Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 552: Various techniques, just for one blow

"Oh? Does Fellow Daoist Li really have such a heaven-defying secret technique? This set of techniques can..., oh, wait a minute..."

As Jiao Hua spoke, he immediately thought of something and quickly looked outside the door. After sensing that no one was nearby, he waved his hand and the door was immediately closed by a suction force.

Then a forbidden light shield was quickly raised in the entire room, isolating everything in the room from the outside world. Unless there are monks with higher cultivation than the two of them, it is impossible to know the situation inside the room.

After doing all this, Jiao Hua looked at Li Yan again, but with a lot of solemnity in his eyes: "Fellow Daoist Li, how many times can this secret technique be used on one person?"

"Haha, as you can see, they have only aged to middle age now. I think they can still be used at least two or three times."

Jiao Hua nodded. It is true that some conditions can be seen from the surface. Each of these four people is still full of energy and blood.

"Can you really increase your combat power by 20%?" Jiao Hua reached out and touched his bald head with a look of doubt on his face.

Li Yan smiled noncommittally, "You think that the longevity of a monk is nothing, but that is the life of an immortal cultivator. Even a human monk, a monk in the foundation-building stage has a lifespan of two hundred years."

Jiao Hua finally laughed and said, "That's good. Then, fellow Taoist Li, tell me the conditions. You asked me to talk alone for this reason. How can I get this secret technique? What price do I have to pay?"

"Let's see if what I say is true or false first, and then we'll talk about the conditions, but I want to explain in advance that my conditions are very high.

After all, after Jiao Taoist Brother obtains this secret method, he can share the benefits with me. No matter how many jade slips you burn and sell the secret method, I will not get half of the profit. "

After saying that, Li Yan reached out and flicked a light yellow jade slip towards Jiao Hua.

Jiao Hua opened his mouth and reached out to take the jade slip, "Hey, Fellow Daoist Li can see really far away, but what you said is right, so I'll take a look before talking."

But even though Fellow Daoist Li said so, if the conditions were too harsh, Jiao would rather not have them. "

As he said that, he put the jade slip in his hand to his forehead. When monks buy martial arts and immortal arts in Fangshi shops, the jade slips placed on the counters in Fangshi shops usually only have the skills engraved on them. Or an introduction to magic.

At the same time, in order to make buyers more eager to buy, some excerpts of martial arts and magical techniques are usually included.

In this way, the monks can know more about the skills and magic, and determine whether it is true or false. At the same time, it can prevent the monks from taking the opportunity to peek into the content. This is also a commonly used method among monks.

Jiao Hua naturally didn't doubt that he was there, but when he put the jade slip on his forehead, his face showed confusion for a moment, and then anger appeared on his face.

He removed the jade slip in his hand from his forehead and looked at Li Yan with a look that was unkind.


"Fellow Daoist Li, are you here to entertain me? What do you mean by showing me a blank jade slip? Or did you, Daoist Li,...take it...wrongly?"

He spoke almost word for word at the end. Although his level is not as high as the other party, it is not easy for the other party to defeat him. He is not a low-level monster that can be manipulated at will.

So he hoped that the other party had taken the wrong jade slip, so he was dissatisfied and reminded him repeatedly.

"Oh? Did I really get it wrong? Let me see."

Li Yan leaned on the back of the chair and remained motionless. He just deliberately touched the storage bag at his waist and said lightly without even releasing his consciousness.

"It seems that I got it right. There is no doubt about this object. Is it true that Fellow Daoist Jiao can't even use his spiritual consciousness?"


Jiao Hua wanted to stand up, but his expression suddenly changed, because he found that not only had he suddenly lost all his strength, but his throat also seemed to be blocked for an instant. After uttering only one word, he then I was also speechless.

When Li Yan saw this, he suddenly chuckled and stood up from the chair. He looked at Jiao Hua, whose face changed drastically, with sweat dripping from his forehead, and inexplicable fear and confusion in his eyes, and then he spoke softly.

"Hehehe, you demons have never heard of it when you came to Desolate Moon Continent. Do you need to pay attention to poisonous cultivators? You dare to accept things from others easily. Fellow Taoist is quite courageous."

At this moment, there was a look of confusion in Jiao Hua's eyes, as if he had a glimmer of understanding, and an almost inaudible "gurgle" sound came out of his throat.

But he was shouting in his heart, "Poison cultivator... Poison cultivator, he is a human monk, he must be a human monk, but...but can he have such pure demonic energy? Could it be that..." Jiao Hua also thought of some reasons at this time, but he still couldn't believe that such a rare thing could happen to him.

Li Yan then looked around and made a "tsk, tsk" sound.

"Fellow Daoist Jiao's magic power is indeed extraordinary. With this casual restriction, even if someone outside wants to come in, it won't work, let alone know everything that happens here."

Hearing Li Yan's words, Jiao Hua almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Now he finally understood that the man in front of him had negotiated conditions with him before, just to make the others relax their guard and suspicion.

The most hateful thing is that this person threw out the bait and asked himself to draw a cage for himself. He worked hard to break the soundproofing and awareness ban, and became a cocoon.

It's good now that all his escape routes have been blocked. This human monk's thoughts are too vicious.

Li Yanshuo

At this point, he no longer wanted to waste time. He had spent so much time and effort before, even negotiating with the other party over a trivial matter, wasting so much time, just for the final move.

