Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 560: The Demonic Shadow Without a Trace

"Damn it, this old devil has used that soul-stealing magic again." Li Yan thought in his mind, but he still knew a little about this soul-stealing magic.

If the sneak attack fails to work the first time, unless the two sides have a big difference in consciousness, it will not be easy for the opponent to be prepared and it will work again.

King Hu Xiao and others were on guard and had already tried their best to protect themselves with spiritual power. This time, although it was painful, they were barely holding on.

The four of them were hunched over one by one, with their hands covering their hearts, with fear in their eyes, and breathing heavily. Fortunately, after Teng Wuji didn't know how Li Yan avoided his demonic sound attack, this time he just Make a sound to shock.

Teng Wuji, who was behind him, was filled with surprise and uncertainty. The few people before had clearly lost their minds, but the boy who controlled the flying magic weapon could still control the flight as usual except for a change in his face.

"He must be carrying some kind of magic weapon that can protect the soul." Teng Wuji thought in his heart. After all, Li Yan's cultivation was too different from his, and he would not think of other aspects.

The ensuing pursuit made Teng Wuji change from doubt to fear. The flying magic weapon of the monk in front was too sharp. Even after chasing half a stick of incense with his cultivation level, he was only about thirty miles closer.

If you want to catch up with the opponent in this way, you may have to fly thousands of miles. According to this direction, you will be getting closer and closer to the mountains on the west side of Fengliang Mountain.

Therefore, Teng Wuji's spiritual consciousness saw his team of demon cultivators several times and wanted to direct the interception. However, before he could send a message to command, the monks in front seemed to have discovered the team of demon cultivators in advance.

He also avoided the route of the Demon Cultivator Team early and took a detour. This made Teng Wuji want to speak several times, but he only ended up feeling depressed.

He then began to doubt the cultivation level of the flying magic weapon monks. The distance between the magic cultivator teams was beyond the reach of the foundation-building monks' spiritual consciousness. How did the other party discover it in advance?

However, after carefully looking at Li Yan and the others for a long time, he was sure that no one here was hiding their true cultivation.

When a monk uses spiritual power, unless the person's realm is much higher than his own, there is no way he can hide from his own detection.

Therefore, Teng Wuji believed in his own judgment. As for the other party, he might be a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he could not see through the hidden cultivation. If that were the case, he might have been dead for a long time now.

"This team must be composed of the core disciples of the four major sects, especially the leader. He must have been given many magic weapons, so he has the courage to come to 'Zhouyang Town' with such a level of cultivation."

This was the final answer Teng Wuji got after weighing it for a long time. This answer made him feel hot in his heart.

The other party's flying magic weapon is already a rare and top-grade one. If it falls into his hands and is controlled by him, he may be able to escape unexpectedly even if he encounters a Nascent Soul cultivator next time.

What's more, the opponent may have treasures in his hands that can protect his soul and enhance his consciousness.



At this point, Teng Wuji was secretly glad that he was the one to pursue him alone this time, so he raised his eyebrows and the demonic energy in his body tightened fiercely within his body.

His tall and shriveled body made a series of whistling sounds, which were sharp and harsh like the biting north wind blowing through an empty pipe.

The next moment, Teng Wuji's figure pulled out a long afterimage in the air. A breath later, when his body reappeared, it was dozens of miles away, and then there was another whistle of the wind blowing the air pipe, and a The long afterimage was stretched forward from the original place again, like a ghostly evil shadow...

The emerald Cloud-piercing Willow draws a green dot in the sky, appearing, disappearing, disappearing, and reappearing from time to time.

Above the Cloud-Piercing Willow, Bairou and the other five were meditating with their eyes closed. After Teng Wuji saw that he could not control Li Yan, he also gave up his continued interference with their minds, which gave them some time to recover.

Li Yan stood in front, spreading his consciousness in all directions. While guarding his back, he also had to always plan the best route to take at the next moment to avoid all enemies he might encounter.

At the same time, Li Yan did not find a team on his side. It seemed that the area within thousands of miles of "Zhouyang Town" had been cleared.

But this is not absolute. In Li Yan's consciousness, there are still human monks appearing far away, but they can be regarded as foundation-building monks like himself.

Li Yan would never go to such a place. Apart from bringing death to the other party, he would not be able to do anything to help the others.

Just when Li Yan was concentrating on it, King Hu Xiao's somewhat tired voice came from behind: "Junior Brother Li, was it the Fu Han that Uncle Wei gave us that woke us up just now? Thank you so much this time, Junior Brother."

King Hu Xiao had the strongest magic power among the five, so he was the first to recover. He remembered that just now he and the others had almost lost their minds at the other's words, and he quickly thanked them.

Several people who knew Li Yan's identity naturally thought that Li Yan had the amulet given by Wei Zhongran, and they were inspired by the amulet just now and saved them.

The reason why Li Yan was fine was because he was in the Fuying Protection Center.

Li Yantou didn't know, he just waved his hand back.

"Have we got rid of the attack of that golden elixir demon cultivator?" At this time, King Hu Xiao felt upset, and after calming down a little, he continued to ask.

He just wanted to use his consciousness to detect what was behind him, but there was a wave of dizziness in his head. He knew that this was the reason why he had not fully recovered.

He couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that Li Yan was not too affected by the other party, otherwise they would be like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

“I haven’t gotten rid of it, but it’s not easy to catch up.

