Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 605 Tonggui Ridge (3)

Three thousand miles away from the south side of "Tonggui Ridge", there are more than forty demons standing side by side. From time to time, several of them are whispering to each other.

The middle-aged demon cultivator surnamed Wu and the demon cultivator with short hair stood in the crowd, and their spiritual consciousness was constantly exploring the direction of "Tonggui Ridge".

There were more than 20 demon soldiers and Nanhai monks launching a series of attacks against the formation below.

"Brother Wu, the team to defend the monks has finally arrived today. Otherwise, Master Tiedong issued the order to conquer Fengliang Mountain within five days two days ago, and it would be really difficult to complete it."

"Five days, these past two days have been really difficult. We have endured until today and we have taken a huge risk. If the news we received about the defense is false, then the previous two days have been wasted.

In the past two days, we did not use our spiritual sense to repeatedly explore Fengliang Mountain. We were also afraid of attracting the attention of the other monks. There had been a large number of flying spiritual power fluctuations from the monks. It seems that we had just completed the defense change.

Lord Tiedong couldn't wait any longer, hehehe, and ordered us to attack in full force while the opponent just took over.

The reason why I asked the attacking team to launch a long-range attack without getting close was to see how quickly the opponent would react.

The result is that the reaction of the opponent's formation is obviously one or two times slower than the previous days. This should be a phenomenon that occurs when novices are not familiar with the situation. "

While the two were talking, the expressions on the faces of the demon cultivator named Wu and the short-haired demon cultivator suddenly froze, and then they looked at each other, and then burst into laughter.

"Sure enough, it's still this trick, trying to lure us into the illusion formation, but the speed of the transformation of the formation is much faster. Now you immediately stop the front attack and retreat.

I'm here to inform Master Tiedong that this time I will break their "turtle shell" in one fell swoop to see how long they, the monks, can hold out in a head-on confrontation without any cover or obstruction. "

After the monk surnamed Wu finished speaking quickly, he immediately took out a transmission talisman. After whispering something, he waved his hand and typed it out. The transmission talisman quickly disappeared into the sky.

The short-haired demon cultivator also immediately hit the attacking demon soldiers in front with a transmission note, ordering them to stop attacking immediately and retreat backwards.

Then the short-haired demon cultivator said, "Fellow Daoist Wu, you are responsible for attacking in many directions. I and the other fellow daoists will be responsible for taking down Tonggui Ridge later."

After the monk surnamed Wu clicked, he felt relieved about the short-haired demon cultivator, not to mention that he really had to take care of attacks from other defense points.

Among the more than 20 demon soldiers who attacked Tonggui Ridge, the short and sturdy demon cultivator who had met Li Yan in the small courtyard of "Zhouyang Town" and another demon cultivator next to him attacked the "Tonggui Ridge" below. ".

The short and stocky demon cultivator looked down at the place where they attacked. There were already several collapsed sub-peaks there, with trees flying across, piles of rubble, and a mess amidst the fireworks.

After watching for a while, the short and stocky demon cultivator said to the demon cultivator beside him, "


Look at the situation below. Did we beat him like this? "

The demon cultivator he asked was no longer the demon cultivator who served as his vice-captain in the small courtyard. That man had fallen into the trap of Fengliang Mountain in a battle half a month ago, and finally pulled four monks from the Desolate Moon Continent together. Xiao Ming died.

"Probably not, or it may be an illusion created by the opponent's formation. This situation has happened many times. Whenever we send people to enter, they will fall into the opponent's formation and eventually be trapped by them. "

After the demonic cultivator carefully scanned the area several times with his spiritual consciousness, he said this with uncertainty in his tone. Each team was responsible for attacking "Tonggui Ridge" in one direction.

But the formations of these human monks are much more delicate than those of the demons, which is very different from the formations of the demons.

Just like the scene below, under the detection of their spiritual consciousness, it was difficult for them to distinguish between true and false for a while.

Just like the scene after each of their attacks this month, the opponent either saw the collapse of the formation, the collapse of the mountain, or the scene of a large number of monks' corpses dying tragically.

This made the demonic cultivators really think that they had broken through their defense at first, but every time they sent someone to step forward, one by one the cultivators immediately disappeared without a trace. Only then did they realize the power of the opponent's array of illusions.

Later, they encountered this matter again during the attack. Although they were on guard, the purpose of the attack was to occupy it, so even if they suspected it was an illusion, they still had to find ways to find out.

The final result was that a large number of monks were killed and injured again and again. Although some people escaped, they were covered with injuries.

Of course, this time was no exception. I saw another dilapidated scene in front of me, with smoke everywhere, rocks falling apart on the mountain peaks, and debris flying.

The short and stocky demon cultivator even saw the spiritual shields of the monks from the Desolate Moon Continent in the formation flashing with light, looking up at him warily. For a moment, the short and stocky demon cultivator was not sure whether it was an illusion.

"We'll find out if we send two Nanhai monks down."

After another demon cultivator scanned it several times with his spiritual consciousness, he found helplessly that he still couldn't see whether there was an illusion of a large formation below, so his eyes flashed sharply.

Then, he immediately lowered his head and said to the monks diagonally below who had just stopped attacking, "You, you, go and see if this formation has been broken!"