He knew that the bodies of demon cultivators had a strong ability to resist poison, so they would not take ordinary poisons seriously. It was for this reason that demon cultivators were much less cautious than human cultivators in terms of anti-poison.

This gave Li Yan an opportunity to take advantage of. The poison he put on the jade slip made the other party lose control of his spiritual power and consciousness. Even if there was no need to detoxify, it would be eliminated by itself after a period of time.

Li Yan was still somewhat confident in the toxicity of the fragmented poison body, especially when dealing with cultivators of the same level. The poison he put was not comparable to pills such as "Sanling Pill" and "Sangshen Pill".

I am afraid that even if a Jindan cultivator took this jade slip, his spiritual power would be sluggish for a while, and his consciousness would be exhausted, and he would not be able to take action against Li Yan immediately.

Li Yan raised his leg and walked in front of Jiao Hua. In Jiao Hua's extremely resentful eyes, Li Yan took off the storage bag on his waist with a normal look, and then his spiritual consciousness just penetrated and easily entered the storage bag, completely ignoring the spiritual consciousness imprint on the storage bag. ??

As Li Yan's spiritual consciousness forcibly penetrated, Jiao Hua, who was connected to the spiritual consciousness left on the storage bag, spit out a large mouthful of blood with a "puff" sound.

At the same time, his sea of ​​consciousness was like being nailed directly by a steel needle, and he trembled all over in pain. Sweat on his body came out layer by layer in just a moment.

Jiao Hua was very anxious at this moment. He wanted to scream desperately, firstly to let others find him and rescue him;

Secondly, to tell others that an enemy Jindan or above cultivator had come to "Zhouyang Town", because only Jindan or above cultivators could ignore the spiritual consciousness on their sealed storage bag like poking through a piece of thin paper.

Jiao Hua sensed that his consciousness was as ridiculous and helpless as a baby facing a giant man in front of the other party. The other party did not move at all and penetrated easily.

Li Yan didn't care about Jiao Hua who was shaking constantly. His consciousness quickly turned around in the storage bag.

In addition to a magic weapon in the dough, there were seven or eight strange talismans, which were different from the talismans he had seen before. Even the materials were pitch black. Li Yan didn't have time to study these now.

What surprised Li Yan was that there were many spirit stones in the storage bag. The number was so large that Li Yan couldn't help but be excited. After he took a closer look, he found that there were about 30,000 huge spirit stones, among which there were actually 12 mid-level spirit stones.

According to what Li Yan had heard about how scarce the resources of the demon world are now, corresponding to the realm of the demon cultivator in front of him, these spirit stones must have been plundered by them from various sects of immortal cultivation in the South China Sea. Of course, a small part of them should have been obtained after hunting cultivators from the Desolate Moon Continent on this battlefield.

However, soon Li Yan's spiritual consciousness appeared in the room with two palm-sized red iron blocks.

As soon as these two objects appeared, the room was immediately filled with gusts of cold wind and a hint of blood.

Li Yan shook his hand, and then a colorful light shot out from his fingers and hit one of the iron blocks directly.

The iron block immediately made a "woohoo" roar, but as soon as the sound appeared, it was controlled by Li Yan's spiritual power near the iron block. Even Li Yan himself had to distinguish carefully to hear it clearly.

Although Li Yan felt that the sound and consciousness isolation ban cast by Jiao Hua could completely isolate people outside, he still acted carefully to prevent himself from making mistakes that he should not have made.

As the "woohoo" sound came, Li Yan, who was staring at the iron block, saw that on the surface of the red iron block, like a revolving lantern, a series of illusory faces kept appearing and changing.

These faces had dull expressions, as if they had no thoughts at all. Although they were illusory, it was still possible to see that they were the appearances of several of Jiao Hua's current six subordinates, that is, the appearances of the "Qingling Sect" disciples.

After watching for a while, as the four faces kept rotating, Li Yan did not find the face of the "Luoshu Lake" disciple in the courtyard just now. Li Yan had a rough idea in his mind at this time, so his eyes were fixed on another red iron block.

He also raised his hand and cast a spiritual power seal. With a "woohoo" sound, Li Yan soon found that after an illusory face appeared, it kept switching back and forth, but there were only these two faces. The "Luoshu Lake" disciple in the courtyard just now was indeed among them.

"The spirits of these cultivators were not detained together, but separately. A demon cultivator died, so Jiao Hua should have taken the restriction token from the demon cultivator.

However, there are problems with this approach. If the demon cultivator is beaten to death, there is no possibility of retrieving the restriction token on his body, and those South China Sea cultivators will die with the demon cultivator.

It's really vicious. This is considered a burial."

Looking at the six faces on the two red iron blocks, which seemed to have no souls and just appeared in turn dully, Li Yan felt that the cultivators were really pitiful. Unlike mortal captives, there is still the possibility of suicide, while the cultivator captives even have this idea.

The iron block detained a trace of the spirit of the six people. These spirits have been cast with some kind of restriction technique. The cultivator can use this trace of spirit to exert magic power and easily take the lives of others thousands of miles away.

In other words, as long as Li Yan crushes this object and releases the essence inside, the six "Qingling Sect" disciples in the courtyard "should" be able to regain their freedom. Likewise, as long as a burst of spiritual power directly shatters the iron block Any face of that person will die in an instant.

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