Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 647 Return to the Green Bat Camp (Part 2)

Among this group of people, especially the three young women, three pairs of beautiful eyes looked up and down Li Yan's body several times.

The smiles in their eyes seemed to be dripping with water, which made Li Yan start to feel more and more uncomfortable.

As soon as Li Yang stood still, he immediately raised his hand to Gong Yuantai.

"Senior Brother Gong, why is the situation here now..."

As he spoke, he gestured to the surroundings with his eyes, and looked at the sky in confusion, where streaks of light flew past.

The scene of "Green Bat Camp" now is very different from before. Even Du Sanjiang and Bai Rou are here, as if they are discussing something.

Li Yan felt that if something big happened, of course he had to find out these situations first, and then talk about other questions in his mind.

"Haha, Junior Brother Li just came back today, no wonder he doesn't know the situation here.

After the battle that day, Uncle Wei said that he would personally take over the Qing Sixteenth Team, and that Junior Brother Li had gone to perform a very confidential mission. Junior Brother Li had just returned from completing the mission. "

Gong Yuantai did not directly answer Li Yan's question, but was curious to test it.

After they cleaned the battlefield that day, Li Yan disappeared. Gong Yuantai was temporarily responsible for the following matters, and new monks would be recruited from time to time.

But from that moment on, the overall responsibility of "Tonggui Ridge" was handed over to Wei Zhongran personally leading a group of Jindan monks.

With this, Gong Yuantai felt relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

The mess of "Tonggui Ridge" was just for him to replenish his manpower, but he was no longer able to hold on.

But many people still felt strange about Li Yan's sudden disappearance.

Some people even thought that Wei Zhongran took advantage of this and transferred Li Yan to a safe rear.

After all, in this "Tonggui Ridge" defensive battle, although Fengliang Mountain suffered heavy losses, Li Yan himself made great contributions.

Even if he were held accountable, Li Yan would be able to offset his fault. Perhaps with the mediation of Uncle Wei Zhongran, it would be possible for Li Yan not only to have no fault, but to have merit.

Of course, some people thought that Li Yan was going to perform some kind of secret mission. However, they saw Li Yan's bravery and toughness that day and did not think that Li Yan would take the opportunity to be transferred.

People with this kind of mentality either understand Li Yan, or they are shocked by Li Yan that day.

For example, some monks such as Bro and Wuye.

Gong Yuantai initially thought that Li Yan was out on a mission, but in the ensuing battle, the demon clan's middle and high-level candidates were fully engaged in the battle.

He heard that the sky was darkened by the war for tens of thousands of miles around, and he couldn't imagine where else Li Yan could perform his mission, so he began to suspect that Li Yan was transferred out for some reason.

In that way, Li Yan no longer has to worry and is far away from the place of right and wrong.

And with this kind of thinking, as the war outside continued, most of the old members of the Qing Sixteenth Team began to think that this was the case.



However, no one dared to talk casually or bite the tongue of a golden elixir monk behind his back, unless he felt that he was tired of living, but everyone knew it tacitly.

Li Yan's sudden appearance today made Gong Yuantai and others realize that Li Yan had really returned from a mission.

At that moment, Gong Yuantai couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart and asked anyway.

"Hehehe, this mission of junior brother is top secret and cannot be revealed without getting the upper hand to let go!

"Li Yan smiled slightly and said casually.

A few of them were talking here, but there were still many people listening to the conversation, but no one seemed surprised by Li Yan's answer.

Even Gong Yuantai nodded. He was just curious. If Li Yan could say it would be better, it would be reasonable if he couldn't.

Even Gong Yuantai blamed himself in his heart for talking too much. If he really asked about some things that he and others should not know, the consequences would be very troublesome.

He was also considered a cautious person, but because he had experienced life and death with Li Yan, he was more curious about Li Yan's abilities, so he asked about it.

Immediately, Gong Yuantai laughed, then raised his head to look at the brilliance passing by in the sky, and wanted to answer.

Unexpectedly, Buluo had already spoken first.

"Brother Li can return safely, which is something worthy of celebration. Brother Li is asking why the situation here is so different from the previous few days, right?

In fact, it's very simple. I think Brother Li had already seen a big battle outside on his way back.

In the early morning three days ago, we and the demons suddenly started a war, and it was a battle at the level of Jindan and Nascent Soul.

We were all ordered to retreat to the Fengliang Mountain Formation for repairs. In fact, we were just trying to hide, otherwise we wouldn’t be in danger of dying outside! "

After the injury on Bro's face healed, his energy had long since returned to normal, and he looked like he was still frightened.

That day they were ordered to retreat from "Tonggui Ridge". If a Jindan elder hadn't dragged them away from there, they probably wouldn't have been able to fly.

Under the pressure of hundreds of golden elixir monks, let alone them, even some of the weaker golden elixirs were trembling, and the foundation-building monks were even more stagnant in their spiritual power.

"Yes, I already noticed something was wrong on the way back, so I could only sneak back carefully, so I was delayed for some time. The outside was already beyond recognition."

Li Yan also said solemnly, of course he knew about the battle three days ago, he was just pretending not to know.