After the monks had just stopped working on the spells, they felt confused and numb in their hearts. They didn't know when they would be able to get rid of this kind of life.

If their relatives had not fallen into the hands of the demon cultivator, they would have fought with other cultivators from the Desolate Moon Continent and deliberately allowed them to be beaten to death.

The two monks who were named paused slightly, and a sense of sadness rose in their hearts. They had seen this kind of thing many times, and today it finally happened to them. Although they had been numb in their hearts, seeing others' instant death was just a flash of brilliant fireworks, when it really happened to them, the feeling of grief suddenly surged in their hearts. "Brother, I will go first this time. You follow behind. If you find something wrong, immediately give a warning and turn back. With an advance warning, those demons will no longer make things difficult for you. Don't they just want a clear result?" The older monk of the two quietly transmitted the message to the young monk beside him, saying that in this demon cultivation team, only the two of them were left among the disciples of his sect who had died. These monks beside him were only added recently, and they were not familiar with them anyway, and now they were looking at them with pity. Since both of them could die, the older monk thought about it and sighed in his heart. He didn't want to die either, but if he told his junior brother who would go down first at this time, the demon cultivator behind him would probably activate the forbidden token directly.

By then, the two of them would lose their minds and go down in a daze.

Thinking of the fact that his junior brother had blocked the opponent's attack for him some time ago and saved his life, he hesitated for a moment and then made a decision.

"Senior brother..."

After hearing the voice transmission from his senior brother, the junior brother immediately called out, but the senior brother had already taken a step forward and walked down.

At this moment, the two demon cultivators behind him suddenly froze at the same time, and the demon cultivator immediately stopped them, "You two, come back, we retreat!"

The sudden stop made the two Nanhai monks in front startled at first, and then they immediately stopped their steps, turned around in confusion, and saw that the demon cultivator was signaling them to go back quickly with his eyes.

Although the two South Sea monks didn't understand what was going on for a while, they immediately felt like they had survived a disaster. The two brothers looked at each other, and immediately waved their arms and rushed back quickly.

They could live a little longer, and the things that happened later would be discussed later. They didn't think too much about it. The other South Sea monks were also confused, and they all stared at the two demon cultivators. This kind of thing was extremely rare. It was only when the two sides were deadlocked and suffered heavy casualties that the order to retreat was issued.

However, the expressions on the faces of the two demon cultivators made those monks see that they were also confused and inexplicably unwilling.

In the formation below, Wu Ye and his group of monks were looking up at the sky above. Although the sky became extremely dark, they could still see the situation outside clearly.

There was a team of monks there who were desperately attacking the formation without sparing their spiritual power. Even though Wu Ye and his group were in the formation, they could feel the deafening sound and the violent spiritual power fluctuations coming from the formation.

After they attacked for a while, Wu Ye had also received Li Yan's message, and the monks above stopped their spells.

With the aftermath of the explosion of various colors, Wu Ye and his men saw clearly that it was a team of more than 20 people, and there were two demon cultivators in the back who were staring at them with burning eyes.

"Daoyou Li has turned this place into a broken area, and these people will attack later. We are ready to attack at any time."

Wu Ye immediately knew that the other party had been affected by the illusion of the formation, and immediately sent a message.

As Wu Ye's voice fell, many monks behind him began to become nervous, and the moment of face-to-face confrontation between the two sides was about to come.

However, many people were extremely relaxed. When these monks and demon cultivators came down later, they heard that although they could not separate each person individually, they could still isolate some monks in different areas.

And their first wave of attack must be a sneak attack on the other side. In this case, it should not be difficult, and their casualties must be very small.

Sure enough, after the monks above stopped attacking, two monks with ashen faces flew down to them with vigilance. One of the monks was a little faster and was already close to the entrance of the death gate of the formation.

Just as everyone held their breath and concentrated, the two monks, one in front and one behind, suddenly stopped at the moment they were about to approach the entrance of the death gate, and they also heard the voice of a demon cultivator shouting to stop them.

Li Yan was using his spiritual sense to scan every part of the formation outside. He was judging the spiritual power fluctuations of each attack point and feeling the strength of the enemy.

Then according to the degree of the opponent's attack, he controlled the compass and let some parts of the formation begin to transform into a thousand and one illusions of breaking.

As the illusions of the attack points appeared one by one, Li Yan felt that he was doing it in an orderly manner. Regardless of whether the enemy believed it or not, at least he felt that he was very careful and did not ignore every detail.

Some of the death gates that were temporarily released were the most fierce places for the attack. According to this effect, the opponent should have made some progress.

All of this, he created silently, made him feel very reasonable and natural.

Just when he opened several death gates, the other side's demon cultivators did start to send people to investigate, but suddenly, these demon cultivators who were attacking in different places of "Tonggui Ridge" were ordered to stop investigating.

This change came too suddenly, not only beyond the expectations of Wuye and others, but Li Yan saw more. In Li Yan's incomprehensible eyes, the hundreds of people who had just rushed over fiercely.

As if they received a voice transmission order at the same time, after only a wave of strong attacks, they all retreated to the south.

Faced with this strange attack, even though Li Yan had never participated in the battle between the two sides, an unknown something bad was already rising in his heart!

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