Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 604 Tonggui Ridge (2)

Even if Li Yan and the others were to counterattack, they would have to wait until the demonic cultivators on both sides engaged with the rear defense points.

Of course, everyone on the other side cannot rush to Li Yan's side. In that case, the monks behind Li Yan will immediately rush out and form an encirclement around the demon cultivator.

No one can say who will be strangled by then.

Obviously, the demon cultivators have been fighting with the Fengliang Mountain monks for a long time, and they know that when attacking "Tonggui Ridge", they must attack the defense points on both sides and rear at the same time. This finally reduced the pressure on Li Yan and the others.

This is also the difference between monks and mortal armies. For the mortal army, it is very difficult for the two defense points to correspond to each other. Even if it is a mile of mountain road, you have to run through it bit by bit with your legs.

That takes a long time. During this period, anything can happen. For example, after the opponent detects the opponent's intention in advance, he will set up an ambush to support the team on the way, attack from the east and west to mobilize a defense point, and then the ambush will take advantage of the weakness. And enter and so on.

These are all caused by the time difference, but the monks are different. The two defense points are not only dozens of miles apart, but even hundreds of miles apart, it only takes a moment.

It can be said that it came roaring in and flew away in the wind.

Li Yan immediately arranged for "Senior Sister Tantai to withdraw the patrol team and lead twenty monks to guard the north side, leaving the rest to Senior Brother Gong to wait for opportunities to support;

Fellow Daoist Wang Ning divided his troops into two groups, with a dozen people guarding each side on the east and west sides;

Fellow Daoist Wuye guarded the south, preparing to face the enemy head-on. When the one-way ban on the formation was activated, everyone followed the order to attack! "

Li Yan quickly allocated the manpower. In fact, he was very uneasy and complained that his master asked him to command the Qing Sixteenth Team. He would rather be a team member and just take care of himself.

He didn't know whether the current distribution method was correct or not. He just had to bite the bullet and relied on the introduction given by the monk surnamed Fang.

The demonic cultivators come from the south, which is the main direction of resistance. There are other defense points on the east and west sides. Although the north side borders Fengliang Mountain, it is the most vulnerable place to be attacked.

The so-called three teams of monks he currently has, each team actually has more than 30 monks. After excluding the nine people to maintain the formation, each team basically has around 30 people.

Li Yan asked Tantai Dongyue to leave people to Gong Yuantai just to retain a new force that can flexibly support any direction at any time. I believe that Gong Yuantai is very familiar with all this.

Li Yan himself is more free. If there is a problem there, he will fly directly there as soon as possible. Moreover, he has to control the entire formation with his spiritual consciousness at all times to judge the timing of attack and defense.

Wei Zhongran also carefully considered using Li Yan. There have been several wars of this scale in the Desolate Moon Continent since ancient times.

Compared to the well-disciplined demon army, the composition of the monks from the Desolate Moon Continent can only be described as attacking in groups, swarming up, and their coordination is not as good as that of an army among mortals.


Therefore, fighting against the demon army relies more on individual bravery to drive the overall situation. Therefore, after Wei Zhongran considered for a long time, he handed over the Qing Sixteenth Team to Li Yan.

Wei Zhongran discovered that Li Yan was very similar to Li Wuyi in how he dealt with things. He was the kind of person who would become more calm and almost cold-blooded the more dangerous the situation was, this could be seen from Li Yan's previous missions.

When Li Yan faced a demon cultivator that was several levels stronger than him, he could even calmly plan every subsequent step.

And in times of crisis, he could even use himself as bait without any hesitation. This was exactly the person they lacked most among the monks.

Of course there are many fierce generals among the monks on the Desolate Moon Continent, but people like Li Yan who can crush strong men of the same level and are good at scheming are very rare.

As soon as the three men led by Tantai Dongyue took off and were about to split up, a "boom, boom, boom" sound of earth-shaking explosions came from the sky formation.

This caused many monks who had just flown off the platform to shake their bodies, and their eyes showed fear. Fear of the unknown is almost human nature, especially before they came here, they had all inquired about demons. To cultivate combat power.

Those old team members would not belittle their opponents. They were afraid that their companions would be in trouble because of their contempt for each other on the battlefield, so they had already informed the demon cultivators of their actual combat power, and even slightly exaggerated it.

Among the newly recruited monks there were also some who were brave and experienced bloody cruelty. They looked calm and even faintly excited, while the rest of them had already fully activated their spiritual shields.

On the other hand, the members of the original Qing Sixteenth Team, in addition to having extremely serious expressions, they all stabilized their bodies and looked at the three people leading the team.

Tantai Dongyue was originally a veteran member of the Qing Sixteenth Team. She looked calm and without pausing, she took the lead and roared away to the north.

There was also no change on Wuye's face. Despite the loud noise above his head, his eyes flew towards the edge of the southern formation with scorching eyes.

Wang Ning's situation was a little different. Her pretty face turned pale, but she only paused for a moment and immediately sent a message to another fake alchemy monk. The two of them led their teams to the east and west sides.

Seeing that everyone still carried out his orders, Li Yan was slightly relieved. At least they seemed to be organized and capable of fighting.

Looking at Gong Yuantai and his eight subordinates who were left on the platform at this time, Li Yan sent a message to Gong Yuantai. For the first time, Gong Yuantai's originally worried face showed a hint of surprise.

He also quickly sent a message and replied, "Oh, does this formation really have the function that Junior Brother Li said? It is much stronger than the original 'Mogu Mountain' formation."


