Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 615 Tonggui Ridge (13)

When the beautiful female cultivator fell, the snow-white jade whale at her feet was shaking her head in pain, with red and white liquid spitting out of her mouth.

The moment the beautiful female cultivator fell from it, the snow-white jade whale roared and galloped away into the distance. It did not attack Tao Yishan again. When it left, the eyes it looked at Tao Yishan were full of fear and resentment.

When Tao Yishan saw the scene in front of him, he didn't show much surprise on his face, as if he had expected it. He had seen this kind of fearful expression after being attacked by unknown things many times.

Tao Yishan also swayed and flew out immediately, but his direction was not to pursue the snow-white jade whale, but directly towards the falling female cultivator.

When passing by the ink-colored whip that had lost its mana drive and returned to its original appearance, he grabbed it in his hand.

Then he quickly caught up with Xiu Meixiu's body, and with a roll of spiritual power, he rolled back the storage bag around her waist. Then he dodged and returned to the fighting position, letting the female corpse hit the ground.

As soon as Tao Yishan stood still, he stretched out his hand. In the empty space in front of him, a sudden gray-brown light flew into his hand.

When he opened his palms, with a glance of his consciousness, the muscles on Tao Yishan's face twitched involuntarily.

What appeared in his palm was a mottled animal horn the size of his index finger.

One end of the mottled horn is as thin as a cone, and the other end is a little thicker. The whole body is dark gray. Starting from the tapered top, circles of fine brown threads are densely wound downwards.

It's just that after these brown threads reach the middle, they begin to become blurred further down, as if they have faded, especially near the base of the horn. If you don't look carefully, you won't see any threads at all.

Tao Yishan's eyes fell on the middle of the horn, where there were two threads of brown color that were quickly fading away and slowly turning dark gray.

This horn is Tao Yishan's life-saving trump card. He got it in a swamp when he was young and wandering.

He still doesn't know what kind of monster this horn is from, and he doesn't know whether it was refined by someone to have such power, or whether the horn originally had such incredible attack power.

This small piece of horn is almost indestructible and has saved his life countless times, allowing him to save the day in the most critical moments time and time again.

According to Tao Yishan's own guess, this small piece of animal horn may be a fatal threat to the golden elixir monks. Of course, he never dared to try it, nor did he dare to take it out easily.

Both of these results would only bring him death, but in today's chaotic war, in order to save his life, he had no choice but to use it.

Moreover, when this thing is used, there is almost no trace. Tao Yishan feels that even if the Jindan monk is nearby, he will not be able to find it unless he deliberately pays attention to his every move.

Tao Yishan just glanced at the two threads that were disappearing, and his heart ached terribly.


He has carried this small piece of horn with him for decades, and of course he knows that every time he uses it, a brown thread on it will be consumed.

When these brown threads disappear completely, this unknown magic weapon will be scrapped.

But now is not the time for him to think about it. From the time he fought with the beautiful cultivator, to being enveloped in the white air, to breaking out of the siege with lightning speed and killing the opponent, it only took four breaths. .

In this melee, it really only took a moment. Amidst the various explosions, no one knew how he killed the opponent.

Tao Yishan glanced at the mottled beast horn and immediately put it away. There was no place where he dared to delay.

He just took the horn of the beast into his hand, and as soon as his consciousness swept away, there was a sound of breaking through the air approaching quickly behind him.

Feeling the opponent approaching, Tao Yishan took a deep breath, turned around and faced them. They were two Nanhai monks in the middle stage of foundation building. Faced with such cultivation, he was not afraid.

At this time, the entire battlefield was filled with explosions, thunderous roars, and unwilling screams before death.

Looking at the overall situation, more people died on the side of Fengliang Mountain monks. Their number of monks was not as good as the other side, and several monks often attacked one person.

The Nanhai monks were squeezing their potential regardless of life and death. In the second battle, monks from both sides would quickly die and disappear in almost a few breaths. The Fengliang Mountain monks were increasingly disadvantaged.

There are no serious injuries here. As long as they can fight with minor injuries, every monk will fight at all costs. Once seriously injured, the next moment will be death.

Not only were the Nanhai monks controlled by the demon cultivators to self-destruct when they were defeated, but some seriously injured monks from Fengliang Mountain would also choose to self-destruct.

They are enemies at the front and on the left and right. Knowing that there is no hope of help from others, those with a strong temperament will pull each other to the road of no return.

Those with a smooth temperament will use the means of suppressing the bottom of the box and try every means to escape.

Ouyang Yi, the old man who was the first to follow after hesitation. He already had more than 170. Although he had fake pills, his body was already in his twilight years.

The first person Ouyang Yi encountered was also a fake elixir. When the opponent lost his mind, Ouyang Yi relied on his long-term fighting experience to drag the opponent in a circle to avoid being surrounded.

After that, the two of them fought several times while chasing and escaping. Every blow from both sides was bound to kill them. After only three fights, both sides ended up in a lose-lose situation.

Ouyang Yi saw that he was seriously injured and could not kill the opponent. Even if he escaped to recover from his injuries, it would probably only take seven or eight years at most before he died.

