Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 593 Quicksand Technique

"Have you noticed that Junior Brother Li Yan's 'Quicksand Technique' is different from most people's? His casting time is too short. It is rare among the foundation-building monks I have seen." This is a He is a monk from the Demon Sect.

"It's true. Junior Brother Li can cast the 'Quicksand Technique' four or five times. Normally, others can only cast one. This... how... is this done?"

"Hiss, that requires a very strong physical foundation to prevent the muscles and veins from causing problems due to the instant impact of a large amount of spiritual power!"


In a short period of time, there was a lot of discussion. The monks who came to Fengliang Mountain were all with a cultivation level of Foundation Establishment or above. Of course, their eyesight was not weak. They quickly discovered the problems in Li Yan's technique.

Gong Yuantai's side was fine at first, but soon their expressions turned ugly. Although the two sides had just exchanged a few moves, the progress seemed to have exceeded their expectations.

Xiaozhufeng Li Yan's "quicksand technique" has made them all beyond their reach, and no one can achieve such a level.

"How many years has this person entered the sect? The fact that he has just been promoted to False Pill is the result of Uncle Wei's painstaking cultivation. How can he still be so powerful in immortal arts?

This is not something that can be accumulated by pills. It requires extremely strong talent and a lot of practice, but often it is not possible to achieve this speed of casting spells. "

Gong Yuantai thought in his mind, but for a moment he couldn't find the answer. He thought to himself that he couldn't do it, and he couldn't even do half of the power of the spell cast by Junior Brother Li.

Although he had heard that Li Yan from Xiaozhufeng had come to Fengliang Mountain before, their "Green Bat Camp" and "Chongfeng Camp" were mainly responsible for exploring in different directions, so there was very little overlap, so he didn't know Li Yan's cultivation before. Otherwise, compared to a month ago, I would probably be shocked.

For a while, the monks present had a lot of thoughts, but most of them were puzzled. Everyone knew that monks didn't have enough time. On the one hand, they had to seize the time to advance to the big realm to increase their longevity. On the other hand, no matter how good they were at practicing low-level basic immortal arts , it is better to just practice an intermediate magic trick to be more powerful.

Bro, who had already floated into the air in the distance, curled his lips and muttered in a low voice, "I knew this would happen! Can one person use the basic magic skills practiced by Qi Condensing monks to be several times more powerful? Eat enough Only when you are tired can you give up on practicing more advanced magic and waste your time on it.”

Seeing that Li Yan had just used the "Quicksand Technique" to make the entire courtyard full of yellow sand, and only his spiritual consciousness could see through it to see what was going on inside. Wang Ning also heightened his vigilance and was on guard as the yellow sand was flying.

She was a little surprised by the yellow sand that could compete with her sword energy and crush a horse into pieces, but what she cared about more was the yellow sand itself.

What is a monk from the Demon Sect? They are all from the Poison Cultivator lineage, and they are the strongest Poison Cultivator sect on this continent. They are famous for their endless poisonous insects and poisonous pills, which are famous throughout the Desolate Moon Continent.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was notorious before. Facing them, Wang Ning's spiritual shield had already been opened.


The scene where Tang Minglong was plotted by the other party just now was still fresh in her memory, so how could she possibly trick the other party again.

However, after really seeing Li Yan's methods, the chill on Wang Ningqiao's face eased slightly. At least it seemed that the appointment of this person as the captain was not an act of nepotism, nor did they risk their lives to do whatever they wanted.

Now that almost all the horses that Wang Ning played have been entangled by the opponent, the horses that look like galloping dragons are slowly dispersing.

"We can't hold back anymore!"

Wang Ning thought about this and whispered softly, "Fellow Daoist Li, be careful!"

Just now she was worried that she might miss and seriously injure the other party, but now it seems that she is worrying too much.

I saw that she no longer slashed one after another, and a jade hand suddenly glowed with blue light, turning into a crystal blue, and a powerful aura followed her palm towards the sword body.

The Bailian long sword in the other hand disappeared immediately, and in a trance, small swords appeared next to Wang Ning, as if they had turned into fish swimming in the water. There were hundreds of them, and they looked like fish beside her. You shuttle back and forth quickly.

Wang Ning quickly raised her jade hands, about to perform the "Fish Swimming in Green Lotus" technique with her sword, but at this time, Li Yan, who was standing far away with only one hand controlling the "Quicksand Technique", chuckled.

"Fellow Daoist Wang originally cultivated a set of mother-and-son swords, so no wonder he had to use a sword case!"

Based on Li Yan's advanced cultivation that he had just absorbed the essence and blood of "Immortal Phoenix", he was confident that he could control his opponent between the two moves. However, that would be too shocking, which Li Yan didn't want.

So instead of fighting for a while longer, another reason is that Li Yan wanted to see where Wang Ning's sword box was. If a monk is a master of the inner sword and also masters the outer sword, then It's also extremely scary.

Now that he knew that Wang Ning was definitely just an outer sword monk, but the sword box was also a mother sword, he planned to prevent the other party from using subsequent methods.

After all, Li Yan is a man who must retaliate. It seems that he didn't take the ridicule of Gong Yuantai and others to heart, but in fact he has remembered it in his heart.

Although he had no intention of retaliating, he suddenly didn't want the other party to see more of his and Wang Ning's methods.

This Wang Ning also wants to fight quickly and will use some of his trump cards soon. Every monk's trump cards will be somewhat beneficial and touching if others see them.

Although he may not be able to defeat Wang Ning next time he fights against this person, at least he is mentally prepared and will learn from his own practice.

