Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 629: Destroying Linglong and the Great Monk

Li Yan shook his head this time.

"No need, Master, I'd better go alone. When there are fewer people, the possibility of exposure is lower. At least everything is still under my control."

After thinking about it, he realized that this mission was an inevitable result, and he dared not push it even if he wanted to.

Thinking back to his trip to "Zhouyang Town", in terms of hiding, taking people there would only increase the chance of exposure. Although he himself lacked helpers, the possibility of death would be greater compared to the chance of exposure. several times.

Li Yan would rather go alone and just act according to circumstances.

"Are you...sure you need to do this?"

Wei Zhongran's expression froze, and then he confirmed again with a solemn look.

"Disciple is sure! I wonder when the disciple will leave?

By the way, the disciple still has something to do. After the disciple leaves, the defense here will be left to Senior Brother Gong of Laojun Peak. He has fought in the 'Mogu Mountain' for half a month and has much more experience than the others.

However, today we were suddenly ambushed and attacked by the opponent, and more than half of the casualties were already suffered. If there are no new monks to come in, we will not be able to hold on here. "

Now that he had decided, Li Yan could only grit his teeth and hold on to the end, but he already remembered the Yuanying monk who wanted to take the opportunity to kill him and establish his power.

After today, if I can survive and find out more about who this person is, I will definitely remember this "kindness". If one day he can step into the Nascent Soul realm, he will come to ask for advice.

Li Yan would not mention the murderous intention he sensed just now to anyone, including Wei Zhongran. If Wei Zhongran could be stronger than the other party, he should have reacted just now.

Even if there is a chance to tell Wei Zhongran, it will only cause more trouble.

Li Yan's retribution has always been retributive in this world. Since he was not capable enough, he could only keep it deep in his heart. This was what forced him to risk his life.

Then he thought about the defense here, and naturally he wanted to hand over this hot potato, just to put it nicely.

Don't wait until after he leaves, if you lose the defense here afterwards, and you go back to him to take the blame, you will have to take the blame for someone else.

Although Li Yan felt that with his master around, his superiors would not point fingers at random for this kind of thing, but he had to speak clearly, and his purpose was to leave everything out.

"Hehehe, I will mobilize the monks from the rear to come up here, but there is no need for Gong Yuantai to command.

The formation here has been broken and there is no danger to defend it. Although Tonggui Ridge will be rebuilt now, such a defensive formation cannot be set up in a short time.

Judging from the opponent's offensive situation today, the demon army must have received a death order and has the intention to take down Tonggui Ridge and even the entire Fengliang Mountain.

It is estimated that... later... there should be golden elixirs and even Nascent Soul monks coming in person. I will personally sit here and direct for some time. After it stabilizes, I will sort out the situation and then hand it over to others. "


\u003e  Wei Zhongran understood the meaning of Li Yan's words immediately. He was a disciple who was very "sensible between public and private affairs".

It was just that I hesitated a little after speaking, but I still felt that my judgment that the other party's middle-to-high-level monks would come in person was correct.

But he still had one sentence left unsaid: "Maybe after tonight, everything will be different!"

Li Yan was a little surprised to hear that his master was stationed here in person, but after hearing Wei Zhong then's analysis, he felt it made sense.

Today, the demon clan has been accumulating strength for many days and suddenly launched an attack. Even after using powerful magic weapons, they still failed to capture it. Of course, they couldn't just let it go.

It's just that he didn't see that Wei Zhongran's expression was solemn and hesitant when he said these words, but this was fleeting, and Li Yan certainly didn't notice it.

"When are you going to set off? I need to ask several Yuanying seniors for instructions before I can decide whether this plan is feasible. After all, your plan requires their consent and their full cooperation!"

Wei Zhongran then returned to the topic of the mission.

But as soon as he finished speaking, what he and Li Yan didn't expect was that a powerful voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

"No need to ask for instructions, just follow this kid's plan and set off immediately without further delay, as long as he can drive this thing about a hundred feet under the altar.

Then unless the other party has someone stronger than a late Nascent Soul cultivator, there will be no one who can't discover this thing. "

The sound came suddenly. Although Wei Zhongran and Li Yan had long expected that someone was spying on their conversation, such direct intervention without any cover-up still made them a little shocked.

Especially Wei Zhongran, who was directly penetrated into his mind by the other party without realizing it, and still frowned.

But Li Yan had another thought in his mind.

"It turns out it's him! It's the voice that appeared in the air before. Needless to say, the murderous intention just now came from this person!"

A look of surprise appeared on Li Yan's face at the right time. In fact, the suddenness of the voice surprised him, and the voice was firmly engraved in his heart.

Li Yan believed that he would definitely be able to find this person through this voice in the future. This would of course be if he had the strength to reach that level.

Just as the transmission sounded, an irregular dark blue crystal about the size of half a baby boxer and a jade slip suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The two items appeared quietly, no more than jade slips, but the dark blue crystal half the size of a baby boxer was clearly a water-attribute spirit stone.

But when Li Yan swept over with his spiritual consciousness, to his surprise, he found that

It was empty, there was nothing in his consciousness, but this thing was clearly floating in front of him.