He then widened his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter whether you are a Nanhai monk or not, back then

If you can't escape, you should kill yourself, but if you come to harm others, then let's go to rebirth together! "

After speaking, he mustered up his last spiritual power and rushed to one side like a whirlwind. There were three people besieging a Fengliangshan monk. Fu Han's light had dimmed, and he was about to die before his eyes.

As soon as Ouyang Yi left, he dragged the seriously injured Nanhai monk behind him to follow him desperately. In just two breaths, he arrived at the battle group.

The old man threw himself at the back of a Nanhai monk, regardless of the fact that the enemy was already chasing him. At the same time, his body was filled with spiritual light that caught people's eyes.

The Nanhai monk with his back turned to him heard the evil wind behind him and instinctively knew that someone was coming to help his opponent, so he moved sideways.

His hiding broke the siege, and the old man quickly sent a message to the Fengliang Mountain monk.

"Fellow Taoist... retreat quickly! Poof!"

While he was talking, he was hit by a finger wind from the back of the monk who was chasing him. Fortunately, the man was also seriously injured before and was unable to use his most powerful attack, but it still opened a big hole in the old man's back.

After the old man spurted out a mouthful of blood, the spiritual light on his body became more and more dazzling. The other Fengliang Mountain monk was not as smart as the three Nanhai monks who had lost their minds in front of him.

His reaction must have been extremely quick. It was known that this unknown old man was determined to die, and he was helping him before he died. ??

The monk reacted very quickly, and without having time to think too much, the magic weapon being sacrificed in the air was also filled with spiritual light, and he launched a full blow against the other Nanhai monk.

Following his desperate move, the siege suddenly stopped, and in an instant, another talisman was attached to the sole of his foot.

This Fengliang Mountain monk didn't even have time to collect the magic weapon, and he had already fled towards the gap out of thin air.

The two demon cultivators a few miles away also felt that something was not good, but the monks controlled by the ban were no match for puppets. They could not use their arms and fingers at all. It was too late to control the four monks who were attacking from behind and fly away. .

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Ouyang Yi suddenly turned around and once again faced the seriously injured Nanhai monk who rushed towards him.

"I fell in love with you, hehehe..."

Amidst the laughter, there was a loud "boom", and a dazzling light shone between the sky and the earth. In an instant, sand and rocks flew everywhere, and flying clouds dispersed.

It wasn't until five or six breaths passed that the world slowly returned to clarity.

The old man and the severely injured Nanhai monk had long since lost their bodies. The other three Nanhai monks, each with only half their body, were falling rapidly to the ground.

The Nanhai monk who was forced to move sideways by the old man and was closest to him also disappeared without a trace.

The last Nanhai monk, while feeling threatened, also received instructions from the demon cultivator, but he


First, he instinctively held up the magic weapon, but he escaped the disaster. The magic weapon was standing alone in the air amid the dim light.


Many of the Fengliang Mountain monks were also behind. After only a few moves with the Nanhai soldiers who rushed over, they saw that the situation was not good and ran away.

The monks are in a war situation ahead, and it is already difficult to leave.

It was difficult to return, but there were still seven or eight Fengliang Mountain monks who used secret techniques to escape far away, even at the expense of their essence, blood or lifespan.

It's just that there are more or less one or two Nanhai monks behind them, not to mention that there are battlefields on the east and west sides. They go all the way north, but they don't know how far they can escape.

Now the entire battlefield is in extreme chaos. In just fifty or sixty breaths, there are only seventy-seven monks left in Fengliang Mountain. After dozens of breaths and those who escaped, there are only more than fifty people left in the end.

Overall, this defensive battle was more like an encounter. There was no effective resistance and defense at all. Everyone was fighting independently.

So some Fengliangshan monks began to hate Li Yan while fighting.

Although the previous "Tonggui Ridge" was not Li Yan's fault, the subsequent battle was almost a rush to fight head-on with the opponent without any defense or organization.

There is no defensive means left at all, and there is no cooperation or backup at all.

After they fought for a while, some Fengliangshan monks noticed that their so-called captain had disappeared from the battlefield.

Many people took the time to scan with their consciousness, but their hearts arose. They didn't know whether Li Yan had taken advantage of the chaos to escape, or had been killed. For a while, no one knew.

Even the old team members in the distance, including Gong Yuantai, felt that the situation was not good. Many people began to move closer to Gong Yuantai and began to communicate with each other anxiously.

"Senior Brother Gong, where has Junior Brother Li Yan gone?"

"Senior Brother Gong, if we continue to fight like this, the odds are against us. It's better to rush back together and lay some traps along the way. Firstly, we can delay the opponent's attack. Secondly, with this kind of resistance, we can't be considered as escaping."

"Fellow Daoist Palace, then Li Yan should have died. You should make a decision quickly..."

Gong Yuantai was fighting with others while listening to various transmissions. He was now the person with the highest command authority here, although it took half a day for the deputy captain to arrive from the time he was appointed.

His face was also livid. How could he know what was happening to the proud man from "Xiao Zhufeng"? The fighting here was so intense that he didn't even notice it just now.

Now the defeat here is almost certain. Their number is too small, and the reinforcements from the rear have not yet arrived. The follower Feng Liang monks have died in large numbers in the encirclement, and the other side has freed up more and more monks.

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