Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 567: sneak attacks on each other

Li Yan was too confident in his physical body before. He might be a threat to a human Jindan cultivator now, but the power of the demon cultivator in front of him was far beyond his imagination. The former owner and his wife of "Beiling Mountain Villa" also seemed particularly weak in front of this demon cultivator.

Demon cultivators of the same realm are also strong and weak, not to mention that this is a demon cultivator who has stayed in the middle stage of Jindan for a long time.

Li Yan's two trump cards, fragmented poison body and hard attack on the opponent, ended in failure.

Even his fragmented poison body did not cause much trouble to the opponent, which made Li Yan's heart sink.

As soon as Bai Rou landed, she was still in the dreamlike hallucination just now, and she felt a flash in front of her eyes, and a small purple flag suddenly appeared beside her.

The purple flag spun around, and surrounded Bai Rou in her surprised eyes.

Bai Rou didn't know what happened for a while, and the spiritual energy on her body instantly filled her whole body.

At this moment, Li Yan's voice came into her mind, "Sister, this is my set of protective magic array. Sister, you can recover a little, and the array can also provide some protection for senior brothers and others!".

Being stimulated by the purple flag that just appeared, Bai Rou finally woke up. She looked around and found that she was already in a purple magic array.

Where she fell, Hu Xiaowang and four others were lying separately, and her three puppets were also lying quietly in the grass at some point, but the scars on the three puppets were shocking.

Li Yan saw that Bai Rou and her puppets were sent to Hu Xiaowang and others by him, and the "Big Dragon Elephant Array" was already activated, and he felt a little relieved.

He wanted to use his body skills to drag the other demon cultivator for a while, and if it didn't work, he would return to the "Big Dragon Elephant Array".

Otherwise, if he had just dragged Bai Rou down with him and activated the "Big Dragon Elephant Array" immediately, he would soon face the crazy attack of this demon.

Facing such a powerful demon cultivator, Li Yan didn't know how many times the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" could withstand attacks, maybe not even once.

He believed that just because he had hit the opponent three times just now, as long as he didn't die, Teng Wuji would not let him leave, nor would he attack the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" immediately.

Everything happened in just a few breaths, and then he heard a roar, and Li Yan felt a strong wind rushing over from the side.

"Trouble!" Li Yan thought in his heart, at this moment, the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" had jumped high and pounced in the air.

"White Incandescent Demon Tiger" was furious in his heart. Just now, this human cultivator who suddenly appeared, almost at the same time as attacking Teng Wuji, had already swung his sleeves back, and instantly swept away the three puppets under his feet.

Li Yan's appearance was too weird, not to mention the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger", even Teng Wuji didn't react.

By the time the "White Blazing Demon Tiger" reacted, the three puppet magic weapons had been swept away right under its nose. Of course, it was furious. It did not immediately look for the three puppets, but wanted to kill the human cultivator in front of it first.

Li Yan moved his feet slightly to avoid it first, but his eyes were still fixed on Teng Wuji on the opposite side. This demon cultivator was the one who could take his life.

At the same time, his heart was sinking. He had to do his best to hold the demon cultivator on the opposite side for a few breaths. With a third-level demon beast, there should be no hope.

Li Yan had planned to use his body skills to retreat to the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" first. Of course, he hoped that Bai Rou would deal with the "White Blazing Demon Tiger".

But in such a short time, Li Yan did not have time to check Bai Rou's injuries. He didn't know if she could no longer use fairy arts after being captured.

It was estimated that even if he asked, Bai Rou's gentle personality would say that it was okay, so he could only let Bai Rou rest and recover first.

Just when Li Yan wanted to retreat, he heard the demon cultivator on the opposite side coldly shouting, "Duan Feng, go and take down that woman, get out of the way here."

As Teng Wuji's voice sounded, the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" that had already pounced in the air paused in the air, then twisted its waist, looked at Li Yan fiercely, and then turned into a white light and pounced on the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" below.

Li Yan didn't expect that the other party would create an opportunity for him at the last moment, and he was relieved immediately.

After all, the other party was just as he had expected before. After being successfully ambushed by a small low-level cultivator of his, although it did not cause much damage, his face was already lost, and he still had to kill him personally to relieve his anger.

Just as Teng Wuji's voice fell, Li Yan's figure not far away suddenly trembled, and then a black shadow appeared beside him.

The shadow's thumb, index and middle fingers were bent inwards into an eagle claw shape, and from top to bottom, it cut Li Yan in half. It was not until this moment that a harsh sound like tearing a piece of cloth was heard.

"Junior Brother Li!" Bai Rou's exclamation immediately pierced the night sky, with tears in her voice.

When she saw the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger" rushing over, she was anxious. She pinched the magic formula, and the three long-armed giant ape puppets suddenly flashed red in their eyes and stood up immediately.

Her speed was also very fast, but her consciousness was always paying attention to the outside of the formation. Just when she was about to go out to deal with the "White Incandescent Demon Tiger".

A scene that made Bai Rou sad appeared in her eyes. Li Yan was split into two halves just as the demon cultivator finished speaking.

Bai Rou did not expect the demon cultivator to be so insidious. There was no sign before the attack. Li Yan was in order to save her and only faced the demon cultivator head-on after escaping from the predicament.

