Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 559 Teng Wuji

Feeling the surging aura of the demon cultivator behind him, Li Yan couldn't help but become nervous. Just from this aura, he could tell that this demon cultivator was something they and the others could not handle. Li Yan felt that even if he escaped alone, he would have no confidence. .

At that moment, Li Yan no longer dared to hide his whereabouts. Instead, he stepped hard on the Cloud-piercing Willow. Circles of green color rippled out of the Cloud-piercing Willow. It was full of life in an instant. After the light flourished fiercely, the next moment He flew forward at a very fast speed.

Chuanyunliu's sudden acceleration shocked the people who were discussing in low voices. Bai Rou asked carefully, "What's wrong?"

They were whispering about their escape just now, and they were still a little excited. After all, they had brought back a mission target, and they were already rushing back. They were all thankful that no one died in this mission.

Although they were still vigilant for a while, the few people just paid attention to the monks around them, and were ready to deal with it if something went wrong. Naturally, this did not include Yu Yuanjun, who was hiding alone and constantly looking at the people who rescued him. , still can’t understand why the demon cultivators were involved.

"Someone is chasing you from behind!" Li Yan's voice was almost emotionless. After saying this, he suddenly exerted force on his feet and turned his direction.

The direction they were heading was no longer directly to the north, but to the northwest. From what Li Yan sensed, there were very few demon cultivators there.

Hearing Li Yan's words, Bai Rou and the others were startled, and quickly swept their consciousness back. At this time, they were more than 400 miles away from "Zhouyang Town". Only King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun among them could sense it. .

However, even with Bai Rou's cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, although they did not see anyone chasing after them, they were vaguely aware of a strong coercion entering their spiritual consciousness. Because of this, no one suspected Li The power of Yan's spiritual consciousness exceeds theirs.

After Yu Yuanjun, who had been sitting in a corner, felt the murderous intention coming from the pressure, he became even more frightened when he couldn't see the other party.

"Is... what kind of monk is chasing me? Is it a demon cultivator, a foreign cultivator, a golden elixir cultivator?" He asked nervously.

When King Hu Xiao saw Yu Yuanjun looking like this, he couldn't help but feel disdainful. Of course, this person was also a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Now he seemed to have completely lost the dignity of a monk and was timid in doing things.

He didn't look at Yu Yuanjun, but sighed to Bai Rou, "It's a golden elixir demon cultivator, a very strong golden elixir demon cultivator!"


Just as Li Yan and the others were fleeing for their lives, two Fengliangshan teams were lurking more than a thousand miles northeast of Li Yan and the others. They were ordered to pick up Li Yan and the others.

Even when Li Yan and the others had an accident, they directly took over the task. However, they set off later than Li Yan and the other five, and were constantly blocked along the way. They didn't arrive here until yesterday.

But this team found that they could no longer move forward, because somehow, there was a cross consciousness detection in the direction of the demons, and they seemed to be unable to leave.


\u003e Although there was a gap during the spiritual detection, if they had not been careful and waited for the best opportunity to go again, they would have been discovered by the other party.

Now as long as they step forward, they will be detected by the other party. However, if they choose to move forward during the gap between the opponent's spiritual consciousness detection, no one can know when the next spiritual consciousness detection will occur again.

At that time, they will be directly exposed to the opponent's consciousness. The cultivation of the consciousness that can scan here is definitely not something they can resist. The opponent only needs one spiritual attack, and they will not be spared.

"Senior Brother Gao, how can we still enter 'Zhouyang Town' like this? It took a lot of effort to get here, but now we can't even get within two thousand miles of 'Zhouyang Town'."

A monk said to a monk from the Demon Sect in front of him.

"This situation has never happened before. There shouldn't be such intensive spiritual detection here. It's like something big is going to happen. The other party is so willing to waste the power of spiritual consciousness. This is to clean up this battlefield. Our monk." The Monster Sect monk said thoughtfully.

"What should we do? Uncle Wei asked us to get close to 'Zhouyang Town', and then look for Junior Sister Bai and the others from the ninth team of the Chongfeng Battalion."

"This..., we can only try to sneak in slowly during the time between the opponent's spiritual scans." The monk from the Demon Sect thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said.

The same thing happened to another team.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. This speed is their real speed. Based on this calculation, they can escape more than 200 miles in a short period of time."

Teng Wuji suddenly discovered in his consciousness that the team of demon cultivators he had locked onto suddenly accelerated and changed direction.

At that moment, he was sure in his heart that even if this team was not causing trouble in "Zhouyang Town", then this group of people had something to hide.

At a distance of hundreds of miles, the other party must have sensed his own pressure, and then he realized his true form and fled for his life.

Similarly, Teng Wuji also determined that the demon cultivator should also be fake. With his cultivation level, he certainly knew that there are many ways to transform into a demon cultivator, and it is difficult for people to find out the clues and identify him.

"What mission are you on? Stop here!" Teng Wuji's voice was like thunder as he rolled away.


"Golden elixir demon cultivator?" Bai Rou and the others were shocked when they heard what King Hu Xiao said, and Yu Yuanjun's face turned pale in an instant.

Yu Yuanjun murmured to himself, "I can't be captured again, no, I don't want to return to the Demonic Cultivator Team, I can't return to the Demonic Cultivator Team..."

