Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 648 Return to the Green Bat Camp (3)

But after all, Bai Rou has been practicing for a while, and no matter how simple her thoughts are, she will eventually make some progress. In a panic, she thought of something, and quickly used it as an excuse to excuse herself.

"Oh? Senior Brother Hu is injured? I don't know now..."

After hearing this, Li Yan immediately asked, seemingly not hearing the teasing tone in Tantai Dongyue's tone.

Li Yan has always treated Bai Rou as a friend, especially at first, Li Yan didn't want to get involved in Bai Rou and Sun Guoshu's trivial affairs.

Li Yan changed the topic without any emotion on his face.

"Senior Brother Hu, Senior Brother Hu's right chest was pierced by a demon cultivator. I think he will need to retreat for a long time to recuperate. ??

I heard that Senior Brother Li took Senior Sister Rou and Senior Brother Hu to escape the pursuit of a golden elixir demon. If this is true, Senior Brother Li's magic power is no longer comparable to mine.

Three days ago, he showed great power and killed more than ten demon cultivators of the same level. Junior sister Zhou Chan was very polite. "

This time, without waiting for Bai Rou's answer, one of the three young women opened her red lips with a smile.

Li Yan couldn't help but glance at the logo on the girl's sleeves. It was a disciple of Spirit Insect Peak.

Since his identity was revealed, the two girls from the Demon Sect and another girl in pink palace clothes have been staring at him intently. Although there is shyness in their eyes, they are more surprised and curious.

As soon as these words fell into Li Yan's ears, a hint of murderous intent flashed quietly in Li Yan's eyes, but when he turned his head, his face was already gentle.

The girl from Lingchong Peak should have entered the sect many years before him, but today she called him senior brother.

Li Yan's eyes glanced across Bai Rou's face seemingly casually, and then he cupped his hands towards the Spiritual Insect Peak girl with a smile on his face.

"I don't know where this junior sister heard the rumors. What happened before was all false. At the beginning, Li only relied on the flying magic weapon to escape for a certain distance with senior brother Hu and the others.

If my master hadn't arrived in time, senior brother Hu and I would have died together long ago.

Otherwise, how could I have used the elixir in the cave afterwards, causing my master to waste so much elixir, and only then could I have saved a small life.

What happened in the past few days was just a fluke. If it weren't for the invisibility talisman and many poison pills given by my master, I wouldn't have been able to do that. "

Li Yan didn't want others to know that he was able to deal with a golden elixir demon cultivator after escaping from "Zhouyang Town" that day.

So when the girl surnamed Zhou from Spirit Insect Peak said it, he already had murderous intentions, and even the murderous intentions included Bai Rou.

Because apart from the devil, only Bai Rou and Xiao Zi Shen Longxiang knew the complete story of his fight with others.

As Elder Chi Gong and his master later knew about this matter, they should inevitably explain it after the mission was over. It would be difficult to hide it, but that was all.


Unexpectedly, the girl from Lingchong Peak would say these words when they met, and Li Yan couldn't help but have murderous intent in his heart.

He immediately thought of the possibility of Bai Rou leaking the secret, but when he glanced at Bai Rou, he knew that this was not a leak by Bai Rou.

Bai Rou had been dating Li Yan for quite some time, and she knew very well about this junior brother's nature. Knowing that he was extremely reluctant to reveal his cultivation, she immediately shook her head gently.

Her movement was so small that no one else noticed it, but it made Li Yan understand its meaning. He couldn't help but feel relieved. He knew Bai Rou's character clearly and should not lie.

Even the words of gratitude expressed by King Hu Xiao before were probably true, but I don’t know under what circumstances they were said.

As Li Yan thought about it, he already had his own guess. It should have been revealed by King Hu Xiao or Yan Feijun.

They only knew that they had taken them to escape for a long distance. They didn't know what happened next. It was probably just some speculation.

In that case, Li Yan did not leave the other five people behind and escaped by himself, which was extremely rare in the world of immortality.

Therefore, it was not an exaggeration for King Hu Xiao and others to thank him, and they would also take the opportunity to praise themselves. They may have wanted to make Li Yan famous, but they never thought that this was the last thing Li Yan wanted to see. Arrived.

However, as long as it didn't come from Bai Rou's mouth, only a few people knew about the fight with the demon cultivator that night, so Li Yan just talked about it casually.

Later, when he talked about what happened three days ago, he pushed back and forth and put all the credit on his master. As for whether the other party believed it or not, he didn't care.

Anyway, no one would dare to ask Wei Zhongran.

Sure enough, after Li Yan said what he said, everyone including the girl from Spirit Insect Peak looked dubious.

But there were also some monks who listened to the commotion here, but their faces didn't show anything. They were the monks who finally rushed forward three days ago and participated in killing the remaining demon soldiers.

Although they did not refute Li Yan's words, they absolutely did not believe it. Although Gong Yuantai and the others had fought against the remaining poisoned demon cultivators.

None of them can kill each other with one blow like Li Yan.

Of course, this also includes Bai Rou and Du Sanjiang. Bai Rou has seen the ferocity of this junior brother with her own eyes, and she knows Li Yan's character very well.

Du Sanjiang was a calm man, and he had asked Gong Yuantai about what happened that day in detail before, not to mention that he was different from Gong Yuantai and others.

He knew very well what kind of physique Li Yan had, so of course he almost died on the spot.

Later, Li Yan also knew the names of the other two girls. One was a disciple named Tan from Lao Junfeng, and the other was a subordinate of Jing.

