Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 616 Tonggui Ridge (XIV)

Gong Yuantai's spiritual consciousness scanned the surroundings, and monks with high magical powers such as Wang Ning, Wu Ye, and Tantai Dongyue were also covered in blood, and he didn't know if it was his own or someone else's.

At least a few of them finally have powerful magic powers and have managed to survive until now without dying.

Even the book boy joined up with Qiao Baiye who was nearest, and the two of them worked together to fight the other three.

Two of the three Nanhai monks were extremely skillful in their cooperation, but the remaining monk was even more ferocious. Perhaps because of his potential, he had already achieved half a step in the cultivation of the golden elixir.

This one person alone can suppress Qiao Baiye and Bu Luo to death, not to mention the fact that there are two other monks who are skilled in cooperation, so Qiao Bai Ye and Bu Luo are dripping with blood, and every breath is full of danger.

What makes Gong Yuantai even more uneasy is that the demonic cultivators who control the Nanhai monks in the south of the spiritual consciousness have also begun to approach here. This is a sign that they are going to take advantage of the opportunity to take action.

"No, we have to retreat. Even if we are punished by the higher-ups, we can't continue fighting like this!"

Gong Yuantai quickly made a decision and decided to leave. If this continued, there would be no second fate for them.

Those demon cultivators would attack anyone at will, even if they were fighting alone, even he himself was not sure whether he could defeat the other party.

Gong Yuantai was determined and quickly sent a message to Wang Ning, Wu Ye, Tantai Dongyue, Qiao Baiye and several other living fake alchemy monks.

He wanted to unite the strongest people here, and then ask them to send messages to the nearby monks, gather together, and work together to break out of the siege.

Soon, Gong Yuantai's message received a reply from others, and they also sensed signs that the southern demonic cultivator was approaching.

Now they were overwhelmed just to deal with these Nanhai monks, not to mention that while they were fighting, the opponent suddenly blew himself up.

Such a battle was so frustrating for them that they began to feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, Gong Yuantai was also the originally designated deputy captain. Now no one knows whether Captain Li Yan has escaped or died, so he is the only one who can take over the command.

Now that Gong Yuantai had said this, of course the others wanted it, and they immediately agreed. If they were not afraid of harming the sect and family behind them, they would have fled the battle long ago when the two sides were not equal.

Now that Gong Yuantai is bearing the consequences, he certainly wants to break out of the siege and escape.

However, there are exceptions among these people. Wang Ning and Wu Ye seem to be hesitant. They still want to fight to the death.

In the end, the most worrying situation did not appear, which made Gong Yuantai feel a little relieved. At least Wang Ning and Wuye started to gather towards him after sending messages to the nearby monks.


At this time, Li Yan, in the chaos of the battle, had already swayed left and right, pulled a Nanhai monk to fly high into the sky, and quickly killed him. Taking advantage of the moment when the demon cultivator's consciousness controlling the monk was briefly cut off, Li Yan Yan has already hidden himself.

according to


According to Li Yan's current cultivation level, if he wanted to kill the monks here, almost no one could fight with him in a few moves, but that would quickly attract the attention of the demon cultivators. It is estimated that as long as he appears again, he would There would be a siege or self-destruction. Even Li Yan was afraid of that kind of scene and didn't want to face it.

Seeing that the opponent was strong, he had already made plans in his mind to try to save the defeat.

After "Tonggui Ridge" was flattened by the opponent's powerful magic weapon, the opponent did not give them time to recover and rushed forward immediately. It was not that Li Yan did not want to defend on the spot, but that time simply did not allow it.

Originally fighting with the attacking enemy, Li Yan also planned to divide into several teams, with front, side response, backup, and layered defense.

At least he can send some monks out to stop them, send monks who are good at formations from behind, and set up small vehicles to enter a series of traps, and they can still resist step by step.

But Li Yan did not do this in the end, but rushed forward all at once, just like a group of stragglers.

Li Yan's main purpose in doing this was to make the demon cultivators look down upon them, thinking that they had been attacked by the powerful magic weapon just now, and that they were disoriented and lost their position.

At the same time, he also wanted to hide Gong Yuantai and the others to make the whole process appear more real.

His plan was to lurk among the demonic cultivators at the rear, and he wanted to kill the more than 20 demonic soldiers.

If this plan was known to Gong Yuantai and the others, they could only think that Li Yan was deceived by the attack from Tonggui Ling just now. He was so mad that he could not cooperate with him in such nonsense.

There are more than 20 demon soldiers, even without these Nanhai monks. If they all go up, it is estimated that the victory will be a miserable victory.

Of course Li Yan felt that he was not weak, but he was not so arrogant that he really thought that he had the ability to compete with the golden elixir monks.

Everything, of course, is just calculation, which is his strength.

However, due to the charge between the two sides, a long distance was opened between them and the demon cultivators at the rear, about four or five miles.

This made it difficult for Li Yan to implement his plan.

Since "Sneaking Night Hidden" has been blessed by "Feng Chongtian", Li Yan has become even weirder and faster in the hidden state.


"Those human monks have begun to gather together. They want to break out. Before the adults come, we must take down the 'Tonggui Ridge' and drive them all away. Otherwise, we will still fight like this when the opponent loses their defensive formation." As a result, it’s very difficult to explain.”

Gong Yuantai and the others were paying attention to the dynamics of the demon cultivators, and the same was true for the demon cultivators. The short and stocky demon cultivator who had met Li Yan in "Zhouyang Town" felt that the situation of the battle was almost over.

They no longer had to wait any longer, so they took the lead in drinking.