Bai Rouyu

Although Sun Guoshu's expression also changed, no one paid attention to Yu Yuanjun. They just stared at Li Yan's back nervously. They knew that Chuanyunliu's speed was their only hope of escape now.

"This magic weapon is a life-saving thing given to Junior Brother Li by Uncle Wei. It must still have power that has not yet exploded." This was the thought of the three people except Bai Rou.

Bai Rou also had some hope for Chuanyunliu, but she had more confidence in Master Shuang Qingqing.

After King Hu Xiao and others looked at each other, they all knew that the power of the magic weapon must be supported by cultivation.

"Junior Brother Li, can the Cloud-Crossing Willow be controlled by others, so that we can assist from the side?" King Hu Xiao asked. They believed that it would still be impossible to fully unleash the power of the Cloud-Crossing Willow just relying on Li Yan's cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building. .

King Hu Xiao said this, and the eyes of the other people were also full of urgency. After all, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun were the most powerful here. If they were to control the Cloud Chuanliu, would the speed be faster?

But Li Yan's answer disappointed them the next moment, "The control method for this magic weapon is unique. I can temporarily let go of the control of the Cloud-Piercing Willow. You guys try to break into all the magic weapons you know to control the flying magic weapon." "

Li Yan's implication is that Chuanyunliu's method is unique and cannot be controlled by others. No one can just teach the monk's method to others, and even if he wants to teach it, it is too late now.

Since Li Yan could say these words, King Hu Xiao also knew that there was no need to try, what Li Yan said was true.

In this way, several people have no mana and cannot help from the side.

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in their ears. Even though the shield had been raised on the Cloud-piercing Willow, the voice still penetrated the hearts of the six people without any hindrance.

The moment the voice sounded, except for Li Yan, the other five people had a feeling that they would not dare to disobey.

It seemed that this was a mighty voice from heaven. As long as they were disobedient, it would be a great disrespect. The next moment they would be punished by heaven. Panic flashed in the eyes of the five Bai Rou people. After a pause, they actually asked Li Yan. Go.

This is an immortal technique of Teng Wuji. Although it has no offensive effect, it can greatly interfere with people's minds. Often, he only needs to use this technique, and a monk like Zhu Ji will immediately fall into panic. .

When they are confused, they will be unable to help themselves and will really stop.

This is indeed the case. Bai Rou and the other five people thought about stopping for a moment. However, seeing Chuanyunliu continue to move forward, several people actually wanted to control Li Yan and make him stop in a moment.

"Hey!" Li Yan shouted loudly with a solemn expression on his face. The five people who were gathering around him suddenly stopped. The next moment,


, a clear look appeared in his eyes, and sweat rolled down his forehead.

The spiritual energy in Li Yan's body was still billowing like an undertow into the Cloud-Piercing Willow, and he flew forward without slowing down at all.

It's just that the face of the iron-black demon cultivator he originally transformed into has turned pale, and his head is buzzing. If it weren't for his powerful spiritual consciousness and his magical power that is not comparable to that of the fake elixir cultivator, he might have fallen into trouble at this moment.

Just after being yelled at by this demonic cultivator, Li Yan's face changed. His appearance instantly switched back and forth between Li Yan and the "Master of Sad Spirit Manor", and his appearance was already embarrassing. To break.

Li Yan relied on the power of the Guishui Sutra and his spiritual consciousness far beyond the same level, but he was able to withstand Teng Wuji's immortal technique. However, this was because Teng Wuji was a physical practitioner, and the legal training was only an auxiliary practice for him. reason.

At the same time, Li Yan was also secretly grateful for his advance prediction. The route he was taking now, relying on his powerful spiritual consciousness, had already avoided several teams of demon cultivators at a distance.

Otherwise at this moment, if the demon behind him just orders the team of demon cultivators to intercept them, then they will be entangled, and there is no need to talk about escaping.

Li Yan took a deep breath and looked back at the five people who were still in a daze. His body suddenly shrank rapidly and returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, grabbing a gray magic core in his hand and putting it into his storage bag.

"Huh?" Just after Teng Wuji cast the spell, the result was far beyond his expectation. Instead of slowing down, the opponent's speed seemed to be a little faster.

His magical skills actually failed, which made Teng Wuji let out a sigh.

It was almost ten breaths since he flew out of "Zhouyang Town", but he failed to get much closer to the opponent. The opponent's flying magic weapon was of a higher grade than he expected.

What's more, it was unexpected that he failed to achieve any effect when using the magic. Even if the man was deaf, his voice could still penetrate into his mind.

Suddenly, the body of the demon cultivator in his consciousness shrank rapidly, and he was suddenly restored to a human monk. When Teng Huahua was even more angry, the man suddenly grabbed a demon core in his hand.

"Damn human, you actually know how to use the power of the magic core to transform. How did you kill my disciples? I will let you endure a thousand times the pain. You all deserve to die!"

Teng Wuji's thunderous voice once again penetrated Chuanyunliu's armor, ringing in the ears of Li Yan and the others. The expressions of Bai Rou and others who had just recovered somewhat turned into pain again.

Li Yan turned his back to them, still as if he hadn't heard anything, but the green shirt on his body no longer rustled in the wind, big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his heart made a violent "dong dong dong..." sound, as if he was under the influence of the wind. He will break out of his body in a moment.

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