Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 57 What a coincidence?

From the moment Li Yan heard the gentle voice at the door, to seeing Wei Zhongran's humble face and later the process of becoming a disciple, he always inadvertently overlapped him with Ji Junshi, even though the two men were different in stature. There is such a big difference, one is fat and the other is thin, there is no overlap at all. So he had the idea that even though he was a disciple, he had to bow his head under the roof. Who made him so weak now, but he never had any respect for this master from the bottom of his heart. He didn't know if there was something hidden behind that humble face. Holding a knife.

But when he was called up, he had to stand up and walk up. When he walked up, everyone below was looking at him. They didn't know what the master was doing. Only the master's wife seemed to know. What to do next? Looking at Li Yan's anxious expression, he couldn't help but smile. In the bamboo house in the main hall, it was like a breeze in the shade of the trees on a sunny summer day. His red lips opened slightly, "The little guy still looks a little scared."

Wei Zhongran also noticed Li Yan's expression, and said in a pure voice, "I just want to see your qualifications so that I can choose a technique for you in the future." He still knew very little about the practice of this new disciple, even his background. Li Yan said it himself, and his qualifications were also said by Senior Brother Tingfeng. Unlike other disciples, each one had to submit detailed information to the subordinate sect or test it himself before joining.

After that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Yan's wrist. The fat man who was just like an ordinary mortal suddenly became extremely fierce. When Li Yan was still dumbfounded and didn't react, he felt a pure warm sun. The spiritual energy had invaded his body. When Li Yan raised his head, the spiritual energy had disappeared and the pressure on his body was gone.

Wei Zhongran put down Li Yan's wrist with a thoughtful look on his face. Although he had already heard about Li Yan's qualifications and would not suspect that Senior Brother Feng was lying about this matter, he always kept it in mind just in case. Of course, he was still a little disappointed in the result. , miscellaneous spiritual roots, real miscellaneous spiritual roots, which are unique in the Sprite Sect, and even the handyman disciples will not accept this kind of spiritual roots.

Wei Zhongran pondered for a while and then smiled, "Li Yan, your spiritual root is definitely of the best water nature, so you don't need to practice the introductory skills of Lingchong Peak before. I will ask your senior brother to take you to this peak to collect them." Please choose a book of water-attribute exercises and several immortal arts, so that they are more suitable for your practice. Well, after you have chosen, your senior brother can explain and teach them first. If you have any questions that you do not understand, you can come and ask the teacher directly. , okay?”

Li Yan was stunned after hearing this. It turned out that he was helping him choose martial arts and immortal arts. Although he didn't know how to practice the martial arts in the sect, he was told so. What's more, he didn't need the martial arts. He needed those magical arts. Yes, after seeing Ji Junshi's "Fire Bullet Technique" and "Wood Thorn Technique", he yearned for immortal magic very much.

Li Yan actually didn't know Wei Zhongran's care for him. Introductory exercises like his at the Qi Condensation Stage were taught by senior brothers at the ninth or tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage in all major sects. They were the transfer brothers. Specialized in helping entry-level disciples.

For example, Li Wuyi, who is in the foundation building stage, is absolutely overqualified to teach him. Even the seventh brother Lin Daqiao, who is a master in the Qi Condensation stage, is completely fine. It's just that the higher the level of explanation, the more things you can understand. Therefore, Wei Zhongran asked Li Yan to come and ask him if he had any questions. Such treatment was extremely rare in the sect.

This is because Wei Zhongran knew that Li Yan's qualifications were not good, so he wanted to give him the best help. ????

Of course Li Yan didn't know this. He thought it was just a normal behavior for a master to teach his disciples, let alone here.


He only asked his senior brother to take him, so he said respectfully, "Thank you, Master."

"Well, okay, that's it. You can leave. After Wu Yi takes Li Yan to arrange accommodation, go to the Treasure Pavilion to choose exercises and magic."

"Master, senior brother, let me take the junior brother. Disciples can still do these things. When the junior brother starts practicing the exercises, he can just go to the senior brother to solve his doubts." At this time, a clear voice sounded. .

When everyone looked, it was Lin Daqiao with long hands who had stood up and walked towards Li Yan.

Wei Zhongran understood the whole story as soon as he saw it. Lin Daqiao started relatively late and had not yet reached the foundation-building stage. Among the disciples, he was the only one who was still a registered disciple. He must have found a companion now, and he couldn't help but be happy.

