Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 586 Qing Shiliu

"Perhaps if his younger brother Chu Weili were promoted to help, maybe the Sky Locking Four Symbol Formation could be more powerful, and maybe the result would be completely different."

Li Yan thought while flying.

At the same time, Wei Zhongran told him that the monks transferred by the Sprite Sect themselves were not only the disciples of Sixiang Peak, but also the disciples of the other three peaks, except Xiaozhufeng.

Similarly, the monks who were recruited were not just monks from the sects and families under the jurisdiction of the Sprite Sect, but were arranged by the four major sects and transferred nearby.

At the same time, the Demon Swallowing Ridge and Jian Fuyuan were also in a tight situation, and the demons were also dividing their forces to attack these two locations at the same time. On each battlefield, there were tens of thousands of monks from both sides fighting against each other. ??

The Demon Swallowing Ridge is guarded by the leader of the Pure Land Sect, the Jian Fuyuan is guarded by the leader of the Shibuyuan, and the Taixuan Sect suffered too many losses, so all the monks who escaped were teleported to the cracks in the Yinmo Cliff.

Now the abyss below the crack in Yin Mo Cliff has expanded to the point where demons appear every day. The battles are extremely fierce. It can be seen that the demons on the other side of the crack in Yin Mo Cliff are trying their best this time, vowing to take down the wilderness. Moon Continent.

The Pure Land Sect, the Shibuyuan Sect, and the Demonic Sect also sent elite disciples to guard the area. According to Wei Zhongran, the defense there was extremely dangerous, with a large number of monks and demon cultivators dying every day.

Everyone in Xiaozhu Peak is injured. Yunchun Qu and Wen Xinliang have been seriously injured and are in retreat. The condition of several other people is not very good, but at least so far, no one has died in Xiaozhu Peak. This has something to do with Li Wuyi's arrangement.

This information is currently only known to monks above the Golden Core level, so as not to cause panic among the monks below, Wei Zhongran only mentioned it briefly.

Li Yan could only indirectly inquire about Gong Chenying's condition. When he heard that he was injured, he felt a little relieved, but he was still concerned. As for Zhao Min, he couldn't ask any more questions, he could only worry in his heart.

Wei Zhongran obviously saw the worry in Li Yan's eyes, so he comforted him with a few words.

Li Yan also knew that at this time, even if the battle in the Yin Mo Cliff fissure was more intense than here, he would not be able to bring it over. At least Wei Zhongran did not leave.

In the eyes of some people who don't know, the crack in Yin Mo Cliff may be the rear area, and moving away from it is to save lives, and it is not appropriate to bring it up now.

Fengliang Mountain is very big, and the western peak where the "Green Bat Camp" is located seems to be very close. Li Yan only landed halfway up a peak after flying for a while.

There is a mountain gate here, and behind the mountain gate is a main hall. Although Li Yan has long known that the "Green Bat Camp" is here, this is his first time here.

Soon, he found a Deacon of the Demon Sect in the hall.

This man was only in his mid-twenties and looked shrewd and capable. He looked Li Yan up and down with a pair of stern eyes. When he saw the golden bamboo logo on Li Yan's sleeves and sensed Li Yan's fake elixir realm cultivation level, his eyes flashed. A look of surprise flashed past, and then he spoke with a smile.


"This must be Senior Brother Li Yan. As expected, he is a talented person, and his cultivation is among the best among people. I wonder what Senior Brother Li does here?" This person guessed Li Yan's identity at once, and there were many words in his words. Be respectful.

Li Yan was certainly not surprised to see the other party reveal his name. Now any disciples who have been to Fengliang Mountain for a while will know that he is here.

Even if they don't know each other, Xiao Zhufeng has only his master here besides himself, so people will not admit his mistake. However, when he said that he is "a talented person, he is also a good person", Li Yan felt that his dark face was a little hot. .

The person opposite him only looked like he was in the early stage of foundation building. Calling Li Yan "senior brother" was nothing more than that. The words coming out of his mouth seemed to be taken for granted, as if they were true. At first glance, he was someone who was good at interacting with others, which was in line with being a deacon. This identity.

Li Yan also bowed his hand politely, "Junior brother, I want to know where the 16th team is going?"

"Oh, it turns out that Senior Brother Li wants to go to the Qing Sixteenth Team. The direction should be easy, right behind this hall.

After passing through the main hall, the senior brother will see a row of courtyards, including the one with the sign "Qing Zhen Sixteen" hanging outside the door. "

After that, he pointed back, and Li Yan looked in the direction. Sure enough, there was a door behind the hall, and some monks were coming in and out one after another.

"Qing Zhen Sixteen!" Li Yan muttered silently in his heart, and it became clear that Fengliang Mountain is a separate courtyard of Shibuyuan. Many signs here correspond to each other one by one based on Bagua, just like before The ninth team of the "Chongfeng Battalion" is the No. 9 team.

Li Yan thanked him with a smile and turned around to leave. The deacon showed hesitation in his eyes, as if he had something to say. When Li Yan saw this, he stopped and his heart moved.

"What, junior brother, do you have anything else to say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just... I just want to ask, is Senior Brother Li here to find acquaintances from Team 16, or is he here to report to join the team?"

"It's the latter, is there a problem?"

"Is it really arranged by Uncle Wei?"

"Of course, junior brother, what do you want to say?" Li Yan was already a little unhappy when he saw the other party asking questions one by one.

He thought to himself, "If you have something to say, just say it. It's so entangled."

