Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 568 Secret Exposed

Bai Rou's strong reaction frightened the Purple God Dragon Elephant. If it hadn't opened the one-way exit of the magic array long ago, the three puppets would have directly hit the array restriction.

And then, a mournful cry of the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" came from outside.

The Purple God Dragon Elephant looked again, and there were no three long-armed giant ape puppets outside. Only a few red lights occasionally passed through the night, leaving a series of red light afterimages, and there were "woohoo" sounds everywhere that cut through the air.

"Don't worry that the puppets can't withstand the power of the middle-grade spirit stone. This is fully opened in an instant..."

The Purple God Dragon Elephant was a little stunned. The girl who had tears in her eyes just now was so fierce. She attacked as soon as she said she would, and she opened the middle-grade spirit stone to the maximum power in an instant. Isn't she afraid that her own puppet will explode? ????

Li Yan was also very surprised by Teng Wuji's sneak attack. He had been concentrating all his attention and fully opened his spiritual power. Although he didn't release it far away, he had been circling within a few feet around him.

Just now, when Teng Wuji attacked, he dodged immediately as soon as he sensed it. If he hadn't turned his head in time, he would have been almost slashed in the head by the other party.

At the same time, he also secretly swallowed a drop of "Rongsun" liquid, and the Guishui Sutra in his body was running wildly, and his originally shriveled body was quickly recovering.

Although Teng Wuji was hesitant about Li Yan's true cultivation, he did not stop his movements at all. Several dark golden light balls had already come out. Even if the other party was a Jindan cultivator who hid his cultivation, he would not be afraid at all, unless he was a cultivator above the false infant.

He felt that Li Yan was too weird. The spiritual power he released was obviously only at the foundation-building stage, but he couldn't see some of his methods, which was amazing.

You want to say that he relied on magic weapons to bluff, but the other party's close-range attack power was strong, which was not inferior to that of ordinary demons.

"This kid has a lot of secrets. He might be secretly cultivated by the four major sects. We must search his soul."

At this point, Teng Wuji, in addition to excluding Li Yan as a disciple of the Ten-Step Academy, still could not determine which sect Li Yan belonged to, at least Li Yan had not been able to use the flying sword.

But he was more inclined to believe that Li Yan should be a disciple of the Pure Land Sect, after all, there were some Pure Land Sect practitioners with hair.

When Li Yan saw the dark gold flash in the night sky, he knew that the other party was going to shoot a ball of light containing thunder and lightning. He dared not stay, and his body disappeared again in the night sky in an instant.

Teng Wuji sent several dark gold balls of light whistling into the distance. Under full alert, coupled with the swiftness of "Phoenix Chongtian", the dark gold balls of light did not even touch the corner of Li Yan's clothes.

Li Yan now wanted to delay the other party's time. Since the demon army had gathered, there were few cultivators in this area, but they had hope of waiting for rescue.

Li Yan's "Phoenix Soaring to the Sky" body movement can last for nearly one incense stick of time if he uses it continuously with all his strength. If it lasts longer, his body's tendons and veins will not be able to bear the load. With this incense stick of time, there is a good chance that rescue will come to Fengliang Mountain. After dodging several dark golden light balls, Li Yan's figure appeared dozens of feet behind Teng Wuji like a ghost. Li Yan did not dare to go too far, lest Teng Wuji could not find him for a while and vent his anger on Bai Rou and the others below. It is not certain that the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" can withstand several attacks from this demon cultivator. However, as soon as Li Yan's figure appeared, his face changed drastically, and he quickly blocked his hands behind him. With a loud "boom", Li Yan's hands were flashing with arcs, and his body was thrown up. As Li Yan was thrown up, pieces of clothes on his body shattered like flying green butterflies. Li Yan only felt a sharp pain in his body, his spiritual power surged and scurried around, his mouth was sweet, and a mouthful of blood had already spurted out.

As the blood spurted out, Li Yan also felt that the pain in his body was reduced a lot, but he felt a little dizzy. He forced his spiritual power to penetrate his hands, and the arcs on his hands were quickly covered by a layer of black gas and disappeared.

Li Yan staggered, and his body did not dare to stay. With his blood surging, he forced himself to raise his breath and cast a spell. This time, his figure appeared a hundred feet away from Teng Wuji.

At this time, Li Yan looked a little miserable. When his sleeves were hard to block just now, they turned into nothingness as soon as they touched, and the blue veins on his exposed strong arms twisted and bulged.

Although the arc disappeared, there were deep black marks on Li Yan's arms, but no blood oozed out. The flesh and blood of the wounds had been burned by the arc and condensed into black scabies.

There were two black marks about half a foot long on the right arm, just like two baby mouths, revealing white bones.

Li Yan's blue shirt was missing in many places, and his clothes were ragged. There were also some places on his long hair that were burnt and curled, but Li Yan seemed to have no feeling.

After he raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, he didn't even look at his wound, but stared at Teng Wuji, his heart became cold, and the other party finally discovered his secret.

In fact, as long as he fought with an enemy who was taller than him, if he couldn't escape immediately, Li Yan's secrets would be revealed to the other party one by one, unless he didn't want to live, and let the other party do it, and tried to retain his strength, which was obviously impossible.

"He can't be killed even in this way. Even if he can't capture him alive today, he can't leave such a person a chance to survive."

Teng Wuji's pupils shrank suddenly, and shot out two extremely cold dim lights. In his heart, he had already determined that Li Yan was the most core elite disciple hidden and cultivated by the four major sects, but he didn't know why he was willing to send him out this time.

