Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 553 Revenge from Desolate Moon Continent

Li Yan knew that he had a good idea. As long as he crushed the iron block, the six people would be free, and a trace of their banned souls would fly back to their true bodies.

But I know that Li Yan doesn't dare. There are more than tens of millions of forbidden techniques in the world.

If the essence in the red iron block was just subjected to ordinary restraint techniques, Li Yan was sure that he could break the red iron block without harming the essence, just like breaking prisons and releasing a trace of the essence inside. soul.

However, if the opponent's restraint skills are higher than Li Yan's, then when Li Yan crushes the iron block, not only will the six "Qingling Sect" disciples not be able to be free, but they will now be destroyed together with their souls. .

Even if it costs 10,000 yuan, Li Yan is sure that he will not do such a stupid thing now. The feeling of the soul is much stronger than the consciousness of the spirit. ????

As soon as the restriction is broken on his side, the six people on the other side will immediately feel that their imprisoned souls have been freed, and they will instantly understand that something may have happened to Jiao Hua.

How could Li Yan do such a thankless thing? He wanted to leave here with these two red iron pieces and the "Luoshu Lake" disciple, and then hand him over to Wei Zhongran when he returned.

As for how to break the seal in the iron block, it is up to Master and the others to worry about it. How the souls of the other five "Qingling Sect" disciples in the iron block can travel thousands of miles and return to their respective bodies is not something Li Yan has to consider. Well, even if that trace of soul is imprisoned by others again, it has nothing to do with him.

And based on this prohibition token and what Jiao Hua said before, Li Yan could already confirm that another missing "Luoshu Lake" disciple had died.

But this is better. They don't have to look for the whereabouts of another person, which reduces the risk by half.

And if the only "Luo Shu Lake" disciple can be brought back alive, not only will the mission be completed, but the death of another "Luo Shu Lake" disciple will definitely arouse the "Luo Shu Lake" disciple even more The anger of a strong man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Li Yan thought about it and concluded that this outcome would be better for the war.

So Li Yan unceremoniously hung Jiao Hua's storage bag on his waist, and he put the two prohibition tokens separately, but did not put them into the "earth spots" to avoid needing to take them. When it came out, clues of "soil spots" were revealed.

At this time, Li Yancai looked again at Jiao Hua, who was half lying in the chair.

At this time, the stinging pain in Jiao Hua's consciousness has been relieved a lot. Although his body is no longer shaking, the fine blood droplets in his mouth keep coming out, and he looks very sluggish. This is because his consciousness has been severely injured. Performance.

Li Yan looked at everything in front of him. He squinted his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something. He did not leave immediately. After a while, Li Yan slowly leaned down and spoke softly to Jiao Hua, who was still awake.

"I just heard in the courtyard how fellow Daoist Jiao used brutal methods to deal with my cultivator from the Desolate Moon Continent, and I suddenly wanted to give it a try. What do you think, fellow Daoist?"

Say it, Li


Yan Ze stared intently at Jiao Hua. After hearing Li Yan's words, Jiao Hua, who was already extremely depressed, stopped shaking and swayed slightly.

The malice in his eyes was a bit thicker, and there was actually a hint of cruel smile, as if he thought of the monks who kept begging him in the miserable howls, and felt a little happy in his heart.

The cold light in Li Yan's eyes became more and more intense, and a burst of laughter sounded from his mouth as if it came from the Nine Netherworld.

Li Yan's voice sounded like he came from the Asura Hell. "Hahaha, I heard that the demon cultivator's body is so strong that it can carry even magic weapons, so I won't use poison. I'll take a look at how powerful my fellow Taoist's magic body is."

After saying that, Li Yan suddenly stretched out his right index finger, bent the other four fingers into a fist, and then pointed one finger on the chest of the bald demon cultivator. Looking at Li Yan pointing on his chest, Jiao Hua said resentfully. There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He has now concluded that the person in front of him is the transformed human monk. Does he really think that if he transforms into the appearance of a demon monk, he will have the strength of the demon? Even if the opponent is a Jindan monk, he is only stronger than him in terms of magic power and spiritual consciousness.

He was still a little panicked in his heart, but seeing that there was no spiritual energy fluctuation on Li Yan's fingers, Jiao Hua couldn't help but feel relieved for the moment. The other party seemed to be trying to pierce his chest with the strength of his body. That was just a dream.

However, Jiao Hua also knew in his heart that if the other party couldn't penetrate his chest with one finger, he would definitely use magic power or even some kind of poison when he became angry. At that time, he would also be dead, but he still wanted to see the other party now. Angry expression.

As Li Yan's index finger clicked, a faint silver appeared on his index finger. This faint silver began to startle Jiao Hua.

Then Jiao Hua still didn't feel a trace of spiritual power fluctuations on the opponent's fingers, and it became clear in his heart. No wonder the other party was so confident. The other party also practiced the body refining technique. This faint silver light should be some kind of body refining. performance of technique.

Soon, Jiao Hua's expression changed drastically. Li Yan's movements were not very fast. His index finger penetrated Jiao Hua's black armor. At this time, Jiao Hua already felt something was wrong. .

Although the Wujing armor on his body is not a magic weapon, it is also a high-level spiritual weapon. In his imagination, even if the Jindan monk only used his physical body to attack hard, there would be a certain sense of obstruction, but just now the opponent seemed to directly pierce through it. He picked up a piece of wet paper, and the black spirit armor didn't stop him at all.

The next moment, Li Yan's index finger touched the skin as strong as black magic rock. Li Yan still stared at Jiao Hua's eyes indifferently. Although Jiao Hua's eyes were still full of hatred, deep down in his heart, Got a bad feeling.