Li Yan didn't know how many people here had fought with Wang Ning, but he didn't want him to continue to use it, especially when he saw the gleam in Gong Yuantai's eyes when Wang Ning's long sword turned into a swimming fish. It was obvious that Gong Yuantai didn't know Wang Ning's methods at least, and he wanted to see the magic that Wang Ning would use later. Li Yan suddenly felt evil. Those people who gloated over other people's misfortunes wanted to take advantage of him? Then let Gong Yuantai be expecting in the last moment and extremely disappointed in the next moment. Li Yan thought it was a good way to do it. It could make others feel aggrieved and uncomfortable, while he was very happy in his heart. So, when everyone was staring at Wang Ning, her pair of snow-white jade hands just made a gesture, and Li Yan in the distance uttered a light "explosion!" Then the large expanse of yellow sand in the courtyard turned into large pieces of fine powder with the sound of "bang bang bang..." "It's poisonous fog!"

"It's poisonous!"

"Damn, this is what the Wuliang Sect knows!"

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with my Wuliang Sect? What skills do you have? Show them to us, let us see them..."

For a while, chaotic voices arose again, accompanied by figures flying high into the sky.

Even Gong Yuantai and his men were no exception. Although they were also poison cultivators, it did not mean that they were not afraid of other poison cultivators' methods. Only fools would resist.

"Sure enough!" Wang Ning saw that when he was about to use a powerful spell, the other party really wanted to take the lead and try his best to stop him from casting the spell.

The yellow sand was really poisonous. Although he had been mentally prepared, Wang Ning's spell still stagnated, and his spiritual consciousness immediately explored his whole body.

I found that the fine powder in the rolling yellow fog hit my spiritual shield, and the shield was not damaged, and I was not uncomfortable, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why the Wuliang Sect allowed the other three sects to secretly join forces to resist was that the means of killing were too vicious. Not only were they endless and hard to guard against, but they also used all means.

Wang Ning had heard that the low-level cultivators of the Wuliang Sect killed high-level cultivators, which was far greater than the other three sects. Their combat power was not necessarily very strong, but as long as the opponent was hit, they would often end up in agony.

Wang Ning did not know Li Yan's character, but she heard that most of the Wuliang Sect cultivators were vicious. Although it was here today, it was unlikely that Li Yan would use deadly poison.

But if something was left on her, that was not what she wanted to see.

She usually did not seem to pay much attention to her appearance, but if scars and strange smells were left on her skin, she would definitely be extremely ashamed and angry.

The spiritual power shield outside Wang Ning's body was wrapped in layers of yellow mist. Although it was not a problem, she suddenly felt that her spiritual power consumption had increased greatly. These yellow mists were constantly corroding the spiritual power shield. How could she dare to stay for a long time at this moment.

A little ground under her feet,


A circle of blue ripples spread out from her body, and the speed of the hundreds of small swords around her increased sharply. In just an instant, a circle of sword energy formed outside the spiritual power shield, which immediately twisted the yellow mist in the sword energy into four parts.

At this time, her body began to rise into the air. In this case, of course, she had to get rid of this yellow mist first.

At this moment, Wang Ning felt a thin and undetectable dark wind suddenly hit her shoulder. This dark wind came very fast, and there was no summons beforehand. If Wang Ning had not increased her whole body's magic power to the extreme, she would not have noticed it at all.

Before she had time to think more, the rapidly rotating sword energy outside her body stagnated, and then the spiritual power shield instantly cracked a gap, and a yellow mist floated in.

Wang Ning was a little confused for a while. When she felt the dark wind hitting her shoulder, she smelled a faint strange smell at the tip of her nose. She was horrified and wanted to hold her breath, but she had no time to react.

She felt a little dizzy, and the spiritual power in her body was also sluggish. As a result, the fish sword energy outside her body became slower, and more yellow mist took advantage of this gap to cover the spiritual shield again.

Wang Ning knew that it was not good, but she knew it, and her reaction could not keep up. More strange smells came from the gap of the spiritual shield on her shoulder.

With a "clang", Wang Ning could no longer hold on. The fish sword energy beside her instantly merged into a long sword like water, and fell to the ground the next moment.

At this time, Li Yan in the distance immediately rolled up his sleeves, and the yellow sand and yellow mist in the courtyard were immediately sucked into his sleeves. In an instant, he had taken them all back, and the courtyard was clear again.

At this moment, in the middle of the courtyard, Wang Ning was supporting the ground with one hand, kneeling on one knee, and throwing the long sword like water aside.

Her body was a little shaky, and she was barely raising her head. Her beautiful eyes looked at Li Yan in the distance, with confusion and confusion in her eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I'm so grateful!"

Li Yan bowed to her.

"I...I admit defeat!"

Wang Ning was finally awakened by Li Yan's words. She was straightforward, but her head was still dizzy, so she could only speak with all her strength.

At this time, several figures had already flown in from a distance. Before they arrived, someone had already shouted anxiously, "Fellow Daoist Li, Senior Sister Wang has already admitted defeat. Please help her detoxify as soon as possible!"

Behind these people, many others also landed from the sky, looking at Wang Ning with anxious eyes, revealing a strong sense of worry.

Obviously, these people in front must be familiar with Wang Ning, and may even be from the same sect. Everyone knows that the sooner a poisoned person detoxifies, the better, to avoid the poison entering the internal organs, which will be troublesome.

Li Yan was still standing there, not even planning to move his body. This made the eyes of those people who turned to Li Yan begin to flash with coldness and murderous intent.

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