Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 540: Peeping through

Many parts of the huge stone that Wang Changkun and the others were waiting for were lost, which were slowly eaten away by the "sand beasts".

Fortunately, with the protection of the formation, I don't know how many "Destroying Sand Beasts" are knocked down every day, but as long as the damage to the formation is not repaired in time, the "Destroying Sand Beasts" will pounce on them like evil wolves smelling the smell of blood.

This kind of monster will basically not attack any living thing unless you take the initiative to attack it.

There are very few types of monsters in the turbulent space, and most of the monsters that can exist in the turbulent space are particularly cruel and bloodthirsty.

Generally speaking, it is not something that young monks like Wang Changkun and others can get their hands on. It is estimated that those monsters turned Wang Changkun and others into fly ash with just one breath.

A monster with a gentle temperament like the "Destroying Sand Beast" is a unique kind of existence. It is a good object for low-level monks to use for sacrifice and training. It is even said that in the boundless darkness, it is one of the few people who can enjoy suffering. Game over.

For Wang Changkun and other low-level monks who had been dealing with the "Destroying Sand Beast" for a long time, they finally figured out a unique way to use it after cultivating this monster.

Now Wang Changkun sacrificed the "Destroying Sand Beast", which has its own magical effect.

First of all, the "Destroying Sand Beast" is much more sensitive to fluctuations in earth spiritual power than Wang Changkun's consciousness. As long as Bai Rou and the others used the environment here to set up a formation, they would definitely use the power of the earth and trees.

Although the "Destroying Sand Beast" does not have the ability to break the formation, it should be able to detect abnormal fluctuations in earth spiritual power. As long as the opponent's formation mage is not too advanced, Wang Changkun is confident that the "Destroying Sand Beast" can Easily discern where the formation is.

In addition, once the two sides fight, although the "Destroying Sand Beast" will not take the initiative to attack living creatures, it will still rush towards the designated target after Wang Changkun and the others have been trained for so many years.

It's just that it definitely doesn't want to devour the opponent's flesh and blood, but what is the most powerful thing about the "Destroying Sand Beast", besides its earth magic power, is its extremely tough skin.

Despite its weak and boneless appearance, it can easily pierce through a monk under a full sprint and impact.

Wang Changkun and the others had tried this method countless times when they were testing their skills on the fallen stone.

It's just that the power of his divine consciousness can only allow him to control up to three "Destroying Sand Beasts" at the same time, so it can be imagined that if a Nascent Soul cultivator refined the "Destroying Sand Beast", he would have almost "thousands of arrows fired at once" of terrorist attacks.

If you encounter a normal formation, you can even use the impact force of this insect to blast it away.

However, all of this is subject to conditions. The impact speed of the "Destroying Sand Beast" is related to the cultivation level of the spell-casting monk; the toughness of the "Destroying Sand Beast"'s skin is related to the size of its mature body.

Otherwise, Wang Changkun would be able to defeat the golden elixir and Nascent Soul with this insect. The "Destroying Sand Beast" in Wang Changkun's hand is only a larvae, which is still enough to deal with monks of the same level.


The adult "Destroying Sand Beast" cannot be successfully cultivated with his level of cultivation. Now he can only wait for the "Destroying Sand Beast" he has cultivated to grow slowly. However, the growth rate of this kind of monster that survives in the turbulent space It's extremely slow.

Perhaps only when Wang Changkun reaches the Nascent Soul stage, he can return to the turbulent space and find an adult "Destroying Sand Beast" to practice again.

Wang Changkun had three "Destroying Sand Beasts", so he did not wait for Wuyuan and Gefeng to come back, but decided to lead the five people to hunt them down.

Sure enough, after they had only advanced about three hundred feet through the trees, the "Destroying Sand Beast" suddenly let out a hoarse, strange cry.

Then, the three monster beasts quickly flew forward. The next moment, Wang Changkun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw them, and quickly motioned for the others to follow them.

After flying for a certain distance, the seemingly normal woods to the side and in front suddenly erupted into balls of blazing fire, like a forest picture that suddenly became distorted in the field of vision.

A sinister smile appeared on Wang Changkun's lips, and he immediately turned around and said coldly, "Kill these low-grade monks!"

In fact, there was no need for him to speak. The moment there was an explosion in front of him, the eyes of the five people who had been silent behind him were immediately filled with blood.

Amidst the whistling sound, the six people accelerated their speed and rushed forward.

Bai Rou and others have been staying in the formation, and they are all puzzled as to why the two demon cultivators really left as if they had listened to Li Yan's words.

As the remaining six monks landed on the ground and began to explore in all directions, Bai Rou and the other four were anxious. Of course they wanted to kill these six people immediately so that they could break Li Yan's siege.

But as soon as the two demon cultivators left not long ago, there was a possibility of turning back at any time, so the plan would come to nothing;

The second is that they have also fought against foreign monks several times, and they know that just the five mid-to-late-level foundation-building monks can hold back one of their fake elixirs.

The other two may not necessarily be able to quickly kill the leader of the foreign monks. Sun Guoshu can only be regarded as the striker at this time. He may only be able to deal with an foreign monk who is in the early stage of foundation building.

Under such circumstances, after Bai Rou discussed with King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun, they decided to use the formation to kill the leader of the other party in one strike, even if they had to wait a little longer.

Therefore, in the hidden formation set up by Yan Feijun, King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun took action at the same time, and set up four smaller sub-killing formations.