"Oh, haha... What I want to tell senior brother is that these sixteen teams, the 'Blue Bat' battalion, suffered the most casualties among all the teams.

On the battlefield they were guarding, I heard that the number of demon cultivators on the opposite side far exceeded many defensive points. The Qing Sixteenth Team only had less than half a month, and almost half of its 100 people were killed or injured. So, did Master Wei make a mistake in his arrangement... "


At the end of the sentence, the deacon switched to sound transmission and secretly glanced at Li Yan.

Li Yan's face remained unchanged, but he smiled bitterly in his heart, "Master really took note of me and directly placed me in a team with so many casualties. The danger of that battlefield has exceeded his prediction."

But his face remained unchanged, and he also asked through a message: "The one I want to go to is the 16th team, and it is the 16th team of the Blue Bat Battalion. This is correct.

Since there are so many demon cultivators in the direction they are guarding, why don't they send cultivators from other battalions to support them? "

"It turns out that Uncle Wei really arranged to come here, it's really impressive...

Oh, I heard that my senior brother was injured while performing a mission some time ago. It seems that some things are still unclear. The demon cultivators we encounter now are different from the previous scouts. At that time, both parties mainly focused on gathering intelligence.

But it's different now. The demon cultivators seem to have received some order. They are all furious and have no fear of life or death. It often takes several demon cultivators to entangle the opponent. ??

At the same time, we have to allocate manpower to always be on guard against the other party using the Nanhai monks to self-destruct, so our manpower seems to be quite tight.

Nowadays, a large number of monks are transferred here every day, but they will soon be sent to the front. You can imagine how tense the war is now.

If the Qing Sixteenth Team had not suffered too many casualties and was allowed to withdraw for repairs, they would not have stayed here to wait for their senior brothers to report. "

After hearing this, Li Yan nodded and said, "Thank you, junior brother!"

I won’t say much here, but he also confirmed some tokens from it. This time he entered the “Sixteenth Team” instead of the “Sixteenth Team”.

It shows that with the arrival of the war, there is no longer a need for small groups of monks to harass here, but large-scale operations. I don’t know if Bai Rou’s former team has become the "Chongqian Nine".

Li Yan then put these things out of his mind and walked towards the rear palace gate. Of course he knew the combat power of the demon cultivators. Ordinary cultivators really needed two or even several people to entangle one of them.

Looking at Li Yan's retreating back, the deacon was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head, "I never expected that Master Wei would act like this and put his own disciples in such a dangerous place."

After Li Yan passed through the palace gate, due to the mountainous terrain, Li Yan could even overlook many places. Several large areas appeared in his line of sight, like a military field.

After getting the guidance, Li Yan walked along the wide road, his eyes sliding across the red copper signs at the entrance of the courtyards from time to time, and soon he stopped at the entrance of a courtyard.

The courtyard door is very wide, with double leaves in a half-closed state. A red copper sign with the words "Zhen Liu" hangs on the upper right side of the door. As soon as Li Yan arrived at the door, he heard bursts of noise coming from inside the door. Li Yan Yan immediately stopped and stood at the door.


r\u003e  In his impression, even in the "Chongfeng Battalion", members of each team would often discuss and joke with each other, but the sound would be controlled within a certain range so as not to disturb others.

But the sounds coming from here were as chaotic as a food market in the world, and among them, Li Yan heard a very familiar voice.

"I heard that after the reorganization of the 16th Team, the Demon Sect will still send someone to serve as the captain. I asked about it and found that the 16th Team suffered a lot of casualties before. On the one hand, it was because of the difficulty of the demon cultivator;

Another reason is that although it turns out that the captain of the 16th team is also in the fake elixir realm, his real combat power is not the highest in the team.

Such a captain will inevitably make others feel dissatisfied when commanding, and there will be resistance when arranging team members.

When facing the enemy, this kind of trouble may bring a fatal blow to the entire team. Therefore, I suggest that the current captain of Team 16 should be elected by ourselves..."

As this voice ended, there were echoes of response from below.

"What fellow Taoist said is absolutely true. We cannot give away important positions just because this is the head of the Demon Sect..."

"However, if the appointed captain is really strong, he will be defenseless..."


Li Yan listened outside the door with a smile on his face, and thought to himself, "We haven't seen each other for several years, but Bro still has such a personality. I blame Zhang for being domineering!"

Li Yan didn't expect to meet such a familiar person here, it was the book boy Bro that he met in the Demon Tower of Beiming Town.

Considering that this guy still likes to cause trouble, Li Yan doesn't find it strange that he can say this.

Except for the disciples of the Xiaoshi Sect, the other monks transferred from Fengliang Mountain were all monks recruited under the jurisdiction of the Xiaoshi Sect, and no one dared to disobey the Xiaoshi Sect's orders.

Now it is different from the past. The monks recruited here no longer distinguish between regions. There are many monks under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan and Pure Land Sect.

Then these monks who are not under the jurisdiction of the Sprite Sect naturally have much less awe. As long as they are not directly talking to the senior monks of the Sprite Sect, they dare to speak out in private.

Obviously, they all had opinions on directly appointing the captain of the 16th team, especially people like Bro, who were arrogant by nature and would want to cause trouble at any time, which made them even more dissatisfied.

Listening to the noise inside, Li Yan dodged and entered the ajar door. His arrival did not attract the attention of others, because there were also more than a dozen monks standing inside the door, and they were looking at each other in groups. Toward the center of the courtyard.

The courtyard was a hundred feet in size and seemed very spacious. At this time, nearly a hundred people gathered in the center. Li Yan could see that they were clearly divided into two groups.

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