Li Yan released his consciousness again in disbelief. What surprised him was that there was still nothing in his consciousness.

"This... this... is Senior Qian Fangshu's 'Destroying Linglong'!"

Wei Zhongran's somewhat surprised words answered some of Li Yan's doubts, but he still didn't know the specifics of this object.

"Your vision is really broad. In the world of immortality, even if some people are lucky enough to know that this thing exists, there are only a handful of people who can actually see it!

Since you know the origin of this magic weapon, you don't need me to explain it to you anymore. You, the disciple, will take it with you later.

Li Yan, don't do anything to this object, just drive it deep into the ground within the altar's defense circle.

I will work with a few other people to handle the things you just mentioned that require our cooperation.

In addition, the jade slip contains a map of the valley. Remember, if it cannot be completed by tomorrow morning, many of our plans will be delayed, and the consequences will be serious.

But boy, I believe you can do it! "

The powerful voice sounded in the minds of the two people again, especially in the last two sentences, which already showed the seriousness of the task.

Although there were no words threatening Li Yan, Li Yan and Wei Zhongran clearly felt a chill coming from the words.

Li Yan felt extremely uncomfortable about this. He was not a powerful monk, and now he was unreasonably placing the responsibility for this matter on himself.

But for a moment, he didn't dare to refute. Wei Zhongran raised his brows and was about to open his mouth to blame Li Yan. But just after the sentence ended, all the sounds stopped suddenly, and every trace of emotion in his heart disappeared. none.

The old monster Yuanying has a weird temper. He says one thing and does another as usual, and his attitude is even more unpredictable. This kind of behavior that comes and goes at will is not surprising.

If you go your own way and say what you say, the monks below must listen. In their hearts, it is a matter of course.

Wei Zhongran could only sigh. This old weirdo clearly didn't want to hear any other reasons.

Immediately, Wei Zhongran stretched out his hand towards the void in front of him, and captured the "Mie Linglong" that was radiating blue light in his hand.

Li Yan asked directly when he saw this.

"Master, is this magic weapon really powerful?"

In fact, he was just talking about it, which was equivalent to nonsense. If this thing was not powerful, the Nascent Soul monk would not let them destroy another magic weapon, let alone say those words.

When Wei Zhongran heard this, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness that he was observing. When his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the magic weapon, he could not feel the presence of any spiritual energy at all. There was only a faint aura that made his heart palpitate and tremble.


Breath spreads out.

Wei Zhongran didn't know if he felt this way because he knew the origin of this object, or if he really felt it.

"'Mie Linglong' is a top-level magic weapon in the mortal world. It was refined by Senior Qian Fangshu, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage.

This object is said to have the power of two to three monks in the early stage of Yuanying to strike together. Please note that this does not mean that this magic weapon will reach the power of monks in the middle stage of Yuanying.

But this was extremely shocking. Everyone and everything in the valley formation was basically dead.

However, the formation is dead, but people are alive, which is why even with this object in hand, the Yuanying seniors are not sure they can instantly restrain or kill the Yuanying-level demon general.

As long as the opponent's induction is not good, the speed of teleportation will definitely exceed the speed of the magic weapon explosion.

Having said that, let me tell you one more thing. It is said that the demon general sitting in that valley will never exceed the middle stage of the demon general. He should be a demon general in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

In fact, as long as we have a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, such as Senior Qianfangshu, who takes action personally, the early and middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators are as fragile as a piece of paper in front of him, and a single thought can determine his life or death.

But if we have a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator to take action now, it will definitely attract the opponent's god-transformation cultivator. With the connection, the battle between the two sides will begin in an instant.

We currently have some plans that are not ready, but we cannot do this. "

After hearing this, Li Yan nodded immediately. As a disciple of the four major sects, especially Xiaozhu Peak, he could see many more confidential classics.

Even if he did not have this authority, Wei Zhongran would sometimes let Li Wuyi or others show it to him to read, in order to enhance his disciples' knowledge.

The monks in the late Yuanying stage have already had a certain level of contact with the laws of the Five Elements, Heaven and Earth, and even the laws after the mutation. This is completely different from the monks in the middle or early stage of the Yuanying. They are called "big monks" by ordinary cultivators. .

Monks who are able to conceive babies are those who have realized the existence of the most profound laws of heaven and earth in the world, and can break through the many shackles between themselves and heaven and earth.

The fake infant monk used that glimmer of inspiration to try his best to capture the ethereal power of law. If he tried to take it into his body, it would arouse the boundless anger and murderous intention of the law of heaven and earth.

The laws of heaven and earth are unconscious, but they have an inviolable instinct. When someone tries to get close to it and capture it, the power of heaven and earth will be aroused, and a catastrophe will occur. The monks who dare to control the power of the dragon will be killed. This is what is called of catastrophe.

The heavenly tribulation that occurs when a baby is born is on a completely different level than the alchemy tribulation that occurs when a pill is formed. The power of the heavenly tribulation exceeds that of the alchemy tribulation by more than ten times.

Moreover, the stronger the Jindan cultivator is, the more laws of heaven and earth he senses, and the more powerful the heavenly calamity is to kill him, so the size of the heavenly calamity varies from person to person.

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