These formations, in Sun Guoshu's eyes, opened his eyes. At the same time, they also encouraged him to enter the Demon Sect in the future.

It is full of longing.

Of these five formations, he might not even be able to crack the outermost concealment formation, not to mention the sub-killing formation inside. He would probably be dead after entering.

While Wang Changkun and six people were searching around, Bai Rou and four people also saw three fat little insects that could fly without wings. After the four people looked at each other, they all saw doubts in each other's eyes.

No one recognized the origin of this monster. In confusion, Bai Rou sent a voice message and asked, "Senior brothers, do you know the origin of this monster?"

Sun Guoshu was also here. Bai Rou did not exclude him from the title alone, but also asked him all together, which made Sun Guoshu feel quite happy.

So Sun Guoshu took the lead in shaking his head, expressing his ignorance, and the other two people also shook their heads. As a result, Bai Rou and others couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in their hearts at the same time.

After the opponent fell into the forest, they deliberately took out these three unknown monsters to deal with them, but they didn't know the origin of these monsters, so how to defend themselves.

"Can this monster sense the location of the formation?" Although Sun Guoshu's cultivation level was average, he had rich experience.

He soon discovered that the three earthworms, after initially probing in other directions, were slowly flying towards them, and the monks seemed to be following behind the three earthworms.

When Sun Guoshu said this, the other three people paid attention and their expressions suddenly changed. If this was the case, then they were still talking about setting up an ambush for a sneak attack.

Especially Yan Feijun, he has always been very conceited about his concealment illusory formation. Even some uncles in the sect cannot easily see through the concealment formation he has set up. This makes him always feel that the elders of the sect are unfair. Let his pearl be covered in dust.

But now, the stunt that I had always been proud of was useless as soon as I used it. I couldn't help but feel curious and angry about these three monsters, thinking that the other party was not relying on their own strength.

In fact, if there are Spiritual Insect Peak disciples here, maybe someone can really recognize this insect. This kind of monster is still recorded in some jade slips from some side sects, but most people won't pay attention to it.

Just when Bairou and the four of them saw three earth-yellow fat insects adjusting their direction and flying towards them, before they could plan their next step, a series of explosions sounded outside the formation.

The "Destroying Sand Beast" had already flown outside the concealment formation. Seeing that it could no longer hide, Yan Feijun withdrew directly from the concealment formation and faced the entrance in the direction of Wang Changkun and the others. He had already flown out first and separated him and him. The four killing formations laid out by King Hu Xiao remained and were not removed. It was this move that finally saved their lives.

Regarding Yan Feijun's direct attack, although Bai Rou and the others felt that it was a bit reckless, they did not


Too many opinions, the other party has discovered the hidden phantom formation, and their ambush plan has come to nothing.

Then the three of them followed closely. After Yan Feijun flew out immediately, he first encountered three "Destroying Sand Beasts". He had some grudges against this unknown monster. If it hadn't been for this beast, he would have been killed after a while. , you can ambush the opponent.

The purple light flashed in Yan Feijun's hand, and an eye-catching, radiant purple ring appeared in his hand. He chanted the incantation in his mouth, pointed forward with his hand, and shouted "Ji!".

The purple ring in his hand had already been thrown away, and it hit one of the "Destroying Sand Beasts" directly. The purple ring was as powerful as lightning, bringing up a stream of purple light. From such a short distance, it hit the "Destroying Sand Beast" heavily in the next moment. ” on the body.

Yan Feijun hated these three monsters, so he used his magic weapon to smash them into a ball of meat.

In his induction, the spiritual power fluctuations that appeared on these three monsters only appeared to be at the peak of the first level, and did not even reach the second level monsters. Of course, with his cultivation level, he could easily solve them.

At the same time, he was already sure in his heart, "This monster is similar to the auxiliary monster in the sect, except that its innate magical power can sense a certain breath of the formation. I have never seen it. If I know what its innate magical power is, What, then just improve the formation next time."

Yan Feijun wanted to kill the opponent with one blow. Since the other two "Destroying Sand Beasts" were a little further apart, he could just follow the purple ring and solve the problem of the low-level monster that ruined their plan. beast.

At this time, Bai Rou and three others also arrived behind Yan Feijun. King Hu Xiao had secretly sent a message to Bai Rou, asking Bai Rou to join him in attacking the other leader's monk.

The remaining five people were temporarily held back by Yan Feijun and Sun Guoshu, with Yan Feijun pretending to be an elixir monk and Sun Guoshu assisting them.

Among the remaining five opponents, there are only two who are in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Even though the foreign monks are brave and have good skills, Yan Feijun and the two cannot be killed immediately, but with Yan Feijun's false elixir state, they will definitely gain something due to the opponent's falsehood.

On his side, Bai Rou's puppet is more powerful than himself. In a two-on-one situation, the battle might be able to end as soon as possible.

Just when they were about to send a message to Yan Feijun, an unexpected incident occurred.

When Yan Feijun's purple ring hit the "Destroying Sand Beast", the unremarkable earth-yellow fat insect let out a hoarse strange cry and was hit backwards.

But other than that, after the insect rolled in the air, it immediately stopped, with no scratches on its body.

The khaki fat insect raised its tubular beak at Yan Feijun in the air and made a hissing sound. After swinging its fat body a few times, a pair of small eyes flashed with anger and it quickly fought back.

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