Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 587: The last pure monk

The leader of one group was a dozen people who were also wearing the costumes of the Demon Sect, and behind them stood more than twenty monks wearing various other costumes. This group of people just looked at the group of people opposite them coldly.

There were obviously many more people on the opposite side, sixty or seventy people. They were forming a half circle and arguing about something. The words Li Yan heard outside the door came from this group of people.

Seeing this scene, Li Yan guessed that there were only more than thirty people there, and they should be the surviving monks from the sixteenth team.

All of these people had a strong murderous aura on their bodies, and each of them had a cold face. At a glance, it was obvious that they were people who had just experienced a fight. Many of them still had scars and blood stains on their bodies.

Li Yan heard Wei Zhongran say that those who were seriously injured were sent back to the rear for treatment and repair. It seemed that these were the only ones who could stand here.

Li Yan did not go up immediately. Like the dozen or so monks next to him, he just stood by the door from a distance and looked at both sides.

While Bro's group was discussing, they looked at the party headed by the Demon Sect from time to time.

At this time, a big man who had been silent for a long time on the side of the Demon Sect held his arms coldly and said, "Have you sneered enough? The former captain of the Qing Sixteenth Team is not someone you can point out. Where did he get so many?" The reason is just a fight.

After discussing it, those who think they have strong cultivation will directly come forward.

Regardless of which senior brother is arranged by the superiors to be the captain, I, Gong Yuantai, will take over immediately.

I have been to some of your areas during my travels, and I know that both the Pure Land Sect and Shibu-yuan are full of outstanding people, but they are not as eloquent as you. ""

What Senior Brother Gong said is, count me in! "

"I'm here to see how your methods are, are they much better than our previous captain?"


As soon as the big man from the Sprite Sect opened his mouth, several monks around him spoke, including three monks from the Sprite Sect and four monks from behind, a total of eight people.

Including Gong Yuantai, the surging auras on the eight people's bodies all revealed that they were all fake alchemy cultivators.

Gong Yuantai was angry in his heart. Do these people really think this is their back garden? Needless to say, these monks who have been recruited will be dragged to the battlefield in two days at most, or in as little as one day.

I'll see if you still have the leisure time. The number of monks in the front is very tight now, and it's almost not enough for daily consumption. What's more, in fact, there are barriers between the four major monks in their bones, and they can't be easily eliminated.

Just as Gong Yuantai's tone became more and more serious, the group of people on the opposite side suddenly looked unhappy and stood up, and in an instant, twenty or thirty monks stood up.

In addition to the ten fake elixirs, there are actually nearly twenty Foundation-Building Dzogchen monks, including Bro, whose current cultivation level is also in the Foundation-Building Dzogchen realm.


This surprised Li Yan quite a bit at Bro's cultivation. It seemed that not only had he made rapid progress in the past two years, but Bro had also made rapid progress.

At this time, Li Yan also saw the logo on Gong Yuantai's sleeve clearly. On a small golden cauldron, there was a ferocious beast roaring up to the sky. It was a disciple of Laojun Peak. However, because Li Yan didn't like to go out, he didn't like Gong Yuantai. I've never heard of it.

The situation on the field has become clear. Gong Yuantai and the monks behind him should be the monks of the original sixteen teams. They are all disciples of the Piao Sect and the monks recruited under the Piao Sect. There are as many as fifty or sixty monks on the other side. They must be monks from the Pure Land Sect and Shibuyuan.

It seems that his position as captain cannot be recognized by others.

The appearance of Gong Yuantai and the others meant that during the month that Li Yan had resumed his seclusion, not only the disciples from the Four Elephant Peaks were stationed here, but the other disciples from the other peaks had also arrived long ago.

Sure enough, Li Yan quickly discovered the logos of the other three peaks on the sleeve logos of the disciples of the Demon Sect.

Gong Yuantai was somewhat interested in standing up for himself. When Li Yan found out, he touched his nose and still did not come forward immediately. Instead, he stood and watched from a distance with interest.

If he sensed it correctly, there were always several extremely powerful spiritual consciousnesses shrouding the courtyard above, including the familiar spiritual consciousness of Master, while the other seven or eight strands of spiritual consciousness were somewhat unfamiliar.

With these people spying secretly, Li Yan certainly knew that nothing big would happen here.

"They are watching their own fun!"

Li Yan immediately figured out one thing. No wonder the master wanted to ask about his cultivation. This was for a long time.

Maybe the fact that he was able to escape from a demon gave him a plan.

Regarding the monks recruited from the Pure Land Sect and Shibuyuan, Wei Zhongran and others could use strong methods to force them to obey the arrangements of themselves and others.

But as Bro said, there is something wrong with this team. Everyone has a gap in their hearts. When it comes to the battlefield, it will definitely be their own side that suffers.

Of course Wei Zhongran and the others knew better about this situation, but since they were the ones in charge here, the Sprite Sect still wanted to control the monks' military camps as much as possible in their own hands.

After knowing his own strength, he was immediately assigned to the Qing Sixteenth Team. This is also possible.

Although Li Yan knew nothing about it before, after listening to the words of the junior deacon in the hall just now and considering the current situation, how could he not guess some of the secrets.

In fact, this is what the four major sects are fighting for their own interests after the war. Even though the future is particularly uncertain now, those old guys

All aspects have already been taken into consideration.

Li Yan guessed that the Qing Sixteenth Team might have suffered the heaviest losses, and those who were rushed to replenish their supplies were the monks recruited from the other two sects. This created a situation where the guest overcame the host. This was to put him free. Come and suppress them.