But Jiao Hua also has his own trump card. If the other party really thinks that

If you are poisoned and lose your resistance, then it may not be who is the unlucky one in the end.

As long as he lives, even if he cannot use his spiritual power, there is still a way to fight for his life.

Even if Li Yan's fingers can be inserted into his body, if he touches a joint somewhere in his body, he may drive the muscles and bones through the blood flow, and in an instant he can firmly jam the person's fingers or wrists. The force of that moment can even break the opponent's bones.

Just using this method, Jiao Hua has to pay a huge price. He needs to mobilize all the blood and energy in his body in a very short time, and a large number of internal organs will be squeezed and broken. The best outcome for him can only be to retain his soul. Take possession of the body again.

Jiao Hua now thought that even if he died, the monk would have to pay a heavy price. He would either take his body out, or cut off an arm, which would inevitably expose him.

Thinking of this, Jiao Hua's mind raced. He suddenly felt that he should let Li Yan's fingers penetrate into his chest, but he also wanted to see Li Yan's angry look when he couldn't penetrate his body. For a moment, he hesitated.

Just when a series of thoughts flashed through Jiao Hua's mind, his eyes suddenly bulged outwards, his mouth suddenly opened, and the blood foam turned into a blood arrow and spurted out, because Li Yan didn't give him any extra thought. time.

Li Yan's fingers were like inserting a piece of tofu, penetrating directly into Jiao Hua's skin which he considered to be unparalleledly strong. Jiao Hua couldn't even react. Li Yan's fingers and the small part of his arm were instantly submerged.

Jiao Hua was awakened by an instant of severe pain. Fear, disbelief, confusion and unbearable pain made Jiao Hua's expression extremely complicated. But he had not had the chance to use his last trump card until now, and the opponent had defeated everything with overwhelming force. .

At this time, Li Yan's index finger had already reached Jiao Hua's back spine. He only needed to exert more force to penetrate Jiao Hua's body from front to back, but Li Yan did not do this. Just now, he inserted his finger into Jiao Hua's body. The body avoided important parts such as the heart, just not wanting Jiao Hua to die easily.

After Li Yan put his index finger against Jiao Hua's spine, he curled his index finger back and firmly clasped the spine on Jiao Hua's back, and then pulled it into Jiao Hua's body as if fiercely.

With just a soft "click", Jiao Hua's spine was pulled into two pieces. The severe pain made Jiao Hua's facial expression deformed, and what made Jiao Hua lose even more was his always indestructible confidence.

He once thought that the demon warriors were all powerful and could destroy all enemies with just their fierce bodies. After he and his tribe came to the South China Sea, they did this.

If the cultivators of Desolate Moon Continent do not have magic weapons, and their ridiculously weak spells hit themselves, they will sometimes be too lazy to dodge and let the other party cast spells. In contrast, they will attack the other party with wild laughter, and the other party will attack them. If you take a blow from them at close range, you won't be able to explode into pieces.


The blood mist is the result of being beaten to the point of breaking bones and tendons.

But today, he felt the terror of the monks from the Desolate Moon Continent, but Jiao Hua still had a thought in his heart: "This is a powerful golden elixir, or even a Nascent Soul. It's not that I'm not strong enough, but that the opponent's realm is too high." ”

Li Yan had a sneer on his face. Seeing Jiao Hua's miserable appearance in pain but unable to scream, he slowly took out his right hand.

"You are known as the most powerful physical cultivator, but Er'er, I know you are not convinced, but I still want to tell you that I am just a foundation-building monk. Look at your expression, you can't understand the power of the Desolate Moon Continent. of."

Li Yan said, and then his blood-stained right hand touched the bottom of Jiao Hua's chest again...

A moment later, Jiao Hua's body, half lying on the chair, fell into a weird backward posture. There were three blood holes from his chest to his abdomen. Although there was blood coming out of it, it could not spurt out. It was Li's blow. Yan Shi's spell was sealed on the surface of Jiao Hua's body, making it look very terrifying and cruel.

Jiao Hua's spine was broken into several pieces, and they were all broken by Li Yan's own thrust, then clasped and pulled with his index finger.

At this time, Jiao Hua's painful facial features had already burst with blood lines. If he could speak out, he would have begged Li Yan to kill him.

The human being in front of him who claimed to be just a "Foundation-Building Monk" was too vicious. Not only did he torture him, but he also kept hitting him verbally. Every time he broke his spine, he would say that he was too weak, and then Jiao Hua became What he looks like now, a pile of rotten flesh, is nowhere near as powerful as a demon cultivator.

Jiao Hua only felt that his three souls and seven souls were in purgatory. He just wanted to die quickly, but his body was too strong, making it impossible for him to even pass out.

Every time he took a breath, Jiao Hua felt like there were red-hot iron wires slowly pulling and sawing inside his body, especially the pain in his back, which was unbearable and really hurt into his bones.

Although Li Yan broke his spine, he viciously injected a bit of spiritual power every time to protect the tendons above and keep the blood flow in his spine smooth.

The blood flows through the broken part of the spine, as if someone is holding two broken bones with their hands and rubbing them continuously. Jiao Hua is now covered in sweat, and his muscles are spasming uncontrollably.

Li Yan stretched his palms in the air, and a small dark cloud rose above his palms. In a moment, the strong arms that had transformed into demon cultivators were washed clean.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and finally he said helplessly, "It's a pity. If your magic core is taken away now, you will die immediately and will no longer be able to feel pain. In order to keep you in this state, your magic core can only be like this." wasted."

At this moment, Jiao Hua felt that the other party was a demon cultivator, a real evil demon. He was a helpless baby standing in the dark wasteland. He could only feel the evil smiles coming and going in the darkness around him, and the bursts of evil. The bone-piercing cold wind.

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