Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 539: The Sufferings of Foreign Monks

Before Wang Changkun set foot on the Desolate Moon Continent, he had never known that the sun was so beautiful. Every breeze, every ray of sunshine, and every green leaf was something he had never experienced before and could not imagine. Everything was like being in a fairyland.

For as long as he can remember, there has been boundless darkness all around, and the occasional light is the fire that is caused by the collision of broken stone fragments driven by the strong wind every day. These fires continue to take away the lives of the people of the Wangchangkun tribe, and every breath they take Struggling to survive.

The huge fallen stone is on top, and everyone wants to move to the center and front of the fallen stone, where they can be close to the three ancestors and have the safest survival.

But all this depends on strength. If you are weak, it will be fine if you are not kicked out along the damaged part of the protective array.

Wang Changkun's parents died and the other was injured just to protect him and his two younger brothers. Wang Changkun's father has reached the early stage of Yuanying, and his mother has reached the late stage of Jindan.

When their original shelter, the formation was damaged, and the incoming wind turned into small pieces of rubble and fell off on its own, Wang Changkun's parents could only move with their three sons to the center of the rubble.

Behind them, there were strong winds, turbulent currents, and countless small fragments of rocks that were like sharp arrows, constantly hitting them, like murderous weapons.

There are crowded tribesmen around you. Everyone wants to move forward and survive. Under the strict orders of the three ancestors, although no one dares to kill his own tribe, it is inevitable to block you mercilessly. Yes, at least you will be his shield.

Wang Changkun's parents tried their best to hold up the shield to protect their third son, but he was not the only Nascent Soul monk who had the same cultivation level as him.

The senior Nascent Soul monks who could control the wind and rain on a continent were always aloof and accepted worship from others.

But here they can only fight for their own small piece of habitat, struggling like a wild dog in the rain.

In the end, in this slow and ruthless migration, every step was filled with the dying cries and pleas for help from the tribesmen behind them. Wang Changkun's family slowly and finally fell at the end.

What awaited their fate were several pieces of fallen stone that arrived one after another. Amidst the whistling sounds, the frightened eyes of Wang Changkun and others kept magnifying, like Yama's urging signs.

Father Wang Changkun finally blocked the four falling stones with his last breath. At that time, his spiritual power was also exhausted, and he was directly turned into powder by the strong wind that followed behind.

At the moment when her spiritual power shield was lost, Wang Changkun's mother also risked her own life and unleashed all her spiritual power in an attempt to protect Wang Changkun and the other three sons. However, she also knew that based on her cultivation, she was simply blocking the car with her arms.

Just when Gangfeng took away half of Wang Changkun's mother's body, the three ancestors in front finally discovered that the damage to the formation here was getting more and more serious, and they took action in time.

Finally, the lives of the three Wang Changkun brothers were saved, but his mother's vitality was greatly damaged and her body was severely damaged.


Only half of the body was left.

Under this dark falling stone, the three ancestors were strictly prohibited from using the body-seizing method. If someone was found to have used this method on his own clan members, what awaited him would be to be thrown directly out of the huge falling stone formation.

The end result is that even the soul will be crushed by the turbulent currents and will never be reincarnated.

Without the physical body to seize the body, the Golden elixir monk was not a Nascent Soul monk, so he could survive by relying on the Nascent Soul. Not long after, Wang Changkun's mother also died.

What Wang Changkun couldn't accept even more was that after losing the strong protection of his parents, the three of them almost lived on the edge of the formation.

Every time something went wrong in the formation, it was almost always close to them. In just one year, one of the two brothers was sucked into the turbulent space, and the other was hit by a small piece of rock and died on the spot.

Wang Changkun's heart has become as hard as a cold stone. He practices the exercises taught by his father all the time, even giving up all his sleep time and meditating instead of sleeping.

While practicing, he must always pay attention to the movements of the surrounding formation, so that he can move to the center of the fallen stone as soon as possible in order to survive.

He knew that except for the three ancestors in front of the fallen stone, the rest of the people here were also the ones with the greatest magical powers, and his goal was to work hard to become one of them.

Until one day, when Wang Changkun was practicing hard, a Nascent Soul monk who was ordered to repair a damaged corner of the formation came over. This Nascent Soul monk had already reached the middle stage of cultivation and was the top expert on this huge stone except the ancestor.

When he saw Wang Changkun's Tuna method, he recognized Wang Changkun's origin at a glance. He and his father had met several times before. When he asked around, the tribesmen all told him something.

What moved this mid-Nascent Soul monk was that Wang Changkun survived on his own for two years after losing his parents. His tenacity at such an age was surprising.

After thinking about it, this monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul finally took Wang Changkun with him because of the little incest relationship with his father, but he made it clear that only when Wang Changkun reached the golden elixir stage, he could become his disciple.

For this sudden great blessing, Wang Changkun was overjoyed. How could he not hold on tightly? Not to mention that he couldn't join this strong man's family, he could only serve him, and being a follower was all he wanted.

Afterwards, Wang Changkun, under the jealous and murderous eyes of the other tribesmen, followed this man to the center of the fallen stone, and settled down there. At least he no longer had to worry about the threat of death every moment.

But what Wang Changkun didn't understand was that his father was also a Nascent Soul monk, so why he could only take them together?

The family has always lived on the edge of the formation.