Wei Zhongran smiled and nodded, "Haha, that's okay, Wuyi, you can arrange for Daqiao to handle it." After saying that, he glanced at the beautiful woman in white palace attire next to him, and they both stood up at the same time and drifted out of the door. , leaving only a group of disciples to stand up and see him off.

After the two of them disappeared from the door, a pleasant voice came.

"Daqiao, why are you calling me junior brother? You want to grow a little longer for yourself." It was Miao Wangqing, the fourth senior sister in the goose-yellow dress, who looked at Lin Daqiao teasingly.

It turns out that before Li Yan came, Lin Daqiao was the youngest registered disciple here. Everyone called him "little junior brother", which made him always feel that he was not grown up in the eyes of others, which made him quite unhappy. Now that Li Yan has just arrived, he I can't wait to take this title off.

Lin Daqiao had already walked up to Li Yan, hugged Li Yan's shoulders enthusiastically, and looked back at the fourth senior sister, "Isn't it true? If you still call me 'little junior brother,' then I won't call junior brother Li senior brother Li." After that, , and winked at Li Yan.

Li Yan was not used to being so close to others since the incident with the Third Army Division, but seeing how familiar this seventh senior brother was, he couldn't let go of his hand for a while, so he could only smile.

Miao Wangqing looked at Lin Daqiao's proud look, then looked at the other people looking at her. She glanced at Li Wuyi secretly, straightened her breasts, and her figure was plump and round. She was about to wait. Continuing to speak, another voice rang out, "Fourth Senior Sister, let's go." At this time, the short-haired Sixth Senior Sister Gong Chenying stood up, her figure even more slender and toned. She just glanced at Li Yan again and pulled Miao Wang. Qing's dress went out.

"Junior sister, junior sister, I still have something to teach Daqiao, don't leave in a hurry." Miao Wangqing was pulled out by the cold Gong Chenying and walked out reluctantly.

"Really? Are you sure it's Daqiao?" They had already arrived at the door, and the cold voice could be heard faintly, but the voice seemed to emphasize a certain word deliberately.

This time, Miao Wangqing didn't say anything else. She covered Gong Chenying's mouth in a panic and pulled her away.

There were only three people left in the room. Li Yan was confused, but he clearly felt that the arms of the seventh senior brother hugging him kept shaking. He suppressed a smile on his face. The next moment, his expression changed, and he turned back to look at Li Wu with a sad face. one,

Then he whispered, "People, you can't be too handsome, otherwise you won't dare to go out for three days."

Li Wuyi touched his nose with a depressed look.

At this time, the second senior brother, who was a bit too thick, also walked up to Li Yan, reached out and patted Li Yan on the shoulder, "Eighth junior brother, if you have time, come sit in the senior brother's yard. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Practice as soon as possible." , then we can discuss with the second senior brother, alas!" He was talking to Li Yan before, but in the end he looked at Li Wuyi who was depressed at the side. After sighing, he turned around and left the lobby.

As soon as he slapped him, Li Yan felt as if a big bear had hit him. Half of his body was numb and he couldn't help but grin. He is only fifteen years old now, so he doesn't understand the words of these people. He only feels that each of them is very weird, but they seem to be talking about senior brother.

"Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, you have to call him Junior Brother, Junior Brother," Lin Daqiao on the side shouted to the big man's back.

"Ahem, Eighth Junior Brother, your second senior brother is a cultivator. When you reach a higher level, you have to, well, how should I put it, your second senior brother may prefer to discuss more exercises, magic and so on with you."

Li Wuyi coughed dryly and said to Li Yan that he actually called Li Yan his junior brother. Li Yan thought to himself, "This second senior brother may just like to compete with others," but at this time he really didn't take it seriously. What's going on, genius knows when he will build the foundation.

Li Wuyi looked at Lin Daqiao again and saw that he was still looking at the door and mumbling.

"Haha, Daqiao, after you take your junior brother to arrange accommodation, and then explain the sect rules and the basics of various entrances, oh, and then explain the knowledge you just started in the immortal sect you belong to. It's best to tell the younger brother about his origins. You just heard about his origins. He doesn't know much about the world of immortality, so the more detailed the better. Well, it's up to me to choose the exercises. I'll wait for you. After the arrangements are made, it’s probably evening, so I’ll go find my junior brother tomorrow morning.”

He just let Lin Daqiao be responsible for popularizing basic knowledge to Li Yan. He was relieved about this, but later he still considered that this junior brother had an out-of-character personality. Choosing exercises was a big deal, so it was better to take responsibility for it himself. I have to say He is such a thoughtful person.