Just now everything was electric and flint

Suddenly, seeing Li Yan staggering and revealing his figure, Teng Wuji instantly confirmed his guess. Li Yan barely breathed, and he violently flipped his black giant palm, and six more dark golden light groups emerged.

At the same time, Teng Wuji's cold voice came over, "Sure enough, it's not as good as it seems. The spiritual power is as strong as a fake elixir, but the consciousness is as strong as the middle stage of the golden elixir. You let me surpass it." It’s getting more and more interesting.”

Everything has become weird since I met the boy in green shirt today. He has many magic weapons and a strong body.

And it may also be the "Holy Spirit Root with a Single Fire Attribute". The power of divine consciousness is so powerful that it is puzzling, but his own strength is really only in the foundation building stage.

After Teng Wuji's sneak attack failed just now, people already felt that something was wrong. If the opponent did not have strong spiritual consciousness, even if he had a magic weapon to protect him, his reaction would never be so fast. At most, the magic weapon would take the initiative to defend himself from the attack.

But that was obviously the result of the opponent's active avoidance, so Teng Wuji concentrated on his second attack, and secretly left a dark gold light ball as a backup.

Sure enough, his attacks failed one by one. The last dark golden light ball managed to catch this kid under the full control of his spiritual consciousness. Unfortunately, he still failed to kill him.

Teng Wuji seemed to be calm in his words, but in his heart he was extremely frightened. "The spiritual consciousness that he cultivated in the foundation period is only a little bit worse than his own. He must have a peerless skill to cultivate his spiritual consciousness, otherwise it will be impossible to explain at all."

Teng Wuji's eyes gradually showed excitement. He thought he had found the answer, and it was an answer that all monks could not resist.

Teng Wuji spoke with his mouth, but his hands moved as fast as lightning. The speed of the six dark gold light groups that appeared this time was almost instantaneous. The next moment, Li Yan's face in the distance changed drastically, and his body was blurred, and a line was dragged out. A long afterimage.

At the same time, Li Yan also waved his hands, and wind blades filled most of the sky in an instant, and the night sky was filled with white light, like thousands of bright blades slashing at dozens of dark golden light groups.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities, this little power is no more than a mosquito!" Teng Wuji sneered as he looked at the wind blades flying like snowflakes all over the sky.

One of his golden elixir monks launched a magic attack, but the other party still wanted to resist it. He really didn't know whether to live or die.

Sure enough, as soon as the sky-filled wind blades hit by Li Yan met the dark golden light group, they disappeared in large swaths like white snow meeting the scorching sun.

Dozens of dark golden light groups were delayed for only half a breath before passing through. Then they suddenly changed direction in the air and roared away to an uninhabited place in the dark night.

And in the dark night sky where there was no one there, Li Yan suddenly appeared with a livid face. As soon as he appeared, he disappeared again, and then, with a wave of his hands, countless people appeared again.


The wind blade was like a goddess scattering flowers, slashing at the dark golden light group that arrived instantly.

This scene finally made Teng Wuji frown, and the murderous intention in his heart became more intense. "This guy's spiritual power is not only far higher than that of the fake alchemy monks, but the most incredible thing is, how can he cast spells at such a fast speed?" It’s so fast that even ordinary Jindan monks can’t match it.”

You must know that from the first time Li Yan disappeared to the time he disappeared again, he launched wave after wave of attacks without even taking a breath.

But the weird human kid in front of him was performing spells so fast that he even exceeded the shuttle speed of the dark gold light group.

Although these wind blades cannot block the dark gold light group too much, they still slow down the speed of the dark gold light group to some extent.

Teng Wuji was puzzled as to how a foundation-building monk could cast spells so fast. Even a body-refining monk couldn't handle his muscles.

The use of such a large amount of Wind Blade Techniques places very strict demands on the veins and spiritual power, especially the total amount of spiritual power that passes through the veins in an instant is simply not something that a Foundation Establishment monk can withstand.

According to Li Yan's second attack in a very short period of time, even the Jindan monk's physical muscles and veins would be sore and swollen, and there was even a possibility of rupture. However, after seeing Li Yan's second attack with the wind blades all over the sky, he was still as fast as before. Unabated, it disappeared from the same place again. From this, it can be seen that the muscles and veins in the opponent's body were not affected much.

"Among human monks, is there such a high level of body refining skills? In other words, this kid is not a human monk at all. He should have the blood of a monster beast, and only a very high-level monster beast can have such a physique."

For a moment, Teng Wuji was startled by his guess.

At this time, Li Yan could only use "Feng Chongtian" continuously. He was also helpless. He was not a threat to Teng Wuji at all. He had no other way but to keep running away and delaying.

And now he may not even be able to delay for too long. Originally, the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique could hold him to death for less than one stick of incense. This must be done with all his strength.

But now he also needs to use spells to block those dark gold light groups as much as possible. He needs to consume a lot of spiritual power to continuously cast spells, use wind blades or fire bullets and other spells to consume the power contained in the dark gold light groups from the side.

If it were another foundation-building cultivator, without the speed of movement, there would be no other way but to directly attack the dark golden light group. It is estimated that Teng Wuji could kill the opponent with just one attack.

But Li Yan was able to evade the dark gold light group head-on in the blink of an eye, and then used a spell to hit him from the front, finally making the six dark gold light groups slowly weaken in power.

But under this condition, even if Li Yan had the support of "Rong Bamboo Shoots", he would probably not be able to take more than half a cup of tea. Replenishing his spiritual power would not be a problem, but his own tendons and veins were already suffering from tingling symptoms.

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