! Li Yan said without looking back.

"Junior Brother Li, it's really suspenseful this time. We were actually tracked by a golden elixir. However, this time we are really..." At this time, Yan Feijun's voice came over. His cultivation was second only to King Hu Xiao. He was A bitter look on his face.

They knew in their hearts that this time it might be a disaster.

At this moment, Li Yan was not in the mood to look closely at the expressions of the two of them. He was anxious. Even at this speed, it would take at least more than three hours to complete half of the distance. Maybe then he would be able to meet his opponent. A senior monk.

At this moment, Li Yan's body trembled violently, and he shouted in a low voice, "No, I don't know what kind of magic the golden elixir cultivator used, and he has caught up now."

He has now pushed the Cloud-Piercing Willow to the extreme. This speed was something he could not really catch up with when he was chased by the Blue Demonic Dragon in the Northern Sea of ​​Darkness.

Now the speed of this golden elixir demon cultivator is obviously unreasonable. This is because he has used some kind of auxiliary flying magic or cast a secret method.

Of course, Li Yan knew that the other party's method could not be used for too long, and there must be limits. Otherwise, the other party would have used it long ago. He just knew it, but he caught up with him and started to fight with him and others at an extremely fast speed. Close range.

Hearing Li Yan's low shout, even Bai Rou, Sun Guoshu and Yu Yuanjun, who were still vomiting with their eyes closed, suddenly opened their eyes, especially Yu Yuanjun's fear of demon cultivators had penetrated into his bones. His face was as white as paper.

King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun looked at each other. They suppressed the discomfort on their heads and quickly swept their consciousness backwards. After a while, beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads and their faces turned pale.

After about half a cup of tea, Li Yan's face turned pale.

"We can't escape this time. While there is still some time, everyone should use all their means. We can only defend on the spot and wait for a while to wait for rescue."

The opponent was only less than sixty miles away from them. If Li Yan and the others continued to escape, they would only have less than ten breaths to catch up with them.

Li Yan's desperate efforts just now, even with his current strength of spiritual power, had already consumed 80% of it, and he had to secretly swallow a drop of "melted bamboo shoots".

But the opponent still kept closing the distance, and it was futile to continue like this. Li Yan could only grit his teeth and prepare to fight for his life, otherwise he had no other choice. Being caught up by the opponent would be the result of a head-on confrontation. Who can beat a golden man? The devil in the middle stage of alchemy.

However, when Li Yan had just escaped from "Zhouyang Town", he had already used a "Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Talisman", but now it only took Li Yan and the others about half an hour to escape.

It also takes time to transmit musical notes thousands of miles away. Master and the others still have time to rush over after receiving the message. Now they are still more than nine thousand miles away from Fengliang Mountain, and the Golden Core cultivators don't know how to move space.


Several people's expressions were extremely embarrassed, and Sun Guoshu even let out a long sigh. Facing such a powerful monk, what effect could his and others' methods have?

At the same time, Teng Wuji, who was chasing behind, was also livid. He did not expect that the other party could still escape forward for such a long time despite being chased at such a speed.

However, during this period of time, the muscles and veins in his body have been swollen and painful, and the magic source power has been consumed by as much as 20%. It only takes one more cup of tea. Even if he can give up the magic source power, the muscles and veins in his body cannot support it. .

His magical technique is called "Demon Shadow Without a Trace", which is an intermediate magical technique. It is a pseudo "teleportation", imitating the "teleportation" technique that can only be used at the level of a demon general. .

The reason why "teleportation" can only be used at the Demon General and Nascent Soul level is that in addition to requiring a large amount of demonic energy and spiritual power, the load on the body caused by tearing apart space in a short period of time is not something that a Golden Core cultivator can bear.

Therefore, even if it is a pseudo "teleportation", even if the demon monk's abnormal body is at the level of a demon, it cannot withstand it for a long time.

In particular, the consumed magic source power will take many years of practice to slowly recover. Thinking of this makes Teng Wuji's heart bleed, but overall, it is worth it for the magic weapon on the other party.

Looking at the getting closer, a cruel smile finally appeared on Teng Wuji's livid face. With only about ten more breaths, these human monks would be his own.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened in front of them, and those people suddenly fell into a valley. In Teng Wuji's surprised eyes, their figures only flashed a few times, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Is there someone to help?" This was Teng Wuji's first thought, but the next moment, he rejected his idea. He did not sense any threat from below.

Immediately, Teng Wuji seemed to understand, "This must be because he knew he couldn't escape and started hiding!"

So he let out a sneer, "If you use that trick in front of me, then let me see what good treasures you have on your body that you can hide under my nose."

Soon, he had flown over the valley. He stood in the air, and after slowly absorbing the magic power in his body, he carefully looked at the valley below.

The valley was overgrown with shrubs and weeds, and the entire valley was about twenty miles wide. At this time, the night wind blew in, and the shrubs and weeds in the dark night were like monsters waving sticks, and there were only insects everywhere. The sound may be far or near, one after another.

And while Teng Wuji was looking down at the valley below, in a corner of the valley, there were six pairs of eyes looking unblinkingly at the sky in the distance, where a tall and thin black figure was suspended.

Next, there is the continuous fighting chapter, and the defense battle of Fengliang Mountain is being drafted.

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