Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 592 Yellow Sand Spiral Dragon

Although Li Yan's current cultivation level surprised Gong Yuantai, he was able to accept it when he thought of Xiaozhu Peak's abundant and coveted cultivation resources.

Now everyone in the Sprite Sect who knows Li Yan's past and present thinks that Li Yan's cultivation is related to his unique physique. People who don't know, of course, won't know that Li Yan has reached the foundation building stage with his mixed spiritual roots.

Wei Zhongran sent a message to him. After learning that Li Yan was going to take over as captain, although Gong Yuantai was dissatisfied, he did not dare to show even the slightest bit of dissatisfaction.

What kind of person is Wei Zhongran? Even if he were to be killed, the Demon Sect would not say a word.

But Gong Yuantai was also happy at the same time. If Li Yan was no longer hostile to the opponent later and he could win, how could he have the dignity to stay here? Then there would be hope for him to take over as captain.

However, among the people on the opposite side, the one that made him the most fearful was the girl in the light blue tight-fitting palace dress. Gong Yuantai was not completely sure that he could defeat her.

"Okay, do you want to fight or not? The decision has been made. Which of you will get off first?"

In the field, Wang Ning was upset by the noise around her, and she spoke coldly again. Suddenly, a layer of frost seemed to be covering the field, and the surroundings instantly became quiet.

Obviously Gong Yuantai himself would not be the first to go up. At this time, he had to line up behind Li Yan no matter what. At the same time, he also glanced at the people next to him.

Those people, whether they were disciples of the Demon Sect or monks under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect, had all fought together in bloody battles. They already had a tacit understanding with each other, and they instantly understood what Gong Yuantai meant.

What's more, they didn't want to put anyone on top, so they took on the position of captain. Before seeing Li Yan's abilities, he was also dissatisfied.

After Wang Ning finished asking, everyone did not rush forward like before. Instead, they all focused on Li Yan in front of him.

Such a strange scene suddenly appeared in the field. Li Yan thought for a moment, and with his alertness and carefulness, he quickly understood the meaning of both parties.

He suddenly chuckled, "In that case, let me do it first."

Hearing Li Yan's words, Gong Yuantai and the others were right in his heart. They all had smiles on their faces, as if they were concerned about Li Yan.

On the opposite side, except for Bro, everyone else had a look of amusement in their eyes. Everyone understood that Li Yan did not suppress anyone here, and even the old members of the Qing Sixteenth Team were watching the show.

At the distant courtyard wall, those watching the excitement did not think it was a big deal. Among them, the disciples of the Sprite Sect basically knew that there was a person like Li Yan in Xiaozhu Peak, but few saw him take action.

During the competition within the sect, Li Yan was still in the Qi Condensation stage. Looking back now, the fighting style at that time was like a child playing house, and he was quite curious about Li Yan's current strength.

Everyone focused their attention on Li Yan. After carefully observing Li Yan's expression, some people's hearts changed. Li Yan


Yan's expression was very calm, so calm that there was no fluctuation in his aura, giving people an invisible feeling.

After Bro looked around, he had been thinking for a long time. "I can't fight with him later. His methods now will definitely be more cruel than before!" Bro finally made a decision.

He clearly remembered that Xu Yehua and Monk Yiming, who had cultivated to the "Little Vajra Body", were killed and injured at the hands of this person, and he almost died in front of those two people.

But what he didn't know was that Monk Yiming died in the hands of Li Yan in the pavilion of Huoyan Palace, otherwise he would have given up the idea of ​​fighting Li Yan.

At this time, in the center of the courtyard, the two groups of monks moved back some distance, leaving a space of forty to fifty feet for Li Yan and Wang Ning.

When Gong Yuantai and the others were retreating, Gong Yuantai did not forget to warn Li Yan.

"Junior brother Li, be careful, this woman should be quite difficult to deal with, don't be reckless and aggressive!"

Li Yan smiled at him and did not answer.

Li Yan's expression now made several people around Gong Yuantai a little dissatisfied. When someone provoked the authority of the Demon Sect, they would not speak out, but the monks were no exception to the matter of closeness and distance.

As they retreated, some of the monks from the Demon Sect sneered softly, while others jeered in a low voice.

"It seems that your concern, Senior Brother Gong, is not appreciated!"

"Of course, I'll wait for the bloody battle at the front, but now I'm still a team member. I'm still a member of the team, and I came here to be the captain."

"That's what you said. I haven't seen this junior brother in Fengliang Mountain since the war started. Now this is..."

Although they are not said to have survived a hundred deaths, they are still people who have been on the verge of life and death many times. Although they are afraid of Wei Zhongran, they feel depressed when they think that they are working so hard, and they are not as convenient as Li Yan having a good master. remove.

After Li Yan came, he would get the most rewards after every battle in the future. Some dangerous missions did not require them to charge into the battle, while he hid behind and yelled.

Those who said these words were all monks from the Demon Sect who had a good relationship with Gong Yuantai, but those monks who belonged to the Demon Sect looked at each other with different expressions in their eyes.

Some were gloating about others' misfortunes, some had dull expressions, and some were thoughtful, just to name a few.

Gong Yuantai narrowed his eyes and didn't answer, just staring at the center of the field.

"Hahaha, it seems that not only we think that the position of captain of each team needs to be filled by capable people, but even your fellow disciples also think so!"

Just now, the Demon Sect

Although the monks were whispering, with the monks' ears, the people beside the courtyard wall could hear clearly, and they knew in their hearts that these words were obviously meant for Li Yan to hear.

