Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 56: The Selfish Master of Xiaozhu Peak

Understand that he practiced the immortal magic of other people's sects for no reason. According to Dong Fuyi, it is not an exaggeration to kill him directly, let alone put it into the family wall. Now that people want to know his past, of course there is no doubt about it. , how could he be brought in for no reason? Although he had said a lot to the monk named Lingchong Peak, this was the real owner now. What made him feel uncomfortable was that a group of senior brothers and sisters were also listening. I really don’t know what my new apprentice is thinking.

After Wei Zhongran finished speaking, he put down the teacup, squinted his eyes, and leaned back on the chair. The lady next to him also looked interested. Although the others did not speak, they were also staring at him.

Li Yan had no choice but to tell the story of how he left the village to join the army, how he met Ji Junshi, how he discovered something was wrong, and how he contacted Marshal Hong and finally killed Ji Junshi.

It's just that here, he concealed the matter of Dong Fuyi and Guishui Xianmen, and changed the fact that he found out that Ji Junshi was unfavorable to him to the fact that the dead senior brother secretly left a letter, indicating that he might be poisoned. I hope someone can avenge him after reading this letter in the future. Later, I accidentally discovered this secret message. After combining it with my own adverse reaction symptoms, I was very scared. I had no choice but to find the Marshal in the army. After all, he was also a member of the army. He also described Marshal Hong as a hero in the world. A man of great lofty sentiments, he felt compassion after hearing what happened to him and helped him escape. However, in the end, he and his junior brother died tragically at the hands of the third army division. By the way, he also took most of the credit for killing the third army division. It fell into the hands of Marshal Hong and his junior brother.

Anyway, these people are dead, so where can we find loopholes? If we want to find loopholes, we can only find them in his words. But before coming here, he had already made up one in order to deal with those people at Spirit Insect Peak. , now I just want to make these words more true.

His words came one after another, and some parts of it even caused the two women to sigh. Except for the cool and short-haired sixth senior sister, the white-dressed senior sister and the fourth senior sister in the goose-yellow dress sometimes interjected a few words, which were quite interesting. He looked very worried about his situation at that time, and everyone else was speechless for a while, especially when it came to how Marshal Hong set up an ambush to hunt down the third military division, which made these people sigh. They did not expect that there are such heroic figures in the world of mortals, and it seems that immortal cultivators also It is not that he is above mortals, and it is possible to die at the hands of mortals.

After talking, Li Yan felt that he admired himself and felt that he had great potential as a storyteller. Even he almost believed some of what he said.

Wei Zhongran had been leaning in his chair and listening quietly. His face was occasionally solemn, occasionally thoughtful, and occasionally smiling, as if he was thinking about something. Finally, when Li Yan finished speaking, he looked at Li Yan with a half-smile.

As Li Yan spoke, he also paid attention to everyone's eyes, for fear that he might accidentally let something slip, especially when it came to the Guishui Immortal Sect. He had to be careful to avoid it, otherwise the magic of the fairy world would appear in this world, and he would be Although he has just entered the immortal world, he still understands the sins of holding a jade. Dong Fuyi said that even in a place like the fairy world, since ancient times, various sects have been searching for the Five Immortal Sects. It can be said that the Five Sects are Thirst of Immortal Magic


Extremely hopeful.

After he finished speaking, he noticed the Master's expression that was half-smiling but not smiling. He couldn't help but feel a "thump" in his heart, and thought to himself, "No, did I make a mistake somewhere?" But for a while, he didn't know where he made a mistake. question.

But what Wei Zhongran said next made him feel relieved again. After Li Yan finished speaking, Wei Zhongran sat up straight, calmed down his expression, and asked Li Yan a few more questions, basically about his cultivation. , which made Li Yan think it was still about the matter of "fragmentation and poisoning".

After Wei Zhongran asked a dozen questions, he looked at everyone, "This is why I let you listen. Of course, it is not to expose your eighth junior brother's background, but to let you listen to his entire cultivation process and analyze and consider it yourself afterwards." , Today I will also give feedback to the sect on what I heard and analyzed, hoping it will be helpful." After that, he turned to Li Yan.

"Li Yan, do you know the poisonous body called 'fragmented poisonous body'?"

Li Yan stood up and said, "Master, senior brother has told his disciples about the general situation of the other two poisonous bodies of this poisonous body."

Wei Zhongran pressed his hand and motioned for Li Yan to sit down, "It's good to know that these three poisonous bodies are the strongest combat physiques of our sect. The other two are easier to say. There is still a formula to find the corresponding physiques and practice them according to the immortal method. Yes, but your 'fragmented and poisonous body' is difficult to cultivate. Since ancient times, only a few people have cultivated it, but they have never been able to find a normal method of cultivation. Therefore, every person in the sect who has mastered it has The cultivation process must be reported in detail so that the sect can gain experience from it, so your method of success must also be recorded in the record. Today, by the way, you may also let your senior brothers and sisters listen to it to see if they can get some discoveries from it. , so I just said that they took some advantage. I want to ask you again, is your cultivation process true? "

Li Yan thought to himself, "That's it. I asked a group of people to come here to inquire about my details. However, it seems that this master also has his own selfish intentions. He recorded it and reported it to the sect. It must be kept by the sect." , it is impossible for everyone to know, but now he is asking everyone from Xiaozhufeng to participate, except for the senior brother who is unable to come because of something, that is, he wants them to all understand, but this master This kind of selfishness, if it were him listening now, he would also like it.”

"Master, the disciple's cultivation process is all true and there is nothing false about it."

After Li Yan answered, he said in his heart, "The cultivation process is definitely true, I just concealed some of it, but what I said about the 'Wu Ye Lian Qing Gong' process is not lies. As for this poisonous body, I I don’t even know how to succeed in cultivation, so I think you’re listening in vain.”

Wei Zhongran smiled and nodded, but in Li Yan's eyes, his nod had such a meaningful meaning, which made him feel a little guilty.

"Well, let's leave this matter as it is. Li Yan, please come forward." Wei Zhongran smiled and suddenly said this to Li Yan, which made Li Yan, who was already guilty, even more unsure, and thought to himself, "Could it be that, let this person What did Master Cheap find?”

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