The Jie Sect governs a large number of core disciples.

The woman's surname was He, and her cultivation had reached the realm of False Alchemy. She was the most promising disciple in the sect. As for her name, Li Yan was too lazy to remember it.

In addition to these three young girls, other monks in the courtyard were attracted by the "Qing Sixteenth Team"'s "Tonggui Ridge" battle a few days ago. Many of them did not believe that Li Yan had such great abilities. , I want to see his cultivation with my own eyes.

Li Yan never returned, so they just pretended to be here to exchange news.

The three girls actually asked Bai Rou about Li Yan's situation. Bai Rouzhong excused herself by saying that she was already unconscious that day and did not want to say more.

Although the three young girls did not get the accurate answer, given Li Yan's status as a disciple of Xiaozhu Peak. ??

Coupled with what others said about Li Yan's toughness in the battle three days ago, they all had the intention of making friends. They even thought that it would be better to become a Taoist couple, but if they couldn't, they would still have some incestuous feelings.

This is the reality in the world of cultivating immortals. No matter whether the three young girls have ever had a lover of their own, none of them want to get more cultivation resources and backers.

After seeing Li Yan denying his fighting power, the outside monks felt that this was probably the case.

Everyone knows that Li Yan has a good master who possesses powerful poison elixirs and magical talismans. This is the only explanation.

As for the previous words of the "Qing Sixteenth Team", they were just to find a decent excuse for themselves after suffering heavy casualties.

Next, of course, Li Yan changed the topic and asked Du Sanjiang about the information they had inquired about, but in the end they only got a rough idea.

The battlefield on both sides should now have moved at least five to six thousand miles south, but no seriously injured monks have yet been sent back, so the information that can be found is limited.

However, it is reasonable to think about this matter. If a few people are seriously injured and sent back for treatment, then a lot of escorting monks will be needed on the battlefield every day, which will only bring great pressure to one's side.

Therefore, the corpses of seriously injured or dead monks were most likely put into the "spiritual storage bag". This kind of storage magic weapon was rare for Li Yan and the others, and the golden elixir monks had no shortage of it.

Therefore, after Wei Zhongran, Elder Chi Gong and others left, no news came back.

Bai Rou was extremely worried about Elder Chi Gong and followed everyone to inquire about the news every day.

Ever since she refuted Tantai Dongyue's words in a low voice, Bai Rou had not spoken again and just stood silently on one side.

Occasionally, he raised his head and glanced at everyone, including Li Yan of course.

On the contrary, the three young girls and Tantai Dongyue asked Li Yan some questions from time to time, but as long as they were related to him, Li Yan would evade them if he could, otherwise he would simply not mention them.

Anyway, he doesn't care what others think of him, but Du Sanjiang will always focus on Li Yan sometimes too much.


After staying for a while, Li Yan knew that the other party was looking at his "fragmented and poisonous body", hoping to see something.

In this regard, Li Yan was ignorant. Even he himself could not truly control the cultivation process of "separating the poisonous body", so how could others see it.

Li Yan then asked about the situation of the "Qing Sixteenth Team", and Gong Yuantai sighed.

“In the last battle, there were only fifty-two of us left, including seventeen seriously injured, which can be described as heavy casualties.

Although more than a hundred people have been added now, people like Qiao Baiye and Wang Ning have already withdrawn.

One of Qiao Baiye's legs was almost severed. Although he was considered an elite disciple in the sect, the healing medicine that could regenerate broken limbs was not something he could produce by himself. He needed to return to the sect to seek help.

Wang Ning suffered serious internal injuries while fighting two Nanhai monks on the other side in the last battle.

A monk on the other side was a veteran monk who had been involved in fake elixirs for more than sixty years. He was besieged by the two. In desperation, Wang Ning had no choice but to use the secret technique desperately.

After killing another weaker enemy, he escaped back to the group and saved his life.

However, the tendons and veins in his body were injured, and he would not be able to use powerful magic for at least a year or two, so he went to retreat in the rear to heal his injuries. "

After hearing this, Li Yan looked at some familiar faces in the courtyard and felt a sense of emotion in his heart. Things had changed in three days, and it seemed like a dream.

"Now that you are back, the 'Qing Sixteenth Team' is still in your hands. I have to recuperate and meditate for a few days, and my body is still not fully recovered."

Gong Yuantai said with a smile. After the newly recruited monks arrived in recent days, he has been responsible for arranging various matters.

They have not been well nursed back to health. Although there are no immediate plans for them to go to the battlefield, some things still need to be prepared in advance.

Li Yan shook his head helplessly. He hated this kind of thing. He felt most comfortable when he was alone.

But now the superiors did not let him get rid of his position as the captain of the "Qing Sixteenth Team". After he came back, what Gong Yuantai said was true.

Afterwards, after a few people chatted for a while, Li Yan called Tao Yishan and other members of the "Qing Sixteenth Team" aside, asked about some things in detail, made some arrangements, and then dispersed.

These old members of the "Qing Sixteenth Team" now have great respect for Li Yan in their hearts. That day, Li Yan was attacked and challenged head-on by a lightning attack from a few miles away.

They had gotten to know Li Yan again. Although Li Yan denied that it was his own strength, he was just trying to underestimate Li Yan.

After all, Li Yan has poison in his body that even the Golden elixir monks can't break, so he and others can't mess with this guy.

His attacks on demon cultivators who have been poisoned are very bloody, and he is capable of tearing lives in half.

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