Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 628 The second plan

Li Yan's mind was spinning rapidly. He thought about many things clearly in just a moment. He couldn't help but feel a chill on his back. Li Yan quickly used his spiritual power to force down the cold sweat.

At this moment, he didn't dare to show too much strangeness. The old monster Nascent Soul was already murderous. If he made the slightest dissatisfaction, the other party would destroy him in a matter of seconds.

But if he was allowed to pass like this, Li Yan would certainly be resentful and push himself to the guillotine.

If there is another Nascent Soul old monster following him secretly, it is a good thing to activate that magic weapon as soon as possible. Then, if he and others want to delay the time and wait for an opportunity to escape, the possibility is within the other party's thoughts.

If you go, you will die, if you don't go, you will die. Li Yan fell silent for a while, but there was nothing he could do, and he could not send a message to Wei Zhongran.

It seemed that he was transmitting a message to Wei Zhongran. With Li Yan's magic power, what he said would definitely be heard by the other party. It would undoubtedly speed up his death.

Seeing that Li Yan fell into deep thought for a long time after his answer, Wei Zhongran sighed one last time and planned to use the Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Talisman to contact his master.

He cannot bear this kind of disobedience. He must find his master as soon as possible and explain the situation so that his master can choose an opportunity to deal with it.

And just when he raised his hand, Li Yan, who had been looking down in thought, suddenly raised his head.

"Master, this matter is actually not impossible, right?"

Just now, as Wei Zhongran sighed, the fire spiritual power in Li Yan's dantian jumped several times, and then Li Yan felt a pair of cold and ruthless eyes locked on him.

He knew that something was not going well. As long as his master did something bad at the next moment, he would be in disaster.

He spoke hurriedly without any hesitation, but on the surface it was a thoughtful expression, without any abnormality.

If you let the other party know that you can sense his murderous intention, even if you agree to this mission, then he will die at an "appropriate time".

No matter how high the level of the monk is, he will never leave an enemy for himself. Even the weakest enemy will eventually bring him endless trouble if he is given a chance to grow up in the future.

Li Yan understands this truth, not to mention the old monster Nascent Soul.

What's more, especially an outstanding junior like Li Yan who has great power behind him and whose potential is immeasurable.

"Oh, you think this trip is possible? Why do you think so?"

Wei Zhongran immediately stopped what he was doing and couldn't help but look at Li Yan strangely. He had been thinking about this matter. From the perspective of the sect, of course he also wanted to complete this task.

But he thought about it for a long time, and still couldn't find a solution. He didn't expect that his disciple would suddenly change his attitude and say that there was something he could do. This made him suspicious, but he didn't know what was wrong for a while.

Although Li Yan is calm and calm on the surface, he is heartbroken.


Zhong was already as anxious as oil boiling. What he said casually in a moment of desperation was just a procrastination. In fact, there was no good advice.

But as soon as he said these words, the fire spiritual power in his body returned to normal operation, which made Li Yan even more sure that he was walking on the edge of life and death.

Hearing Wei Zhongran's questioning, Li Yan could only continue to pretend to be calm, as if he was sorting out his words and thoughts, and did not answer immediately.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Li Yan's mind, and a plan quickly took shape in his mind.

"Master, I think the key to this mission is the Nascent Soul-level demon general who is guarding it, and how I put in the destruction magic weapon without being discovered by the other party.

But the other party is a Yuanying monk, if he is extremely careful.

Every plant and tree for thousands of miles around is under his consciousness. He can even know when a grain of sand rolls away from its original position, just to see if he is willing.

And these are precisely the places where we lurk and let the other party discover us. Maybe even as soon as we take something out of the storage bag, he will be alert immediately and lock us firmly.

Therefore, even if you blend into the enemy monks, it will be very difficult to take out the destruction magic weapon from the storage bag. "

At this point, Li Yan paused, and Wei Zhongran nodded. Of course, he had been thinking about all this before, or even more.

It's that Li Yan has extraordinary lurking ability and can blend into the wind, clouds or vegetation, but after all, his cultivation level is very different from that of the other party. As long as the other party pays attention, he should be able to see through his behavior at a glance.

Now that Li Yan has said this, there must be some way to overcome these obstacles.

Sure enough, Li Yan continued.

“Therefore, our plan to send people to sneak directly into the valley has a very low success rate, even less than 10%, and it will still alert the enemy.

So, the disciple has an idea. Since the possibility of catching the enemy in the end is the highest, can he implement this plan in reverse?

After the disciples and others reach a certain distance outside the valley, they will stop moving forward, and then our senior Yuanying will go to the valley to try to destroy the magic weapon there..."

At this point, Li Yan paused deliberately. As expected, the murderous intention did not appear, which made him feel relieved.

Wei Zhongran also quietly waited for Li Yan's next words.

"Under such circumstances, if our senior Nascent Soul can destroy the opponent's powerful magic weapon, everything will naturally be for the best.

Otherwise, if the opponent is incapable of defeating him, the situation that Master mentioned before may happen, and he may take away a powerful magic weapon and escape far away.