There was obviously a doubtful look on Gong Yuantai's face. Li Yan nodded slightly, and Gong Yuantai finally showed some relief on his face.

Li Yan glanced around with his consciousness, not daring to relax at all. In just this moment, Tantai Dongyue and the others led the team to their position as quickly as possible.

Outside the "Tonggui Ridge" formation, the monks who rushed over were not close yet, but they had already used various powerful spells to attack them from a distance. Among these monks, there were many Nanhai monks.

Tantai Dongyue and the others were not familiar with the "Yin Yang Boundary River Formation" at all. After arriving at the designated position, they didn't know for a while whether to go out to meet the enemy or stay put and defend.

If the "Yin Yang Boundary River Formation" did not open the restriction in one direction, they would not even be able to attack, and they would even help the enemy break through the formation from the inside.

The thought "Li Yan is still nervous" came up in the three people's minds at the same time. It seems that Li Yan forgot to explain it in a panic just now. He didn't explain such an important matter. How can they defend next?

Just when the three of them were about to send messages to Li Yan, Li Yan's voice rang in their hearts.

"In addition to defense, the 'Yin Yang Boundary River Formation' also has a set of chain sub-formations that can trap the enemy within it. This is why the second team of the 'Chongfeng Battalion' has been holding on with dozens of people.

Later, I will control the four directions of the formation to open the death door and let some of them in, but I can only divide them into four areas and cannot separate all the enemies individually.

In these separate areas, the formation restrictions are limited by small sword array attacks, which are only equivalent to the power of ten sword cultivators in the early stage of foundation building. Therefore, if you want to truly kill the opponent's master, someone still needs to enter that area and kill the enemy. Fang is. "

Tantai Dongyue, Wang Ning and Wuye were very surprised when they heard the first half of Li Yan's sentence, but when Li Yan changed the subject, they were still a little disappointed.

"It turns out that there are still certain restrictions on how to trap and strangle enemies in this formation. If there are two to five monks trapped in that area who are in the late stage of Foundation Establishment or below, they will probably be strangled to death with a hail of swords.

However, if more than five monks are trapped, even if the opponents are all mid-level foundation-building monks, the result may not be satisfactory. In the end, a face-to-face confrontation between the monks will be required. "

But then I thought about it and felt that if this was the case, the second team of the "Chongfeng Battalion" would not suffer so many casualties.

The formation of such a huge mountain range is not weak at both offense and defense, and it is controlled by monks in the foundation building stage.

Being able to control such a huge formation to trap the enemy while strangling the enemy and having defensive capabilities is comparable to the sect-protecting formation of a second-rate sect. Without a cultivation level above the Golden Core, it is impossible to bring out the true power of this formation. power.



Moreover, the senior leaders of the four major sects decided to use their own monks as bait, and they would not hesitate to harm the lower-level monks and consume the other party's life here. Of course, they would not come up with a better formation.

Otherwise, as long as the opponent sees how powerful the formation is, they can't be stupid and send batches of demon soldiers and monks to die.

As Li Yan's message transmission ended, he had taken out the compass given by the monk named Fang. The manipulation techniques were not familiar to him yet, but they were similar to most formation manipulations, with just a few differences.

With Li Yan's understanding of the battle method, he was still a little unfamiliar with the operation. Fortunately, he still had a compass to help him, so it was not difficult for him.

As ancient runes flashed out from the compass in Li Yan's hand, the monks in the formation felt as if the sun and moon had suddenly changed in the sky above their heads.

In an instant, there was a strong wind in the sky, flying sand and rocks, which even covered up the loud noise outside the formation. The cloudless sky also became dark, and waves of chills rose from the ground beneath their feet.

Their feet were no longer part of the mountain, but turned into dark passages. They seemed to be standing in a maze.

In the cave at the core of the formation, there is a white light pillar rising into the sky, piercing the sky. Nine monks are sitting around the white light pillar, and the skin on their faces is turned white by the white light.

After Li Yan's voice rang in the hearts of the nine of them, they immediately sat cross-legged according to the nine palace positions. There were several storage bags beside each person, and a white light lit up in the center of the cave.

The nine monks waved their sleeves at the same time, and a storage bag opened wide beside them. Rays of rays of light burst out, and large pieces of spiritual stones with pure spiritual energy fell out of the storage bag. Fly up.

The rays of light connected together, flying towards the white light in the center like a moth to a flame. The white light in the center began to condense rapidly, and soon formed a circular base in the center of the cave.

Four pairs of yin and yang fish appeared near the base. Four yin and four yang. The yang is like the scorching sun and the yin is like a clear spring. It gradually becomes clear. The yin and yang are intertwined, still rotating like a wheel, and four strange forces rise from the base.

After the four forces rose into the sky, they were like four swimming dragons trying to fly away through the sky, entwining and climbing around each other, raising their heads upwards, competing to soar, and finally a thick white light pillar rose into the sky.

In addition to investing a large amount of spiritual stones from time to time, the nine people also stretched out a finger to rest on the yin and yang fish with four yin and four yang above the white light pillar, and the spiritual power on their bodies poured in like a wave.

This beam of light could not be seen at all outside the cave, let alone its frightening power that pierced the sky. The only thing that accompanied it outside was the howling wind and dense clouds in the formation.

Outside the formation, hundreds of light beams of various colors hit the formation, causing ripples and rebounding most of the attacks. For a moment, balls of fire and large patches of ice fog exploded in the sky above "Tonggui Ridge", shaking the sky.

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