It was not until later that Wang Changkun understood that there was a difference between the Yuanying on the huge stone and the Yuanying monk.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, if you are a direct descendant of the three ancestors, you can enjoy the right to enter the center of the fallen stone, and even be close to where the three ancestors are meditating in front of you.

Even though his father had condensed the Nascent Soul, the sect he inherited was very alienated from the three ancestors. It is said that even when their sect first arrived on this huge stone, the entire sect only had Just the next two.

These two people are only casual acquaintances with the three ancestors' sects. If they are related to each other, it is said that they once lived together on the same continent.

After Wang Changkun learned about the situation, he secretly made up his mind to condense the golden elixir as soon as possible so that he could become the disciple of this mid-stage Yuan Ying, hoping to gain a place on the huge stone in the future by relying solely on his own strength.

However, as time goes by, the living environment on the fallen stone is getting worse and worse, and the size of the fallen stone is constantly decreasing. Even with the protection of the three ancestors, people from the peripheral clansmen will still be sucked into the turbulent space every day.

In the end, there were only more than a thousand people left on the ruined stone, but Wang Changkun's perseverance and talent finally made the mid-Nascent Soul monk not give up on him, but kept him by his side.

Wang Changkun listened to the screams in the distance every day, getting further and further away, and his heart tightened.

He knew that this was another corner of the formation that was damaged, and it reminded him of his parents and two younger brothers.

He hates the environment here, hates the injustice of God, and hates all the creatures on the continent that his ancestors gave them in the jade slips. It was they who made it dark for him as soon as he was born. All good things can only come from the jade slips. According to the records, he did not know or recognize the sun, moon, or starlight.

Until the end, there were only about 400 people left on the stone, including the three ancestors.

At this time, the consumption of the three ancestors was finally greatly reduced, and the lives of the remaining clan members were protected. After many hardships, they finally led them to the Desolate Moon Continent.

Let Wang Changkun and his tribe know that there is such a peaceful and peaceful fairyland in the world.

Joining the demons in killing the creatures on the Desolate Moon Continent, Wang Changkun did not sympathize with the monks of the Desolate Moon Continent. In his eyes, the monks of the Desolate Moon Continent were not worthy of owning this continent.

In such a resource-rich continent, the spiritual energy is richer than ever before. Why should it be given to these inferior monks? They are the only ones who deserve it most.

Why do people like them, who possess powerful ancient cultivation techniques, have to go through such a hellish life course? All of this is God's injustice, God is blind, and he wants to seize everything here.


\u003eBut what makes him uneasy is that in this period of time alone, as many as seventy or eighty of their tribe are said to have died. If this continues, these hundreds of them will soon be exhausted if they don't stay here to reproduce. All done.

This made Wang Changkun couldn't help but put away his contempt, and began to become more and more careful about everything.


In the forest that blocked out the sky and the sun, the surroundings were dim and yellow. The five people behind Wang Changkun spread out in a fan shape, with each person about five feet apart.

Wang Changkun was the first to walk in front. He had sensed spiritual energy fluctuations in this direction before.

In front of Wang Changkun were three small, earth-yellow, fat, round bugs. Each bug was only as thick as an adult's thumb, with circles of threads on its body. Its eyes were like needles, and its mouth had a beak, which was like a tube.

The fat round insects had no wings, but the three earth-colored fat insects flew in front of Wang Changkun in the shape of the word "pin", and kept twitching their beaks, as if they were sensing something.

The overall feeling of this monster is like a maggot with a bamboo tube on its front end, which looks a bit funny.

This kind of monster may not be known to many people in the entire Huangyue Continent. Only those monks at the Nascent Soul stage and above may have seen it. This monster is a kind of sand-eating insect that lives in the chaotic space.

It is said to eat sand, but it actually eats all kinds of broken stones. Its name is "Sand-eating Beast". Although it has no wings, it can glide freely with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

The gliding distance often exceeds ten miles, from one piece of broken stone to another, and can even continue to glide uninterruptedly with the help of strong winds.

So don't underestimate its soft and boneless body. Even an adult "Destroying Sand Beast", even a Nascent Soul cultivator, may not be able to break its skin with one blow.

The "Destroying Sand Beast" only devours earth-based objects and has no interest in anything else, including the flesh and blood of monks that contain a large amount of spiritual energy, which it will not swallow at all.

The beak on the mouth of the "Destroying Sand Beast" does not look sharp, but it is gifted with earth-based supernatural powers. Often, it only needs to lie on the surface of a fallen stone, raise its beak, and easily insert it into a hard object, just like cutting into tofu. Among the incomparable rubble.

The dead stone can survive the strong wind without breaking in the turbulent space, and the strong wind is the Yuanying monk. If the spiritual shield is released, the bones and flesh will be separated in a moment, and the bones will be thick. This shows that "Death" "Sand Beast" masters the power of the earth element so exquisitely.

When the pipe beak of the "Destroying Sand Beast" is inserted into the fallen stone, a small section of the falling stone will enter the tubular beak, like a small section of stalagmite.

At this time, the "Sand Beast" only needs to have earth spiritual power surge up from its body, and the hard strip-shaped rocks in its beak will instantly become weathered, and will soon form into grains of sand, which will then be swallowed by it. Down.

At this time, the "Destroying Sand Beast" appeared here, and it was used for some unknown reason?

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