After Wang Ning, who was about to take action, heard this, she also chuckled at Li Yan and did not respond.

"Oh, that's how it should be. Li just came here when he was destined. It's normal for some people to dislike it. Fellow Daoist Wang, please!"

There was no anger on Li Yan's face, he just raised his hand to Wang Ning.

Since the master asked him to deal with them quickly, he had no choice but to obey.

From the last time Wei Zhongran placed restrictions on King Hu Xiao and the others, Li Yan could tell that Wei Zhongran was not as gentle as he appeared on the surface. He concealed everything, which still made Wei Zhongran a little depressed.

Wang Ning was also decisive, with a solemn expression on her face again. She turned her snow-white wrist and drew forward with her hand, and immediately drew a rainbow in front of her from bottom to top.

At the same time, a sword mark extended from between her feet to the ground forward, and the sword energy stirred up gravel and flew into the air.

Pi Lian moved between Li Yan's legs. If he was hit, Li Yan would be split in half from bottom to top in an instant. The girl with a graceful figure was extremely cruel in her attack.

"Outer sword lineage!"

Li Yan could tell at a glance that Wang Ning's martial arts followed a fierce path, the Shuishui Sect, but Li Yan knew that this sect was one of the top sects among the sects under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan.

It is also a one-sword cultivating sect. Lishuimen is different from Shibuyuan. Its main skills are all along the inner sword. Most of its disciples are water spirit root monks. They are good at using softness to overcome hardness and are very strong in wandering and fighting skills.

However, the girl in front of him obviously deviated from the main skills of Lushuimen, but she took the strong and powerful way of external sword. Li Yan didn't know that Lushuimen had such powerful and powerful skills, and he was slightly stunned.

There is no sword case behind Wang Ning, but it is easy to confuse others.

As soon as Li Yan thought about it, the person had disappeared from where he was. In an instant, he was on the left side of Pi Lian. He raised his hand and performed an extremely proficient low-level magic called "Quicksand Technique".

Li Yan has no intermediate or high-level immortal arts, but his various basic spells have reached the level of proficiency through repeated practice year after year. Even ordinary Jindan monks may not have the same level of attainments as Li Yan in low-level immortal arts. The language is understood thoroughly.

The "Quicksand Technique", which was often used to trap people and horses on the ground, had already been cut horizontally from the side of the horse when Li Yan fired it, and a tumbling vortex of a twister like yellow sand appeared in the air.

The two sides were very close to each other, and the sword energy and spells collided in an instant. The yellow sand twisting dragon became even thicker, and in the next moment, Ru Hong Pi Lian was entangled in it.

I could only hear the continuous sound of "ding, ding, ding..." in the rolling sand, and the blades drawn by the long sword collided with large grains of sand.


The sound continued, and when they touched each other, they actually made a metallic sound.

Li Yan was stunned when his spiritual power came into contact. The sword energy sent by Wang Ning was very sharp. Even with Li Yan's spiritual power, he had to use 50% of his mana to catch the opponent's sword.

And Wang Ning must have not tried his best. According to Li Yan's experience in practicing the Guishui Scripture, the magic power he cultivated is about 30% higher than that of the same level.

"It's no wonder that this woman has taken a fierce path. Her spiritual power is also much stronger than that of monks of the same level. It should be that her qualifications and the skills she has learned are particularly suitable. With such innate conditions, the external sword is really suitable."

Li Yan was a little surprised, and Wang Ning in the distance was even more surprised. The sword she just seemed to swing easily had actually used about 70% of her magic power.

She wanted to defeat Li Yan with one blow, leaving 30% of her strength behind, allowing her to control the sword energy more easily, so even if Li Yan couldn't take it, she was absolutely sure that Li Yan wouldn't be too seriously injured.

However, under the contact between the spiritual powers of both parties, Wang Ning did not get any advantage, and the other party also looked extremely relaxed.

"He has just been promoted to False Pill, and his magic power is so strong. The skills he practices must be some kind of intermediate or even advanced skills, otherwise he would not have such power. The four major sects are really rich in cultivation resources."

A thought flashed through Wang Ning's mind, and she immediately stopped being scornful. After missing the hit, her body did not move, and she still stood tall and graceful, with her eyebrows lightly frowning.

The blue light of the long sword in his hand shone, and the aura on his body suddenly became fierce. A mountain of swords was drawn in front of him, and the shadows of the swords were heavy, and they crisscrossed and moved forward in an irregular manner.

Wang Ning squeezed Liao with one hand, and continued to wave forward with the other jade hand. As if they were endless, they slashed towards Li Yangai in the air.

Li Yan chuckled lightly and stood still, neither retreating nor avoiding. With the fingers of his hands flicking, yellow sand augers of various sizes rolled out, thicker and larger than each sword energy. , a wider range.

After the yellow gauze twister faced forward, it twisted the horses one after another, making it impossible for them to escape.

The entire courtyard was constantly trembling under this attack. Even the two groups of people who had already retreated tens of feet had to retreat again. Some people even started to rise into the air to avoid the overflow in the courtyard. The sword energy and the strangling power of the yellow sand.

If Li Yan and Wang Ning hadn't deliberately controlled it, this courtyard would have turned into ruins the moment they took action.

There were many people watching the battle with good eyesight.

"This fellow Taoist Xiaozhufeng can control his spiritual power freely. He does not appear to have just entered the fake elixir realm. Moreover, his spiritual power is abundant. He is even better than fellow Taoist Wang." Someone looked at him with a strange look in his eyes. The field murmured.

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