One after another

, they will stay away from the valley. By then, we will be waiting for an opportunity to sneak into the valley, and our certainty will be several times greater.

Similarly, if we place our destroying magic weapon, we will have a greater success rate.

As for the seniors who are pursuing the Nascent Soul Stage Demonic Cultivation, as long as they feel that they really cannot succeed in the middle, they can just retreat in advance. "

When Li Yan said this, he kept silent. With the shrewdness of Wei Zhongran and the old Yuanying monster who spied on their conversation, they could not see the development of the subsequent events.

Wei Zhongran's eyes flashed, and after a while.

"Well, your plan has some chance of success. After the opponent's Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator escapes, if you want to continue to use this powerful magic weapon to attack us, you will definitely need to choose a suitable place.

And that valley is already an ideal place for them. If they look for it elsewhere, it will waste a lot of their time, which will be detrimental to the war. ??

Moreover, even after choosing a new suitable place, we will still find them again as soon as they use those powerful magic weapons next time, and they cannot be hidden either.

Therefore, there is at least half a chance that they will choose that valley. They only need to strengthen the defense there to prevent us from sneak attacks and strong attacks again. This is the best way.

Therefore, after you leave, there is a half chance that the other party will return to that valley. "

Wei Zhongran narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, Master, being able to have this 10% certainty is actually a lot more likely to win than the previous plan, but there are two problems here.

The first is that the magic weapon I placed must be able to hide it from the spiritual consciousness of the other party's Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator. They will definitely explore there again after they return.

The second is the senior who ambushed the Demonic Cultivator Yuanying in the past. Everything is based on the most realistic situation, and the most powerful magic weapon in the valley is forcibly destroyed as much as possible.

On the contrary, my plan can only be regarded as a backup plan. This is more secure and prevents the other party from seeing through the trick. "

"Well, I need to ask for instructions from above to see if I can do the two things you mentioned.

If we can do this, although we cannot guarantee that the other party will follow our plan, the success rate will indeed increase by a few percent. This is equivalent to two nested plans.

If one link can be completed, it can guarantee the destruction of the opponent's magic weapon. This is the best plan that can be thought of at present. However, do you really plan to lead people to carry out this task? "

After Wei Zhongran spoke, he changed the topic and stared at Li Yan quietly.

He was a little confused about Li Yan's transformation for a while. According to his understanding of Li Yan, this kid was not the kind of selfless person. If Li Yan told him that it was for the Desolate Moon Continent, he would definitely sneer at it. of.

Li Yan touched his nose and said to himself, "Your apprentice


Your life is hanging by a thread right now, and if you want to save it, your chances are probably slim. "

Although Li Yan thought so in his heart, he was grateful to Wei Zhongran. This master treated his disciples sincerely even though he usually neglected to discipline them.

Although Wei Zhongran is already a great man of his generation, compared with the real thousand-year-old monster, his training time is still too short, and the accumulation of time is not enough.

If time passes, these old monsters who are secretly spying on his master and apprentice will definitely not be his master's opponents.

"Disciple still thinks we should give it a try, otherwise if we continue to guard Fengliang Mountain, this will always be a sharp sword hanging over our heads.

Even if the defensive formation of the Yin-Yang Boundary River Formation is re-established like before, the cultivation of the disciples and others is still not able to fully exert the power of the formation, and the result can only be similar to before. "

Li Yan found an excuse that was not a reason, but in general, it was just reasonable. Even if it was not for the public, it was also for private reasons.

Wei Zhongran thought about it and always felt that Li Yan suddenly changed a little differently. This was somewhat different from the impression Li Yan had in his mind during Xunri, but for a while he couldn't find anything wrong with his words.

The battle at Fengliang Mountain is currently in full swing. Let alone Li Yan, it is extremely difficult for him to be transferred away. Therefore, it is somewhat abrupt to alarm Master Da Cen for such a thing.

Li Yan is right. As low-level monks, they are "abandoned" placed at various defense points, constantly consuming the effective strength of the demon army. If the opponent can use a powerful magic weapon once, there will naturally be a second time.

"Well, since you have decided this way, do you think it would be better to lead those people there? I think it would be better to find a few masters and uncles who are good at hiding their auras to help secretly."

Wei Zhongran let out a breath. Now that he had made a decision, he felt that the success rate of the plan was somewhat higher, and the most important thing was that Li Yan did not have to face the Nascent Soul cultivator directly.

Judging from Li Yan's previous performance, he still had some means of escaping in the hands of ordinary Jindan monks.

Just as he had thought before, if this task fell to him, he would agree to it without hesitation, risking his life or death.

Therefore, when Li Yan agreed, Wei Zhongran liked this disciple even more.

As for who Li Yan wants to pick, he doesn't care. If he picks them, he must follow them, otherwise, he will kill them directly.

In order to ensure that the plan would proceed smoothly and at the same time increase Li Yan's chance of survival, he still wanted to find a few Jindan monks who were good at concealment techniques to go with him.

If he didn't want to take charge of the overall situation here, he would also want to follow him in person.

But the content of the message transmitted to him by the Nascent Soul monk before was not just the things he said. He also had another more important plan to make.

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