"Brother Li, didn't you meet the monks from both sides on your way back?"

Bro asked again.

The others also looked at Li Yan with curiosity or nervousness. All of them, the foundation-building cultivators, did not allow anyone to explore the formation with their spiritual sense.

In order to avoid being severely damaged by the cultivators fighting outside through their spiritual sense, Gong Yuantai and others did not know the situation outside.

"I came from the north, and all I saw were large areas of mountains collapsed after fighting along the way, and the whole place was in ruins. I didn't encounter any cultivators fighting."

Li Yan lied again. On the way back, he was not only followed by Jindan cultivators, but also encountered four or five groups of cultivators fighting.

It's just that Li Yan had already fully opened his spiritual sense. After sensing the abnormal spiritual power fluctuations from a distance, he would bypass it as soon as possible.

But he didn't want to say it out loud, so as not to attract another round of questioning.

He only asked one question, which was good. The two of them didn't answer it in succession, but kept asking him, which made Li Yan a little depressed.

"Oh, what Junior Brother Li said should be correct. I have found out some news. Now the battlefield of the battle between the two sides has moved southward for more than ten thousand miles. The demon army has been defeated by us." Du Sanjiang, who had not spoken before, suddenly interrupted. After hearing Du Sanjiang's words, the eyes of the others lit up, including the other monks in the courtyard who were listening to the movement here. After hearing the news, their faces showed excitement. They are of Du Sanjiang's status, and the news he said should be closer to the actual situation. Besides, don't they come here every day just to ask each other for the latest news? "Brother Du, you will say it later. Fellow Daoist Bro, it seems that none of you answered my question. Li is also curious." Li Yan saw that as soon as Du Sanjiang spoke, several people beside him seemed to want to take up his topic, so he could only speak again with a wry smile. Du Sanjiang smiled when he heard the words, and then looked at Bro. Bro scratched the back of his head with his hand and said a little embarrassedly.

"The reason why I didn't answer Brother Li's question is that your question is not a question at all.

Since we were confined in the big formation, our spiritual consciousness was not allowed to be released to explore, but we were always concerned about the battle situation outside.

Although we are full of confidence in all the seniors, everyone is afraid that the outside will suddenly be surrounded by the opponent's middle and high-level cultivators, so of course we want to know more about the situation outside.

However, according to what Fellow Daoist Du said just now, it is estimated that even if we explore now, we can't find out anything with our cultivation level, and we can only explore a few hundred miles.

Therefore, everyone has long lost the heart to practice, whether it is the cultivators of the 'Green Bat Camp', 'Earth Camp', 'Heavenly Work Camp' or 'Heavy Front Camp'.

They all began to look for familiar people everywhere to ask News, after all, there are still elite disciples from the four major sects like Senior Brother Du and Senior Brother Gong.

So they will still hear some rumors from some of the uncles and uncles who stayed behind.

To put it bluntly, everyone is uneasy and tries to find out the news of the war outside.

Not only here in the 'Green Bat Camp', but also in other peaks, the monks from each peak often gather together in recent days to ask each other for news.

Therefore, this is why we kept asking you about the news outside as soon as Brother Li came back. After all, you should be the only Fengliang Mountain monk we know who saw the result of the war outside. "

After Bro finished speaking, his eyes spread out, and his eyes were rolling around Li Yan, as if he wanted to see something.

"You guys are like this, and those uncles and uncles who stayed behind let it go?"

Li Yan finally understood, but immediately felt that it was too casual in Fengliang Mountain, wouldn't it be a big fuss.

"The seniors also turned a blind eye to these things. Otherwise, if all the cultivators were to stay in the cave, they would probably feel even more depressed. Anyway, almost all the news we got was released by them." Du Sanjiang said in a deep voice. Li Yan listened and thought for a while, and then he understood the meaning of his words. The rumors released by these uncles and uncles were mostly good and few bad, which would instead play a role in boosting morale. "Well, so you also saw it, Li Junior Brother, many of Senior Brother Du and Junior Sister Bai came over. Haha, it was Junior Sister Bai who asked about you the most in recent days." Tan Tai Dongyue suddenly interrupted at this time, and when she said the latter, her beautiful eyes had a smile. As soon as she said this, everyone was silent at first, and then many people smiled silently. Li Yan touched his nose and did not respond to Tan Tai Dongyue's words. Bai Rou's voice rang out after the silence. "Tan... Tan Tai... Senior Sister, I... I don't... have any.

Junior Brother Li saved our lives in the last mission, and Senior Brother Hu Xiaowang asked me to thank Junior Brother Li after seeing him.

It's just... it's just... since we parted a month ago, I... we haven't seen Junior Brother Li again.

Senior Brother Hu was injured again a few days ago, and Senior Brother Yan Feijun was transferred to the rear after breaking an arm, so... so, they still asked me to convey their gratitude... "

Since Li Yan came in, Bai Rou only occasionally glanced at Li Yan and never spoke. After hearing what Tan Tai Dongyue said, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes.

Fortunately, she always lowered her head habitually, so the look in her eyes was not seen by others, but Ruxue's neck was already covered with a layer of pink, but this was all in everyone's eyes.

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