At the moment when Bai Rou's voice came, Teng Wuji's voice was about to sound again, "Huh?"

When Teng Wuji's eagle claws were pressed down, he immediately felt something was wrong. Apart from the flow of air between his three fingers, there was no feeling of touching the flesh and blood at all. It was not until the end that there was a trace of touch on the fingertips.

As Teng Wuji's voice of doubt rang out, Li Yan was cut in half by his claw from the top door. No blood spattered out, but turned into two blurry figures, which quickly faded away, leaving only a small piece of green shirt. The rags slowly fell.

At this time, Teng Wuji turned around sharply, and in his surprised eyes, Li Yan's figure appeared again about fifty feet away from his left.

Li Yan's face was also unusually solemn. There was a tear on his clothes behind his shoulder, just a punch away from the back of his head. If he had only had to dodge a little slower, he would have been cut in half.

Li Yan's heart was also beating violently. He had been on the verge of death several times today.

From the time when the "Incandescent Devil Tiger" pounced, to Teng Wuji's words to confuse Li Yan, and to his sudden sneak attack, to Li Yan's reappearance, only one breath passed. It was truly thrilling.

Looking at the small piece of clothing that was still floating freely and falling, and Li Yan appearing on the other side, Bai Rou was filled with tears, but her expression was frozen.

"Junior Brother can he avoid the sneak attack of a strong Jindan man?"

The golden elixir monk's sneak attack, without the support of powerful spiritual consciousness, relied solely on instinctive induction, and in such a vastly different realm, Ren Bairou couldn't understand it even if he tried to break his head.

At this time, not only Bai Rou, but also Teng Wuji looked like he had seen a ghost and did not continue to attack for a while.

He thought quickly in his mind, "This kid is very evil. He somehow managed to escape from the 'Spirit Absorbing Bottle' before, and now he has escaped a sneak attack. Is he really a foundation-building monk?"

Teng Wuji's consciousness scanned Li Yan repeatedly.

At this moment, a series of explosion sounds came from below. The "Incandescent Devil Tiger" stood in the air and shot out a dazzling white light from its mouth. It sprayed directly on the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" and hit the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" directly. The purple light flashed wildly on the "Dragon Elephant Formation".

This made Bai Rou, who was in a daze, wake up again. Her mood was ups and downs today. She had experienced life and death several times. Now she had no other thoughts in her mind except disbelief.

"Junior Brother Li, how did you do it?" This question became bigger and bigger in her mind.

The explosion outside the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" made Bai Roucai realize that she was still in danger. She quickly released her consciousness to check the formation set up by Li Yan.

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After a while, Bai Rou was also secretly shocked. The defense of this formation was so strong that there was no rupture in the face of continuous attacks from a third-level monster.

"Junior Brother Li has many secrets. He has been in Fengliang Mountain for a while. Except for his flying magic weapon and the group of mosquito monsters, he has not revealed any of his other abilities.

Just being able to knock oneself away from the hands of a demon is probably something that many uncles and uncles in the sect may not be able to do. "

Thinking of this, Bai Rou herself couldn't help but be startled. If she said this, Li Yan had the ability to directly compete with the golden elixir monks, instead of needing to borrow the power of magic weapons.

At this moment, a lazy voice came into Bai Rou's ears, "This great beauty, you are not weak. You can't keep asking me to defend yourself from the attack of this stupid beast. I still want to fight." Leave your strength to prevent the old boy from attacking."

Bai Rou was startled and quickly took a few steps back. Her hands were already pinching magic spells to protect her plump and tall chest. She looked around with beautiful eyes, but she saw that at some point, in the corner of the formation, a small purple elephant was staring intently. looked at her.

The aura of this little purple elephant is almost indistinguishable from the purple formation. It is the "Purple Divine Dragon Elephant". It is very unhappy with the "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" outside.

According to its idea, it really wanted to destroy the "Incandescent Demonic Tiger" directly, but Li Yan's order to it was "Bairou will deal with that demonic beast, and it must be prepared to deal with the demonic attack with all its strength!"

With the current strength of the Little Purple Divine Dragon Elephant, coupled with the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation", it is estimated that it can kill the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" in less than half an hour. However, in that case, its soul power will be consumed at least three to four times. Success, and the secret of the "Big Dragon Elephant Formation" will be exposed to Teng Wuji in advance.

"You... you... you are a formation spirit?" Bai Rou looked at the little purple dragon elephant. She could feel that it was just the spirit of a monster beast and had no physical existence.

"Yes, I asked you, can you take action?" The explosions outside the formation and the roar of the "Incandescent Demon Tiger" kept coming, and the little purple dragon elephant had to concentrate on resisting.

It was actually more worried about Li Yan's safety at this time. If that kid had any good intentions, it would be finished as well.

Bai Rou's wonderful eyes flashed, and she had no doubt about the identity of Zi Shen Long Xiang. The only soul that could match the aura of the formation so well was the formation spirit.

Bai Rou thought to herself, "No wonder Junior Brother Li's formation has such amazing defensive power. It turns out that there are formation spirits. This formation can only be refined by level 3 or above formations."

This thought passed by in a flash. Bai Rou pointed at the three giant gibbon puppets on the ground. The red light in the eyes of the three puppets instantly turned as red as blood. The next moment, the figures of the puppets on the ground were blurred. He had already rushed out.

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