"Okay, don't worry, senior brother." Lin Daqiao couldn't help but smile as he listened to Li Wuyi calling Li Yan's "little junior brother" more and more smoothly.

"Okay, little junior brother, I will go back first. It is estimated that these things will not be solved until the evening. You have a good rest and get familiar with the environment. I will go over to you tomorrow morning to choose exercises and immortal arts."

Li Wu was thorough and gave Li Yan another warning.

"Okay, Senior Brother, I'm sorry to trouble you today." Li Yan said politely.

Then the three of them left the lobby and walked separately outside the lobby.

Li Yan was walking behind the main hall where he had just come out. Lin Daqiao led him all the way up the mountain. He talked as he walked. Li Yan felt that Lin Daqiao was a talkative person, but he had a good impression on him. , he felt that this person's mind was a little simple, he should be the kind of person who would talk about whatever came to his mind. Li Yan would occasionally interject, and Lin Daqiao would answer all questions.



In this way, Li Yan easily learned something about Lin Daqiao. Lin Daqiao was twenty years old this year and came from a third-rate immortal sect in Changkong Continent. This continent was also under the jurisdiction of the Sprite Sect. He was in the west of the Sprite Sect. In the south, there are several third-rate sects, not even a second-rate sect.

The Immortal Sect to which Lin Daqiao belonged was one of the best in Changkong Continent. His qualifications were the most outstanding among the third-rate sects at that time. However, he was discovered late by that third-rate Immortal Sect and was only discovered at the age of twelve. This was worse than Li Yan was admitted to the Immortal Path a few years earlier. After practicing there for only one year, he reached the second level of the Qi Condensation Stage. He was regarded as a once-in-a-century genius by this third-rate sect. In the third year, he also squeezed into the fifth level. , and when the Demon Sect was recruiting disciples, they simply sent them over, not wanting to be taken in by Wei Zhongran and accepted as a registered disciple. It has been more than six years since I started this year, and I have already reached the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. It takes almost a little more than a year to advance to the first level. You must know that the further you go in cultivation, the more difficult it is to advance. This qualification is better than Li Wuyi is no less willing to give in. He is currently preparing for the foundation building period.

Li Yan felt strange after hearing this. The lower sects sent all the geniuses they had worked so hard to find to the upper immortal sect, so how could these small sects develop on their own? Then Lin Daqiao's words made him feel relieved.

It turns out that when the four major sects recruit disciples, the subordinate immortal sects do not need to send disciples. However, for the disciples in the subordinate immortal sects, they will lose an excellent opportunity to become immortals, because whether it is from skills or immortality, In terms of techniques and various resources, with the little resources they have and the strength of the whole sect, it is basically impossible to support a major Jindan cultivator in two hundred years, but it is possible for the four major sects.

In addition, these people who are sent to the four major sects must serve as elders or supreme elders of their own immortal sects after building foundations or forming golden elixirs. At this time, the four major sects will also award their sects a generous sum of money. Reward them for finding highly qualified people. These rewards can only be achieved by the accumulation of years, decades, or even hundreds of years by second-, third-rate or even inferior sects. These will make these small immortal sects greatly improve their strength and develop rapidly. How can the subordinate immortal sects It's not fun to do it.

As for why the four major sects did such a thankless thing, it is purely due to Li Yan's ignorance. Although these people have returned to their immortal sects, these immortal sects still belong to the four major sects, and the stronger they become, the stronger the four major sects are. The more tyrannical they are, and the soul lamps they have established after building the foundation will remain in the four major sects. When the four major sects have trouble, they themselves and even the entire sect need to provide assistance, so this is a beneficial thing, otherwise it may be It will lead to death.

In addition, due to the rich resources of the four major sects, there are still many people here who have served as elders and supreme elders of the Xiaoxian Sect after building foundations and forming pills, but they still will not leave the four major sects and will always stay in the sect. Qian Xiu, this also makes the four major sects have a lot of golden elixirs and build a lot of foundations.

However, these are unwilling to deal with some ambitious second and third sects who want to develop their sect into a super power. There are also some sects that will not send their true elites and genius disciples, but for These little shrimps, the four major sects also turn a blind eye. They are behemoths. If you want to shake them, there must be a precursor. As soon as the precursor comes out, they will attack them casually. Those who are ambitious are even more so. Turn into ashes.

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