most elite white Gu insect, which has very powerful attack power.

But when he rescued Wei Zhongran in the cracks of Yinmo Cliff, most of them were sucked away by the strong suction force generated in the abyss, which caused Zhao Min to suffer heavy losses.

That kind of white Gu worm is very troublesome to cultivate, and its growth rate is not fast. It took Zhao Min more than eight years to cultivate such a batch.

Although he lost as much as 20% in the battle with the demon cultivators, he also devoured six demon cultivators at the same time, showing his strong fighting power.

But heartache is heartache, even if he had to choose again, Zhao Min would still sacrifice the white Gu worm without hesitation.

When he saw the "Broken Mountain Gu", these thoughts flashed through Zhao Min's mind, and there was not much strangeness on his face.

Within the magic circle, Li Yan's body lay quietly, suspended in mid-air.

There was a calm lake on one side of his body, and the starlight reflected on the lake made Li Yan's side of the body facing the lake seem a bit quiet and a bit weird.

After Zhao Min sat down cross-legged in white clothes, her face remained as usual, and her flawless white jade hands drew changing trajectories in the air.

As her hands danced, a series of light blue threads appeared between her fingers, and the long ponytail swayed left and right with her body.

Her whole body had a sense of rhythmic beauty, and under the light blue silk thread, she seemed to be in a dreamy space.

As these light blue threads flew, they shot towards Li Yan's body one by one, and the next moment, they submerged into his body.

It's just that Zhao Min played the magic formula too fast, and too many light blue threads appeared, layer by layer like floating blue mist.

As he continued to pounce on Li Yan's body, the threads in front had not yet integrated into Li Yan's body, and the light blue threads in the back were already wrapping around him.

In addition, Li Yan was motionless, and for a moment Li Yan was like a thousand-year-old ice corpse trapped in the strange and extremely cold blue ice.

Time passed little by little, until after a stick of incense, Zhao Min finally stopped what he was doing.

A pair of plump and round breasts were constantly rising and falling under the white clothes, and a layer of dense sweat oozed from her smooth and jade-like forehead.

Under a pair of well-manicured black eyebrows, a look of tiredness appeared in his clear, watery eyes.

But at this moment, she didn't care too much about her state. She gently raised her beautiful eyebrows and looked at Li Yan, who was suspended in mid-air.

"Although his breath has stabilized a lot, there is still no sign of waking up. Under such circumstances, the potency of the medicine before his body absorbs it will be much worse..."

Li Yan's physical injuries were too serious, and almost half of some major internal organs were destroyed.

If this kind of injury were placed on other monks, Zhao Min felt that the other monk's body would have collapsed long ago, and most of his soul would have dissipated.

But Li Yan may be practicing Youqiongqi Purgatory. Those internal organs were used by Zhao Min to


After a little bit of fusion, it actually started to heal.

And Li Yan's strong bones seemed to have the ability to lock the soul. After shocking cracks appeared, not only did they not collapse, but they finally locked the soul firmly in the body.

This helped Li Yan catch his breath and gave Zhao Min time for treatment.

The technique that Zhao Min used before was to carefully destroy the various elixirs and holy liquids that had been applied to Li Yan's body. Previously, in the desperate situation in the jungle, she could only roughly apply the elixirs to different injured locations.

Now she had to eliminate the trouble caused by some elixirs. This process was very complicated. She couldn't put all these elixirs into Li Yan's body.

Some elixirs have excellent curative effects on flesh and blood, but are extremely poisonous to internal organs, so she has to carefully wrap different elixirs in the holy liquid with blue silk.

Then he penetrated Li Yan's corresponding injured position according to different places. If there was a slight mistake in the process, the result waiting for Li Yan might be a different world.

The elixirs that Zhao Min carried were not readily available in the market. Some of them were high-grade healing elixirs refined by Laojunfeng of the Demon Sect, and Zhao Min purchased them by himself.

Some of them were life-saving elixirs given by Wei Zhongran and Zhao Zhi. These elixirs were extremely valuable even to Wei Zhongran and his wife. They were not in large quantities but were of high quality.

There is even a kind of elixir that has reached the level of fourth grade. This elixir is a real elixir among mortals, almost to the point of making flesh and bones and living dead. Of course, this is still targeted.

The other elixirs were brought out by Zhao Min from the Wei family.

When Li Yan was seriously injured, Zhao Min didn't hesitate at all. She took a few life-saving pills given to her by her parents and gave them to Li Yan for external application and internal swallowing. She carefully integrated them and used her spiritual power to gently activate the medicine.

But even so, Li Yan still showed no sign of waking up.

Zhao Min looked at Li Yan. With her eyesight under the night sky, she could even see some of Li Yan's exposed wounds. The flesh and blood were slowly squirming. This was because the medicine was constantly destroying and regenerating the flesh and blood.

Although Li Yan's breath was weak, it had stabilized. Logically speaking, under the stimulation of these good elixirs, he should have some reactions at this time, such as eyeballs trembling, groaning in pain, itching and unconscious frowning, etc. wait.

But apart from breathing and beating heart, Li Yan was almost the same as a dead person.

"Could it be that the soul has been severely damaged?"

Zhao Min frowned more and more, and her beautiful face showed something strange for the first time. She could detect whether the soul existed.

But making sure that he was safe and sound was something that only monks at the Golden Core stage and above could do. She had no way of judging.

If that was the case, the consequences would be serious. Li Yan had already used the best elixir on her body, but there was no elixir for healing the soul.

In the night sky, there are shooting stars falling across the sky...

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