Perhaps except for the sixteen teams of the "Blue Bat Battalion", the other monk teams have also been supplemented, but the number of supplements may not be so large, so the monks of the Demon Sect should have the upper hand when they are alone.

After thinking about this in an instant, Li Yan was no longer in a hurry. He simply took a look at the combat strength of the monks on both sides. Anyway, there were people behind him, so he had nothing to do with anything that happened.

"Senior Brother Gong, I am Tang Minglong. I am just from a small and insignificant sect. I would like to ask Senior Brother Gong for some advice."

At this time, someone in the field stepped forward directly, cupped his fists and saluted Gong Yuantai, with a half-smile on his face.

His words sounded modest, but everyone knew that this person was by no means a kind person. His words seemed to be courteous, but in fact they contained evil intentions.

He said this as if he was worthless. If he lost later, everyone would think it would be nothing, he was just an unknown disciple of a small sect.

Although Tang Minglong's personal cultivation level was only as high as fake elixir, the skills learned by the small sect were definitely not high, so the defeat was understandable.

And if Gong Yuantai is defeated in a battle, he can use the appearance of the Demon Sect to become famous instantly. Although the defeat is just a disciple, it will not cause the Demon Sect to lose its reputation at all, but it will still allow Tang Minglong to earn some fame. head.

Gong Yuantai looked at the other party, his face expressionless, he just raised his step and was about to take a step forward. However, another person beside him took the opportunity.

"Since you feel that you are incompetent, if it is Senior Brother Gong's turn to take action, I will do it."

Before he finished speaking, a figure had already stepped out of the queue. This man was about thirty years old, with a slender face and three strands of long beard fluttering under his chin. He looked quite young.

This person's cultivation has only reached the realm of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen. This is a small realm different from Tang Minglong, and it is enough to be crushed by Tang Minglong without any suspense.

After Gong Yuantai saw the man's face clearly, he scanned Tang Minglong again with his spiritual consciousness. He said nothing, but immediately stopped and stood on the spot.

After Li Yan saw this person clearly, he narrowed his eyes. He had met this person several times before. He should have met him at Laojunfeng Pill Hall. He heard others saying hello to this person, so he should He addressed him as "Senior Brother Yang", but the impression was not too deep anyway.

If he hadn't seen two tiny Gu worms hugging each other tightly on each other's sleeves, he wouldn't have been able to think of the other party for a moment. It was when someone else traded elixirs with him for spirit worms, and it happened that Li Yan also wanted to take those elixirs back for study. If you are separated from the poisonous body, just pay a little attention to it.



However, he did not know the specific name of this person.

Tang Minglong in the field could not help but show a hint of disappointment when he saw that Gong Yuantai did not come out, but he also knew that among all the people on the other side, Gong Yuantai should be the most skilled person.

Although Gong Yuantai said that he would accept everyone's challenge, it was obvious that the others would not agree.

However, when he saw that the person coming was also a cultivator of the Sprite Sect, he couldn't help but feel happy. As long as he was a cultivator of the Sprite Sect, it would be fine. However, after it was his turn to scan the other person with his spiritual consciousness, he, who had looked humble just now, It changed color immediately.

"The Sprite Sect is indeed one of the four famous sects in the world, but I have never heard of it being the first of the four sects here. You are able to stand out from the crowd with such a cultivation level, either because you have a superb method of concealing your aura, or because you are accustomed to it. The magic of immortality is so profound that I can’t see through it, but I wonder what is this junior brother’s name?”

After a quick sweep of his consciousness, he found that the opponent was just a foundation-builder, and he wanted to fight with him in such a big way. Tang Minglong was immediately angry, and he couldn't help but use a gun and a stick in his words.

At the same time, it still shows that the other party may be hiding his cultivation to prevent him from winning later, which is not too glorious.

The slender-faced cultivator from the Sprite Sect seemed to still have an injury on his shoulder, with blood still seeping out and imprinted on it. He just shook his head.

"I have not hidden my cultivation. I am already a very weak person in the sect. Otherwise, I would not have reached such an age and still have not obtained the fake elixir, let alone the extravagant hope of the golden elixir.

In the previous battles with demon cultivators, it was all the senior brothers and junior brothers who protected me, which enabled me to survive. You won't lose your life easily while fighting here, so I am brave enough to hope that Senior Brother Tang can give me some advice. "

He didn't say his name, obviously he wanted to talk more. After that, he stood there. If it weren't for the sect clothes of the Demon Sect that made him look a little special, he would be similar to a secular scholar who was down and out.

The monk surnamed Yang stood with his hands hanging down and looked at Tang Minglong quietly with his eyes, showing no emotion or anger.

At this time, not only was Tang Minglong's anger growing in his heart, but many of the monks behind him had angry looks on their faces, and many monks could even hear heavy snorts coming from their noses. Apparently, they felt that the monks of the Sprite Sect were too arrogant, and they were not at all arrogant. He didn't take his own group of people seriously.

Tang Minglong was speechless. He raised his arms in an embrace, and a huge green water column appeared in his arms.

He pinched the magic formula very quickly, and the magic technique was completed just in the raising of his hand, without pinching the magic formula or chanting the incantation at all, which shows that his strength is already very strong.

Tang Minglong struggled with his arms and swung the green water column that was ten feet high and as thick as a person's arms.

Upon seeing this, the people on both sides immediately retreated, leaving more than fifty feet of open space for the two people in the field.

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