After hearing this, the other demonic cultivators looked at the more than seventy Fengliangshan cultivators left in the field. Their blood began to boil, and they began to whisper a few words to each other.

They only exchanged a few words for a few moments, and dozens of people on both sides had been killed or wounded, with monks falling almost every time they took a breath.

Angry curses and shouts filled the world, and a strong smell of blood spread in all directions on the wind.

Facing more than 70 Fengliangshan monks, not to mention the more than 100 Nanhai monks in the hands of the demon cultivators, even the twenty or so demon cultivators dared to confront these people head-on.

At this time, Gong Yuantai and the others finally got together after nine more people died.

"Fellow Taoist Wuye and Wang Ning, we each lead the remaining team members. You protect the two sides respectively. I will lead the people to attack from the middle to the north. Senior Sister Tantai will lead the people to prevent the pursuing troops from the south. Let's go!"

Every breath was shrouded in the shadow of death. Gong Yuantai did not hesitate at all and immediately rushed north. His orders simply contained specific arrangements and division of labor.

From this point, it can be seen that Gong Yuantai remained calm in the face of danger and his mind remained clear.

After the three of them heard Gong Yuantai's arrangements, they didn't say much. After exchanging glances, they determined each other's positions. Then, after transmitting messages to their original personnel, they quickly regrouped and arranged.

Gong Yuantai did not arrange for anyone to stay in place to block the enemy, allowing the others to break out of the encirclement.

The battle between monks is very different from that between mortals. When a battle occurs between armies among mortals, if one party wants to break out after being trapped, a small group of people will usually be left behind to block it, trying to get more for their companions. Lots of time to escape.

The monks are omnipotent in the sky and on the earth. The opponent already has a numerical advantage. As long as they set aside a part of the siege to block the monks, it will be very easy for them to catch up after a little delay of dozens or hundreds of miles.

The retreating side basically retreats while fighting, and then waits for an opportunity to escape during the battle.

What's more, now that Gong Yuantai is arranging for others to stay and stop him, who can be willing to be a human shield and make a wedding dress for others.

Even Gong Yuantai himself is not willing to stay. He is confident that he has many means to escape from here in a single charge, and everyone will rely on their abilities.

Wu Ye's spiritual consciousness scanned the surroundings and sighed in his heart, "Li Yan's cultivation was quite good, but he died without knowing when."

In his consciousness, he still could not find Li Yan. He still admired Li Yan's ability, and felt that it was a pity in his heart.

In his mind, he thought that Li Yan was the first to rush into the enemy group, and then exploded several times. He didn't know if there were any enemies Li Yan was fighting among them.

The blood hole on Bro's face was still there. Together with Qiao Baiye, he did not hesitate to detonate a magic weapon.


Kill the monk who has reached half a step of golden elixir cultivation.

Then he and Qiao Baiye rushed out and reluctantly gathered with Gong Yuantai and the others. Regarding this, Qiao Baiye also softened his attitude towards him a lot. Even though he knew that Bro had many magic weapons, no one was willing to give up his magic weapons casually. .

There was another long, fleshy and everted scar on Bro's chest, but luckily it didn't hurt his internal organs.

Qiao Baiye was in dire straits. One of his legs was almost cut off by his opponent, with only some flesh attached. He used magic to temporarily stabilize the injury and stopped bleeding. He could only stay back and spend a lot of spiritual stones to buy the amputated limbs to regenerate. The elixir is gone.

Qiao Baiye's originally soft and fair face was now even paler.

Both of them were so seriously injured that one of the three opponents was killed by them.

Of the two Nanhai monks who cooperated extremely well, only one was hit by the aftermath of the explosion of the magic weapon. Bro and Qiao Baiye took the opportunity to attack him with a combined force, but they only severely injured that person.

After Buluo simply sprinkled medicinal powder on the wounds, the wounds on his chest and face gradually began to heal. His elixir was given by Zuoqiu Dan, and it was of a very high grade.

At the same time, he also threw half a bottle to Qiao Baiye. Qiao Baiye was so surprised that he finally sprinkled some of the wound medicine given by Bro on his calf. As expected, the effect was excellent.

If he goes back this time and spends a lot of spiritual stones to reconnect the broken bones and tendons, then his calf will recover in a month or two. He, Qiao Baiye, is also someone who is not short of spiritual stones.

Due to this incident, the relationship between the two became quite close.

Bro also scanned around with his consciousness, and was surprised not to find Li Yan. He was surprised that he was back, but the man was missing. He didn't think that if he could survive, something would happen to Li Yan.

"You're not going to run away first, are you?"

Bro said dissatisfied in his heart. In the final analysis, their charge was all Li Yan's order, but now he himself ran away.

Bro didn't think about Li Yan's death at all. Based on what he knew about Li Yan in "Beiming Town Demon Tower", that man was smart and had strong cultivation. Fight, not to mention that guy is several times braver than himself.

On the other side, Wang Ning, who was also highly skilled in cultivation, was not injured, but his aura was chaotic and floating, and his expression was a little depressed.

Just now, the two sides fought for only a few dozen breaths. Wang Ning's spiritual energy consumption was almost several times that of the previous fights. She was besieged by three people. If she was not careful, she would die in an instant.

However, she was decisive and saw that the situation was not going well. She immediately used a hundred small swords to kill one of the opponents while dodging. Finally, she again ignored the consequences and poured out all her spiritual power. The hundreds of small swords were like this. Crazy strangulation like rain.

Only then did he break away from the encirclement of the other two people. He was almost exhausted by that time. If he encountered another enemy, he would probably die more than live.

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